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将动、静脉阻断法用于恒速灌流的在体山羊左肺,使其总压力降区分为动脉端、静脉端及中间段三部分。大肠杆菌内毒素主要升高肺静脉端压力降及肺毛细血管压;山莨菪碱可显著缓解内毒素所致的改变,但对正常肺血管各段压力降无明显影响。5-羟色胺主要升高肺动脉端压力降,对肺静脉端及毛细血管压无明显影响。去甲肾上腺素及组胺主要升高肺静脉端压力降及肺毛细血管压,但对肺动脉端无明显影响。去甲肾上腺素和组胺可能介导内毒素性肺动脉高压。  相似文献   
Epiploic appendagitis and omental infarction: pitfalls and look-alikes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Epiploic appendagitis and omental infarction are benign self-limiting conditions that are more frequent than generally assumed. Both disorders frequently mimic symptoms of an abdominal surgical emergency, often leading to clinical misdiagnosis of appendicitis or diverticulitis. Because a misdiagnosis can result in an unnecessary laparotomy, a correct diagnosis is of great importance. Ultrasound and computed tomography can be used to make a reliable diagnosis. This pictorial essay illustrates the various ultrasonographic and computed tomographic appearances of epiploic appendagitis and omental infarction and focuses on their radiologic differential diagnoses and pitfalls. Received: 22 February 2001/Accepted: 18 April 2001  相似文献   
 Granulocytic sarcoma is an uncommon extraskeletal tumor most frequently associated with leukemia. We present a case of bone location with unusual pattern in a patient with no evidence of myeloproliferative disorder at presentation or follow-up.  相似文献   
We reviewed 12 cases of infarcts in the territory of the anterior choroidal artery (AChA) on CT and/or MRI. In each case vascular occlusion in the region was verified angiographically. Although the extent of the lesion on CT/MR images was variable, all were located on the axial images within an arcuate zone between the striatium anterolaterally and the thalamus posteromedially. The distribution of the lesions on mutiplanar MRI conformed well to the territory of the AChA demonstrated microangiographically. The variability of the extent of the infarcts may be explained by variations in the degree of occlusive changes in the AChA or the development of collateral circulation through anastomoses between the AChA and the posterior communicating and posterior cerebral arteries. The extent of the lesion appeared to be closely related to the degree of neurological deficit.  相似文献   
The course of the organic brain disease caused by human immunodeficency virus (HIV-1) was evaluated in a follow-up study. The primary material included 200 consecutive HIV-1 infected persons. Sixty-one subjects, in whom other brain-affecting factors were excluded, consented to the follow-up. They underwent 278 radiologic examinations: computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or a combination of both (mean 4.6 examinations/subject). Clinical neurologic status and, in 40 subjects, cognitive performance were repeatedly evaluated. Sixteen subjects were followed up until death and 11 of them were autopsied. Median follow-up time was 27 mo (range 2.5–66 mo). The most common radiologic finding was atrophy, found in 19 subjects at study entry and developing in 10 subjects during the study. Twenty-four subjects (39%) showed the development and/or progression of atrophy. Atrophic changes progressed most rapidly in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), but mild developing/progressive atrophy was found even in 33% of asymptomatic or neurologically intact subjects. Cognitive and radiologic worsening were simultaneous in 6/7 subjects with declining neuropsychologic test performance. Signal intensity changes including HIV-1 leukoencephalopathy appeared in AIDS patients with clear cognitive decline.  相似文献   
Intracranial alveolar echinococcosis: CT and MRI   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intracranial alveolar echinococcosis is uncommon. We report a patient with right frontal lobe and palpebral lesions secondary to a primary hepatic focus with secondary lesion in the lung. The intracranial and palpebral cystic masses were totally removed and both proved to be alveolar hydatid cysts. An unusual feature in this case is CT and MRI demonstration of dural and bony extension.  相似文献   
This article reviews a focused helical appendiceal computed tomographic technique and discusses an approach to appendiceal computed tomographic interpretation.  相似文献   
38 cases of sarcoma of head and neck region were analysed in a retrospective way in relation to age, anatomic location, histological, clinical profile, and surgical approaches. Compared to other types of head and neck neoplasms, such as squamous cell carcinoma, soft tissue sarcomas have low rates of regional metastases. However the biological behaviour of soft tissue sarcoma is more aggressive specially in paediatric age group. In the present series, CT scan was considered as the primary modality of investigation. Surgery generally has been recommended as the primary method of treatment for achieving local control, except in those high-grade tumours arising in sites not amenable to resection. 3-year and 5-year survival rates in this present series 50% and 31.6% respectively.  相似文献   
颅面部的 CT扫描检查主要包括颅脑面部上、下颌骨、中耳、内耳、鼻窦、眼眍、眼球及颞骨茎突等部位的扫描检查 ,上述部位的扫描检查的位置的摆法 ,层面的厚度、间距 ,扫描时间及螺距等参数的选择及扫描后图像的后处理工作对检查结果的诊断至关重要。上述参数任意一个选择不当及  相似文献   
 Infantile myofibromatosis is a mesenchymal tumor most commonly seen in infancy. The tumors have a variable appearance on CT/MR and often simulate a more aggressive neoplasm. This report describes CT/MR findings in cases of infantile myofibromatosis with pathologic correlation. Discussion into the success of imaging in suggesting the correct diagnosis is also addressed. Infantile myofibromatosis is a mesenchymal disorder of infancy characterized by the presence of tumorous nodules in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, viscera, and bone. Cases of solitary and multiple lesions have been described. We present the clinical, histologic, and radiographic findings of one case of the solitary form of infantile myofibromatosis that was recently diagnosed at our hospital.  相似文献   
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