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The advantage of arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) in older patients requiring dialysis is controversial. We reviewed our vascular access experience in patients ≥70 years of age (older group) compared with younger patients.


We analyzed consecutive patients who underwent access surgery between 2013 and 2016. Primary success (PS) and primary patency (PP) data were analyzed between the older and younger groups before and after propensity score matching of the patients' characteristics and access composition. PS was defined as the achievement of access function that was amenable to two sessions of successful cannulation without early occlusion or maturation failure requiring revision. PP was defined as the time with uninterrupted patency without intervention.


A total of 594 consecutive accesses were created among 563 patients, of whom 119 were allocated into each group after propensity score matching. In the whole cohort, 193 accesses (32.5%) were performed in older patients. AVFs were performed in 130 (67.4%) older patients and 293 (73.1%) younger patients. Regarding AVFs, the PS rate (83.6% in the older group vs 94.3% in the younger group; P = .001) and the overall PP at 6 and 12 months (73.1% and 57.1%, respectively, in the older group vs 86.7% and 77.7%, respectively, in the younger group; P = .009) were lower in the older group than in the younger group. However, no differences were found in the PS and PP rates for arteriovenous grafts between groups. Regarding the AVF location, the PS rate for forearm AVFs was significantly lower in the older group than in the younger group (76% vs 93%; P < .001); however, the PS rate of the upper arm was not different between the groups (94% vs 97%; P = .425). In the patients with PS, the PP rate of AVFs was similar between the two groups. In the older group with forearm AVFs, the median diameter of the radial artery was larger in the patients with PS than in the patients without PS (2.20 mm with PS vs 2.00 mm without PS; P = .008). The propensity score matching results demonstrated similar trends for the whole cohort, with lower PS (P = .042) and PP rates (P = .023) for AVF in the older group.


The outcomes after AVF were poorer in the older group than in the younger group, which was primarily due to unsatisfactory outcomes in patients with forearm AVFs. Thus, stricter criteria, especially regarding the radial artery diameter, should be applied for forearm AVFs in older patients, and additional research is necessary to delineate the risk factors for primary failure.  相似文献   
Abstract Background: Primary shoulder hemiarthroplasty is an established treatment modality for complex fractures of the proximal humerus. Long-term functional outcome is often disappointing. However, little is known about social implications particularly in the elderly. Methods: A single-institution case series of consecutive geriatric patients (age > 70 years) treated with shoulder hemiarthroplasty for complex fractures of the proximal humerus between 1994 and 1997 was analysed. Postoperative morbidity, long-term function, radiological outcome and social implications were evaluated. Results: Seventy-seven patients fulfilled the study criteria. Median age at the time of operation was 80 years (range 70–93 years). Systemic and local postoperative complications were observed in 8% including 2 patients (3%) with revision surgery. Postoperative mortality was 1%. Forty-eight patients (62%) were available for follow-up (median 49 months, range 25–80 months), 22 (29%) died from causes unrelated to hemiarthroplasty before follow-up and 7 patients (9%) did not attend follow-up examination. Median Constant-Murley score was 41 points (range 17–77 points). Long-term results concerning pain were satisfying. The Oxford shoulder score ranged from 14 to 40 (median 30). Forty-one patients (85%) still lived in their original environment and managed their daily life independently despite poor shoulder function. Four patients (8%) lived in a retirement home and 3 (6%) in a nursery home. Eighty percent of our patients were still able to use public transportation, do the daily shopping and wash their whole body by themselves. Conclusion: Most patients managed their daily life independently despite poor shoulder function.  相似文献   
Body composition measured with isotopic dilution was compared with anthropometric measurements. The study was carried out in 47 subjects from both sexes, 65 to 92 years old. Total body water (TBW), anthropometric measurements, and dynamometry were assessed. TBW was significatively higher in men than women and decreased with age. Dynamometry and fatfree mass were well correlated (r=0.73 in males and r=0.58 in females) and significantly different between sexes. A negative correlation was found for dynamometry with age, being significant for women. Linear regression equations to predict TBW from anthropometric measurements in males and females were obtained: Males: TBW(I)=19.349+0.617 weight(kg) — 0.931 mid-arm circumference(cm)+0.122 dynamometry (kg) Females: TBW(l)=−5.531+0.343 weight(kg)-0.213 triceps skinfold (mm)+ 0.148 dynamometry(kg) + 3.424 wrist diameter (cm). This simple model is proposed for use in epidemiological and field studies where other more sophisticated methods can not be applied.  相似文献   
Background: There are many surgical procedures for the correction of hallux valgus and crossover 2nd toe deformity. Amputation of a crossover 2nd toe is often performed as a salvage procedure if the primary 2nd toe corrective procedure fails.Aims: To assess the outcomes of amputating a crossover 2nd toe in the presence of hallux valgus in elderly patients above 70 years old; as a primary procedure.Materials and methods: Seven patients (8 ft) underwent amputation of their crossover 2nd toe. A disease specific questionnaire using a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was implemented measuring pain, deformity, discomfort, and walking distance.Results: The mean age of the patients was 82 years old, range 74–89 years old. Amputation of the 2nd toe significantly reduces pain, discomfort and the appearance of deformity, there was no difference in the patient’s walking distance after surgery.Conclusion: We recommend this type of surgery as a primary procedure in elderly patients above 70 years old, if the first ray is not causing symptoms.  相似文献   
目的 :探讨老年人腹腔镜胆囊切除术的安全性、可行性及注意点。方法 :对 172例老年人胆囊良性病变进行腹腔镜胆囊切除术。其中伴有并存病 96例 (5 5 .81% )。结果 :172例病人均恢复良好 ,无并发症发生 ,无中转开腹病例。结论 :只要做好围手术处理 ,老年人行腹腔镜胆囊切除术是安全可行的。  相似文献   
In order to establish the safety and efficacy of fluoxetine in subjects over 60 years of age with Type 2 diabetes, a randomized, double-blind, parallel study of 30 obese subjects was undertaken, comparing the use of fluoxetine 60 mg daily with placebo. Subjects were diet controlled with an HbA1 < 14% (reference range 6–9%) and BMI > 29 kg m2. Those taking fluoxetine had a median weight loss of 2.6 kg at 3 months (p < 0.001) and 3.9 kg at 6 months (p < 0–02), compared with weight loss in the placebo group of 0.1 kg and 0.0 kg at 3 and 6 months, respectively. Improved glycaemic control was also demonstrated in the fluoxetine group compared with placebo, initial HbA1 levels of 8.0% vs 8.7% (NS) falling at 4 months by 0.9% (p < 0.02) and at six months by 0.9% (p < 0.02). No sustained improvement in fasting blood glucose levels was demonstrated. Reporting of adverse events was similar in both groups. Fluoxetine in the short term aids weight loss and improves glycaemic control without a significant increase in adverse events in elderly Type 2 diabetic subjects.  相似文献   
Virions resembling papovavirus were demonstrated in glial cells in the brain of an aged patient without overt progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. The patient was not in a severely immunocompromised state. On histological examination, only a few tiny incomplete necrotic foci were found in the subcortical area. These foci were widely dispersed. Rare, swollen oligodendroglial cells and astrocytes in which papovavirus capsid protein (VP-1) was demonstrated immunohistochemically were present around the foci. The two typical types of virus particles i.e. 35 to 40 nm round particles and elongated particles, were observed in the nuclei of the swollen glial cells. The latter were in the minority. Distinct crystals were also found in the nuclei. The centre-to-centre distance of the particles in the crystals, about 40 nm, and the electron-opaque spots of the round-shaped virions and of the elongated particles, were indicative of structural subunits of papovavirus capsids. This case provides further evidence that papovavirus, possibly JC virus, may be reactivated in the brains of aged patients who are not in an immunocompromised state.  相似文献   
目的 分析持续性腹膜透析(PD)治疗老年慢性肾功能衰竭(CRF)患者的临床效果,探讨PD在老年CRF患者中的应用经验.方法 回顾性分析89例老年CRF患者接受PD(简称老年PD组)治疗后的临床表现和生化指标、主要并发症、存活率、死亡原因等,并与53例非老年PD组相比较.结果 老年PD组的原发疾病以糖尿病(37.08%)、原发性高血压(30.34%)为主,而非老年PD组则以肾小球肾炎(54.72%)为主.两组患者的1年与3年存活率差异无统计学意义,腹膜炎仍是两组患者退出PD的主要原因.老年组的病死率明显高于非老年组,感染与心脑血管病是两组患者的主要并发症和死亡原因.低钾血症在老年PD患者中非常普遍.结论 腹膜透析在老年CRF患者的治疗中有效,但长期存活仍受腹膜炎、心脑血管病并发症的影响,老年PD患者的低钾血症应引起足够的重视.  相似文献   
Summary In this study we attempted to determine the effects of exercise training at the intensity corresponding to lactate threshold (Thla ) on various health-related variables in sedentary but apparently healthy elderly subjects. Six men and five women volunteers [mean age 68.9 (SD 3.4) years] performed supervised endurance-type training on stationary cycle ergometers for 30 min and recreational activities for 30 min, 3 days a week for 12 weeks. Four men and four women served as the control group [68.8 (SD 4.4) years]. As a result of the training programme, statistically significant increases in maximal oxygen consumption (10%), oxygen consumption at Thla (18%), distance covered in 12-min walk, side step, and leg extensor power were found in the training group, while no changes occurred in the control group. The changes in serum cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations from the pre- to post-training period were statistically significant. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol remained unchanged, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol tended to decrease following the training programme. These data would indicate that exercise training at the intensity corresponding to Thla may have favourable effects on overall physical fitness and some serum lipid variables in older individuals.  相似文献   
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