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Chronic limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI), defined as ischemic rest pain or tissue loss secondary to arterial insufficiency, is caused by multilevel arterial disease with frequent, severe infrageniculate disease. The rise in CLTI is in part the result of increasing worldwide prevalence of diabetes, renal insufficiency, and advanced aging of the population. The aim of this study was to compare a bypass-first with an endovascular-first revascularization strategy in patients with CLTI due to infrageniculate arterial disease.


We reviewed the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program targeted lower extremity revascularization database from 2012 to 2015 to identify patients with CLTI and isolated infrageniculate arterial disease who underwent primary infrageniculate bypass or endovascular intervention. We excluded patients with a history of ipsilateral revascularization and proximal interventions. The end points were major adverse limb event (MALE), major adverse cardiovascular event (MACE), amputation at 30 days, reintervention, patency, and mortality. Multivariable logistic regression was used to determine the association of a bypass-first or an endovascular-first intervention with outcomes.


There were 1355 CLTI patients undergoing first-time revascularization to the infrageniculate arteries (821 endovascular-first revascularizations and 534 bypass-first revascularizations) identified. There was no significant difference in adjusted rate of 30-day MALE in the bypass-first vs endovascular-first revascularization cohort (9% vs 11.2%; odds ratio [OR], 0.73; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.50-1.08). However, the incidence of transtibial or proximal amputation was lower in the bypass-first cohort (4.3% vs 7.4%; OR, 0.60; CI, 0.36-0.98). Patients with bypass-first revascularization had higher wound complication rates (9.7% vs 3.7%; OR, 2.75; CI, 1.71-4.42) compared with patients in the endovascular-first cohort. Compared with the endovascular-first cohort, the incidence of 30-day MACE was significantly higher in bypass-first patients (6.9% vs 2.6%; adjusted OR, 3.88; CI, 2.18-6.88), and 30-day mortality rates were 3.23% vs 1.8% (adjusted OR, 2.77; CI, 1.26-6.11). There was no difference in 30-day untreated loss of patency, reintervention of treated arterial segment, readmissions, and reoperations between the two cohorts. In subgroup analysis after exclusion of dialysis patients, there was also no significant difference in MALE or amputation between the bypass-first and endovascular-first cohorts.


CLTI patients with isolated infrageniculate arterial disease treated by a bypass-first approach have a significantly lower 30-day amputation. However, this benefit was not observed when dialysis patients were excluded. The bypass-first cohort had a higher incidence of MACE compared with an endovascular-first strategy. These results reaffirm the need for randomized controlled trials, such as the Bypass versus Angioplasty in Severe Ischaemia of the Leg (BASIL-2) trial and Best Endovascular vs Best Surgical Therapy in Patients with Critical Limb Ischemia (BEST-CLI), to provide level 1 evidence for the role of endovascular-first vs bypass-first revascularization strategies in the treatment of this population of challenging patients.  相似文献   
Haemangiomas are the most common tumours of infancy. They typically proliferate then involute with considerable variation as regards to their rates of proliferation and involution. Haemangioma of the nasal tip is a lesion of special characteristics. During proliferation, it expands, contracts and deviates the nasal cartilages. Particularly, it regresses slowly and frequently involutes incompletely. That is why excision of the lesion is frequently suggested. The present study was conducted to evaluate open rhinoplasty after initial non-excision treatment modalities namely, intra-lesional corticosteroid injections and laser treatment, as a protocol of treatment for nasal tip haemangiomas. Twelve patients with nasal tip haemangiomas were included in the present study. Patients of both sexes, of different ages, with deep and mixed haemangiomas were studied. Disfigurement was the constant presenting symptom. Initial non-excision treatment reported different responses as denoted by the regression of the lesions’ size. Haemangiomas constantly extended between the medial crura of the alar cartilages as noted by the constant widening of the columella pre-operatively and the obvious separation of the nasal cartilages intra-operatively. This separation was constantly found to require approximation by sutures. The results of the present study concluded that whenever an early presentation with nasal tip haemangioma could be established, initial non-excision treatment followed by open rhinoplasty could be a useful protocol of treatment. Within the limitations of the present study, this protocol could achieve an early, safe and effective treatment for nasal tip haemangiomas with provisionally acceptable cosmetic outcomes so far.  相似文献   
Hepatocyte regeneration has been widely investigated, with the mitotic index and the incorporation of [3H]thymidine being used as regeneration markers. We focused on the induction of DNA replication enzymes, particularly DNA polymerases (pol) α, δ, and ε. Using rat models, we have shown that the activity of pol α in crude liver extract well represents the regenerating capacity of hepatocytes. Using pol α as an indicator, we analyzed liver regeneration in rat models under various conditions: obstructive jaundice, external or internal biliary drainage, and the obstruction of portal vein branches. It has been revealed that the ligation of the common bile duct alone induces a certain amount of hepatocyte proliferation. It was striking that external biliary drainage suppressed regeneration capacity in cholestatic rat liver after partial hepatectomy. The strong regeneration in nonligated lobes induced by portal branch ligation was similar to the liver regeneration seen after partial hepatectomy with respect to the induction of DNA polymerases. Taken together, the aspects of DNA replication, particularly the induction of DNA polymerases, may contribute to shedding new light on the regeneration of human liver. This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for General Scientific Research and for Cancer Research from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan, and by grants from the Uehara Memorial Foundation  相似文献   
Oligonol is produced from the oligomerization of polyphenols (typically proanthocyanidin from a variety of fruits such as lychees, grapes, apples, persimmons, etc.) and contains catechin-type monomers and oligomers of proanthocyanidins. The ability of Oligonol to affect infection-dependent eye inflammation, locomotion and longevity in senescence-accelerated prone mice (SAMP8) (a model of senescence acceleration and geriatric disorders with increased oxidative stress and neuronal deficit) was investigated. Oligonol (60mg/kg) significantly modulated the extent of inflammation scores in the eye of SAMP8 mice. Examination of the mice indicated infection with mouse hepatitis virus and pinworm (Syphacia obvelata) in both males and females and with the intestinal protozoa (trichomonad) in males. A comparison of the two groups (using log-rank test) and the difference in the mean life span between groups (using Student's t-test) indicated significant differences in survival (p=0.043) and the mean life span (p=0.033) in male SAMP8 mice. Oligonol increased the mean life span and this was statistically significant. In the open-field locomotive test, the 7-week-old SAMP8 mice crossed more than 40 partitioned lines in 1min. At 48-week-old control untreated male SAMP8 crossed 2 lines. The Oligonol-treated 48-week-old male SAMP8 mice crossed 17 lines however. The improved locomotive activity was statistically significant even after 36weeks in the Oligonol-treated male SAMP8 but this was not the case throughout the time course of the study in the Oligonol-treated female SAMP8. Thus Oligonol treatment to SAMP8 mice modulated the severity of infection-dependent inflammation, prolonged life-span and significantly improved locomotive activity indicating potential benefit to aging-associated diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases. This presents potential for further research to define infection-dependent inflammation associated with degenerative conditions and the molecular mechanism of dietary antioxidant protection.  相似文献   
Liver transplantation, which serves as treatment of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP), and domino liver transplantation, which utilizes resected livers from patients with FAP for treatment of liver diseases, may induce changes in transthyretin (TTR), a pathogenic FAP-related protein. To evaluate this possibility, we performed a 70% hepatectomy or administered tacrolimus to Dark Agouti (DA) rats for 7 days and then measured changes in liver TTR mRNA levels and changes in serum TTR concentrations. After hepatectomy, TTR mRNA levels decreased by 77%; at day 3, they returned to preoperative levels. Except for slightly elevated serum TTR concentrations 12 h after operation, serum TTR levels remained unchanged. Thus, partial hepatectomy did not influence serum TTR concentrations. After tacrolimus administration, TTR mRNA declined by 56% 12 h after the experiment started; however, after day 3, a rebound phenomenon occurred until day 7. Tacrolimus may facilitate serum TTR degradation, although production of TTR in the liver also increased. This finding -- that TTR, the source of FAP-inducing amyloid, did not increase after transplantation -- may help post-transplantation treatment of patients who have FAP and other liver diseases.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Inguinal hernia repair is one of the most frequently performed pediatric surgical operations. Several pediatric laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair techniques have been introduced. But debate is unresolved regarding the feasibility of laparoscopy for treating pediatric inguinal hernias. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study enrolled 33 patients who underwent congenital inguinal hernia repair by either the new laparoscopic flip-flap technique or conventional open repair. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to the type of surgery: Group A included those who underwent the new laparoscopic technique, and Group B included those who underwent conventional open repair. RESULTS: Group A comprised 15 patients (mean age, 39 months), and group B comprised 18 (mean age, 44 months). Mean operative time was 47.5 minutes for Group A versus 27.5 minutes for Group B. Intraoperative complications for Group A included 1 case (7%) of vas deferens injury, and 3 cases (20%) in which the flaps were torn during suturing. In Group B, no intraoperative complications were encountered. In both groups, the mean postoperative hospital stay was 5.5 hours. Postoperative follow-up of 3 months revealed recurrence in 4 patients in Group A (27%), while there were no recurrences in Group B. CONCLUSION: Our preliminary experience shows unsatisfactory outcomes with laparoscopic flip-flap hernia repair in children. In spite of advancement in the application of laparoscopy in pediatric surgery, conventional open hernia repair is still the gold standard for children, in our experience. Future studies with more numbers and longterm follow-up should be conducted.  相似文献   
We herein report the case of a 53-year-old man with a nonspecific acute colonic ulcer whose liver function deteriorated after he had undergone hepatectomy. He was referred to our hospital for a hepatoma caused by hepatitis B virus and a right hemihepatectomy was performed. His liver function was poor after the operation, and minor complications such as pleural effusion and biliary fistula developed. A large amount of melena was seen 29 days after the hepatectomy and he developed hemorrhagic shock. Superior mesenteric arteriography revealed pooling of blood in both the hepatic flexure of the ascending colon and the cecum. An emergency right hemicolectomy was performed. There was a 5 x 1-mm ulcer 18 cm distal to the ileocecal valve. Numerous erosions were observed to be scattered throughout the colonic mucosa. The patient recovered slowly and was discharged 6 months after the hepatectomy. This is the first report of an acute colonic ulcer that could have been caused by liver dysfunction.  相似文献   
The authors examined the impact of the laparoscopic approach on the early outcome of resected colon carcinomas. The role of laparoscopic techniques in the treatment of colon carcinomas is questionable. Previous studies have suggested technical feasibility of surgical resections of these cancers by laparoscopic means and have implied a benefit to laparoscopic technique for patients undergoing colorectal resections. A prospective, randomized study was conducted comparing laparoscopic assisted colectomy (LAC) open colectomy (OC) for colon cancer. We present the preliminary results in relation to the short-term outcome and judge the feasibility of the laparoscopic procedure to as a way of performing accurate oncologic resection and staging. Benefit has been demonstrated with LAC in this setting. Passing flatus, oral intake, and discharge from hospital occurred earlier in LAC- than OC-treated patients The mean operative time was significantly longer in the LAC group than in the OC group. The overall morbidity was significantly lower in the LAC group. No significant differences were observed between both groups in the number of lymph nodes removed or the pathological stage following the Astler-Coller modification of the Dukes classification. The laparoscopic approach improves the short-term outcome of segmental colectomies for colon cancer. However, the further follow-up of these patients will allow us to answer in the near future whether or not the LAC may influence the long-term outcome.Presented at the annual meeting of the Society of American Gastrointestinal Surgeons (SAGES), Orlando, FL, USA, 11–14 March 1995  相似文献   
Summary The predictive component of human smooth pursuit was studied by perturbing sinusoidal target motion at unpredictable instants. The disturbances consisted of either a brief period of stabilization of the target on the fovea or a replacement of the sine by a ramp displacement for half a period. To minimize the effects of a possible change of the tracking strategy by the subject the transitions were masked and only the initial part of the response to the disturbance was analyzed. After stabilization on the fovea the eye oscillation continued at the frequency of the preceding target movement for about one half-cycle, whereupon the oscillation was rapidly damped. The mean unidirectional smooth eye acceleration was 70% of the mean unidirectional target acceleration prior to the stabilization. This suggests that during pursuit of a sinusoidal target movement about 75% of the oculomotor response is generated by predictive processes. When the sine was replaced by a ramp, starting at the velocity zero-crossing, the eye accelerated away from the target for ca. 180 ms irrespective of the frequency of prior tracking. In contrast, when the ramp started at the peak velocity of the sinusoidal target motion the eye accelerated away from the target for more than a quarter period. After foveal stabilization during pursuit of a pseudorandom stimulus, the eye continued to oscillate for less than one period at approximately the highest frequency present in the stimulus. The frequency characteristics of human smooth pursuit of predictable as well as unpredictable target motion were correctly simulated by a model, which derived its predictive properties from a lead element, tuned to the current frequency of the target motion.  相似文献   
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