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This work is focused on the synthesis of polycaprolactone nanoparticles, coated with chitosan, in a confined impinging jet reactor using the solvent displacement method. The role of the various reacting species was investigated, evidencing that a biocompatible polymer, for example, polycaprolactone, is required to support chitosan to obtain a monomodal particle size distribution, with low particle diameters. A surfactant is required to reduce the nanoparticle size (down to a mean diameter of about 260 nm) and obtain a positive zeta potential (about +31 mV), perfectly suitable for pharmaceutical applications. Different surfactants were tested, and Poloxamer 388 appeared to be preferable to polyvinyl alcohol. The effect of the concentration of Poloxamer 388 (in the range 0.5-5 mg mL?1) and of chitosan (in the range 1.5-5 mg mL?1) on both the mean particle size and zeta potential was also investigated, evidencing that chitosan concentration has the strongest effect on both parameters. Finally, the effect of solvent evaporation, quenching and feed flow rate was investigated, showing that the evaporation stage does not affect particle characteristics, quenching is required to avoid particle aggregation, and a minimum liquid flow rate of 80 mL min?1 is required in the considered reactor to minimize the particle size.  相似文献   
BackgroundThere is a lack of objective dynamic knee joint control measures that can be related to the status of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The purpose of this study was to introduce two novel measures and apply a third to determine how dynamic knee joint control changes in relation to ACL status during dynamic movements.MethodsTwenty patients (13 male) were tested pre- (ACLd) and 10-months post- (ACLr) ACL reconstructive surgery and matched to an uninjured participant (CON). Kinetic and kinematic data were synchronously recorded with a force platform and motion capture system. Three objective control measures including dynamic angular stiffness, knee joint center excursion (KJCE), and knee joint center boundary (KJCB) were assessed for each participant when completing the side cut and hop tasks.ResultsDuring the side cut, stiffness was found to be significantly lower in ACLd (0.06 ± 0.01 Nm/kg/°) and ACLr (0.07 ± 0.02 Nm/kg/°) compared to CON (0.08 ± 0.02 Nm/kg/°), while there were no differences in stiffness during the hop. No significant differences were observed in the KJCE during the side cut, while KJCE was significantly greater (p = 0.006) during the hop in CON compared to the ACLd. There were no differences in KJCB.ConclusionsThese high-functioning ACL injured in both ACLd and ACLr phases, aside from reduced stiffness, were able to complete both tasks with similar dynamic control as the CON. Although improvements in self-perceived control between ACLd and ACLr have been observed, this lack of improvement in objective control demonstrates a gap between a patient's self-efficacy and the level of control.  相似文献   
The genome of Streptococcus mutans UA159 contains two phospho‐β‐glucosidase genes, bglA and celA, which occur in operon‐like arrangements along with genes for components of phosphotransferase transport systems and a third phospho‐β‐glucosidase encoded by the arb gene, which does not have its own associated transport system but relies on uptake by the bgl or cel systems. Targeted inactivation of each of the phospho‐β‐glucosidase genes revealed that bglA is involved in aesculin hydrolysis, celA is essential for utilisation of cellobiose, amygdalin, gentobiose and salicin, and arb is required for utilisation of arbutin. Inactivation of genes for the phosphotransferase systems revealed an overlap of specificity for transport of β‐glucosides and also indicated that further, unidentified transport systems exist. The cel and arb genes are subject to catabolite repression by glucose, but the regM gene is not essential for catabolite repression. Screening a collection of isolates of S. mutans revealed strains with deletions affecting the msm, bgl and/or cel operons. The phenotypes of these strains could largely be explained on the basis of the results obtained from the knockout mutants of S. mutans UA159 but also indicated the existence of other pathways apparently absent from UA159. The extensive genetic and phenotypic variation found in β‐glucoside metabolism indicates that there may be extensive heterogeneity in the species.  相似文献   
Anterior disk displacement of the temporomandibular joint   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary In order to examine the diagnostic significance of typical clinical symptoms in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders for diagnosis of anterior disk displacement, clinical findings were compared with the degree of disk displacement in 84 TMJs of 59 patients with TMJ disorders, who were examined clinically and by means of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The control group consisted of 31 subjects with no TMJ symptoms. No significant correlation between the degree of anterior disk displacement and palpation pain of the masticatory muscles or clicking/crepitus of the TMJ could be found. Joint clicking was observed in 65% of patients with TMJ symptoms in normal disk position (NDP). The percentage of joint clicking was almost the same in patients with anterior disk displacement with reposition (ADWR) (68%). There were significant correlations between active mouth opening and disk position as well as between a history of pain and disk position. Patients with NDP and ADWR had almost identical mouth opening values: 48 (±5) mm and 46 (±5) mm respectively. In contrast to these groups the mean values decreased significantly to 42 (±6) mm in patients with anterior disk displacement without reposition (ADWOR). There were no significant correlations between occlusal findings (centric relation and habitual relation, early occlusal contacts, abrasion facets) and disk position when viewed either collectively or individually.
Anteriore Verlagerung des Discus articularis des Kiefergelenkes
Zusammenfassung Zur Überprüfung der Wertigkeit typisch klinischer Symptome für Funktionsstörungen zur Diagnose von Diskusverlagerungen wurden 84 Kiefergelenke von 59 Patienten mit Funktionsstörungen und 31 Kiefergelenke von klinisch asymptomatischen Probanden mittels Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) untersucht und die einzelnen klinischen Befunde der Art der Diskusvergerung gegenübergestellt. Zwischen dem Grad der anterioren Diskusverlagerung und einem positiven Palpationsbefund der Kaumuskulatur, einem Palpationsschmerz der Kiefergelenke und dem Auftreten von Gelenkgeräuschen ergaben sich keine signifikanten Beziehungen. Bei funktionsgestörten Patienten zeigte sich mit 65% bei normaler Diskusposition (NDP) fast ebenso oft ein Gelenkknacken wie bei Patienten mit anteriorer Diskusverlagerung mit Reposition (VMR, 68%). Signifikante Beziehungen bestanden zwischen aktiver Mundöffnung und Diskusposition sowie anamnestisch angegebenen Schmerzen und Diskusposition. Während bei NDP- und VMR-Patienten mit 48 (±5) mm und 46 (±5) mm ähnlich hohe Mundöffnungswerte vorlagen, nahmen diese bei Patienten mit anteriorer Diskusverlagerung ohne Reposition (VOR) auf 42 (±6) mm signifikant ab. Okklusale Befunde (Differenz zwischen zentrischer und habitueller Okklusion >2 mm, vorzeitige okklusale Kontakte, Auftreten von Schliffacetten) zeigten in ihrer Gesamtheit wie auch in der Einzelbetrachtung keine signifikanten Beziehungen zur Diskusposition. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß für die Diagnostik von Funktionsstörungen allgemein als bedeutend anerkannte klinische Symptome in bezug auf die Art und das Vorliegen einer anterioren Diskusverlagerung allein keine sichere Aussage zulassen. Dies betrifft besonders die anteriore Diskusverlagerung ohne Reposition. Gleichzeitig wird die Zuverlässigkeit der MRT für die klinisch oft schwierige Diagnostik der Bestimmung der Diskusverlagerung bei Patienten mit Funktionsstörungen des Kausystems bestätigt.
颞下颌关节的功能状态关系到口腔颌面外科、正畸科和修复科等的治疗成败,超声作为颞下颌关节功能评价的一种新兴手段,以其无损伤性、经济、有效等特点得到了越来越广泛的应用。下面就超声在颞下颌关节盘位置检查、髁突运动轨迹和颞下颌关节音检测等方面的作用作一综述。  相似文献   
Purpose This in vitro study investigated the effect of lateral cyclic loading with different load positions and periods on abutment rotational displacement (RD) of external hexagon implant system. Materials and Methods Four groups of five implant assemblies each were used. Each assembly consisted of Brånemark System® Mk IV implant (Nobel Biocare AB, Göteborg, Sweden), CeraOne® abutment (Nobel Biocare AB), and a cement‐retained casting. A cyclic load of 50 N was applied centrally and perpendicular to the long axis of the implant for groups A and B for 0.25 and 0.50 × 106 cycles, respectively, while for groups C and D, the same load was applied at 4‐mm distance eccentrically for 0.25 and 0.50 × 106 cycles, respectively. The displacement was evaluated by hand drawing a longitudinal line across the implant‐abutment interface. Before and after loading, the lateral distance between two reference points on the abutment and implant was measured under high resolution (×200) and the difference formed the RD value. The data were analyzed with one‐way analysis of variance and compared with Tukey test (α=0.05). Results Group D had the highest mean of RD value (55.00 ± 1.871 μm), while group A had the lowest (2.800 ± 0.837 μm). Groups A and B had a high statistically significant difference in RD values, as compared to groups C or D (p < .001). Moreover, group C had statistically significant difference from group D (p=.011). Conversely, no statistical significance was obtained when group A was compared with group B. Conclusion Within the limits of this in vitro study, the RD of the external hexagon joint components occurred significantly under eccentric lateral loading when compared to centric loading. The displacement increased significantly with longer period of eccentric lateral loading.  相似文献   
Peptostreptococcus micros is a gram‐positive bacterium that has been associated with periodontitis and endodontic infections. In this study, we hypothesized that P. micros binds the immunomodulating component lipopolysaccharide derived from gram‐negative bacteria to increase its capacity to stimulate cytokine production by host cells. The ability of P. micros to bind Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans lipopolysaccharide was demonstrated by an enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay and by immunoelectron microscopy. Pretreatment of P. micros cells with A. actinomycetemcomitans lipopolysaccharide was associated with a 49‐fold increase in tumor necrosis factor alpha production by human monocytic cells U937 differentiated into adherent macrophages, compared to the stimulation with untreated P. micros. This effect was suppressed by incorporating polymyxin B, a lipid A‐binding substance, during treatment of macrophage‐like cells with lipopolysaccharide‐coated P. micros cells. This is the first study reporting a binding interaction between lipopolysaccharide and a gram‐positive bacterium. This interaction represents a new mechanism that could promote the inflammatory response during periodontitis.  相似文献   
Modified condylotomy may be relevant in severe painful reciprocal clicking of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) where conservative treatment is insufficient. The effect of the modified condylotomy was analyzed and compared with conventional nonsurgical treatment in a randomized pilot study of eight patients, 19–44 years of age, with severe painful reciprocal clicking. Before and after treatment, assessments were performed by subjective reports, clinical recordings, and blinded evaluations of radiography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Based on the clinical evaluations before treatment, all conditions were disc displacements with reduction and arthralgia (Research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders), but based on MRI, one patient had disc displacement without reduction and another had normal disc position. The treatment effect was significantly better and the disorders were significantly more reduced with condylotomy than with conventional nonsurgical treatment (P < 0.05, Mann–Whitney U test). In the surgical group, the clicking and locking had disappeared, the pain during function was significantly reduced (P < 0.05, Friedman ANOVA), and in two patients the disc position was normalized. The clicking still persisted in the nonsurgical patients and the disc position was unchanged. Our conclusion is that modified condylotomy is a promising option to reduce symptoms and signs in severe painful reciprocal clicking.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to clarify the interrelationship between food bolus breakdown, mandibular first molar displacement and jaw movement during mastication. Finite element models were constructed of the maxillary first molar crown, the mandibular first molar consisting of crown, root, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone, as well as the food bolus were constructed. Based on the actual measurement of the jaw movement pattern and the characteristics of food bolus, the patterns of mandibular first molar displacement and bolus breakdown on time course in the progress of mastication were simulated, to investigate the biomechanical significance of tooth displacement and jaw movement during mastication, using finite element non-linear dynamic analysis. The results showed that the patterns of tooth displacement and jaw movement and characteristics of food bolus changed with an interrelationship to each other as mastication progressed. Particularly at the initial phase, it was suggested that the patterns of mandibular first molar displacement and jaw movement worked inter-dependently to accomplish an efficient hard-bolus breakdown.  相似文献   
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