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经蝶垂体腺瘤手术后残留原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨经蝶切除垂体腺瘤手术后残留的原因,提高治疗效果;方法:回顾性分析自1992年10月至2003年1月,在我院及外院经蝶手术治疗后,MRI检查证实仍有残留的118例垂体腺瘤。结果:肿瘤主体残留在海绵窦占46.6%,鞍内37.3%,鞍上5.1%,混合9.3%,颅外1.7%;影响肿瘤根除的主要因素,肿瘤侵袭海绵窦46.6%,术者经验不足36.4%,肿瘤侵润生长9.3%,肿瘤体积巨大3.4%,出血多4.2%。针对残余瘤组织再手术者为10.1%,普通放射治疗39.0%,r刀治疗38.2%,药物治疗11.0%。结论:经蝶手术残瘤的主要原因是肿瘤侵袭海绵窦,这些病例不能或很难单纯手术根除;其次是术者经验不足和技术问题而造成。在有残瘤的病例中,有半数以上病例可以通过提高技术水平达到肿瘤的全切或次全切除。  相似文献   
Introduction: Sarcoidosis is a granulomatous disorder of unknown aetiology, affecting young adults and frequently involving the lungs. Objective: The aim of the present review was to give an overview of the clinical aspects in sarcoidosis. Results: The majority of patients recover, but some develop a chronic disease that may result in fibrosis and respiratory failure. Besides the lungs, peripheral lymph nodes, the skin, the liver and the eyes are commonly affected as well. The genetic background, as well as environmental factors, is of importance for developing sarcoidosis. The incidence varies in different populations, in the Nordic countries approximately with 20/100 000 new patients yearly. Sarcoidosis is diagnosed when clinical and radiological findings are supported by histological evidence in the form of non‐caseating epithelioid cell granulomas, and when other causes of these features are excluded. Patients in need of treatment are usually treated with corticosteroids, topically or as oral steroids. A clinical effect of immunomodulatory drugs blocking tumour necrosis factor (TNF)α has been suggested from several case reports, while two controlled studies showed only minor effects; however, with a tendency to a more pronounced effect on patients with a more severe disease. The immune response in sarcoidosis, with a typical accumulation of CD4+ T‐cells to the lungs, indicate the existence of specific antigens in this disease. Recently, antigens derived from infectious agents such as Mycobacteria and Proprionibacterium acnes have come into focus. Lymphocyte populations with immunoregulatory functions have recently been investigated and seem to be dysfunctional in sarcoidosis, opening the possibility of developing new treatment strategies in this disease. Conclusion: Recent technical developments have provided better tools, enabling detailed and more thorough analyses of the inflammatory process in sarcoidosis. Please cite this paper as: Grunewald J. Clinical aspects and immune reactions in sarcoidosis. The Clinical Respiratory Journal 2007; 1:64–73.  相似文献   
前列腺癌去雄激素治疗不良反应的预防和处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察去雄激素治疗前列腺癌的不良反应,并探讨其预防和治疗。方法回顾性分析1998年7月-2006年1月112例去雄激素治疗晚期前列腺癌的临床资料。结果112例患者中,97例完成了不良反应的调查。随访3-36月,去雄激素治疗后潮热、性功能障碍、病理性骨折发生率分别为46%、75%、4%;患者潮热、精神疲乏、四肢乏力、纳差症状明显加重(P<0.05);性功能明显减退(P<0.05)。12例潮热症状严重者使用抗抑郁药博乐欣(25mg,tid)1-2周症状减轻。7例有骨转移性疼痛或严重骨质疏松患者,应用唑来膦酸4mg静脉滴注,每45d一次,骨痛症状缓解。结论去雄激素对前列腺癌患者生活质量有一定影响。博乐欣可减轻患者潮热症状,唑来膦酸可预防和治疗去雄激素相关的骨质疏松并发症。  相似文献   
Investigators have tried to identify a level of seric specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) that had a sufficient predictive value to diagnose a food allergy without having will resort to the food challenge. To search in literature, all the studies that have estimated the possibility to identify a level of seric specific cow milk IgE with a positive predictive value (PPV) of 95% for the first diagnosis of cow's milk allergy (CMA) in pediatric age. We have identified six studies, nearly all studies suffer from relevant methodological bias. Proposed cut-off are all different. The studied pediatric populations were highly selected. Also neglecting the methodological bias of the studies and the great difference of value between the proposed cut-off, it always remains to consider that the pre-test probability of having a CMA between the children enrolled in the six studies included in this review is particularly high. The likelihood ratio helps to transfer the results of a study on a diagnostic test just to our population, and it is more realistic rather than to entrust itself to the PPV or the negative predictive value, that are much influenced from the prevalence of the disease in the studied population.  相似文献   
This report describes a technique in which deep-seated CNS neoplasms, the volume and shape of which had been determined and stereotactically localized by computer reconstruction of CT data, were vaporized with a carbon dioxide laser attached to a stereotactic frame. The clinical results with 6 patients treated by this technique are presented.  相似文献   
超声对宫角妊娠的诊断及治疗意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨新  柳建华等 《医学文选》2002,21(4):444-446
目的 探讨对误诊率高,危害大的罕见特殊部位宫角妊娠的诊断和治疗。方法 对我院1991-2001年收治的宫角妊娠临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 宫角妊娠17例中误诊宫内妊娠行人流失败4例。13例行腹部手术,3例行B超监视下人流术,1例行子宫动脉栓塞术。结论 宫角妊娠临床诊断困难,误诊率高,破裂后造成迅猛的腹腔内出血,应提高对少见部位宫角妊娠的认识,减少孕妇死亡。  相似文献   
This paper provides for the first time evidence of a consistent difference in the memory structures of novice and expert clinicians. The diagnostic performance of first- and third-year clinical medical students, senior house officers, registrars and consultants on four clinical problems in general medicine was studied. Comparisons were made of all diagnostic interpretations offered and the forceful features (personally important pieces of information which act as a key to particular memory structures which in turn give rise to the clinical interpretation) from which these were derived. Results demonstrate that the numbers of interpretations made and the numbers of forceful features identified did not differ significantly between groups (P greater than 0.05). However, the actual interpretations made in three out of four cases, and the actual forceful features identified in all cases, did differ significantly between groups (P less than 0.05). The numbers of interpretations made by all groups were large and demonstrated enormous variability. Highly individualized multiple responses to clinical information are associated with easy diagnoses. We conclude that there is no difference between groups of differing clinical experience in the breadth of thought but that there are marked differences in the precise content and structure of thought. This allows coherent explanation of variation in diagnostic expertise with clinical experience. The significance of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   
采用平阳霉素作为诱变剂,对28例喉癌患者和23例正常人做外周血淋巴细胞染色体对诱变剂敏感性研究,结果显示喉癌患者的染色体总畸变率、每细胞染色单体断裂率(b/c值)和细胞畸变率分别为1.98%±0.05%,0.57%±0.35%和42.8%±12%。正常人则分别为0.94%±0.04%,0.28%±0.12%和27%±12%。经统计学处理,喉癌患者组与正常人组的差异有高度显著性。并结合实验结果探讨了染色体对致突变剂的敏感性与患喉癌风险的关系。  相似文献   
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) demonstrate carcinogenic activity in animal models. Although some epidemiologic studies have implicated PAHs as risk factors for human cancer, the evidence reported to date has not been consistent. The purpose of this report is to describe the associations between occupational exposure to PAHs in the workplace and each of 14 types of cancer. A population-based, case-control study was carried out in Montreal to investigate associations between a large variety of environmental and occupational exposures on the one hand, and several types of cancer on the other. A detailed job history was obtained from each subject along with information on a number of potential confounders. Each job history was reviewed by a team of experts, who used this information to construct a corresponding history of occupational exposures. Among the PAH exposures considered were benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) and five categories of PAHs defined on the basis of the source material, namely, wood, petroleum, coal, other sources, and any source. Altogether, 3,730 cancer patients and 533 population controls were interviewed and their job exposure histories coded. For each of 14 types of cancer analyzed, three control groups were available: other cancer patients, population controls, and the pooled set of cancer and population controls. The associations between 14 cancer types and 6 PAH exposures were analyzed using logistic regression methods. For most types of cancer evaluated, there was no evidence of excess risk due to PAHs at the levels encountered in the occupations in which PAH exposure has been prevalent in the Montreal area. For a few cancer sites–the esophagus, the pancreas, and the prostate gland–there were suggestions of excess risk; these observations are noteworthy hypotheses for further investigation. For lung cancer, there appeared to be an increased risk due to PAHs among nonsmokers and light smokers, but not among heavy smokers.  相似文献   
Background :
The aim of this study was to examine nuclear p53 overexpression in transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder, adenocarcinoma of the prostate, and renal cell carcinoma.
Methods :
Forty-four pathologic specimens from 39 bladder cancer patients, 41 prostatic adenocarcinoma, and 39 renal cell carcinoma specimens were analyzed immunohistochemically with D07 monoclonal antibody to detect the expression of the mutant p53 gene. Overexpression was said to occur when the number of positively-stained tumor nuclei were≥ 10% in each specimen. p53 overexpression was correlated with the clinical and histopathological features of these cancers.
Results :
Nuclear p53 overexpression occurred in 18.2% of transitional cell bladder cancer specimens, 12.2% of prostate cancer specimens, and 17.9% of renal cell cancer specimens. Statistical analyses showed that grade, vascular invasion, and necrosis in bladder cancer, a high Gleason score in prostate cancer, and the 1-year mortality rate in renal cancer were significantly related with p53 nuclear overexpression (P<0.05).
Conclusion :
Using the D07 monoclonal antibody, nuclear p53 overexpression is relatively uncommon in urologic malignancies, and moderately correlates with several histopathological and clinical features of urologic malignancies.  相似文献   
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