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Summary The familial occurrence of gliomas, in the absence of well-defined neurological tumor syndromes such as the neurofibromatoses, is uncommon. We present a family of ten children in which the four eldest suffered from gliomas. Three of these siblings had histologically verified glioblastoma multiforme, and one patient also had an intestinal non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, but there were no stigmata or family history of a neurological tumor syndrome. Cytogenetic studies of the proband revealed a normal karyotype. Molecular genetic analysis of the proband's glioblastoma revealed two mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene, but these were not present in the germline DNA, mutations were not detected in the MTS1 gene in the tumors or in the germline DNA. These findings suggest that a genetic factor may be responsible for the clustering of glial tumors in this family, but it is unlikely that the genetic alteration is mutation of the p53 gene. The data are discussed in light of the literature on familial brain tumors.  相似文献   
AIMS: To implement a multislice two-dimensional (2D) T2-weighted sequence suitable for subvoxel image registration and to assess its usefulness in detecting change in high-grade intracranial gliomas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty patients with high-grade gliomas were studied on two or more occasions. T2-weighted multislice pulse sequences with a Gaussian slice profile, 50% overlapping slices and nearly isotropic voxels were acquired. The images were registered and subtraction images were produced. The images were compared with three-dimensional (3D) T1-weighted registered images and conventional unregistered T2-weighted images. All images were scored for changes in the lesions and ventricular system. RESULTS: The 2D and 3D registered subtraction images were the most sensitive for detecting changes in both the lesions and other regions in the brain. The mean rank scores were significantly higher for the lesions (chi2=86.742; df=5, n=38, P<0.0001) and for the ventricles (chi2=63.837; df=5, n=35, P<0.0001) compared with the unregistered and registered anatomical images. The subtraction images were also most sensitive for detecting signal intensity changes irrespective of the direction of change. CONCLUSION: Rigid body subvoxel registration can be successfully performed with both multislice 2D and 3D imaging. In principle, virtually all forms of clinical MR images of the brain can be accurately registered and subtracted.  相似文献   
Background. In low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma, it has been reported that vascular space involvement in surgical specimens is found in over 50% of patients. However, in contrast to intravenous leiomyomatosis, it has been thought that further tumor extension to large vessels is rarely observed.Cases. We present three cases of low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma with cardiovascular involvement by recurrent tumors observed on imaging studies. Two cases demonstrated tumor infiltration inside the inferior vena cava while the other case showed tumor growth in the left ventricle.Conclusion. This report suggests that attention should be paid to the possibility of cardiovascular invasion during the entire course of this disease.  相似文献   
The reduced bioavailability of chemotherapeutic agents is one of the reasons that explains the limited efficacy of adjuvant chemotherapy in high grade glioma patients. We report how even the results of high dose sequential chemotherapy can be influenced by antiepileptic drugs.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to compare tolerance of a nitrosurea-based regime with 'standard' therapy of vincristine (VCR) and carboplatin for low-grade gliomas. Ten children with low-grade gliomas received second line therapy consisting of thioguanine, procarbazine, CCNU and vincristine (TPCV). Two groups were identified, i.e. patients who had either experienced significant toxicity with carboplatin (reaction group) or had re-growth of their tumor (re-growth group) following first line therapy. Patients were evaluated for toxicity. Data was available on nine patients. Patients in the reaction group completed a mean of 3 cycles of TPCV (range 2–4). One patient stopped after 2 cycles of TPCV due to tumor progression and died 3 months later and one remained on therapy at the time of analysis. Patients in the re-growth group received a mean of 5.5 cycles of TPCV (range 4–8). Treatment was discontinued in one patient after 4 cycles due to hematological toxicity, one experienced tumor progression after 4 cycles and one stopped after 6 cycles because of neurological toxicity. There was no difference in the incidence of grade 3/4 neutropenia or thrombocytopenia, transfusion requirements or delays in chemotherapy between TPCV and VCR/carboplatin in either group. There were no serious infections or toxic deaths. Seven of nine patients had stable disease at a mean of 13 months of follow up. TPCV therapy is a well-tolerated regime with comparable bone marrow toxicity to VCR/carboplatin. Significant disease stabilization was observed with TPCV and hence this regime may be used as second line therapy.  相似文献   
Malignant brain tumors are not uncommon in infants as their occurrence before the age of three represents 20-25% of all malignant brain tumors in childhood [1]. Genetic predisposition to infantile malignant brain tumors are known in Gorlin syndrome for example who present with desmoplastic medulloblastoma in about 5% of the affected patients. In addition, sequelae from tumor and its treatment are more severe at this age [2]. Thus, malignant brain tumors represent a true therapeutic challenge in neuro-oncology. Before the era of modern imaging and modern neurosurgery these malignant brain tumors were misdiagnosed or could not benefit of the surgical procedures as well as older children because of increased risks in this age group. Since the end of the 80s, noninvasive imaging procedures produce accurate diagnosis of brain tumors and improvement in neurosurgery, neuroanesthesia and perioperative intensive care permit safe tumor resections or at least biopsies. Consequently, the pediatric oncologists are more often confronted with very young children who need a complementary treatment. Before the development of specific approaches for this age group, these children received the same kind of treatment than the older children did, but their survival and quality of life were significantly worse. The reasons of these poor results were probably due in part to the fear of late effects induced by radiation therapy, leading to decrease the necessary doses of irradiation which increased treatment failures without avoiding treatment related complications [3]. At the end of the 80s, pilot studies were performed using postoperative chemotherapy in young medulloblastoma patients. Van Eys treated 12 selected children with medulloblastoma with MOPP regimen and without irradiation; 8 of them were reported to be long term survivors [4]. Subsequently, the pediatric oncology cooperative groups studies have designed therapeutic trials for very young children with malignant brain tumors. Different approaches have been explored: * Prolonged postoperative chemotherapy and delayed irradiation as designed in the POG (Pediatric Oncology Group). * Postoperative chemotherapy without irradiation in the SFOP (Société Fran?aise d'Oncologie Pédiatrique) and in the GPO (German Pediatric Oncology) studies. * The role of high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cells transplantation was explored in different ways: High-dose chemotherapy given in all patients as proposed in the Head Start protocol. High-dose chemotherapy given in relapsing patients as salvage treatment in the French strategy. In the earliest trials, the same therapy was applied to all histological types of malignant brain tumors and whatever the initial extension of the disease. This attitude was justified by the complexity of the classification of all brain tumors that has evolved over the past few decades leading to discrepancy between the diagnosis of different pathologists for a same tumor specimen. Furthermore, it has become increasingly obvious that the biology of brain tumors in very young children is different from that seen in older children. However, in the analysis of these trials an effort was made to give the results for each histological groups, according to the WHO classification and after a central review of the tumor specimens. All these collected data have brought to an increased knowledge of infantile malignant brain tumors in terms of diagnosis, prognostic factors and response to chemotherapy. Furthermore a large effort was made to study long term side effects as endocrinopathies, cognitive deficits, cosmetic alterations and finally quality of life in long term survivors. Prospective study of sequelae can bring information on the impact of the different factors as hydrocephalus, location of the tumor, surgical complications, chemotherapy toxicity and irradiation modalities. With these informations it is now possible to design therapeutic trials devoted to each histological types, adapted to pronostic factors and more accurate treatment to decrease long term sequelae.  相似文献   
Polyamine metabolism in gliomas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Biosynthesis of the polyamines putrescine, spermidine, and spermine has been found to be activated in tissues with cellular proliferation. In the present study we have investigated polyamine levels and the activity of the first rate-limiting enzyme ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) in tumour samples obtained during operation of 202 patients with gliomas. Biochemical data were closely related to the grading of malignancy and to the morphological characteristics of each sample. Mean ODC activity was significantly higher in all gliomas as compared to peritumoural non-neoplastic brain. Furthermore, it was significantly higher (p 0.001) in anaplastic gliomas who grade III and IV (9.0 ± 9.6 nmol/g/h) than in gliomas WHO grade I and II (3.3 ± 4.2 nmol/g/h). Highest enzyme activity (58.5 nmol/g/h) was found in solid and vital parts of malignant tumours, whereas predominantly necrotic areas exhibited low ODC activity (< 1 nmol/g/h). Thus, intra- and interindividual variability of ODC activity corresponded well to histomorphological heterogeneity in high-grade gliomas. Putrescine levels also increased with rising grade of malignancy, whereas spermidine and spermine levels did not correlate with the histological grading. In conclusion, high ODC activity represents a biochemical marker of malignancy in gliomas, but low values do not prove benignity. The present study reinforces the need of further and more extensive tumour sampling closely related to follow-up investigations in the heterogeneous group of gliomas.  相似文献   
Background: Peripheral B-cell lymphoma of the marginal zone (MALT, low-grade), presenting as localized, extranodal disease, usually affects the elderly. The gastrointestinal tract is the most frequently involved extranodal location, representing 70% of all MALT lymphomas. Recently, numerous other extranodal sites involved by MALT lymphomas have also been described.Patients and methods: From January 1990 to October 1995, 24 patients with untreated nongastrointestinal low-grade MALT lymphoma were submitted to treatments ranging from the local approach of radiotherapy and local -interferon (-IFN) administration to chemotherapy. The tumours were located in the lung (seven cases), conjunctiva (four cases), lachrymal gland and orbital soft tissue (four cases), salivary glands (three cases), skin (three cases), breast (two cases)' and thyroid (one case). All patients had low-grade stage IE tumours.Results: Chemotherapy was administered in 11 patients (six with lung, three with salivary gland, one with breast, and one with thyroid locations); radiation therapy was employed in seven patients (three with lachrymal gland, three with skin, and one with breast locations); local -IFN administration was administered in five patients (four with conjunctival, and one with lachrymal gland sites); and surgery was employed in one patient with a lung tumour. All patients achieved complete remissions; three local recurrences and two relapses in other sites were observed. The global five-year survival rate was 100% with a relapse-free survival rate of 79%.Conclusions: These data confirm the significant efficacy of different therapeutic approaches to specific sites inbes obtaining a good remission rate for nongastrointestinal localized low-grade MALT lymphomas.  相似文献   
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