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Compared with the standard median parapatellar approach, the muscle-splitting midvastus approach to the knee has led to claims of an easier and earlier recovery after total knee arthroplasty, but some investigators have questioned whether the midvastus approach damages the vastus medialis obliquus. We used electromyographic and nerve conduction studies to evaluate whether we could document any such damage. Twenty patients undergoing bilateral total knee arthroplasty were randomized prospectively for the treatment of 1 knee with each of the 2 approaches. Radiographs, electromyographies, nerve conduction studies, range-of-motion tests, and Knee Society function and pain tests were conducted preoperatively and at 6 weeks postoperatively. If the electromyography or nerve conduction tests were abnormal at 6 weeks, the tests were repeated at 12 weeks. At the final follow-up, these studies showed no evidence of muscle denervation. The midvastus approach appears to be a safe alternative for knee arthrotomy for total knee arthroplasty without concerns for damage to the vastus medialis obliquus.  相似文献   
目的探讨手术入路对髋关节置换术后髋关节功能恢复的影响。方法对386例(392髋)髋关节疾病患者行髋关节置换术,分别采用不同手术入路,并且于术前,术后2周、4周、8周、24周进行Harris评分,分析髋关节功能恢复情况。结果前外侧入路组、外侧入路组、后外侧入路组、后侧入路组及小切口入路组总有效率分别为91%、94%、97%、100%、100%。结论不同手术入路对髋关节置换术后髋关节功能恢复有一定的影响。创伤小、对髋关节干预性较小的后侧入路及小切口手术入路是髋关节功能恢复较满意的选择。  相似文献   
目的探讨经岩骨-乙状窦前入路切除岩斜区肿瘤双骨瓣成形的临床效果。方法对14例岩斜区肿瘤采用经岩骨-乙状窦前入路行肿瘤切除双骨瓣成形术,先取颞枕游离骨瓣(乙状窦后),再通过磨钻,游离出乳突表面骨瓣(乙状窦前)。保留骨性半规管、耳蜗的完整性,避免将乳突及岩骨根部大部分切除。结果肿瘤全切除8例,次全切除3例,部分切除3例。术后2例脑脊液耳漏,无皮下积液、颅内感染等并发症,无死亡。14例术后3、6个月随访,无并发症发生。结论经岩骨-乙状窦前入路手术中采用双骨瓣成形术后脑脊液漏、皮下积液、颅内感染等并发症少,手术创伤小,安全性高。  相似文献   
The authors report their experience on one patient with osteoblatoma of the odontoid process of the axis with secondary aneurysmal bone cyst. According to their knowledge, this is the first case, reported in the literature, of this kind of lesion in that particular anatomical region. Because of the rarity of this lesion, it was difficult to have a certain preoperative diagnosis. Therefore, the patient underwent a biopsy via a transoral route. The biopsy was performed over the noncalcified component of the lesion. The intraoperative histological examination showed the benign nature of the lesion. Thereafter, the lesion was totally removed, succeeding in preserving the remaining part of the odontoid process and the anterior arch of C1. In the follow-up, there was no evidence of cranio-vertebral instability. The histological examination revealed an osteoblastoma of the odontoid process of the axis with a secondary aneurysmal bone cyst. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case reported in the literature.  相似文献   
胸骨柄开窗前方显露上胸椎的解剖学及临床可行性观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨胸骨柄开窗入路治疗上胸椎疾患的可行性。方法:采用10%福尔马林浸泡的成人尸体40具行大体观察,测量胸骨柄相关数据,根据测量结果,对9例颈胸段椎体病变患者行前路胸骨柄开窗,病灶清除、脊髓减压、植骨、内固定,其中8例患者行胸骨柄重建。术后行食道钡餐造影检查颈胸段前方植骨块、钢板、螺钉等与食道的关系,并随访该组患者的临床疗效。结果:胸骨柄开窗呈广口瓶形,双侧胸锁关节内缘是开窗的最狭窄部位。9例患者经胸骨柄开窗入路均顺利完成手术,2例出现一过性声音嘶哑,术后钡餐造影显示造影剂均顺利通过钢板、螺钉前方。随访2~5年,平均3.3年,8例患者胸骨柄开窗处愈合,未出现开窗部位慢性疼痛和神经血管损伤及双上肢无力;1例患者术中未行胸骨柄重建,显示胸骨柄区域有轻微塌陷。未见钢板、螺钉松动。结论:经胸骨柄开窗行上胸椎前方显露可保留锁骨和胸锁关节、术后重建胸骨柄等结构,能满足上胸椎(T1~T4)前方的显露。  相似文献   


Post-operative wound infections (PWI) following calcaneal fracture surgery can lead to prolonged hospital stay and additional treatment with antibiotics, surgical debridement or implant removal. Our aim was to determine the incidence of superficial and deep PWI and to identify risk factors (RF).


This study is a retrospective case series. All consecutive patients from 2000 to 2010 with a closed unilateral calcaneal fracture treated with open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) by an extended lateral approach were included. Patient, fracture, trauma and peri-operative characteristics were collected, including RF such as smoking, diabetes mellitus, time to operation, pre-operative in- or outpatient management and wound closure technique. The primary end point was a PWI as defined by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


A total of 191 patients were included of which 47 patients (24.6 %) had a PWI; 21 (11.0 %) and 26 (13.6 %) patients had a superficial and deep wound infection, respectively. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification higher than ASA 1 was associated with an increased risk. Placement of a closed suction drain at the end of surgery was associated with less PWI (35 % vs 15 %, p = 0.002). In this study, none of the previously reported RF were associated with an increased risk for PWI.


ORIF of displaced calcaneal fractures is associated with a high rate of PWI of 25 %. Factors that were associated with an increased risk were ASA classification other than 1 and absence of a closed suction drain placement. A closed suction drain may be a protective measure to avoid wound complications.  相似文献   
Background contextVertebral artery (VA) injury is a rare but potentially devastating complication of cervical spinal fusion. The Magerl and Harms techniques are associated with a rate between 0% to 8% and 0% to 5%, respectively. Most of reported VA injuries are related to surgical exposure or screw placement, which in turn is likely due to variability in VA anatomy.PurposeThe purpose of this report was to present the case of a 77-year-old woman, with a history of right VA occlusion, who sustained an intraoperative left VA injury during posterior cervical spine fusion and the subsequent intraoperative and postoperative management strategies.Study designThis is a single-patient case report.MethodsThe patient was placed prone and into Mayfield tongs. A midline incision was made, and dissection was carried down to the lamina and facet joints from occiput to T2. During dissection, she sustained a left-sided VA injury, which was subsequently controlled.ResultsThe patient was doing well at her 1-year postoperative visit without any residual neurologic deficits. Her severe neck pain had resolved.ConclusionA detailed understanding of VA anatomy of each individual patient is paramount. There are four types of anomalies: intraforaminal; extraforaminal; arterial; and anomalies of the surrounding bony and soft-tissue architecture. In the event of a posterior intraoperative VA injury, we outlined an algorithm to deal with this complication: control bleeding temporarily to gain visualization of the arterial injury; remove lateral masses and tissue to adequately visualize the arterial injury; once visualized, control the bleeding and see if there are any neuromonitoring changes as a result of the VA occlusion; and proceed with definitive control of the artery by either repair or ligation.  相似文献   
Objective The aim of this study was to demonstrate the anatomical structures of the transoral approach to the craniovertebral junction. We evaluated the necessary exposure field and the safety of this approach.Methods Surgical operations with the transoral approach were performed on 36 cadaver specimens. The special anatomical structures were measured surrounding the exposure field with priorities given to measurements relating to the vertebral artery (VA). The anatomical relationships between the VA and nerves were observed.Results The exposure field partly covered the vertebral basilar system confluent. The middle clivus to upper C3 vertebral body can be exposed by transoral approach. Cranial nerves and cervical nerves emerged from the caudal of vertebrobasilar artery and circumambulated anterolaterally, and some abnormalities were observed in the intracranial segment of vertebrobasilar artery. The safe field was in an inverted trapezoid shape, of which the widest point was 25.5 ± 4.5 mm to the midline at C1 transverse process level; the narrowest point was 11.2 ± 1.5 mm to the midline at the C2–3 level.Conclusion Because the VA is the landmark of the safe field in this approach, surgeons should be very careful to avoid injuries of the VA and nerves while operating in the intracranial field or at the C2–3 level.  相似文献   


Volar and/or dorsal surgical approaches are used for surgical treatment of perilunate and lunate dislocations. There are no accepted approaches for treatment in the literature. We evaluated the functional results of isolated volar surgical approach for the treatment of perilunate and lunate dislocation injuries.

Materials and Methods:

9 patients (6 male and 3 female patients average age 34.5 ± 3.6 years) diagnosed with perilunate or lunate dislocations between January 2000 and January 2009 were involved in the study. The reduction was performed through isolated volar surgical approach and K-wire fixation, fracture stabilization with volar ligament repair was performed. Range of wrist joint motion, fracture healing, carpal stability, grip strength, return to work were evaluated and also direct radiographs were taken routinely at each control. The scapholunate interval and the scapholunate angle were evaluated radiographically. Evaluations of the clinical results were done using the DASH, VAS and Modified Mayo Wrist Scores.


The physical rehabilitation was started at 6th week, after the K-wires were removed. The average followup was 18.2 months (range 12-28 months). At the final followup, the average flexion extension arc was 105.0 ± 9.6° (74.6% of the other side), the average rotation arc was 138.8 ± 7.8° (81.5% of the other side) and the average radioulnar arc was 56.1 ± 9.9° (86.4% of the other side). The grip strength was 0.55 bar; 83.2% that the uninjured arm. According to the Mayo Modified Wrist score, the functional result was excellent in five patients and good in four and the average DASH score was 22.8. The scapholunate interval was 2.1 mm and scapholunate angle was 51°.


The clinical and radiological results of the isolated volar surgical approach were satisfactory. The dorsal approach was not needed for reduction of dislocations during operations. Our results showed that an isolated volar approach was adequate.  相似文献   

Background and Objectives:

The aim of this retrospective study was to compare conventional laparoscopic living-donor nephrectomy with transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery–assisted living-donor nephrectomy in terms of feasibility and reproducibility.


A total of 115 consecutive female patients who underwent laparoscopic living-donor nephrectomy (n = 70) or transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery–assisted living-donor nephrectomy (n = 45) were included and compared in terms of operative characteristics, as well as donor and recipient outcomes.


No significant difference was observed between the laparoscopic living-donor nephrectomy and transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery–assisted living-donor nephrectomy groups in terms of mean duration of warm and cold ischemia, operation time, length of hospital stay, arterial anastomoses, visual analog scale pain scores, serum creatinine levels, and receiver outcomes, whereas a significantly higher number of venous anastomoses was noted in the laparoscopic living-donor nephrectomy group than in the transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery–assisted living-donor nephrectomy group (P = .029).


Transvaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery–assisted living-donor nephrectomy seems to be a feasible and reproducible alternative to conventional laparoscopic living-donor nephrectomy in female donors provided the viability of the vagina as an organ retrieval route.  相似文献   
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