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Summary A patient who developed a unilateral opercular syndrome following a cerebrovascular accident is described. Computed tomography showed that the lesion did not affect the opercular cortex, but involved deep white matter and the head of the caudate nucleus of the left hemisphere. Persistent hypophonia and transient aphasia were associated. Comparison with previous cases is discussed.  相似文献   
In all, 22 reports of 20 randomized, controlled rehabilitation studies were evaluated. In 18 of these, the design of the trial was parallel, with a cross-over format being employed in the remaining 2 instances. Seven studies related to intensive rehabilitation during the early post-acute period. In six others, specific techniques--sometimes associated with traditional physiotherapy procedures--were compared: biofeedback, perceptual retraining, and amphetamine treatment. Eight experiments evaluated speech therapy in aphasia. Frequently, methodological considerations limited the interpretation of the results. The review showed that: 1) as regards activities of daily life and motor function, differences as between rehabilitation in stroke units on the one hand and non-rehabilitation or rehabilitation in medical wards on the other, were detected in relatively few quality studies and remained particularly inconclusive insofar as life in the home environment was concerned; 2) rehabilitation for aphasia and perceptual dysfunction proved effective for at least several months after acute stroke; 3) in general, examination of the reports cited revealed no differences in the effects of biofeedback and perceptual retraining vs conventional physiotherapy; 4) rehabilitation, whether administered by specialists or amateur caregivers purpose-trained by specialists, proved equally effective for aphasia. These conclusions constitute a valuable basis for the development and evaluation of modern rehabilitation programs for stroke patients.  相似文献   
Crossed aphasia. An update   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this article is to present an update of a rare but interesting problem: crossed aphasia. This term indicates the presence of aphasia after unilateral cerebral lesion of the hemisphere ipsilateral to the patient's dominant hand. We report two cases, review the most relevant literature, and analyze clinical, neuroanatomical, and neurophysiological aspects, taking in consideration the various interpretations proposed to explain this unusual language disorder.  相似文献   
On the basis of earlier experiments showing a differential deficit of aphasics in picture sorting and matching tasks, two experiments were conducted to test the conjecture of a specific deficit of aphasics in the analytical appraisal of individual features. Broca's and Wernicke's aphasics-according to clinical diagnoses and the Aachener Aphasie Test-were compared with patients having right-hemisphere lesions or left-hemisphere lesions without aphasia. Both groups of aphasics differed from the control groups in the sorting task, irrespective of the sorting criterion, but the differences were small. The picture matching task did not discriminate between groups. Obviously, the basic assumption has to be modified with respect to specific conditions of task requirements. The experimental literature is reviewed.This research was supported by a Research Grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.The research was conducted at the following clinics and rehabilitation centers. We are grateful for their support: Abteilung Neurologie der Med. Fak., RWTH, Aachen. Poliklinik für Stimm-und Sprachkranke, Universitätsklinikum Steglitz, Freie Universität Berlin. Neurologisches Rehabilitationszentrum Godeshöhe e. V., Bonn. Rheinische Landesklinik für Sprachgestörte, Bonn. Neurologische Klinik der Universität Ulm, Dietenbronn. Kliniken Schmieder, Gailingen und Allensbach. Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie, München. Neurologiches Krankenhaus, München. Neurologisches und Hirneverletzten-Versorgungskrankenhaus, Tübingen.We are also most grateful for the kind help of K. Willmes, Aachen, in carrying out the discriminant analyses to classify the aphasics on the basis of the Aachener Aphasie Test.  相似文献   
Purpose.?To examine the quality of life (QoL) of people with aphasia and to study the influence of variables such as age, time post onset and (degree of) social support on the QoL of aphasic persons.

Method.?We compared the scores of an aphasic population (N?=?43) with those of a healthy control group (N?=?43) and of a group of patients with brain lesions without neurogenic communication disorders (N?=?43) on a Dutch version of the Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life-scale (SAQoL-39) and on a social support questionnaire. In half of the aphasic group, the SAQoL-39 was re-administered 8 months after the first testing.

Results.?People with aphasia obtained significantly lower scores for QoL measures compared with both other groups. Especially, communicative and psychosocial factors seem to influence these results. Older people with aphasia scored lower than younger persons and women tend to evaluate their QoL somewhat more negatively than men. Persons who had aphasia for more than 6 months tended to have higher QoL-scores compared with those who had become aphasic more recently. After 8 months, the retested group scored significantly higher on communication and on psychosocial functioning than on first testing.

Conclusions.?Gathering information on QoL after suffering from stroke and from aphasia can lead to a better understanding of the problems involved. The clinical use of instruments such as the SAQoL-39 can probably contribute to a more patient oriented rehabilitation, whereby the focus not only lie in improving linguistic skills but also on reducing the impairments and the handicaps that accompany aphasia and thus on increasing QoL.  相似文献   

This study used a qualitative approach to describe the experience of the first 3 months post-stroke in order to identify factors which facilitate successfully living with aphasia. Fifteen participants completed semi-structured interviews and self-perceived ratings of how successfully he or she was living with aphasia. A number of themes were identified from the interviews, including: a need to do things in order to be actively engaged in rehabilitation; increase independence and have a purpose in life; the importance of social support; the value of rehabilitation; a need to adapt and make adjustments; and having a positive outlook. These results suggest that a range of service delivery models need to be considered during the early stages post-stroke in order to address individual needs and so that long-term outcomes of people with aphasia may be improved.  相似文献   
Previous data indicate that in healthy subjects, there is a connectivity between cortical areas for hand movement and language on the left hemisphere. This link is possibly mediated by the so-called mirror neuron system. The present study investigated the functional relationship between linguistic and hand movement processing in patients who were recovering from post-stroke aphasia. The excitability of the right- and left-hand motor cortex during language production in patients who were recovering from post-stroke aphasia and age-matched controls was investigated. As control, phonation was investigated. Hand motor cortex excitability was assessed with Motor Evoked Potentials which were elicited by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). In patients, reading aloud enhanced the excitability of the right hemispheric hand motor cortex, whereas phonation had no effect on hand motor cortex excitability. In the control group, an increased excitability of the left hemispheric hand motor system was found during reading aloud in accordance with previous data. The present data suggest a functional connectivity between regions mediating hand movements and reading. This may indicate that the right hemisphere participates in language processing as far as involved in single word reading in patients recovering from aphasia. The coactivation between cerebral representations of hand movements and language may be used therapeutically for aphasia rehabilitation.  相似文献   
Objective: To explore the effective methods for evaluating the consciousness and speech status of patients with special types of cerebral injuries.Methods: Atotal of 96 patients with injury in the language center and in coma were treated with operative and correlated conventional therapies. Then their recovery status of consciousness and speech was observed.Results: All the patients were recovered to consciousness. Sixty-nine patients with aphasia were cured completely, but 7 patients were complicated with incomplete ataxic aphasia, 15 with incomplete sensory aphasia,and 5 with incomplete mixed aphasia.Conclusions: For the patients with injury in the language center, evaluation of the conscious state with GCS scoring system has certain limitations and conscious behaviours are advantageous evidences to evaluate the consciousness recovery of the patients. The patients with conscious disturbance and injury in the language center should be considered to have aphasia.  相似文献   
We compared the effects of two treatments for aphasic word retrieval impairments, errorless naming treatment (ENT) and gestural facilitation of naming (GES), within the same individuals, anticipating that the use of gesture would enhance the effect of treatment over errorless treatment alone. In addition to picture naming, we evaluated results for other outcome measures that were largely untested in earlier ENT studies. In a single participant crossover treatment design, we examined the effects of ENT and GES in eight individuals with stroke-induced aphasia and word retrieval impairments (three semantic anomia, five phonological anomia) in counterbalanced phases across participants. We evaluated effects of the two treatments for a daily picture naming/gesture production probe measure and in standardised aphasia tests and communication rating scales administered across phases of the experiment. Both treatments led to improvements in naming of trained words (small-to-large effect sizes) in individuals with semantic and phonological anomia. Small generalised naming improvements were noted for three individuals with phonological anomia. GES improved use of corresponding gestures for trained words (large effect sizes). Results were largely maintained at one month post-treatment completion. Increases in scores on standardised aphasia testing also occurred for both ENT and GES training. Both ENT and GES led to improvements in naming measures, with no clear difference between treatments. Increased use of gestures following GES provided a potential compensatory means of communication for those who did not improve verbal skills. Both treatments are considered to be effective methods to promote recovery of word retrieval and verbal production skills in individuals with aphasia.  相似文献   
目的:探讨儿童失语症病因与临床转归的关系。方法:采用回顾性问卷法对38例1612岁~13岁不同病因所致失语症患儿的失语类型、CT、MRI表现及疗效进行分析。结果:38例失语症患儿脑外伤占55.26%(21/38)、其次为脑炎31.57%(12/38);CT、MRI提示病灶大多位于左侧半球;同一类型失语可由不同部位损伤引起;同一部位损伤可出现不同类型失语;儿童失语症恢复的时间与病因及患病年龄有关:脑外伤恢复最快、脑炎次之;年龄越小,恢复可能性越大,恢复得也越快。结论:儿童失语症的言语症状和治疗预后与成人失语症有较大的不同,尽早对失语症的病因进行治疗和功能训练对提高失语病儿的言语功能恢复率有重要意义。  相似文献   
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