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Loss of cell polarity causes severe brain dysplasia in Lgl1 knockout mice   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Disruption of cell polarity is seen in many cancers; however, it is generally considered a late event in tumor progression. Lethal giant larvae (Lgl) has been implicated in maintenance of cell polarity in Drosophila and cultured mammalian cells. We now show that loss of Lgl1 in mice results in formation of neuroepithelial rosette-like structures, similar to the neuroblastic rosettes in human primitive neuroectodermal tumors. The newborn Lgl1(-/-) pups develop severe hydrocephalus and die neonatally. A large proportion of Lgl1(-/-) neural progenitor cells fail to exit the cell cycle and differentiate, and, instead, continue to proliferate and die by apoptosis. Dividing Lgl1(-/-) cells are unable to asymmetrically localize the Notch inhibitor Numb, and the resulting failure of asymmetric cell divisions may be responsible for the hyperproliferation and the lack of differentiation. These results reveal a critical role for mammalian Lgl1 in regulating of proliferation, differentiation, and tissue organization and demonstrate a potential causative role of disruption of cell polarity in neoplastic transformation of neuroepithelial cells.  相似文献   
本文通过28例正常人及28例癌症病患者的头发的分析,得出癌症病患者的头发区别于正常人的头发的特征是:癌症病患者的头发中含有微量元素As、Ni、Mn。  相似文献   
Summary We studied the potential contribution of postsynaptic mechanisms to the depression of reflex excitability which occurs immediately after a voluntary release from tonic muscle contraction. The excitability of the Soleus (Sol) motor pool was tested at rest and after voluntary muscle relaxation. In both cases the Sol H-reflex was conditioned by 1. a single shock to the peroneal nerve, in order to activate the Ia interneurones (INs) mediating the reciprocal inhibition via a peripheral input, or by 2. a short-lasting voluntary contraction of the Tibialis Anterior (TA) muscle, to activate the Ia INs via a central command. Changes in excitability of Renshaw cells were also tested at rest and after release, to assess the role of recurrent inhibition in the release-induced inhibition of the Sol H-reflex. It was demonstrated that: 1. the excitability of the INs mediating the reciprocal inhibition was only slightly enhanced in comparison with resting conditions; 2. the H-reflex of the antagonist muscle (TA) evoked after Sol release was not consistently facilitated with respect to rest; 3. the command to contract the TA muscle reduced the H-reflex of the Sol muscle during rest but not after Sol release; 4. recurrent inhibition did not increase its effect in the post-release period. Such features suggest that recurrent and reciprocal post-synaptic inhibitions do not play a major role in reducing the reflex excitability of a relaxing muscle; rather, the command to release prevents the reciprocal inhibitory effect which accompanies the contraction of the antagonist muscle. The findings support the concept that release-induced reflex depression is mediated mainly by presynaptic inhibition of autogenetic spindle afferences (Schieppati and Crenna 1984).Supported by Italian M.P.I.  相似文献   
PROBLEM: Due to its strong “immunomodulating” effect in several well established disorders, high-dose intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) has been proposed as an alternative for immunotherapy with allogeneic leucocytes in patients with unexplained recurrent spontaneous abortion. This paper is intended to provide an overview on the European experience in this field. METHOD: Five European pilot studies with a total of 172 patients as well as one controlled double-blind multicenter study including 64 patients were considered. In the latter, 5% human albumin was used as placebo. RESULTS: Success rates of the pilot studies varied from 68 to 87%. In the German controlled study, a significant specific effect of IVIG could not be verified. However, success rates for both IVIG and albumin were in the same range as for allogeneic leucocytes. CONCLUSION: At present, it is not sufficiently proven that IVIG is an appropriate tool for immunotherapy of recurrent spontaneous abortions. It is suggested that success rates of both IVIG and albumin are due to a placebo effect. However, we cannot exclude that albumin itself provides immunomodulating capacity.  相似文献   
PROBLEM: To provide insight into the mechanisms of action of the major-histocompatibility-complex (MHC)-linked genes affecting reproduction. METHOD OF STUDY: The data were obtained using a variety of cellular and molecular techniques in experimental animals and from population genetic studies in humans. RESULTS: In the mouse, the preimplantation embryonic development (Ped) locus, whose functional gene is Q9, regulates fast and slow cleavage of the early embryo. There is also evidence for a growth and reproduction complex (Grc)-like region from serologic, molecular, and cytogenetic studies. In the human, the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-G gene has been associated with an increased rate of embryonic cleavage in those embryos that express the HLA-G antigen. Sharing of HLA antigens in couples has been associated with recurrent spontaneous abortions, gestational trophoblastic tumors, and unexplained infertility. Detailed mapping studies showed that the genes responsible are not the HLA genes themselves, but genes closely linked to the HLA-DR-DQ-B genes. The HLA region genes can interact epistatically with the C3 allele of transferrin to increase the incidence of fetal loss. In the rat, the Grc region, which is closely linked to the MHC, has been associated with embryonic loss, growth defects, and susceptibility to chemical carcinogens. The Grc can interact epistatically with the tail anomaly lethal (Tal) gene or the hood restriction (Hre) gene to enhance these effects. CONCLUSIONS: There are two basic mechanisms for the effects of MHC-linked genes on reproduction and development: individual gene effects (Ped [Q9], HLA-G) and extended genetic effects (MHC-linked genes in the rat [Grc] and in the human). The nature of these genetic effects, particularly the MHC-linked effects, can also provide some insight into the different theories of human origins: These effects are most consistent with the monogenic theory.  相似文献   
Lymph-borne immunoblasts were fixed in dilute glutaraldehyde and then treated with saponin. This treatment made most parts of the cells permeable to ferritin, so that anti-immunoglobulin (Ig) antibodies which had been conjugated to horse radish peroxidase (HRP) had no difficulty in gaining access to Ig which thus could be demonstrated at an ultrastructural level. Best results were obtained by fixing the cells in 0.1% glutaraldehyde for 7 min and then treating them with a 1% solution of saponin for 100 min at 55 degrees C before exposing them to the Ig-HRP conjugate. The method yielded reproducible results and although it causes a small amount of ultrastructural damage, it may be of value in detecting a variety of intracellular antigens.  相似文献   
我们的实验发现,磁处理水对环磷酰胺等五种抗癌药物的毒性具有不同程度的缓解作用,能增加小鼠的存活率,能降低药物引起的白细胞减少。对目前癌化疗中使用率最高的环磷酰胺,其作用最明显。  相似文献   
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