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With the worldwide spread of antibiotic resistance, delivering antibiotic susceptibility test (AST) results in a timely manner represents a major challenge. In cases of sepsis, rapid AST may facilitate early optimization of empiric antibiotic therapy. Disc diffusion is a well-standardized AST method, however 16 to 24?h are required to achieve an overall AST profile according to antimicrobial societies.


In this prospective pilot study, we evaluated the performance of Mueller-Hinton-Rapid-SIR (MHR-SIR) agar after 6–8?h of incubation in comparison with standard MH agar after 16?h of incubation directly on positive blood cultures caused by Enterobacteriaceae and Staphylococcus aureus from routine clinical microbiology.A total of 133 positive blood samples including 110 Enterobacteriaceae (83%) and 23 Staphylococcus aureus (17%) were tested in parallel by two direct AST methods, each using EUCAST breakpoints. For each combination bacterium and antibiotic, we compared the categorical agreement and the correlation between the diameters obtained by MHR-SIR and by standard MH.


Our results showed 97.7% categorical agreement for Enterobacteriaceae, with 1.4% minor errors, 0.4% major errors and 0.5% very major errors. For S. aureus, we observed 97.8% categorical agreement, 1.9% minor errors, 0.3% major errors and no very major errors.


Our results showed excellent categorical agreement and correlations between diameters for MHR-SIR and standard MH methods. MHRSIR can predict the result of overall AST profile within 6–8?h with reliable results. AST is obtained on the same day the blood culture becomes positive, with a very moderate cost.  相似文献   

Observational and interventional studies have unequivocally demonstrated that “present”, i.e. single-occasion, blood pressure is one of the key determinants of cardiovascular disease risk. Over the past two decades, however, numerous publications have suggested that longitudinal blood pressure data and assessment of long-term blood pressure exposure provide incremental prognostic value over present blood pressure. These studies have used several different indices to quantify the overall exposure to blood pressure, such as time-averaged blood pressure, cumulative blood pressure, blood pressure trajectory patterns, and age of hypertension onset. This review summarises existing research on the association between these indices and hard cardiovascular outcomes, outlines the strengths and weaknesses of these indices, and provides an overview of how longitudinal blood pressure changes can be measured and used to improve cardiovascular disease risk prediction.
  • Numerous recent publications have examined the relation between cardiovascular disease and long-term blood pressure (BP) exposure, quantified using indices such as time-averaged BP, cumulative BP, BP trajectory patterns, and age of hypertension onset.

  • This review summarises existing research on the association between these indices and hard cardiovascular outcomes, outlines the strengths and weaknesses of these indices, and provides an overview of how longitudinal BP changes can be measured and used to improve cardiovascular disease risk prediction.

  • Although longitudinal BP indices seem to predict cardiovascular outcomes better than present BP, there are considerable differences in the clinical feasibility of these indices along with a limited number of prospective data.

随着近些年科学技术的不断进步,关于制备血液的设备也陆续出现,改变了以往靠人工制备血液的传统方式,不仅增加血液储备,同时也避免了血液的浪费,提升了血站的血液供应能力,可减少不良事件发生例数,使信息一体化,能够帮助血液成分制备工作顺利进行。该文将细致探讨现代化设备对血液成分制备工作的影响。  相似文献   
"白血"一词首次出现在《素问·至真要大论》。通过检索古籍,分析归纳历代医家对"白血"一词的有关论述,归纳针对其本质的探讨,有"肺血""肾精""脾痰"三种观点。对《内经》原文条分缕析,认为"白血"实乃燥气所胜、金实乘木,所吐之"肺血肺阴",并总结历代医家关于"白血"之治法,以丰富对"白血"的认识。  相似文献   
T cell replete HLA-mismatched haploidentical transplantation (HIDT) with post-transplant cyclophosphamide is increasingly becoming an acceptable treatment approach for patients lacking timely access to a suitably matched related donor transplant (MRDT) or matched unrelated donor transplant (MUDT). Multiple recent registry and single-center studies have shown comparable overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) rates among HIDT, MRDT, and MUDT with a significantly lower risk of acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) among HIDT recipients. Candidates for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) often have access to multiple donor sources, and a relevant question is whether outcomes can be improved with a younger HLA-mismatched haploidentical donor (≤35 years) rather than an older matched related donor (≥35 years) or matched unrelated donor (≥35 years). We analyzed 406 consecutive allogenic HSCT recipients, with a median age of 54 years (range, 19 to 77), after a MRDT with a donor age of ≥35 years (n = 222), MUDT with a donor age of ≥35 years (n = 91), and HIDT with a donor age of ≤35 years (n = 93). Median follow-up time for survivors was 51.5 months. Compared with MRDT and MUDT, HIDT recipients had a similar median age at time of HSCT, hematopoietic cell transplant comorbidity index, disease risk index distribution, and donor recipient sex matching. The survival estimates and relapse incidence at 3 years post-HSCT were OS (64% for MRDT, 54% for MUDT, and 62% for HIDT), DFS (55% for MRDT, 44% for MUDT, and 58% for HIDT), Transplant related mortality (TRM) (19% for MRDT, 16% for MUDT, and 18% for HIDT), and relapse (26% for MRDT, 37% for MUDT, and 24% for HIDT). HIDT recipients had better 3-year relapse rates compared with MUDT recipients (24% versus 37%, P= .048), with similar DFS and OS in a univariate analysis. MRDT recipients had a better relapse rate (26% versus 37%, P = .042) compared with MUDT recipients. Recipients of HIDT also had significantly lower rates of moderate to severe chronic GVHD compared with MRDT and MUDT recipients (P = .01). Multivariable analysis showed no effect of donor on OS, DFS, relapse, and TRM. Recipients of HIDT from a young donor ≤35 years had similar OS, lower rates of chronic GVHD, and better chronic GVHD-free, relapse-free survival compared with patients undergoing transplantation with an MRD or a MUD donor ≥35 years. This study suggests that given a situation where a choice between a young haploidentical relative and an older matched unrelated donor is to be made, one can achieve similar survival with a haploidentical donor and significantly lower rates of chronic GVHD.  相似文献   
ObjectivesHigh-quality diagnosis of bloodstream infections (BSI) is important for successful patient management. As knowledge on current practices of microbiological BSI diagnostics is limited, this project aimed to assess its current state in European microbiological laboratories.MethodsWe performed an online questionnaire-based cross-sectional survey comprising 34 questions on practices of microbiological BSI diagnostics. The ESCMID Study Group for Bloodstream Infections, Endocarditis and Sepsis (ESGBIES) was the primary platform to engage national coordinators who recruited laboratories within their countries.ResultsResponses were received from 209 laboratories in 25 European countries. Although 32.5% (68/209) of laboratories only used the classical processing of positive blood cultures (BC), two-thirds applied rapid technologies. Of laboratories that provided data, 42.2% (78/185) were able to start incubating BC in automated BC incubators around-the-clock, and only 13% (25/192) had established a 24-h service to start immediate processing of positive BC. Only 4.7% (9/190) of laboratories validated and transmitted the results of identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) of BC pathogens to clinicians 24 h/day. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry from briefly incubated sub-cultures on solid media was the most commonly used approach to rapid pathogen identification from positive BC, and direct disc diffusion was the most common rapid AST method from positive BC.ConclusionsLaboratories have started to implement novel technologies for rapid identification and AST for positive BC. However, progress is severely compromised by limited operating hours such that current practice of BC diagnostics in Europe complies only partly with the requirements for optimal BSI management.  相似文献   

Background and objectives

Comparisons of predictive performance of various anthropometric measures in high blood pressure have not been investigated. This study aimed at evaluating and comparing the predictive power of Body Mass Index (BMI), Body Adiposity index (BAI) and A Body Shape Index (ABSI) for predicting hypertension in adults.


The data of 277 subjects (109 men and 168 women) as a part of the major Lifestyle Promotion Project (LPP) conducted in the districts of Tabriz-East Azerbaijan-Iran were collected for this study. The weight, height, waist and hip circumferences were measured and BMI, BAI and ABSI were calculated. Blood pressure was measured twice, after 5 minutes of rest. The ANOVA and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) were used for statistical analysis.


In all subjects, BMI (area under the curve (AUC): 0.65) predicted systolic blood pressure equally (P < 0.05). None of them had a significant prediction for diastolic blood pressure. By gender, considering P-value (P < 0.05), BMI predicted systolic in men (AUC: 0.71) and women (AUC: 0.61) and diastolic blood pressure only in men (AUC: 0.79). In addition systolic blood pressure in women was predicted by both BAI (AUC: 0.66) and ABSI (AUC: 0.67). Furthermore, BAI (AUC: 0.82) predicted diastolic blood pressure in men.


Although it was claimed that ABSI and BAI as the indexes of high waist circumference and body fat percent respectively, express the excess risk, based on our results, they are not better alternative than BMI in the clinical evaluation for screening for high blood pressure.  相似文献   
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