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Purpose Prosthodontic techniques for implant-supported prostheses continue to evolve in an effort to facilitate treatment and minimize costs. Because research has shown no impression transfer technique to be without error, some clinicians have attempted to control the fit of prosthetic frameworks by reorienting sections of patterns or frameworks intraorally, fabricating a verification cast, and completing the prosthesis to fit such a cast. One manufacturer has attempted to meet both impression-making and verification-cast objectives by providing metallic impression copings (MICS) with extensions that allow contact between the copings for rigid fixation with acrylic resin before impression making. The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of casts produced from the MICS transfer process compared with casts produced from sectioned frameworks, where both techniques used a low-polymerization-shrinkage acrylic resin polymer to rigidly join the sections. Materials and Methods Using stainless steel measurement spheres as a reference point on each implant analog, the distances between analogs on the experimental casts were compared with the distances measured on the master cast. Seven casts were produced for each group and measured with a machinist's microscope at a 4-μm level of precision. Results The results revealed that the MICS transfer exhibited a mean error of 41 μm, which was significantly less than the verification-cast group mean error of 57 μm (p < .01, Student's t test). Conclusions Given these results, clinicians can consider the rigid transfer technique as provided in the MICS transfer to be more accurate than the verification technique as outlined in this study.  相似文献   
蒋海  陈红  汤炜 《口腔医学研究》2007,23(3):311-313
目的:讨论眶-上颌骨-颧骨(orbital maxillary zygoma,OMZ)复合骨折的特点,以及治疗方法的选择,总结影响OMZ骨折疗效的因素。方法:对华西口腔医院1989年以来收治的128例OMZ骨折进行临床回顾性研究。结果:128例眶-上颌骨-颧骨复合性骨折中,25.8%伴有眶部并发症,对症处理后症状大多消失,8例复视患者眶底或眶周行自体骨整复或Medicon种植体整复,症状消失。83例采用微型夹板坚强内固定,其中4例采用可吸收小夹板。11例陈旧性骨折采用正颌外科技术恢复其面形及咬功能。结论:OMZ骨折应早期复位、坚强内固定,恰当的软组织处理等是影响治疗效果的主要因素。  相似文献   
This case report describes the orthodontic treatment done to an 11-year-old female patient having Apert syndrome, a genetic disorder manifested by craniofacial and limb anomalies. The orthodontic treatment was accompanied with distraction osteogenesis for forward advancement of the correction of midfacial hypoplasia. After the active treatment, a better facial profile and occlusion were achieved. The occlusion remained stable during the 2 years and 8 months follow-up.  相似文献   


The present study was carried out to evaluate the usefulness of mini retromandibular approach on accessibility, scarring and stability in open reduction and internal fixation of sub condylar fractures.

Materials and Methods

Fifteen patients underwent open reduction and rigid fixation of middle and low subcondylar fractures, with mini-retro mandibular approach.


No signs of infection were observed in any patient postoperatively. Surgical scar was imperceptible and esthetically acceptable in all the cases. Out of 15 patients, only one patient had discrepancy in occlusion and after 2 months satisfactory centric occlusion was achieved. Salivary fistula (parotid fistula) was observed in 3 cases within 1 week postoperatively, which was treated spontaneously with the use of hypertonic saline. Transient facial nerve weakness was observed in 2 patients, in one patient it resolved in 4 weeks postoperatively and in second patient 3 months postoperatively. Mouth opening increased in all the patients with time. Average mouth opening at 1 week interval was 19.6 mm, at 2 months interval 28.2 mm, and after 6 months 38.33 mm suggesting that mouth opening gradually increased with time. At the end of 2 months postoperatively none of the patients had any restriction in lateral movements. At 2 months postoperatively 4 patients had deviation but none of the patients had any deviation 6 months postoperatively.


It is evident from the results of our study that open reduction and internal fixation using mini-retromandibular approach is good treatment option in management of mandibular condylar fractures.  相似文献   
Rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses are the choice of vision correction for most keratoconic patients. Various fitting philosophies and different lens designs are available and the question of which technique is the most appropriate is a controversial issue in the field of contact lens practice. This article reviews the different philosophies with respect to their rationale, optical performance and physiological influence on the cornea. The ‘three-point-touch’ approach is now the most widely-accepted corneal lens fitting philosophy in clinical practice. It provides a well-distributed pressure between the cone apex and the relatively normal peripheral cornea but other philosophies such as apical bearing and apical clearance also have advantages. Having considered the advantages and disadvantages of each philosophy, a variant of the three-point-touch appears to be a practical solution. Practitioners can fit keratoconic patients with a three-point-touch tending towards apical clearance to allow for disease progression and unexpected lack of follow-up. Wearing time, visual acuity and comfort are also important issues to be considered as all of these are essential to constitute a successful contact lens fitting.  相似文献   
经纤维支气管镜氩等离子体凝固治疗气道狭窄   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:评价经纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)氩等离子体凝固(argen plasma coagulation,APC)治疗在气道狭窄中的应用价值.方法:应用ERBE 300型APC治疗器经纤支镜对18例气道狭窄患者进行治疗,包括10例支气管肺鳞癌,5例支气管结核,1例肺胚母细胞癌,1例支气管囊腺癌和1例支气管淀粉样变;其中4例为气管或支气管支架置入后再狭窄.从狭窄再通疗效和气促评分情况进行评价.结果:18例患者进行了26次APC治疗(12例1次,4例2次,2例3次).完全有效8例(44.4%),部分有效5例(27.8%),轻度有效4例(22.2%),无效1例(5.6%).4例气管或支气管支架置入后再狭窄患者治疗均为完全有效,且APC对镍钛记忆合金支架无损伤.结论: 经纤支镜APC治疗气道狭窄是安全有效的.  相似文献   
Two familial and 2 sporadic cases of Emery-Dreifuss syndrome are reported. One family presented a rare autosomal dominant variant of Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, another with X-linked recessive inheritance showed unusual intrafamilial variability. One of sporadic cases closely resembled rigid spine syndrome, the other was clinically intermediate between Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy and rigid spine syndrome, showing that they are not distinct disorders. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
纤维支气管镜在小儿难治性肺炎诊治中的价值   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的评价纤维支气管镜和支气管肺泡灌洗术在小儿难治性肺炎诊治中的作用。方法对常规抗感染治疗超过2周仍无效的54例难治性肺炎患儿进行纤维支气管镜检查,对其中41例进行支气管肺泡灌洗,灌洗液作细胞学检查和细菌定量培养。结果镜检结果示单纯炎症病变27例(50%),异物吸入12例(22%),支气管肺发育异常5例(9%),肺部出血性疾病4例(7%),气管支气管软化3例(6%),支气管内膜结核2例(4%),Kartagener综合征1例(2%)。难治性肺炎患儿中3岁以内婴幼儿多见,为38例(70%)。41例行支气管肺泡灌洗者的灌洗液细胞数中位数515×109/L[(55~3900)×109/L];中性粒细胞比例中位数63%(0~98%),其中27例(66%)>25%。27例单纯炎症与14例伴其他病变(异物、支气管肺发育异常和出血性病变)患儿灌洗液的细胞数和中性粒细胞比例差异无统计学意义。灌洗液致病菌培养阳性者中性粒细胞比例高于寄生菌阳性者(P<0.05)。细菌培养阳性15例(37%),定量培养菌落≥104cfu/ml9株(≥105cfu/ml仅1株)。吞噬细菌中性粒细胞阳性2例。3例经纤支镜行支气管黏膜活检,其中支气管内膜结核2例,Kartagener综合征1例。结论纤支镜检查和支气管肺泡灌洗术是小儿难治性呼吸系统疾病诊断的一种非常有效的措施。镜检、灌洗液细胞学检查、细菌定量培养以及活检病理检查相结合可提高诊断的正确性。在小儿难治性肺炎中,灌洗液培养以细菌生长≥104cfu/ml为界,作为致病菌,而呼吸机相关肺炎(VAP)时,≥103cfu/ml也应考虑为致病菌。  相似文献   
【摘要】目的:探讨在鞘管保护下经T管窦道采用硬镜联合钬激光治疗肝内外胆道残余结石的临床价值。方法:2015年8 月~2018年8月,将62例肝内外胆管残余结石病人,随机将分为硬镜组和纤维胆道镜组(软镜组),各31例,硬镜组在鞘管 保护下经T管窦道采用硬镜联合钬激光碎石取石治疗,软镜组则经T管窦道采用纤维胆道镜联合钬激光碎石取石,分析 比较两组手术时间、术后住院时间、结石取净率,以及相关主要并发症。结果:硬镜组结石取净率优于软镜组(90.3% vs 64.5%, P=0.033),硬镜组手术时间少于软镜组(63±58 min vs 130±44 min, P<0.01);两组术后住院时间、并发症发生率等 比较无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:对于术后肝内外胆管残余结石,采用经T管窦道硬镜联合钬激光进行碎石取石是安 全、可行、高效的,手术时间短,术后恢复快,是治疗胆道外科术后残余结石可优选的微创治疗策略。  相似文献   
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