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This research provides a new framework based on a hybrid of block‐pulse functions and Legendre polynomials for the numerical examination of a special class of scalar nonlinear fractional optimal control problems involving delay. The concepts of the fractional derivative and the fractional integral are employed in the Caputo sense and the Riemann‐Liouville sense, respectively. In accordance with the notion of the Riemann‐Liouville integral, we derive a new integral operator related to the proposed basis called the operational matrix of fractional integration. By employing two significant operators, namely, the delay operator and the integral operator connected to the hybrid basis, the system dynamics of the primal optimal control problem converts to another system involving algebraic equations. Consequently, the optimal control problem under study is reduced to a static optimization one that is solved by existing well‐established optimization procedures. Some new theoretical results regarding the new basis are obtained. Various kinds of fractional optimal control problems containing delay are examined to measure the accuracy of the new method. The simulation results justify the merits and superiority of the devised procedure over the existing optimization methods in the literature.  相似文献   
目的:观察高良姜、大高良姜、红豆蔻黄酮类成分对胃溃疡寒证大鼠环核苷酸水平及交感神经-肾上腺轴的影响,探讨3味山姜属中药温热药性的物质基础。方法:采用灌服冰知母水煎液与15%冰乙酸制备大鼠胃溃疡寒证模型,以干姜姜辣素为阳性对照,采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)法测定腺苷酸环化酶(AC)、磷酸二酯酶2(PDE2)、环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)、环磷酸鸟苷(cGMP)、促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)、多巴胺β羟化酶(D-β-H)含量。结果:与空白组比较,胃溃疡寒证模型组大鼠胃组织AC、cAMP含量及cAMP/cGMP比值显著降低,PDE2含量显著升高(P<0.01)。与模型组比较,高良姜、大高良姜、红豆蔻高低剂量组大鼠胃组织AC含量升高;高良姜、大高良姜、红豆蔻高低剂量组大鼠胃组织PDE2含量显著降低,cAMP含量、cAMP/cGMP比值显著升高(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论:3味山姜属中药黄酮类成分通过调节胃溃疡寒证大鼠环核苷酸水平从而促进交感神经-肾上腺轴功能活动的作用,也体现出黄酮类成分药性温热。  相似文献   
熟地黄药效物质基础研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
葛楠  闫广利  孙晖  王喜军 《中草药》2023,54(1):292-302
熟地黄为玄参科植物地黄Rehmannia glutinosa新鲜或干燥块根的炮制加工品,具有补血滋阴、益精填髓等功效。熟地黄是中药“滋阴”作用最具代表的药味之一,也被称之为“至阴之药”。熟地黄配伍相关经典方剂被广泛应用于治疗肝肾阴虚导致的各种临床疾病,包括糖尿病相关疾病、神经系统疾病、骨关节炎相关疾病、妇科相关疾病等。基于近年来发表的文献,对熟地黄化学成分、活性成分的药理作用、方剂配伍条件下的药效物质的基础研究进展进行综述,以期为熟地黄的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Low positive affect has been identified as an antecedent of binge-eating episodes among individuals with binge-eating disorder (BED), yet positive affect has received far less attention in eating disorders research than its counterpart, negative affect. In this article, we argue that the low levels of positive affect which occur with anhedonia (i.e., loss of interest or pleasure in activities) may contribute to the onset and maintenance of BED. We introduce a theoretical model in which anhedonia increases the risk for BED through its interrelationships with dysregulated eating and weight gain, and we describe potential direct (e.g., reward-related processes) as well as indirect (e.g., influences on depressive symptoms and physical activity) pathways by which anhedonia may lead to adverse eating- and weight-related outcomes. We also propose a momentary maintenance model in which low positive affect and positive affect dysregulation occurring with anhedonia maintain binge eating directly and indirectly through maladaptive health behaviors, such as decreased physical activity, less healthy eating, and fewer social interactions, which in turn maintain anhedonia. We draw upon outside literature to present evidence that aligns with the proposed risk and maintenance models and conclude by outlining avenues for future research—including methodological/measurement, theoretical, and clinical research directions.  相似文献   
In two headache questionnaire surveys we inquired about the occurrence of headache in the mothers, fathers, siblings and children of the respondents. In total, 633 people completed valid questionnaires, 260 in the first survey and 373 in the second. The hypothesis was that familial headache occurrence would be positively associated with headache frequency. In each survey, the regression of headache frequency on the number of parents having headache was highly significant. Neither sex nor the sibling and children variables were significant predictors. In the cross-tabulations of the parental occurrence of headache with headache frequency we saw a clear "break-point" between the "no headache" and the headache frequency categories studied. For the final analyses the dichotomy "headache/no headache" was related in fourfold tables to headache occurrence in the father and the mother separately, and to the number of headache parents. The positive associations were not simply due to the large number of migraine cases since they remained after removing the migraineurs.  相似文献   
提出了慢性前列腺炎的病机和病理特点及辨证施治要求 ,审证求因的治疗 ,并论述了用药特点及规律 ,强调情志因素对疾病疗效的影响及综合治疗的重要性  相似文献   
本文对“金元四大家之一”、“攻邪派”的创始人张子和的中医理论学术特点,提出粗浅见解。认为张氏在攻邪理论方面的创新成就,提出论病首重邪气,“先论攻邪,邪去而元气自复也”;认为“凡药有毒”、“久服偏胜”,提出“养生当论食补”、“因证施补”、“补之适足”,把妄补的庸医斥之为“皆鲧湮洪水之徒”;认为凡邪在表,都可应用汗法,提出刺血、按摩与发汗,虽名异而实同,并临床运用于头面五官的红肿热痛诸证、皮肤科的痈疽癣瘤及风搐、呕血、肾风等诸证,疗效满意;认为攻邪法临床运用于不孕、赤白带下、经闭、收产伤胎、乳汁不下,首次比较系统地把攻邪理论运用于妇产理论和临床实践中。目的通过对张氏中医理论学术特点的探讨,总结祖国医学的理论渊源,为后世医学的发展提借鉴。  相似文献   
脾胃学说与儿科临证   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过中医古代文献对脾胃在人体生命活动中作用的论述 ,结合小儿的生理病理特点 ,总结归纳脾胃学说与儿科临床的重要意义 ,并指导儿科疾病的预防及治疗  相似文献   
关于中药四性物质基础研究技术路线的讨论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
认为进行中药四性物质基础研究可按如下技术路线开展工作。文献研究(系统梳理中药四性理论体系,科学界定中药四性属性)→药材基源性状研究(界定标准药材,探寻与四性属性相关的因素及其规律性)→成分系统分析(明确个药基础物质成分)→成分种类、数量、存在形式研究(寻找基础物质成分种类、数量、存在形式与四性属性的相关性规律)→组合药靶模型作用机制分析(以功效相近、四性属性相同的药物组成一类药组,针对主要功效选取观察靶点,制备药靶模型,研究与四性属性可能相关的基础成分作用机制)→数据处理→文献研究(分析评价药性界定依据)→模型验证(评价药性界定依据的科学性)。  相似文献   
再论大柴胡汤证之归属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大柴胡汤证不是少阳阳明合病,而是小柴胡汤证由气分向血分发展的必然阶段,病势有深浅之分,病位却不是由少阳及于阳明.而是由气郁发畏为气滞热郁血瘀。“心下急”、“郁郁微烦”为其辨证眼目。  相似文献   
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