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Purpose:This study aims to facilitate researchers’ and clinicians’ understanding of research frontiers and trends in nocturia. It explores the scientific research outcomes and key bibliometric indices and plots global research on nocturia.Methods:A bibliometric retrospective study was designed, and an online search was conducted in the Web of Science Core Collection database using the potential search keywords related to nocturia in the title field with some specific filtration. HistCite™ and VOSviewer software for windows were used to analyze the data obtained for authors, journals, countries, institutions, keywords, and visualization mapping.Results:The initial search retrieved 1479 hits. A total of 1445 publications were included in the final analysis. Of these, 43.53% were published as articles. The most studied area in nocturia is urology nephrology. The most productive year was 2019 (n = 121, citations = 335), and the most prolific author, both in terms of publications (n = 97) and citations (1658) was Weiss JP. The most cited journal in nocturia research was the Journal of Urology (n = 293, citations = 3050). The most widely used keyword in nocturia publications was nocturia (n = 1249). Visualization mapping shows that the USA was the most influential and highly cited country in nocturia research.Conclusion:This study showed that there has been an increasing research trend in nocturia over the past few years. The current findings provide important empirical evidence for researchers, clinicians, and physicians to understand research frontiers and trends, achievements, collaborative networks, and hotspot research topics in the research field of nocturia.  相似文献   
目的为了适应和增强市场竞争能力,建立良好的质量管理体系,规范实验室的行为,提高疾病控制机构的整体水平。方法论述疾病预防控制机构在质量管理体系活动过程中,如何分类、收集和整理所形成的各类档案资料。结果做好档案资料的规范化管理,便以对质量管理体系的协调性、符合性、充分性、可操作性进行审核,保证质量管理体系持续符合认可准则要求及有效运转。  相似文献   
目的 使用COBE Spectra血液成分分离机大量采集实验猕猴外周血单核细胞(PBMCs),继而可从中分离得到外周血造血干细胞(PBSC),为进一步利用猕猴开展免疫学研究、基因治疗提供足够的目的 细胞,探讨采集的关键技术,建立安全、有效的采集方法.方法 体重为4-5奴的实验猕猴5只,采集前一个月内分3次进行自体或异体血液于4℃储备共120 mL,用于采集时填充管路.5只猴采集前接受rhGM-CSF 20μg/ks皮下注射动员4~5 d,麻醉动物后行股动脉穿刺,选择自动外周血干细胞收集程序(Auto-PBSC)进行采集.采集结束后管路中血液以10 mL/min回输给动物3~5 min.结果 生长因子连续注射第4天外周血白细胞数增至最高,收获细胞数量随循环血量和采集次数增加而增多.经动员的所有猴能够采集到需要的PBMC,最多达9.9×108,采集次数1~3次,循环血量达750~1420 mL,实验结束后1只猕猴因心脏衰竭死亡.结论 人用血细胞分离机可用于4~5 kg实验猕猴PBMC的大量采集.由于动物不同于人体,为保证采集成功需要选用适合于猕猴的程序,采集前做好储血和生长因子动员准备,稳定的麻醉保定,提高抗凝剂比例,积极处理并发症是关键.  相似文献   
酒剂在《圣济总录》中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酒剂是将药物用白酒或黄酒以一定的方法处理后,使药物有效成分溶于酒中,滤去药滓制成,具有活血通络、易于发散和助长药效的特性,能够增加药物祛风通络和补益作用,可作内服和外用。《圣济总录》为北宋著名方书,其中酒剂应用非常有特色。文章从酒剂的调制方法、服用方法和应用范围3个方面,对书中的酒剂作了系统的归纳总结,对指导临床具有一定意义。  相似文献   
利用开放获取期刊目录提供的有代表性的开放获取数据库,对老年医学开放获取资源开展调查分析,介绍检索结果的总体情况和各OA资源库的具体情况,指出老年医学开放获取资源具备较大的利用空间。  相似文献   
《医部全录》为《古今图书集成》的一部分,是我国历代以来最大的一部医学类书.全书内容包括医经注释、诊法、脏腑身形、各科疾病的理论经验,以及有关医学的艺文、记事和名医传等,内容丰富,眉目清楚,是一部常用的中医工具书,对医学工作者学习和研究中医具有很高的参考价值.  相似文献   
Several risk factors for inhibitors have recently been described for haemophilia A. It has been assumed that similar risk factors are also relevant for haemophilia B, but there is limited data to confirm this notion. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of and risk factors associated with inhibitors in haemophilia B. The database of the Universal Data Collection (UDC) project of the Centers for Disease Control for the years 1998–2011 was queried to determine the prevalence of inhibitors in haemophilia B subjects. In addition, disease severity, race/ethnicity, age, factor exposure and prophylaxis usage were evaluated to determine their impact on inhibitor prevalence. Of the 3785 male subjects with haemophilia B enrolled in the UDC database, 75 (2%) were determined to have an inhibitor at some point during the study period. Severe disease (OR 13.1, 95% CI 6.2–27.7), black race (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.2–4.1), and age <11 years (OR 2.5, 95% CI 1.5–4.0) were found to be significantly associated with having an inhibitor. There was insufficient data to determine if type of factor used and prophylaxis were associated with inhibitors. Inhibitors in haemophilia B are much less prevalent than haemophilia A, especially in patients with mild disease. Similar factors associated with inhibitors in haemophilia A also seem to be present for haemophilia B. The information collected by this large surveillance project did not permit evaluation of potential risk factors related to treatment approaches and exposures, and additional studies will be required.  相似文献   
我国重要吸血双翅目昆虫区系的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了我国不同生态地理区域内吸血双翅目昆虫的种类分布、吸血双翅目昆虫区系和虫媒病的关系、吸血双翅目昆虫区系研究的基本方法以及河北省吸血双翅目昆虫区系的现状等方面的研究进展,以期为预防和控制虫媒传染病,特别是应对突发性公共卫生事件中虫媒传染病和生物恐怖事件的发生,提供制定防控媒介昆虫预案的基本资料和科学依据。  相似文献   


This study explores the potential diagnostic utility of soluble Human Leukocyte Antigen (sHLA) molecules differentially released by lung adenocarcinoma and benign lung lesions.


Conditioned media from the NSCLC cell lines H358 and H1703 were immunoblotted for soluble isoforms of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I (ABC) and II (DRB1, DMB, and DQ) antigens. Sera from 25 patients with benign and 25 patients with malignant lesions were similarly evaluated to appraise the potential diagnostic value.


Higher concentrations of soluble HLA class I molecules were observed in conditioned medium for the highly-invasive H1703 cell line, relative to the more indolent H358 cells. Evaluation of these markers against a cohort of 50 cases demonstrated that patients with malignant lesions possess higher levels of HLA class I and II molecules relative to those with benign lesions (p?<?0.05), with exception to the primary isoform, DQA1, which was suppressed in malignancies. An analysis of biomarker performance via ROC analysis revealed promising performance (AUC?>?0.75) for DMB and the 26?kDa isoform of DQ in distinguishing lesion pathology.


Soluble HLA molecules may have diagnostic value for early-stage NSCLC. Validation studies are currently underway using sera from a lung cancer screening cohort.  相似文献   
In 2007 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a Request for Proposal for the “Situational Awareness through Health Information Exchange” project. The Situational Awareness project’s goals are to connect public health with health information exchanges (HIEs) to improve public health’s real-time understanding of communities’ population health and healthcare facility status. During this same time period the Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology released several reports identifying the growing number of communities involved in health information exchange and outlining the requirements for a Nationwide Health Information Network (NHIN). CDC saw the possibilities of using HIEs and the NHIN to accelerate the real-time sharing of clinical and facility-based resource utilization information to enhance local, state, regional, and federal public health in responding to and managing potentially catastrophic infectious disease outbreaks and other public health emergencies. HIEs would provide a unified view of a patient across health care providers and would serve as data collection points for clinical and resource utilization data while NHIN services and standards would be used to capture HIE data of importance and send those data to public health. This article discusses how automated syndromic surveillance data feeds have proven more stable and representative than existing surveillance data feeds and summarizes other accomplishments of the Northwest Public Health Information Exchange in its contribution to the advancement of the National agenda for sharing interoperable health information with public health.  相似文献   
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