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Ethnopharmacological relevance

Young children are vulnerable to a range of illnesses and evil forces. Ethnobotanical folk remedies often play a major role in combating these afflictions. Here we show that plant use is highly valued and practiced within the Saramaccan Maroon Society in Suriname to maintain the general health and well-being of children.

Aim of the study

To assess the plant use importance in child care, we (1) quantified diversity and current status of herbal pharmacopoeia used in child care and (2) elucidated the reasons why care takers (mostly mothers) use these plants.


We collected botanical vouchers of plants used in child care, carried out an ethnobotanical household survey with 105 women and interviewed 19 key informants.


A total of 178 plant species were used in child care for different purposes. Preventive practices were preferred over curing remedies and plants were most frequently used to keep young children strong and healthy. Child care had a strong magical connotation. Bathing proved to be the most important type of application, often combined with drinking small amounts of the bath water.


Plants play an important role in child care, but more research is needed on how Maroon plant use reflects actual health problems in young children in the Surinamese interior.  相似文献   
目的:以获取肾疏宁含药血清干预大鼠腹膜间皮细胞的最佳药物剂量及时间。方法:采用胰酶消化的方式体外培养大鼠腹膜间皮细胞鉴定成功后分组(空白血清组、不含药大鼠血清组、肾疏宁低剂量组、肾疏宁中剂量组、肾疏宁高剂量组)后采用MTT检测方法检测肾疏宁含药血清时大鼠腹膜间皮细胞的作用。结果:含药血清低、中、高剂量组两两比较差异有统计学意义(P〈O.001);肾疏宁含药血清是细胞OD值的影响因素;空白血清组、不含药大鼠血清组与肾疏宁低剂量组两两比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);不同作用时间的(P〈0.001),故认为不同作用时间也是OD值的影响因素。12h与24h时间段比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);12h与36h时间段比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);24h与36h时间段两两比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论:肾疏宁含药血清作用于大鼠腹膜问皮细胞后,MTT检测其OD值,剂量组以肾疏宁中剂量组最有意义,作用时间以24h最有意义。  相似文献   
从情志与生活调理、顺应四时气候变化、预防感冒对慢性肾炎进行中医药调理与防治,不但要积极治疗,还要加强护理。  相似文献   
六神曲炮制工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以饥饿小鼠胃中游离酸、总酸含量、胃蛋白酶活性和胃肠推进功能为指标,对六神曲生品和不同炮制品进行了比较,初步认为用于健脾消食以麸炒或炒焦为好。  相似文献   
总结卢尚岭教授对髙血压病机的理论认识及临证经验。髙血压发病之本在气机失调,气机失调先责肝脾二脏。由此引起诸多病机变化,如,情志所伤,肝气郁结,诸郁遂生;饮食失节,损伤脾胃,导致中焦壅滞,气机不利,日久必然损伤血脉,危害脏腑。据此,卢老强调肝脾气机失调、升降之机失常、脏腑功能紊乱存在于髙血压全过程,进而提出调治髙血压以斡旋气机,调整脏腑功能,藉以恢复阴平阳秘之常态为主导。认为临证应首辨气机失调及病变脏腑,治以调气为先,兼顾化痰、活血、疏肝清火、平肝潜阳、滋补肝肾、滋阴和阳、扶阳镇水等,同时强调外治,善用足浴。  相似文献   
目的:探讨用吡喹酮与甲苯达唑药盐治疗福建棘隙吸虫病的效果。方法:对109例粪检福建棘隙吸虫卵阳性者随机分为4组,分别用吡喹酮(A)5mg/kg;(B)2.5mg/kg顿服与甲苯达唑(C)总剂量800mg,80mg/d,连服10d;(D)总剂量400mg,40mg/d,连服10d(药盐)治疗,于治后1wk和4wk复查,以虫卵阴转率和减少率为评价疗效。结果:4wk后上述4组阴转率依次为100%、92.3%、85.2%和71.4%;虫卵减少率为84.8%—100%,A、B组疗效显著优于D组。结论:吡喹酮(2.5—5mg/kg)疗效高,疗程短,服药简便,为治疗本病的首选药物;甲苯达唑疗效尚可,在伴有肠道线虫感染时可用500mg治疗。  相似文献   
目的探讨藻酸钙敷料联合消炎坐浴洗剂治疗糖尿病肛周脓肿的临床疗效。方法将34例糖尿病肛周脓肿患者随机均分为观察组(藻酸钙敷料联合消炎坐浴洗剂)与对照组(传统方法),比较2组治疗有效率及平均治愈时间。结果观察组治疗有效率明显高于对照组(P<0.05),平均愈合时间明显短于对照组(P<0.01)。结论使用藻酸钙敷料联合消炎坐浴洗剂治疗糖尿病肛周脓肿明显优于传统治疗方法,具有治愈率高、伤口愈合快等优点。  相似文献   
Abstract Clinical studies have shown that probiotics influence gastrointestinal motility, e.g. Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) (Mutaflor®) proved to be at least as efficacious as lactulose and more potent than placebo in constipated patients. As the underlying mechanisms are not clarified, the effects of EcN culture supernatants on human colonic motility were assessed in vitro. Human colonic circular smooth muscle strips (n = 94, 17 patients) were isometrically examined in an organ bath and exposed to different concentrations of EcN supernatants. Contractility responses were recorded under (i) native conditions, (ii) electrical field stimulation (EFS), (iii) non‐adrenergic non‐cholinergic conditions, and (iv) enteric nerve blockade by tetrodotoxin (TTX). As concentrations of acetic acid were increased in EcN supernatants, contractility responses to acetic acid were additionally tested. EcN supernatants significantly increased the maximal tension forces both at low and high concentrations. Neither blockade of both adrenergic and cholinergic nerves nor application of TTX abolished these effects. EFS‐induced contractility responses were not altered after exposure to EcN supernatants. Acetic acid elicited effects comparable to EcN supernatants only under TTX conditions. EcN supernatants modulate in vitro contractility of the human colon. As neither partial nor TTX blockade of enteric nerves abolished these effects, EcN supernatants appear to enhance colonic contractility by direct stimulation of smooth muscle cells. Active metabolites may include other substances than acetic acid, as acetic acid only partially resembled the effects elicited by EcN supernatants. The data provide a rationale for therapeutical application of probiotics in gastrointestinal motility disorders.  相似文献   
肛肠病患者术后应用薰洗剂坐浴的疗效观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
余健 《护理学报》2002,9(4):9-10
目的 观察肛肠病患者术后应用中药薰洗坐浴的效果。方法 按就诊时间的单双日将 768例患者分为观察组(薰洗坐浴 ) 3 96例 ,对照组 (1∶5 0 0 0PP液坐浴 ) 3 72例。结果 术后疼痛 ,肛缘水肿 ,小便困难 ,术后出血 ,创面愈合等情况经 χ2 检验 ,治愈天数经t检验 ,均P <0 .0 0 1,有显著性差异。结论 肛肠病人术后应用薰洗疗法加快创面愈合 ,缩短治疗时间及预防并发症发生。  相似文献   
运用矿泉、音频、按摩配合功能锻炼治疗肩关节周围炎48例,收到了较好的治疗效果,大部分患者症状消失或缓解,功能恢复正常。  相似文献   
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