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Latent inhibition (LI) is a reduction in the rate of acquisition of a Pavlovian conditioned response that results from prior nonreinforced preexposure to a conditioned stimulus (CS). LI has been suggested to reflect the operation of mechanisms involved in stimulus selection for subsequent cognitive processing. The present experiment was conducted to assess the effect of bilateral lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) on LI employing a conditioned emotional response paradigm. Bilateral lesions of the NBM were produced by administration of 0.12 M quisqualic acid and resulted in decreased cortical acetylcholinesterase staining, as well as a 40% reduction in cortical choline acetyltransferase activity. Following lever press training, preexposed animals received 40 presentations of a 60-s tone CS. Nonpreexposed animals received no tone presentations. Acquisition of conditioned suppression was then assessed over the course of 4 tone-shock (0.6 mA, 0.5 s) pairings. Control, preexposed animals displayed a retarded rate of acquisition in comparison to nonpreexposed controls, thereby demonstrating that the parameters used in the present experiment produced LI. In contrast, lesioned animals preexposed to the CS acquired conditioned suppression as readily as non-preexposed lesioned animals. However, the acquisition of conditioned suppression in both lesioned groups was found to be similar to that displayed in the preexposed control group. This pattern of results was interpreted as being attributable to a lesion-induced impairment in the ability to maintain stimulus processing, rather than a deficit in the ability to filter a stimulus. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Inc.  相似文献   
d-Amphetamine, 4-OH amphetamine, and epinephrine have been shown in many behavioral studies to facilitate memory when given post-training. The effect of these drugs on the maintained discharge of cells in the locus coeruleus (LC) was investigated using a route of administration (intraperitoneal) and a log-dose range of these drugs comparable to those used in the behavioral experiments.d-Amphetamine profoundly suppressed maintained discharge: an inhibitory effect was observed at every dose (0.1, 1.0, 10.0 mg/kg). In contrast, only the highest dose of 4-OH amphetamine (8.2 mg/kg) inhibited activity in the LC, and this effect was a modest one. Unlike the amphetamines, epinephrine (500 μ/kg) elevated maintained discharge. These results are discussed in the contex of the hypothesized involvement of the LC in the enhancement of memory by these drugs.  相似文献   
Research on the neurobiology of learning and memory has been guided by two major theories: (i) memory as a psychological process and (ii) memory as a change in synaptic neural connectivity. It is not widely recognised that not only are these theories different but, moreover, they are fundamentally incompatible. Confusion concerning basic concepts in the learning and memory field in mammals has lead to the creation of an extensive but often inconclusive experimental literature. However, one important conclusion suggested by recent work in this field is that experience-dependent changes in neural connectivity occur in many different brain systems. Particular brain structures, such as the hippocampus, do not play any uniquely important role in experience-dependent behavior. Research in learning and memory can be best pursued on the basis of biological studies of animal behavior and a cellular approach to brain function.  相似文献   
To increase preschoolers' science and mathematics learning experiences both within and outside the classroom, we developed age-appropriate materials containing general questions and instructions that teachers and parents could use when interacting with their students and children. The questions and instructions were related to a specific science or mathematics skill (e.g., classifying), but were general enough so that they could be applied to a variety of situations. Observations of three classrooms and interviews with the classroom teachers and aides, and the parents of the children in the classrooms suggested that use of these materials was beneficial to the children, teachers, and parents, and resulted in increasing the amount of science and mathematics activities and discussions in two of the classrooms as well as outside the classrooms.  相似文献   
目的提出对学习策略和教学方式的改进建议。方法测试口腔医学生的场依存/独立认知风格,并用统计学方法分析其与口腔正畸学学习成绩的关系。结果①场独立认知风格是口腔医学专业学生认知风格的主体;②不同性别口腔医学专业学生的场依存/独立认知风格无显著性差异;③学生场依存/独立认知风格与口腔正畸学理论考试成绩有负相关倾向,与口腔正畸学实习操作成绩有正相关倾向。结论学习策略和教学方式因受认知风格的影响而制约学生学习的效果。  相似文献   
BALB/c mice were bilaterally implanted with bipolar electrodes either in anterodorsal (ADH) or posteroventral hippocampus (PVH) in order to compare the effects of postsession electrical stimulation on memory processes. For each experiment, 30 s after the end of the first session, the animals were stimulated during 80 s. For both hippocampal regions, the stimulation intensity was half of the afterdischarge threshold value. Control groups were naive, ADH and PVH implanted non-stimulated animals. Different appetitive and aversive tasks were used. Subseizure stimulation never created a deficit. Depending on the region of the hippocampus stimulated and on the learning task, a retention enhancement was eventually observed. These data are in agreement with the involvement of hippocampus in initial stages of memory consolidation. Further, the subseizure stimulation permitted a functional dissociation between the two hippocampal regions. Both regions seemed involved in the integration of information, but the anterodorsal part would be rather related to behavioral inhibition, while the posteroventral part would have the capacity to induce an arousal state allowing behavioral flexibility.  相似文献   
Olfactory stimulation evokes a column of activity within the olfactory bulb extending from the glomerular layer to the granule cell layer that can be visualized with 2-deoxyglucose autoradiography, optical imaging, Fos protein immunohistochemistry and c-fos mRNA in situ hybridization. The Fos response to odors is typified by the activity of relatively few juxtaglomerular cells, which often occur in foci, and a large number of granule cells extending through much of the bulb. In this study, we characterized the granule cell response to an odor for which young rats had acquired a preference. Fos-like immunoreactive granule cells were quantified by image analysis, and densely stained cells were counted in a region previously shown to be responsive to peppermint odor. We found that odor-trained pups have about half the number of Fos-immunopositive superficial granule cells which respond to a learned odor than do control pups. We then determined whether there was a correlation between the juxtaglomerular cell response and the response of the superficial granule cells deep to those glomerular layer cells. We found a positive correlation between the number of juxtaglomerular cells and the number of granule cells demonstrating Fos immunoreactivity in both control and trained pups, a relationship that changed with early olfactory training.  相似文献   
To evaluate the cognitive phenotype of the segmental trisomy 16 (Ts65Dn) mouse, a model of Down Syndrome (DS, trisomy 21), we assessed spatial working and reference memory using a 12-arm radial maze (RAM). Ts65Dn mice made a greater number of reference memory errors across trials compared to control mice. Both genotypes showed improvement across trials, although improvement was slower in Ts65Dn mice. Ts65Dn mice also made a greater number of working memory errors on the RAM, and in contrast to control mice, did not improve across trials, always performing at near-chance levels. These results provide evidence for both spatial working and reference memory deficits in Ts65Dn mice, characteristics of cognitive dysfunction.  相似文献   
Reelin, an extracellular matrix protein has an important role in the migration, correct positioning and maturation of neurons during development. Though it is generally down-regulated in the postnatal period, expression of this large glycoprotein continues in the adult brain in some cell populations. In the present study, we examined the distribution of reelin-immunoreactivity (-ir) in the hippocampal formation of 9-month-old wildtype mice (WT). Then, reelin-ir in normal mice was compared to that of transgenic mice (APP/PS1) carrying mutated human APP and PS1 genes, which are linked to the familial form of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The APP/PS1 mice were additionally burdened with a second risk factor for AD, namely depletion of circulating gonadal hormones by ovariectomy (APP/PS1 + OVX). The analyses revealed that in adult WT reelin-ir is expressed by Cajal-Retzius cells and a subgroup of interneurons throughout the hippocampal formation. In addition, layer II projection neurons in the lateral entorhinal subfields are reelin-ir. Interestingly, ovariectomy decreases the number of reelin-ir cells in the hilus in WT mice, whereas AD-related genotype alone induces only a non-significant reduction. Unexpectedly, additional stress, e.g., depletion of gonadal hormones, does not aggravate the slight reduction in the reelin cell number in the APP/PS1 mice. We propose that the changes in normal reelin-ir are linked to disturbances in repair mechanisms in which APP/PS1 and gonadal hormones are involved and which are perturbed in neurodegenerative conditions, namely AD.  相似文献   
Summary The apparent efficiency of sub-maximum exercise tends to be lower in subjects with a large aerobic power. This is probably an artefact arising from neglect of the oxygen debt in the calculation of mechanical efficiency. Changes in the extent of oxygen debt can obscure an increased skill of performance with training. Efficiency is improved by repetition of a given mode of exercise, but not by other forms of training. Habituation is greater during work than at rest, but even during work the change in pulse rate of young men does not exceed 2–5 beats/min over 5 experimental days. Habituation is lost if the test procedure is not repeated during training; this can complicate assessments of training from the response to sub-maximum exercise.  相似文献   
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