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目的 了解红河州艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病病人(HIV/AIDS)死亡流行病学特征,为制定下一步艾滋病防控工作策略提供科学依据。方法 使用SPSS 19.0软件分析“艾滋病综合防治信息系统”中 HIV/AIDS病例报告、随访检测和抗病毒治疗随访资料。结果 红河州自1998年报告首例HIV/AIDS死亡病例以来,截止2016年底,累计报告5 379例死亡病例。80%死亡病例病程进展为AIDS,平均年龄为(45.76±14.71)岁;54.50%的死亡病例通过性传播感染,41.40%的通过注射吸毒传播感染;31.30%的死亡病例接受过抗病毒治疗。死亡病例在不同死亡年份、不同死因分类和是否抗病毒治疗等情况间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。HIV/AIDS病死率近四年呈下降趋势。结论 及早发现病例和扩大抗病毒治疗覆盖面,规范地开展治疗仍然是红河州当前应该采取的重要措施。  相似文献   
[目的] 总结夏永良主任临床应用逍遥散的经验。[方法] 通过跟随夏师临证,选取夏师治疗慢性胃炎、疲劳综合征、腹泻型肠易激综合征、特应性皮炎、乳腺结节验案共5则,并结合历代名家的相关论述和现代药理研究,从病因病机、辨证论治、用药特点等方面,分析总结夏师应用逍遥散的学术观点及临床经验。[结果] 夏师认为,运用逍遥散需抓住肝气郁滞,兼夹脾虚或血弱的病机,临床常将逍遥散与六味地黄丸、痛泻要方、升降散、桃红四物汤等方合用。只要辨证准确,逍遥散治疗慢性胃炎能减轻胃胀的症状,治疗疲劳综合征可以改善疲劳,治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征可以减少大便次数,治疗特应性皮炎可以减少皮疹、止痒;治疗乳腺结节可以缩小肿块。[结论] 夏师围绕肝郁血虚脾弱这一病机,灵活运用逍遥散治疗各类疾病,取得显著的临床疗效,其经验值得学习与推广。  相似文献   
[目的] 介绍重用黄芪之经方联用治疗四则疑难重症的体会。[方法] 通过整理、分析临床治疗心包积液、不明原因单侧上肢肿胀疼痛、湿疹重症、黄汗重症四则验案,总结联合运用经方且重用黄芪,发挥其利水之功效治疗疑难重症的经验。[结果] 黄芪具有益气固表、利水消肿的功效,临床上黄芪用量达80~100 g可发挥其利水之功。结合患者整体临床表现,验案一选用防己黄芪汤、枳实薤白桂枝汤等以温振心阳、化气利水;验案二选用黄芪桂枝五物汤、防己地黄汤等以活血通阳、利水燥湿;验案三选用桂枝加黄芪汤、麻黄连轺赤小豆汤等以祛风散邪、清利湿热;验案四选用芪芍桂酒汤、防己茯苓汤等以通调气血、行水利湿,治疗后临床效果显著。[结论] 临床上遵循“观其脉证,知犯何逆,随证治之”的原则联合应用经方,以疾病症状体征为导向,谨守病因病机遣方用药,能治疗多种疑难重症。  相似文献   
目的 我国在2021年由WHO认证为无疟疾国家,疟疾已成为一种罕见传染性疾病,防止输入性疟疾再传播和减少因输入性疟疾死亡是中国消除疟疾后面临的主要挑战。本文分析输入性疟疾死亡病例特征,为境外务工的民众和医务工作者提供预防和治疗建议。方法 收集国家重症疟疾救治专家组2016—2020年疟疾死亡病例分析研讨会上报告17例疟疾死亡病例的数据,分析相关临床流行病学资料和病例资料。结果 17例疟疾死亡病例均为非洲输入的恶性疟原虫感染(疟疾脑型),发病月份无明显规律,其中男性16例,5例合并糖尿病等基础疾病,首诊机构为二级及以下医院10例。排除在救护车上呼吸心脏骤停的死亡病例外,16例初次发病至疟疾确诊的平均时间为6.8 d(中位数5.5 d),初次发病到服用抗疟药物治疗的平均时间为7.4 d(中位数6 d),初次发病到病例死亡的平均时间为10.3 d(中位数8.5 d)。排除国外发病和回国时间不明的病例,14例病例均于回国后30 d内发病。结论 死亡病例均为非洲输入的恶性疟原虫感染(疟疾脑型),患者积极就诊意识薄弱,乡镇级及以下卫生机构诊治能力不足所导致就医延迟是死亡病例发生的主要原因。建议加强境外疟疾流行地区务工人员自我保护意识,提升对疟疾危害的认知。基层医疗机构对来自疟疾高风险地区的归国人员,应关注患者的非洲旅行史,提升诊断疟疾的意识、疟疾诊断和处理能力,遵循抗疟治疗全程、足量的个体化治疗方案。  相似文献   
腹腔镜胰十二指肠切除术技术要求较高,困难胰十二指肠切除术可分为肿瘤切除困难和消化道重建困难两类。应结合术前影像学和术中探查,充分评估病人全身情况、肿瘤大小、肿瘤位置、肿瘤与血管关系、区域粘连、血管变异、胰腺质地、胰管和胆管直径等因素,制定个体化的切除策略,灵活运用多种手术入路,以安全、根治为核心,结合术中自身经验和技术特点制定手术策略。  相似文献   
Pediatric patients present unique anatomic and physiologic considerations in airway management, which impose significant physiologic limits on safe apnea time before the onset of hypoxemia and subsequent bradycardia. These issues are even more pronounced for the pediatric difficult airway. In the last decade, the development of pediatric sized supraglottic airways specifically designed for intubation, as well as advances in imaging technology such that current pediatric airway equipment now finally rival those for the adult population, has significantly expanded the pediatric anesthesiologist's tool kit for pediatric airway management. Equally important, techniques are increasingly implemented that maintain oxygen delivery to the lungs, safely extending the time available for pediatric airway management. This review will focus on emerging trends and techniques using existing tools to safely handle the pediatric airway including videolaryngoscopy, combination techniques for intubation, techniques for maintaining oxygenation during intubation, airway management in patients at risk for aspiration, and considerations in cannot intubate cannot oxygenate scenarios.  相似文献   
The goal of the Pediatric Difficult Airway Service (DAS) is to improve the care of children with airway abnormalities primarily through identification of children at risk for failed airway management. The airway service encourages early recognition and provides consultation, a plan for airway management, expertise in airway management, and follow‐up care for children who have a difficult airway. The service has improved the education of healthcare professionals and heightened awareness about the consequences of failed airway management.  相似文献   
Stiff skin syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that is present in infancy or early childhood. It is characterized by hard, inflexible skin and limited joint mobility making anesthetic management of these patients challenging. Their limited neck flexibility and chest wall rigidity make intubation and mask ventilation difficult. Intraoperative positioning can be challenging due to joint contractures and potential entrapment peripheral neuropathy. Even though peripheral intravenous access can be relatively easy, central venous cannulation may be problematic due to the hard skin overlying the entry sites. Our case report details the anesthetic management and considerations of a pediatric patient with stiff skin syndrome.  相似文献   
Severe acute respiratory syndrome-corona virus-2, which causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is highly contagious. Airway management of patients with COVID-19 is high risk to staff and patients. We aimed to develop principles for airway management of patients with COVID-19 to encourage safe, accurate and swift performance. This consensus statement has been brought together at short notice to advise on airway management for patients with COVID-19, drawing on published literature and immediately available information from clinicians and experts. Recommendations on the prevention of contamination of healthcare workers, the choice of staff involved in airway management, the training required and the selection of equipment are discussed. The fundamental principles of airway management in these settings are described for: emergency tracheal intubation; predicted or unexpected difficult tracheal intubation; cardiac arrest; anaesthetic care; and tracheal extubation. We provide figures to support clinicians in safe airway management of patients with COVID-19. The advice in this document is designed to be adapted in line with local workplace policies.  相似文献   
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