In mammals, amino acid metabolism has evolved to control immune responses. Autoimmune diseases are heterogeneous conditions that involve the breakdown of tolerogenic circuitries and consequent activation of autoreactive immune cells. Therefore, critical enzymes along amino acid degradative pathways may be hijacked to keep in check autoimmunity. We examined here current knowledge of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) and arginase 1 (ARG1), the main enzymes catabolizing tryptophan and arginine, respectively, in organ-specific and systemic autoimmune diseases as well as in the development of autoantibodies to therapeutic proteins. At variance with neoplastic contexts, in which it is known to act as a pure immunosuppressive molecule, ARG1 exhibited a protective or pathogenetic profile, depending on the disease. In contrast, in several autoimmune conditions, the bulk of data indicated that drugs capable of potentiating IDO1 expression and activity may represent valuable therapeutic tools and that IDO1-based immunotherapeutic protocols could be more effective if tailored to the genetic profile of individual patients. 相似文献
Introduction: Alemtuzumab is a monoclonal anti CD-52 antibody recently approved for use in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis(MS). Given that the targeted antigen is primarily expressed on B and T lymphocytes, the administration of this biological drug is associated with rapid but protracted peripheral lymphopenia.
Areas covered: The impact on infective risk of this immune impairment is still to be fully understood. In this review, we attempt to summarize all the available literature concerning opportunistic infections occurring in patients with MS receiving alemtuzumab. Infective adverse events were observed in more than 70% of patients in phase 2/3 RCTs, mainly of mild-to-moderate severity. Nevertheless, several post-marketing reports documented cases of serious, rare, and unexpected infections.
Expert Opinion: Predictive risk factors and prognostic features of opportunistic infections in this setting still need to be exactly assessed. At present, the only recommended preventive measures consist in anti-herpetic prophylaxis, Listeria-free diet, Tuberculosis prophylaxis and annual Papillomavirus screening. Given the non-negligible risk of unpredicted infective events, we advise physicians to take into account patients’ history of infectious diseases and vaccine status and to consider supplementary prophylactic strategies, including screening for Toxoplasma gondii and viral hepatitis serostatus as well as pre-emptive approaches to avert CMV reactivation and Pneumocystosis. 相似文献
In 1993, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first drug specifically for treating multiple sclerosis (MS). More than two decades later, a dozen such treatments are now available. Of these, four are considered second-line treatments for use in escalation strategies and two new drugs are currently undergoing accreditation procedures. Soon, they will provide clinicians with a range of six effective disease-modifying treatments (DMTs) to thwart the inflammatory processes in MS patients with active disease. However, while such a large number of DMTs for MS can help to control early inflammation, any decisions to be made by clinicians have also been made substantially more complex. This complexity is increased by the lack of head-to-head studies comparing these second-line therapies and the benefit–risk profiles for each of these drugs, which are likely to vary among patients. Ultimately, good awareness of the benefits and, more important, the risks of each MS DMT is crucial for the effective management of inflammation in MS. 相似文献
To identify complications of mastocytosis that impact the nervous system across a large cohort.
Patients and methods
In this retrospective series, we reviewed the electronic medical records of adult patients with a diagnosis of mastocytosis who were referred to a Neurologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN from January 1, 1999 to December 31, 2008.
Thirty patients were identified who presented to a Neurologist with symptoms potentially related to the mast cell disease. Twelve of these patients presented with complex spells involving syncope, which frequently preceded a formal diagnosis of mastocytosis. Nine individuals presented with acute back pain which was ultimately deemed symptomatic of vertebral compression fractures. One individual experienced spinal cord compression from a vertebral mast cell infiltrate. Headaches were reported in 78/223 (35%) total patients with mastocytosis. Although details of headaches were insufficiently ascertained to diagnose most, the five individuals in our referral cohort met International Headache Society (IHS) criteria for migraine. Finally, three individuals (1.3%) were identified with multiple sclerosis occurring at variable times after the mast cell diagnosis.
Symptoms related to mastocytosis may be encountered by neurologists and mimic many common, often idiopathic syndromes including, syncopal spells, back pain, and headache. In our cohort, multiple sclerosis may be over-represented. Mastocytosis should be considered in patients with these presentations, especially when also accompanied by flushing, abdominal cramping or diarrhea. 相似文献
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a sensitive tool for detecting microstructural tissue damage in vivo. In this study, we investigated DTI abnormalities in individuals with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and examined the relations between imaging-based measures of white matter injury and cognitive impairment. DTI-derived metrics using tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) were compared between 37 individuals with RRMS and 20 healthy controls. Cognitive impairment was assessed with three standard tests: the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT), which measures cognitive processing speed and visual working memory, the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), which examines verbal memory, and the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT), which assesses sustained attention and working memory. Correlations between DTI-metrics and cognition were explored in regions demonstrating significant differences between the RRMS patients and the control group. Lower fractional anisotropy (FA) was found in RRMS participants compared to controls across the tract skeleton (0.40 ± 0.03 vs. 0.43 ± 0.01, p < 0.01). In areas of reduced FA, mean diffusivity was increased and was dominated by increased radial diffusivity with no significant change in axial diffusivity, an indication of the role of damage to CNS myelin in MS pathology. In the RRMS group, voxelwise correlations were found between FA reduction and cognitive impairment in cognitively-relevant tracts, predominantly in the posterior thalamic radiation, the sagittal stratum, and the corpus callosum; the strongest correlations were with SDMT measures, with contributions to these associations from both lesion and normal-appearing white matter. Moreover, results using threshold-free cluster enhancement (TFCE) showed more widespread white matter involvement compared to cluster-based thresholding. These findings indicate the important role for DTI in delineating mechanisms underlying MS-associated cognitive impairment and suggest that DTI could play a critical role in monitoring the clinical and cognitive effects of the disease. 相似文献
The era of disease-modifying drugs (DMDs) in multiple sclerosis (MS) treatment began in the 1990s, first with interferon-β (IFNβ), and the number of agents has increased steadily since then. Currently, there are six different parenteral formulations approved for MS treatment and many other oral and parenteral ones are in different stages of investigation or awaiting approval by federal agencies. 相似文献
OBJECTIVES: To investigate the proportions of peripheral blood CD4+/Fas+ and CD8+/Fas+ cells and serum sFas levels in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) patients with relapses (active RRMS), those without relapses (stable RRMS), and controls over 1 year. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixteen RRMS patients and 10 controls were tested monthly. Cells were analyzed by dual immunofluorescence and the sFas levels by ELISA. There were 14 relapses which occurred 1223 days after the last control visits. The measurements performed at these visits in the active RRMS patients were considered as relapse-related, while the rest were regarded as relapse-unrelated. RESULTS: In active RRMS patients the median of CD4+ Fas+ to total CD4+ and CD8+ Fas+ to total CD8+ from relapse-related measurements were higher than the median from relapse-unrelated measurements (P=0.003, 0.004, respectively). The median of CD4+ Fas+ to total CD4+ from relapse-unrelated measurements in active RRMS was higher compared with stable RRMS (P = 0.005) and controls (P = 0.004). The sFas level from relapse-unrelated measurements was also higher in active RRMS than in stable RRMS (P = 0.04) and in controls (P = 0.004). CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that increased expression of Fas antigen on CD4+ subset and increased serum sFas level are valuable markers of clinical activity in MS. 相似文献
Background and purposeOral fingolimod 0.5 mg daily was approved in the European Union in 2011 for the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis in the aggressive form and as a second line treatment in patients with high disease activity despite interferon beta therapy. The aim of this study was the evaluation of efficacy, safety and tolerance of fingolimod in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) during a 12-month observation period.Material and methodsThe investigated group consisted of 11 patients aged between 23 and 63 years. All patients underwent immunomodulatory treatment (disease modifying drugs – DMD) or immunomodulatory treatment in combination with mitoxantrone (Mx) without a positive effect for 3–5 years. Patients received oral fingolimod 0.5 mg daily during 12 months. Disability was evaluated with Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) scale. Safety and tolerability of fingolimod were evaluated by adverse events monitoring, laboratory tests, and ophthalmological and skin assessment.ResultsBefore the initiation of fingolimod treatment all the patients progressed in disability and in MRI changes including five cases with gadolinium-enhancing lesions. During fingolimod treatment there was no new relapse in any patient and no patient stopped the treatment because of any adverse event. During the 12-month treatment, EDSS improvement was observed in seven patients, three patients were stable, and one patient progressed by 0.5 point in the EDSS.ConclusionsIn our study patients fingolimod was effective, safe and well tolerated independently of disease activity and previous treatment. 相似文献