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Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) recipients are at increased risk for varicella zoster virus (VZV) reactivation and associated complications. The incidence, timing, and risk factors for severe herpes zoster (HZ) are not well described in the era of acyclovir (ACV) prophylaxis. We performed a retrospective cohort study of all patients who underwent first allogeneic HCT between October 2006 and December 2015 at our institution. Patients were followed until December 2017 for the development of severe HZ, defined as necessitating administration of i.v. antiviral medication. Out of 2163 patients who underwent allogeneic HCT, 22 (1.0%) developed severe HZ at a rate of 1 per 228 person-years, including dermatomal/multidermatomal disease (n = 5), disseminated skin disease (n = 5), HZ ophthalmicus (n = 4), meningitis/encephalitis (n = 4), pneumonia (n = 2), viremia (n = 1), and erythema multiforme (n = 1). Severe HZ infection occurred in a bimodal distribution during the early peri-HCT period and at 12 to 24 months post-HCT (median, 12.7 months). Twelve patients (54.5%) were compliant with ACV prophylaxis at the time of HZ diagnosis. Eleven patients (50%) died during the study period, only 2 of whom (9.1%) with active VZV infection. Mortality was higher in patients on immunosuppressive therapy (62.5% versus 16.7%; P = .045) and with concurrent graft-versus-host disease (75.0% versus 35.7%; P= .044). These data suggest that severe HZ remains an important consideration despite ACV prophylaxis.  相似文献   
Patients undergoing high-dose chemotherapy and autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation (auto-HCT) are at risk for multiple morbidities, including mucosal inflammation and neutropenic fever, both related to neutropenia. Evidence from our preclinical work in an umbilical cord blood (UCB) transplantation murine model suggests that treatment with hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) before UCB infusion improves UCB CD34+ cell engraftment by reducing erythropoietin levels. A pilot clinical trial using HBO in patients undergoing UCB transplantation showed improvement in kinetics of blood count recovery. In this study, we evaluated HBO in combination with auto-HCT. Our primary aim was to determine the safety of HBO in this setting and secondarily to determine its efficacy in reducing time to neutrophil and platelet engraftment compared with matched historic controls. Patients with multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and Hodgkin disease eligible for auto-HCT were included. On day 0, patients received HBO treatment consisting of exposure to 2.5 atmosphere absolutes for a total of 90 minutes, in a monoplace hyperbaric chamber, breathing 100% oxygen. Six hours after the start of HBO, peripherally mobilized stem/progenitor cells were infused and patients were followed daily for toxicity and blood count recovery. All patients received daily granulocyte colony-stimulating factor starting on day +5 and until absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of ≥1500 or ANC of 500 for 3 consecutive days. A matched historic cohort of 225 patients who received auto-HCT between January 2008 and December 2012 was chosen for comparison and matched on sex, age, conditioning regimen, and disease type. We screened 26 patients for this study; 20 were treated and included in the primary analysis, and 19 completed the HBO therapy and were included in the secondary analysis. Although the median time to neutrophil count recovery was 11 days in both the HBO and control cohorts, the Kaplan-Meier estimates of the full distributions indicate that the time to neutrophil recovery was generally about 1 day sooner for HBO versus historical controls (log-rank P = .005; range, 9 to 13 for HBO patients and 7 to 18 for controls). The median time to platelet count recovery was 16 days (range, 14 to 21) for HBO versus 18 days (range, 11 to 86) for controls (log-rank P < .0001). In the secondary analysis comparing the HBO cohort who completed HBO therapy (n = 19) with our historical cohort, we evaluated neutropenic fever, growth factor use, mucositis, day +100 disease responses, and blood product use. HBO was associated with less growth factor use (median 6 days in HBO cohort versus median 8 days in controls, P < .0001). Packed RBC and platelet transfusion requirements were not statistically different between the 2 cohorts. Mucositis incidence was significantly lower in the HBO cohort (26.3% in HBO cohort versus 64.2% in controls, P = .002). HBO therapy appears to be well tolerated in the setting of high-dose therapy and auto-HCT. Prospective studies are needed to confirm potential benefits of HBO with respect to earlier blood count recovery, reduced mucositis, and growth factor use, and a cost-benefit analysis is warranted.© 2019 American Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation.  相似文献   
T cell replete HLA-mismatched haploidentical transplantation (HIDT) with post-transplant cyclophosphamide is increasingly becoming an acceptable treatment approach for patients lacking timely access to a suitably matched related donor transplant (MRDT) or matched unrelated donor transplant (MUDT). Multiple recent registry and single-center studies have shown comparable overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) rates among HIDT, MRDT, and MUDT with a significantly lower risk of acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) among HIDT recipients. Candidates for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) often have access to multiple donor sources, and a relevant question is whether outcomes can be improved with a younger HLA-mismatched haploidentical donor (≤35 years) rather than an older matched related donor (≥35 years) or matched unrelated donor (≥35 years). We analyzed 406 consecutive allogenic HSCT recipients, with a median age of 54 years (range, 19 to 77), after a MRDT with a donor age of ≥35 years (n = 222), MUDT with a donor age of ≥35 years (n = 91), and HIDT with a donor age of ≤35 years (n = 93). Median follow-up time for survivors was 51.5 months. Compared with MRDT and MUDT, HIDT recipients had a similar median age at time of HSCT, hematopoietic cell transplant comorbidity index, disease risk index distribution, and donor recipient sex matching. The survival estimates and relapse incidence at 3 years post-HSCT were OS (64% for MRDT, 54% for MUDT, and 62% for HIDT), DFS (55% for MRDT, 44% for MUDT, and 58% for HIDT), Transplant related mortality (TRM) (19% for MRDT, 16% for MUDT, and 18% for HIDT), and relapse (26% for MRDT, 37% for MUDT, and 24% for HIDT). HIDT recipients had better 3-year relapse rates compared with MUDT recipients (24% versus 37%, P= .048), with similar DFS and OS in a univariate analysis. MRDT recipients had a better relapse rate (26% versus 37%, P = .042) compared with MUDT recipients. Recipients of HIDT also had significantly lower rates of moderate to severe chronic GVHD compared with MRDT and MUDT recipients (P = .01). Multivariable analysis showed no effect of donor on OS, DFS, relapse, and TRM. Recipients of HIDT from a young donor ≤35 years had similar OS, lower rates of chronic GVHD, and better chronic GVHD-free, relapse-free survival compared with patients undergoing transplantation with an MRD or a MUD donor ≥35 years. This study suggests that given a situation where a choice between a young haploidentical relative and an older matched unrelated donor is to be made, one can achieve similar survival with a haploidentical donor and significantly lower rates of chronic GVHD.  相似文献   
Allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) as primary treatment for aplastic anemia (AA) is being increasingly used. Yet, age, stem cell source, and donor type are important outcome factors. We have recently performed a nationwide cohort study of all patients with AA in Sweden diagnosed from 2000 to 2011 and now present outcome data on SCT patients. In total, 68 patients underwent SCT, and 63% of them had failed immunosuppressive therapy. We found that, with a median follow-up of 109 months (range, 35 to 192 months), 5-year overall survival (OS) for all patients was 86.8%, whereas graft-versus-host disease-free, relapse/rejection-free survival (GRFS) at 5 years was 69.1%. There was no survival impact regarding the donor type or stem cell source. Patients aged ≥40 years had a higher transplant-related mortality (29.4% versus 7.8%; P = .023), which translated into a lower 5-year OS: 70.6% versus 92.2% (P = .022) and a trend of lower GRFS (52.9% versus 74.5%; P = .069). In conclusion, we found in this real-world setting that both OS and GRFS were high, but SCT for patients with AA aged ≥40 years is problematic, and clinical trials addressing this issue are warranted.  相似文献   
High-risk neuroblastoma has a poor prognosis, and research studies have shown that increasing the intensity of therapy improves outcomes. Autologous hematopoietic cell transplant (aHCT) as consolidation therapy confers a significant survival advantage but is accompanied by significant morbidity. Transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA) is a life-threatening complication caused by endothelial injury that often leads to hemolytic anemia, microthrombotic platelet consumption, and renal injury. Here we investigated the incidence, potential risk factors, and sequelae of TA-TMA in patients with high-risk neuroblastoma. We conducted a retrospective chart review of all patients (n = 141) with neuroblastoma in our institutions who underwent aHCT from 2000 to 2017. Ten patients (7%) developed TA-TMA. The patients in the TA-TMA group were similar to the rest of the subjects in demographics, disease burden, prior therapies, renal function, and timing of transplant. The type of conditioning regimen was the only statistically significant pretransplant variable (P < .001). Six of 15 patients (40%) intended to receive tandem transplants (cyclophosphamide/thiotepa and then carboplatin/etoposide/melphalan (CEM)), 4 of 68 patients (6%) who received conditioning with single CEM, and none of the 56 patients who received busulfan/melphalan were diagnosed with TA-TMA. Patients with TA-TMA were more likely to require intensive care unit transfer, have a longer length of stay in the hospital, and experience a delay or change in their subsequent therapy. In our cohort overall, patients with a delay in therapy after transplant appeared to have a worse overall survival, although the difference was not statistically significant. Because of this high incidence and significant morbidity, we have implemented standardized screening for TA-TMA during and after transplant. We anticipate that screening will lead to earlier intervention and decreased severity of disease.  相似文献   
BackgroundEvaluation of the pathogenesis of clinical and environmental cryptococcal isolates to the central nervous system is necessary for understanding the risk. This study was designed to determine the in vitro expression of six important virulent genes of Cryptococcus neoformans/gattii in Human Brain Microvascular Endothelial cells (hBMEC).MethodsThe hBMEC were infected with Cryptococcus to determine invasion and survival rate at 3, 12 and 24 hours by subsequent colony count of internalized yeasts. The whole RNA of the intracellular Cryptococcus was extracted to quantify the expression of CAP10, PLB1, ENA1, URE1, LAC1, and MATα genes by real-time quantitative PCR for 3 and 12 hours of infection.ResultsInvasion and survival rates were higher in clinical and standard strains of C. neoformans. A significant difference was observed among the clinical and environmental isolates for the expression of CAP10, ENA1, LAC1, MATα and URE1 at 3 hours, and ENA1, LAC1, MATα, PLB1 and URE1 at 12 hours. Clinical isolates showed significant upregulation of all the genes except PLB1, which was higher in environmental isolates. Relative expressions at the two time-points showed statistically significant (P = 0.043) changes for the clinical isolates and no significance (P = 0.063) for environmental isolates.ConclusionThe C. gattii (VGI) isolates showed significantly lower invasion and survival than C. neoformans (VNI, and VNII) irrespective of their sources. Clinical isolates exhibited higher expression for the majority of the virulent genes until 12 hours of infection, probably due to their better adaptation in the host system and enhanced pathogenicity than the environmental counterparts.  相似文献   
ObjectivesHigh-quality diagnosis of bloodstream infections (BSI) is important for successful patient management. As knowledge on current practices of microbiological BSI diagnostics is limited, this project aimed to assess its current state in European microbiological laboratories.MethodsWe performed an online questionnaire-based cross-sectional survey comprising 34 questions on practices of microbiological BSI diagnostics. The ESCMID Study Group for Bloodstream Infections, Endocarditis and Sepsis (ESGBIES) was the primary platform to engage national coordinators who recruited laboratories within their countries.ResultsResponses were received from 209 laboratories in 25 European countries. Although 32.5% (68/209) of laboratories only used the classical processing of positive blood cultures (BC), two-thirds applied rapid technologies. Of laboratories that provided data, 42.2% (78/185) were able to start incubating BC in automated BC incubators around-the-clock, and only 13% (25/192) had established a 24-h service to start immediate processing of positive BC. Only 4.7% (9/190) of laboratories validated and transmitted the results of identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) of BC pathogens to clinicians 24 h/day. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry from briefly incubated sub-cultures on solid media was the most commonly used approach to rapid pathogen identification from positive BC, and direct disc diffusion was the most common rapid AST method from positive BC.ConclusionsLaboratories have started to implement novel technologies for rapid identification and AST for positive BC. However, progress is severely compromised by limited operating hours such that current practice of BC diagnostics in Europe complies only partly with the requirements for optimal BSI management.  相似文献   
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