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Abstract: 【Objective】 This study was to determine the value of the combining of serum placental growth factor (PIGF), soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor -1 (sVEGFR -1), nitric oxide (NO) concentrations and uterine arterial pulsatility index(PI)for the prediction of preeclampsia in high -risk pregnant women.【Methods】 Serum samples of 162 pregnant women with high preeclampsia risk were obtained between 22 and 26 weeks of gestation. PIGF and sVEGFR -1 concentrations were measured by enzyme -linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA),NO concentration was measured by colorimetric assay. Uterine artery PI was tested by Doppler ultrasound. 【Results】 ① 34 pregnant women were found to develop preeclampsia later(preeclampsia group), the blood presure of the other 128 women remained normal(normal blood pressure group). ②The mean value of serum PIGF, sVEGFR -1, NO, and PI were (264 ± 116)pg/mL, (4823 ± 1562)pg/mL, (57 ± 28)μmol/L, 2.7 ± 0.1 respectively in the preeclampsia group, and (418 ± 130)pg/mL, (1102 ± 158)pg/mL, (107 ± 28)μmol/L, 2.2 ± 0.2 respectively in the normal blood pressure group. There was significantly different between two groups respectively(P < 0.001). ③The sensitivity and specificity to predict preeclampsia of single parameter were 78.0% and 80.7% for PIGF (cut off value 286.3 pg/mL), 81.2% and 83.5% for sVEGFR -1(cut off value 2 005.0 pg/mL), 75.2% and 80.0% for NO(cut off value 50.9μmol/L),79.6% and 86.2% for PI(cut off value 2.31). The sensitivity and specificity to predict preeclampsia of the combing of four positive value parameters were 92.7% and 95.6% respectively. Both were higher than any single parameter(P < 0.001). The concentrations of serum PIGF, sVEGFR -1, NO were correlated with maternal pregnant outcome significantly(P < 0.001). 【Conclusions】 Serum PIGF, sVEGFR-1, NO and PI in high-risk women with 22 -26 weeks of gestation may have good clinical value for the prediction of preeclampsia. 相似文献
【Objective】 To investigate the screening of congenital hypothyroidism(CH), tracking treatments and curative effect evaluation. 【Method】 Testing the level of neonatal heel blood thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH)with time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay; For the recalled suspicious children, detecting the serum thyroid function (TSH,T4,FT4) by chemiluminescence immunoassay method to get a definite diagnosis, giving levothyroxine treatment for 2-3 years later, try to stop the medicine observation and the efficacy were evaluated. 【Result】 A total of 213 284 cases of neonatal screening, the screening rate was 64.43%, screening was positive in 1014 cases, screening positive rate was 1∶210, CH was diagnosed in 112 patients, the detection rate was 1∶1905; Compared to the physical and mental development index, between the standardized treatment and not standardized treatment of children, there was a statistically significant difference, but the standardized treatment of children with normal children of the same age, there was no significant difference in. 【Conclusion】 Through neonatal screening for the disease, CH can get early diagnosis and standard treatment, preventing the incidence of disabled children, having important significance to improve the quality of the population and promote the development of the national economy. 相似文献
Abstract: 【Objective】 To investigate the structural and functional connectivity within the default mode network (DMN) in HDI, and to explore the correlation between aberrant default -mode function and clinical decision making of heroin -dependent individuals (HDI). 【Methods】 Fourteen HDI and 14 controls participated in the study. Structural (path length, tracts count, (fractional anisotropy) FA and (mean diffusivity) MD derived from DTI tractography and functional (temporal correlation coefficient derived from rs -fMRI) DMN connectivity changes were examined in HDI. Pearson correlation analysis was performed to compare the structural/functional indices and duration of heroin use/Iowa gambling task (IGT) performance in HDI. 【Results】 HDI had lower FA and higher MD in the tract connecting the posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus (PCC/PCUN) to right parahippocampal -gyrus (PHG), compared to the controls. HDI also had decreased FA and track count in the tract connecting the PCC/PCUN and medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), as well as decreased functional connectivity between the PCC/PCUN and bilateral PHG and MPFC, compared to controls. FA values for the tract connecting PCC/PCUN to the right PHG and connecting PCC/PCUN to the MPFC were negatively correlated to the duration of heroin use. The temporal correlation coefficients between the PCC/PCUN and the MPFC, and the FA values for the tract connecting the PCC/PCUN to the MPFC were positively correlated to IGT performance in HDI. 【Conclusions】 Structural and functional connectivity within the DMN are both disturbed in HDI. This disturbance progresses as duration of heroin use increases and is related to deficits in decision making in HDI. 相似文献
目的:研究在胃癌组织中形成素样蛋白2(FMNL2)的表达及临床意义。方法:收集普外科30例胃癌组织标本及其对应的远癌组织,利用免疫组化法及实时定量PCR法检测胃癌中FMNL2蛋白及mRNA的表达情况,并分析其蛋白表达与临床病理因素之间的关系,运用数据库Kaplan-Meier分析胃癌的生存状况。结果:胃癌组织中FMNL2蛋白及mRNA的表达均明显高于对应的远癌组织(均P < 0.05);FMNL2蛋白表达与胃癌的淋巴结转移、TNM分期密切相关(均P < 0.05),而与患者的年龄、性别、浸润深度、分化程度以及远处转移之间没有显著相关性(均P>0.05);K-M生存曲线显示FMNL2表达水平与胃癌生存预后明显相关(均P < 0.05)。结论:FMNL2在胃癌组织中高表达,且与肿瘤的一些临床病理因素特别是淋巴结转移密切相关。FMNL2可能作为肿瘤转移、判断预后的标志基因。 相似文献
摘 要: 【目的】 探讨超声造影(CEUS)定量分析在门静脉癌栓(PVTT)对原发性肝癌(HCC)血流动力学影响中的价值。【方法】 回顾性分析7例HCC合并PVTT和14例HCC未合并PVTT患者的超声造影动态图像,以SonoLiverTM定量软件进行分析,获得肝癌与周围肝实质的时间-强度曲线,最大峰值强度(IMAX )、上升时间(RT )、平均渡越时间( MTT )、达峰时间( TTP)分别于组内及组间进行比较。【结果】 ①组内比较:PVTT组和对照组中HCC的RT和TTP均快于周围肝实质。对照组HCC的IMAX显著高于周围肝较强,而PVTT组中,HCC的IMAX与周围肝实质无显著性差异。②组间比较:PVTT组的RT和TTP无论HCC还是肝实质,均快于对照组。而在PVTT组HCC的IMAX较对照组显著降低。【结论】HCC合并PVTT后与对照组有着不同的血流动力学参数,其RT 和 TTP增快、IMAX减低,这可能为微小癌栓的预测提供一定的临床价值。 相似文献
摘 要: 【目的】探讨硫化氢(H2S)对过氧化氢(H2O2)诱导的人脐静脉内皮细胞衰老的影响及其抗氧化机制。【方法】建立H2O2诱导的人脐静脉内皮细胞衰老模型,采用不同浓度的硫氢化钠(NaHS)预处理内皮细胞,观察其对衰老的作用。【结果】与对照组相比,60 μmol/L H2O2预处理后,能显著提高细胞SA β-gal阳性率和血浆纤溶酶原激活物抑制剂-1(PAI-1)的表达,同时增加丙二醛(MDA)含量,但减少过氧化物歧化酶1(SOD1)的表达。而NaHS的预处理可以显著减少细胞SA β-gal阳性率和PAI-1的表达,减少MDA的含量,增加SOD1的表达。【结论】NaHS可以逆转H2O2诱导的内皮细胞衰老,其机制与抗氧化应激有关。 相似文献
摘要: 【目的】 对2例婚后妻子连续2次流产伴21号染色体结构改变病例进行多探针荧光原位杂交(FISH),探讨FISH技术在临床诊断微小区域染色体结构异常的应用价值。【方法】通过染色体常规G 显带技术初步确定染色体结构异常类型及染色体断裂的区带位置,然后挑选位于21号染色体长臂位点特异性BAC克隆,缺口平移法将其标记为探针,与21号染色体长臂末端的商品化探针混合,进行三色FISH。【结果】FISH结果排除了涉及其它染色体结构异常的可能,确定这2例均为21号染色体长臂微小区段的臂内倒位,这是首次关于21号染色体臂内倒位导致自发流产病例的报道。【结论】21号染色体臂内倒位与自然流产相关;多色FISH 技术在诊断和确定微小区域染色体结构异常中有非常重要的作用和应用价值。 相似文献