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介绍东芝DFP-2000A数字减影系统维修实例,并论述该机图像存储系统采用的RAID3等级的磁盘阵列。  相似文献   
A new and simple acceleration transducer (ACT)–based system of neuromuscular monitoring has recently been introduced. The precision of this transducer has been evaluated as compared to a conventional force displacement transducer (FDT) in the present study. Ten progressions of spontaneous recovery from atracurium–induced block with simultaneous measurements using the ACT on one hand and the FDT on the other were studied. Five individuals undergoing elective surgery in modified neurolept anaesthesia and one ICU–patient requiring prolonged neuromuscular blockade, sedated with pentobarbital, were included. Measurements were carried out on the latter patient on 5 consecutive days. Train–of–four (TOF) stimulation was used, readings were given in twitch heights (TH) (Tl/control value), and when four responses were obtained in TOF–ratios (T4/T1). Linearity was achieved after logit–transformation and the values regressed on time for each progression of recovery. Analysis of variance was applied to the regressions for the TH and TOF–ratio readings of each transducer. No significant differences were found, either between variation due to differences between slopes or variation due to technical error between the two transducers. The study indicates that the ACT is equal to the FDT with regard to precision in clinical recordings on atracuriumrelaxed individuals.  相似文献   
腰椎间盘术后椎间盘炎的诊治   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王义生 《广东医学》1998,19(6):415-417
目的:探讨腰椎间盘术后椎间盘炎的病因。早期诊断和治疗问题。方法:分析10例术后腰椎间盘炎的临床表现、血象、血流变化、血和病灶细菌培养、腰椎X线平片、CT、MRI所见在发病后的敏感程度,比较3例非手术与7例经前路腹膜后(2例联合后入路)病灶清除,一期椎间植骨融合本治疗的效果。结果:不同程度的发热、痉挛性腰痛、血流增快是本病的特点。MRI、CF、X线片三者的诊断敏感性存在时间差,分别约为发病后1、3、5周。仅2例血和病灶细菌培养均阳性。前路减压植骨融合术减少全身性抗生素和镇痛剂的使用量,明显缩短病程。结论:ESR、MRI对早期确诊、引导手术价值较高。高热、痉挛性腰痛、血沉增快三者具一持续2周得不到控制,可考虑及早手术。手术疗法近期效果更为确切。  相似文献   
三维超声心动图技术能使医生直观地看到心脏整体和各部分的运动,在临床得到重视。在三维超声心动图技术中,如何定量的描述心脏中某个组织的运动状况极具临床意义。本研究提出了一种基于椭圆偏微分方程的二尖瓣三维运动估计方法。该方法直接在三维超声图像的位移场上进行了运动估计,避免了传统运动估计方法,如光流法,需要标定的缺点。本研究首先建立一个二次误差指标函数,然后利用变分法导出了三维空间下的一组椭圆型偏微分方程。这类方程有着比较成熟的数值解法,利用了有限差分法,对多个三维超声数据立方体进行了计算,结果证明这类方法是有效的。  相似文献   
经皮穿刺椎间盘髓核摘除术入路的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提供椎间盘髓核摘除术形态学依据,在7具成人横断面标本上观察测量了L1~L5椎间盘平面经皮穿刺椎间盘髓核摘除术的进针点、角度和深度。发现在L1~L3、L4~L5椎间盘髓核的穿刺点以距后正中线8~10cm,9~11cm,穿刺角度以46.7°~59.5°,穿刺深度为110.2~128.9mm为最宜。  相似文献   
Summary Anterior displacement of the mandible (ADM) was performed in 34 patients undergoing surgery for malformations or atheromatous lesions of the distal segment of the extracranial internal carotid artery (ICA). This procedure greatly facilitates surgical access to the upper cervical region and has several advantages over mandibulotomy-mandibulectomy, namely: A shorter operating time, sparing of the inferior alveolar nerve and of the mandibular branch of cranial nerve VII, with no need for post-operative immobilization of the mandible. ADM permits the correction of ICA lesions extending as far as the first cervical vertebra. For lesions extending into the carotid canal ADM needs to be supplemented by various other procedures via the base of the skull.  相似文献   
药敏纸片的质量控制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨和研究药敏纸片质量控制的方法。方法:以克拉霉素药敏纸片为例,参照美国临床实验室标准化委员会(NCCLS)和联邦法规全书(CFR)的方法,建立一套药敏纸片质量控制的指标,包括鉴别、检查及含量测定。结果:采用专属性较强、灵敏度较高的TLC法进行鉴别,最低检出量为50μg;制订纸片的的直径、重量差异、含量均匀性及干燥失重作为检查项,采用短小芽孢杆菌(Bacillus pumilus)[CMCC(B)63202]作为检定菌,进行含量测定。结论:建立的克拉霉素药敏纸片质量标准能够控制其质量,可作为其他抗生素药敏纸片建立质量标准的参考。  相似文献   
文章结合实践介绍了在应用Authorware制作CAI课件时,通过采用对媒体素材的压缩、程序方面的压缩和文件发布及安装时的压缩等操作,使课件“减肥”,以达到节省磁盘空间的几种措施和方法。  相似文献   
ObjectivesIn geriatric acetabular fractures, the quadrilateral surface (QLS) was frequently involved in acetabular fracture patterns and accompanied by medial displacement. It was important to buttress the medial displaced QLS and reconstruct the congruity of the affected acetabulum. To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of the novel infra‐pectineal quadrilateral surface buttress plates for the treatment of geriatric acetabular fractures.MethodsTwenty‐three geriatric patients who were treated for acetabular fractures involving QLS with the novel infra‐pectineal buttress plates (NIBP) through a single supra‐ilioinguinal approach between January 2015 and June 2019 were retrospectively analyzed; all patients received at least 1 year''s follow‐up. All patients were aged ≥60 years old and including 18 males and five females. Radiologic and clinical outcomes of patients involved in the study were collated and analyzed according to the Matta scoring system and the Merle D''Aubigné–Postel scoring system. The functional recovery scoring was compared using q‐test.ResultsAll 23 consecutive patients had relatively satisfactory clinical treatment effectiveness. Average ages, length of incision, operation time, and intraoperative blood loss were 69.8 ± 6.1 years, 12.1 ± 2.6 cm, 166.5 ± 43.5 min, and 500 (500,700) ml, respectively. According to the Matta scoring system, 14 cases of reduction were graded as excellent, five as good, and four as fair. At the last follow‐up, the clinical outcome evaluation was excellent in 13 cases, good in seven cases, and poor in three cases with the use of the Merle D''Aubigné–Postel scoring system. The difference of modified Merle D''Aubigne‐Postel score at 3 months, 6 months and last follow up was statistically significant (F = 21.56, p < 0.05). Postoperative lateral femoral cutaneous nerve injury occurred in three patients and heterotopic ossification occurred in one patient.ConclusionsFor the treatment of geriatric acetabular fractures, the NIBP could provide stable and effective fixation to the QLS involved acetabular fractures, and related satisfactory clinical results with few complications were noted.  相似文献   
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