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Metacarpal and phalangeal lengths were measured on 1290 hand radiographs of Nigerian children, aged 3–16 years. The radiographs were obtained during a combined cross-sectional and longitudinal study of growth and development. There is a linear increase in tubular bone length with age in both sexes. The girls have higher values for all the bones up to the age of 13 years when the boys overtake them. Comparison of our data with those from North American children shows that the values amongst Nigerian children are higher than White, Black American and Mexican American children. Of particular note is the difference between Black American and Nigerian figures. It is postulated that the decreased metacarpophalangeal lengths in Black Americans compared with Nigerians may be due to gene dilution.  相似文献   
Melorheostosis is characterised radiologically by hyperostotic linear densities in bone. These densities have a peculiarly segmental distribution which does not correspond with the anatomical course of blood vessels or mixed nerve roots of the limbs. So far this distribution has lacked any valid explanation, although it has been suggested to be a developmental error as a result of an embryonic metameric disturbance. Inman and Saunders in 1944 described a sensory nerve supply to skeletal structures with sclerotomes representing the zones of the skeleton supplied by individual spinal sensory nerves. Radiographs of 30 cases from the Radiological Museum of the Institute of Orthopaedics, London, have been reviewed and an attempt has been made to correlate the sclerosing lesions with the sclerotomes. The investigation was handicapped by paucity of films and clinical information, but in 19 cases the skeletal abnormalities were considered to correspond with a single sclerotome or part thereof. These studies were convincing when films of an affected hand or foot were available. In the remaining 11 cases multiple sclerotomes appeared to be involved and the clinical manifestations were correspondingly more severe. It is proposed that melorheostosis may be the late result of a segmental sensory nerve lesion, to account for its sclerodermal distribution. The association with linear scleroderma is discussed, since it has been suggested that these cutaneous lesions are related to the same nerve segment. Eight cases showed para-articular ossification of soft tissues which may be related to involvement of a corresponding myotome.  相似文献   
The effect of phosphate supplementation on bone remodeling was assessed in six mature, healthy beagle dogs. The phosphate supplement was given in divided doses orally, daily for 12 weeks in the form of a neutral potassium phosphate preparation. The dose averaged 108 mg P/kg per day, which is double the normal canine phosphorus intake. Bone remodeling was assessed by measurement, at sacrifice, of areas of cortical bone containing different colorcoded tetracyclines which had been continuously administered during 12-week control and treatment periods; remodeling was assessed kinetically during the control and treatment periods by replicate studies employing47Ca intravenously.Both techniques demonstrated that the principal effect of phosphate supplementation was a significant stimulation of bone formation. Within cortical bone, formation was doubled, from an average of 2.7% to 5.3% per year. The major location of new bone deposits was endosteal. Whole skeletal mineral accretion, measured kinetically, increased 45% above an average control value of 0.154 g/day. These studies suggest that, in the adult dog, normal plasma phosphate levels are suboptimal for new bone formation.Even with this short duration of administration, phosphate produced microscopic calcification of the renal parenchyma. However, there was no biochemical evidence of renal functional impairment.  相似文献   
The ionophore A23187 produced a rapid transient increase in the rate of calcium uptake by isolated fetal rat bone cells. There was no effect on calcium efflux or total cellular calcium. The magnitude of the effect on influx was amplified when the cell were incubated at 4°C. Cellular metabolic functions and resorption of cultured fetal rat bones (release of45Ca from pre-labeled long bone) were affected by A23187 in a biphasic manner: cell cyclic AMP (cAMP) was increased by 0.1 and 0.3 g/ml of the ionophore, whereas 10 g/ml was either ineffective or lowered the cAMP levels. The high A23187 concentration abolished the stimulatory effects of parathyroid hormone and methylisobutylxanthine. Concentrations of 0.1 and 0.3 g/ml A23187 stimulated bone resorption. The effect was abolished by calcitonin. Ionophore concentrations above 1 g/ml produced less bone resorption. These higher concentrations antagonized the bone-resorbing effect of parathyroid hormone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. A23187 at 5 and 10 g/ml decreased bone cell lactate and ATP. Thus at low concentrations, A23187 produced effects on bone similar to those of parathyroid hormone, suggesting that calcium is the primary initiator of PTH-induced bone resorption. At the higher concentrations A23187 may have a general inhibitory effect on cell metabolism.  相似文献   
Summary The fine structure of the extracellular phase of avian medullary bone and embryonic chick femur was examined in thin sections prepared by ultracryotomy and ultramicroincineration. Since contact with solutions was completely avoided, little or no loss or dislocation of mineral constituents could occur. Amorphous bone mineral (ABM) was present in two forms: as 15–30 nm spheres and as a structure-free haze. Removal of all organic material by low temperature ashing left the ABM intact. Crystals were usually associated with the ABM. In newly ossifying regions clusters or nodules of randomly oriented crystals and ABM appeared to coalesce when they reached approximately 1 m in diameter. In highly calcified regions crystals appeared to be oriented along collagen fibers. ABM did not appear to be associated with collagen. Unmineralized collagen was visible in osteoid after staining with dry OsO4 vapor and it appeared to be diverted around nodules. Structures which resembled matrix vesicles were present. Selected area electron diffraction patterns indicated the presence of hydroxyapatite.  相似文献   
At 45 days of age, 40 male Wistar rats were castrated, then randomly divided into four groups, S.C. injected for 60 days after surgery either with 17β-estradiol (E) 10 μg/kg BW/48 hours, progesterone (P) 140 μg/kg BW/48 hours, dihydrotestosterone (D) 2 μg/kg BW/48 hours, E + P + D same doses, or solvent alone (CX). Ten other rats were sham-operated (SH) and used as controls. Animals were put in balance to determine Ca and phosphorus (Pi) intestinal apparent absorption (IA Ca, IA Pi) and urinary pyridinium crosslinks excretion. Plasma was collected for measurement of intact-parathyroid hormone (PTH), calcitonin (CT), insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25(OH)2D), Ca, and Pi. Orchidectomy induced marked seminal vesicles atrophy and increased plasma CT, PTH, and Ca concentrations. IA Ca was significantly higher in P rats, however, neither castration nor any other treatment had significant effects. Orchidectomy decreased femoral length, dry weight, and Ca content, whereas E or D given alone or together with P improved endochondral growth and enhanced femoral Ca content. Again, bone mineral density was lowered by orchidectomy and reestablished by both E and EPD, even above SH values, this effect being more important at the metaphyseal levels. Urinary pyridinium cross-links excretion and plasma osteocalcin concentrations were higher in the CX animals than in the controls. Although E and D given alone did reduce both biochemical turnover markers, they showed additive effect when given together (EPD). In conclusion, in the young castrated male rat, E was more efficient than D for preventing bone loss, the most important effect being induced by a combination of E + P + D. Received: 28 June 1999 / Accepted: 12 January 2000  相似文献   
BsmI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene and PvuII RFLPs of the estrogen receptor (ER) gene and their relation to changes in areal bone mineral density (BMD) were examined in 43 healthy postpartum Finnish women aged 31.3 (SD 4.7) years. BMD was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry at lumbar spine, right femoral neck, and dominant distal radius immediately after delivery, 1 month after resumption of menses, and 1 year thereafter. The RFLPs were represented as Bb (BsmI) and Pp (PvuII), the capital letters denoting the absence of and the small letters the presence of the restriction sites. The frequency of VDR alleles was as follows: bb (20.9%), Bb (60.5%), and BB (18.6%), and that of ER alleles was pp (39.5%), Pp (51.2%), and PP (9.3%). Altogether, BMD decreased significantly during postpartum amenorrhea at all sites [the mean bone loss ranging from −1.2 (SD 3.6)% at the distal radius to −3.7 (2.9)% at the femoral neck], and increased after resumption of menses [the 1-year follow-up BMD values ranging from −1.0 (2.4)% at the femoral neck to +3.3 (4.0)% at the lumbar spine as compared with baseline]. No obvious genotype-related differences were found between these changes. These results suggest that the BsmI and PvuII polymorphisms may not have substantial influence on BMD changes postpartum. Received: 20 November 1998 / Accepted: 30 September 1999  相似文献   
大肠癌患者骨髓微转移的基因研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Li S  Luo C  Yu B  Yuan S  Liang Z 《中华外科杂志》2000,38(3):196-197
目的 探讨大肠癌患者骨髓中微转移基因检测的意义。方法 应用聚合酶链式反应-单链构象多态性分析(PCR-SSCP)/银染技术,检测51例大肠癌患者手术前、后不同时间骨髓中p53和K-ras基因的突变状况。结果 51例患者术前骨髓中基因突变阳性者19例,阳性率37.25%。阳性检出与Duke’s分期、淋巴转移显著相关。术后经2~3个疗程的化疗后,19例基因突变阳性的患者中11例转阴。结论 大肠癌患者骨  相似文献   
儿童长骨非骨化性纤维瘤   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨儿童长骨非骨化性纤维瘤的临床特点、诊治方法及预后。方法:总结1988~1997年收治发生在长骨的非骨化性纤维瘤6例。其中男2例,女4例,平均年龄10.1岁。单发病灶在胫骨4例;多发性2例,同时发生在胫、腓骨1例,胫骨、腓骨及双侧股骨同时4处受累1例。6例均行手术治疗,包括单纯刮除加植骨和瘤段切除加游离腓骨移植。结果:6例均病理证实为非骨化性纤维瘤。随诊最长8年7个月,无一例复发。结论:该瘤病因尚不明确,可能为生发在骨内纤维组织的良性肿瘤。临床上应与纤维性皮质骨缺陷、骨纤维结构不良、骨巨细胞瘤、单发性骨囊肿等相鉴别。对较大病灶,在瘤灶刮除后采用带血管腓骨移植或带血管蒂腓骨移位植骨的治疗方法,具有骨愈合过程快、患骨可及早负重的优点。  相似文献   
梅炯  李日乐 《肿瘤》1998,18(6):408-410
目的探讨组织蛋白酶D(CD)与骨肉瘤患者预后的关系。方法应用免疫组化技术检测34例骨肉瘤组织标本中的CD表达水平,并结合患者临床病案记录和随访资料进行分析。结果CD高表达与低表达之间的肿瘤转移人数和2年生存人数差异显著,且CD低表达患者的平均生存时间较高表达者为长。经Kaplan┐Meier分析,两组间生存率有显著差异。结论CD高表达的骨肉瘤易发生转移,预后不良,应加强治疗。  相似文献   
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