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Comparison of the mutagenicity of nine isomeric benzo(a)pyrenyl [B(a)P] phenols conjugated with either sulfate or glucuronide was carried out using strain Salmonella typhimurium TA98. Of the nine conjugates tested, only B(a)P-1-sulfate was mutagenic. Accordingly, the mutagenicity of B(a)P-1-sulfate was compared with that of B(a)P and 1-hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene [B(a)P-1-OH] in the presence and absence of rat lung S9 and Aroclor-induced liver S9 with and without an NADPH-generating system. B(a)P-1-sulfate was slightly mutagenic, whereas B(a)P and the 1-hydroxy derivative were nonmutagenic when S9 fractions and NADPH were omitted. Addition of induced liver S9 with NADPH caused mutagenicity with B(a) -1-OH greater than B(a)P greater than B(a)P-1-sulfate. B(a)P-1-sulfate was the only mutagenic species when lung S9 was added. This mutagenicity did not require NADPH. Sodium sulfite, an inhibitor of arylsulfatase, decreased the mutagenicity of B(a)P-1-sulfate. These data suggest that a unique mutagenic species is generated from B(a)P-1-sulfate via arylsulfatase in rat lung.  相似文献   
Abstract: Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) has gone from a rare form of mammary cancer to a marker of increased risk. Treatment options have undergone a corresponding change from ipsilateral mastectomy with axillary node dissection to observation once it became clear that the majority of patients did not progress to invasive cancer. However, recent events suggest a re-evaluation of LCIS management options. It is clear that even meticulous observation may fail to detect invasive cancer before systemic spread has taken place. This fact plus the identification of breast cancer genes have brought a renewed interest in prophylactic mastectomy. At the same time pathologists feel that it is possible to identify microscopic features of LCIS pointing to an increased likelihood of developing invasive cancer. As a result physicians are being asked to better quantitate risks for individual patients. Most patients with LCIS do not need bilateral mastectomies, but we are coming closer to identifying the minority that would be better served by prophylactic surgery.  相似文献   
Body composition measured with isotopic dilution was compared with anthropometric measurements. The study was carried out in 47 subjects from both sexes, 65 to 92 years old. Total body water (TBW), anthropometric measurements, and dynamometry were assessed. TBW was significatively higher in men than women and decreased with age. Dynamometry and fatfree mass were well correlated (r=0.73 in males and r=0.58 in females) and significantly different between sexes. A negative correlation was found for dynamometry with age, being significant for women. Linear regression equations to predict TBW from anthropometric measurements in males and females were obtained: Males: TBW(I)=19.349+0.617 weight(kg) — 0.931 mid-arm circumference(cm)+0.122 dynamometry (kg) Females: TBW(l)=−5.531+0.343 weight(kg)-0.213 triceps skinfold (mm)+ 0.148 dynamometry(kg) + 3.424 wrist diameter (cm). This simple model is proposed for use in epidemiological and field studies where other more sophisticated methods can not be applied.  相似文献   
Summary: We studied the effect of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) on internal carotid artery (ICA) blood flow velocity, as an index of total cerebral blood flow (CBF). The subjects were 45 newly diagnosed children with febrile convulsion or epilepsy who were seizure-free for a period long enough not to affect the results. They had no neurologic deficit, received fixed monotherapy, and were examined by a noninvasive Doppler ultrasound method, in comparisonwith 13 age-matched normal volunteers with no AED. In 30 patients, the measurements were performed before and after AED administration [10 with phenobarbital (PB), 10 with carbamazepine (CBZ), and 10 with valproate (VPA)], and performed before and after AED discontinuation in the remaining 15 patients (all with PB). Normal volunteers underwent the two consecutive examinations with a mean interval equal to that of the entire patient group, and there was no difference in velocity values between the measurements. In patients receiving CBZ or VPA, a significant reduction was noted in blood flow velocity after drug administration. Although velocity values in the patients receiving PB did not change after drug administration, they were significantly increased after complete discontinuation. In the present study, a slight but significant reduction in CBF caused by AED administration at therapeutic doses in children was suggested.  相似文献   
During an exposure monitoring study, 78 saw maintenance tradesmen were randomly assigned to be interviewed about their exposures using one of two questionnaire formats: open-ended and partly prompted questions about five categories of materials; and detailed prompting about 75 agents. The more open-ended questionnaire elicited fewer exposure responses overall, but more responses about agents not included on the detailed questionnaire. Composite materials and trade name products were more frequently cited as exposures than individual metals or compounds. Validity of responses was ascertained using air measurements (individual metals) or observations of the employees (composite materials). Sums of sensitivities and specificities were very low (near 1.0) for most of the metals for both types of questionnaire. For composite materials, validity improved substantially. Sensitivities with the partly prompted format (0.44–0.85) were always lower than with detailed prompting (0.80–1.00). Specificities were usually, but not always, higher with partial prompting (0.66–0.92) than with detailed prompting (0.18–0.86). Selection of questionnaire format for an epidemiologic study would depend on the likely prevalence of exposure in controls and the effects of trade-offs in sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Grundlagen: Der Zweck war es, die Anzahl der im Mammogramm entdeckten duktalen Carcinoma in situ (DCIS) und multizentrische Karzinome aufzudecken. Die verschiedenen Methoden der Biopsie werden diskutiert. Methodik: Rastermammographie (Fokus 0,3 mm) und hochaufl?sende Sonographie (7,5 bis 10 MHz) wurden bei Brustkrebspatientinnen eingesetzt. Ergebnisse: Der Zeitraum der aufgelisteten Patientinnen erstreckt sich über 20 Jahre. Die Zahl der DCIS hat in den letzten Jahren zugenommen und betr?gt nun 18%. Die Mammographie ist hoch sensitiv für Entdeckung von Mikrokalzifikationen. Die Spezifit?t ist gering. Schlu?folgerungen: Die Anzahl der entdeckten DCIS ist in den letzten Jahren besonders angestiegen und wird auch noch weiter bei Verbesserung der mammographischen Techniken ansteigen. Diese Studie wurde vom Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institut für radiologisch-physikalische Tumordiagnostik unterstützt.  相似文献   
Perceptions of family cohesion and hierarchy structures were assessed by theFamily System Test (FAST), a clinically-derived figure placement technique. Parents (N=140) and their preadolescent offspring (N=70) completed typical and conflict representations in individual as well as group settings. Typical representations were characterized by balanced family structures (i.e. cohesive and moderately hierarchical) and those displaying conflict situations showed predominantly unbalanced patterns. FAST portrayals were related to respondent (mother vs. father vs. child). Fathers represented typical family relations as balanced more often than mothers. Regarding conflict representations, children were more likely than fathers to portray the family as unbalanced. However, analyses of representations of the same family (i.e. intra-family comparisons) indicated that all respondents differed in their perceptions and, that fathers' typical portrayals showed most often the same structure as those done by the family members as a group.  相似文献   
The in-vitro oestradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) production by corpora lutea (CL) obtained at sterilization from 30 untreated women and 43 women treated with norethisterone (NET) 300 micrograms daily was measured. The CL were obtained at different stages of the luteal phase in the untreated women [luteinizing hormone (LH) 0 to +3, n = 7; LH +4 to +7, n = 7; LH +8 to +11, n = 9; LH +12 to menses, n = 7] and on days LH +8 to +11 or cycle days 22 to 26 in the NET-treated women. In the treated women, four types of ovarian reaction were identified. Four women showed ovarian reaction Type A (completely inhibited ovarian activity), 14 women Type B (marked follicular activity, but no luteal function), 12 women Type C (normal follicular activity, followed by insufficient luteal function) and 13 women Type D (apparently normal follicular and luteal activity). The CL were incubated in Eagle's medium with and without stimulation by human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) for 2 and 4 h. In the untreated women, P and E2 production increased significantly with both incubation time and stimulation by HCG throughout the luteal phase, except in the late luteal phase (LH +12 to menses) where P increased (P less than 0.01) only after 4 h stimulation by HCG. The maximal production of P was found after 4 h incubation with HCG stimulation of CL tissue in the early-mid luteal phase (LH +4 to +7).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
目的 探讨主动吸入药物烟对大鼠NO的影响。方法 制备大鼠主动吸烟模型 ,采用硝酸还原酶法测定各组大鼠血清、肺、心肌及脑组织的NO含量。结果 非药物烟组大鼠血清、肺、心肌及脑组织中NO含量明显低于非给烟对照组 ,药物烟高、中剂量组NO含量明显高于非药物烟组 ,接近非给烟对照组。结论 吸烟对大鼠血液、肺、心肌及脑组织有不同程度的损伤作用 ,使NO含量降低 ;药物烟具有一定的保护和防止NO含量降低的作用。  相似文献   
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