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As part of the strategy for the design of macromolecular carriers for drug targeting, the disposition characteristics of macromolecules were studied in mice bearing tumors that served as target tissues. Eight kinds of macromolecules including four polysaccharides and four proteins with different molecular weights and electric charges were used; tissue distribution and tumor localization after intravenous injection were studied. Pharmacokinetic analysis revealed that the tissue radioactivity uptake rate index calculated in terms of clearance was different among the tested compounds; especially, the urinary radioactivity excretion clearances and the total hepatic radioactivity uptake clearances varied widely. Compounds with low molecular weights (approximately 10 kD) or positive charges showed lower tumor radioactivity accumulation; radioactivity was rapidly eliminated from the plasma via rapid urinary excretion or extensive hepatic uptake, respectively. On the other hand, large and negatively charged compounds, carboxymethyl dextran, bovine serum albumin, and mouse immunoglobulin G, showed higher radioactivity accumulation in the tumor (calculated total amounts were 15.6, 10.8, and 20.8% of the dose, respectively) and prolonged retention in the circulation. These results demonstrated that the total systemic exposure rather than the uptake rate index was correlated with total tumor uptake. Molecular weight and electric charge of the macromolecules significantly affected their disposition characteristics and, consequently, determined radioactivity accumulation in the tumor. It was concluded that a drug–carrier complex designed for systemic tumor targeting should be polyanionic in nature and larger than 70,000 in molecular weight.  相似文献   
目的:了解射击运动员高脂血症的发生情况和可能的引发因素,为预防高脂血症提供依据。方法:对从事专业训练半年以上,无急慢性疾病的53名省级优秀射击运动员进行膳食调查和血清脂质水平检测。结果:运动员的高脂血症检出率为28.3%,全部为高甘油三脂血症;膳食中 运动员除了摄入维生素B1、B2不足和维生素A缺乏外,其他各类营养素基本能满足机体需要,属基本合理膳食。结论:以抗阻训练和静力运动为运动特征的射击运动,可能会对机体血脂代谢产生不利的影响。  相似文献   
北宋名医吴本的精湛医术和高尚医德在漳州、泉州和台南民众中久为传颂,流感在慈济宫的“济世仙方药鉴”是现存有关吴本的宝贵医药资料,该药签体现了中医的选方特点和用药特点,今天仍有整理研究的价值。  相似文献   
陕西省2000~2002年麻疹流行病学分析及控制策略探讨   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:30  
为了解陕西省麻疹流行状况 ,以加速控制麻疹 ,对陕西省 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年麻疹发病资料进行流行病学分析。结果显示 :陕西省 2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年麻疹年平均发病率比 1997~ 1999年上升了 6 5 7%。病例分布广泛 ,流行模式为爆发和散发并存 ,局部麻疹爆发影响着全省的麻疹发病水平。 3~ 6月为麻疹高发季节 ,0~ 2岁和 6~ 8岁为麻疹高发年龄组。对麻疹病例的免疫史分析表明 ,2 5 %的麻疹病例未接种麻疹疫苗 (MV) ,2 4 %的病例免疫史不详。报告病例的年龄和免疫史状况说明 ,MV的初种和复种需加强 ,同时要在全省范围开展一定年龄组儿童的MV强化免疫 ,调整现行MV的免疫程序 ,健全麻疹监测系统。  相似文献   
82例高血压患者16项人格特质测验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的应用卡特尔16项人格特质测验探讨原发性高血压患者的人格特征。研究背景高血压病是危害人类健康的常见病之一,发病率逐年上升,但其病因至今尚未阐明,故有必要从心理、人格方面来探讨高血压的发病原因,以利于高血压病的防治。研究方法本文对82例均由2名以上内科医师确诊为原发性高血压、且现在高压仍保持在20/12.7kPa以上的患者进行卡特尔16项人格特质测验,并与78例人群对照分析。结果高血压患者在C-稳定性、E-峙强性、Q-紧张性以及在双重人格因素类型中的适应与焦虑方面与正常对照组有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论心理-社会因素是促使高血压发生的重要因素,它对高血压病因的阐明有重要意义,同时也使我们越来越重视运用心理、行为疗法,如生物反馈、各种松驰疗法等去防治高血压。  相似文献   
As patterns of family formation change, it is important to know how children's lives are affected by their parents' marital and socioeconomic circumstances. Using data from the 1993 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, this study shows that children of never married and formerly married mothers have significantly higher probabilities of polio dropout and acute undernutrition than those of monogamously married mothers. The number of male household members of working age greatly enhances the chances of full immunization and the nutritional status of children whose mothers were previously married. For children of never married mothers, the benefits of residing with males of working age are largely a function of ethnicity. The results also show that, although children are not disadvantaged nutritionally when their fathers have more than one wife, polygyny is associated with a higher probability of polio dropout and lower probability of full immunization than monogamy. Higher socioeconomic status is associated with a greater probability of full immunization and a lower probability of malnutrition but socioeconomic factors do not explain the effects of mothers' marital status. The findings underscore the complex realities of family interaction and the importance of the broader social context in accounting for variations in child welfare across diverse marital situations.  相似文献   
温州市艾滋病流行特征及流行趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 分析温州市1985~2000年HIV/AIDS流行现状及影响因素,为采取有效控制措施提供依据。方法 分析全市的艾滋病监测及实验室资料。结果 1985年发现首例HIV抗体阳性,至2000年底累计发现感染者124例,发病27例,死亡16例。感染者以青壮年为主,男女比例为3.28:1,静脉推注吸毒和性接触是主要传播途径。结论 预计今后几年温州市高危人群中HIV感染者将大幅度增长,必须采取有效措施预防和控制艾滋病。  相似文献   
应用多元分析法对中国南方26个民族组的体质特征进行分析比较。南方中国人显示出面貌头型比例适中,但绝对值较小,身体较瘦小的基本特点。面部轮廓因子、头部形态因子和体型因子是区分他们体质特征的简便而主要的因素。  相似文献   
Fischer344大鼠在国外广泛应用于肿瘤研究与慢性毒性试验,八十年代中期引入我国。我们对F344/N-Smu-D大鼠的生长发育的若干生物学特性进行了检测。结果表明,该品系大鼠体型较SD大鼠与Wistar大鼠小,除睾丸、垂体、肾上腺、乳腺外的大部分器官与组织的自发性肿瘤的发生率相对较低,将F344/N-Smu-D大鼠种群与F344/DuCrj种群比较,在体重、耗食量,血液学与生化学等方面的若干特性差异较大,肿瘤发生率与死亡差别不大。  相似文献   
目的探索社交焦虑障碍(SAD)患者父母的人格特征和心理健康状况。方法设研究组(SAD患者的父母)和对照组。入组时按要求进行艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)和症状自评量表(SCL-90)评定。结果SAD患者的父母在EPQ量表测验中的内外向因子标准分低于对照组;SAD患者的父母SCL-90各项因子除强迫和敌对因子,标准分低于对照组。结论SAD患者的父母的人格特征倾向内向,易安静、内省、离群、不喜欢接触人;SAD患者的父母更容易表现出躯体化症状、人际交往的困惑、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖和偏执。  相似文献   
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