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Objective: To investigate whether cockroach allergen extract can stimulate Protease-activated receptor 2 (PAR-2) expressed in mouse lung fibroblast.Materials: We established an immortalized lung fibroblast cell line, DM5, from PAR-2 deficient mice. By stable transfection with either an empty vector (DM5/EV) or an expression vector encoding mouse PAR-2 cDNA (DM5/Par2), a pair of lung fibroblast cell lines with or without functional PAR-2 expression were prepared.Treatment: The cells were exposed to cockroach allergen extract {up to 800 protein nitrogen unit (PNU)/ml}, trypsin (up to 100 nM), SLIGRL agonist peptide (up to 500 M), and trans-cinnamoyl-LIGRO agonist peptide (up to 400 M).Methods: The cells were loaded with Fluo-3 calcium indicator and mobilization of intracellular calcium with the stimuli was monitored by a fluorometric plate reader. Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) phosphorylation was examined by Western blot analysis using an anti-phospho ERK antibody.Results: The cockroach extract induced intracellular calcium transients in a concentration dependent manner in DM5/Par2 but not in DM5/EV. The activity was abolished when the cockroach extract was heat denatured or pre-incubated with PMSF (phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride) prior to the assay. Concomitantly, ERK phosphorylation was seen in DM5/Par2 with the cockroach extract but not with a heat-denatured extract. The responses were sensitive to an inositol-1,4,5 triphosphate antagonist (2-APB) indicating that calcium was mobilized from intracellular store.Conclusions: Cockroach allergen extract can activate PAR-2 and thereby stimulate mouse lung fibroblasts likely through protease(s). The present study proposes a potential mechanism for cockroach antigens, similar to house dust mite antigens, in the etiology of respiratory diseases.Received 29 February 2004; returned for revision 12 April 2004; accepted by M. Katori 22 April 2004  相似文献   
Thirty-four patients with a history of immediate hypersensitivity to the sting of the imported fire ant were evaluated in a study designed to compare the diagnostic usefulness of fire ant whole body extract (WBE) preparations with that of fire ant venom (IFAV). Ninety-one percent (3134) of the hypersensitive patients skin tested with IFAV at a maximal concentration of 1:5 × 103, vv, demonstrated a wheat equal to or greater than the histamine control. Fifty-three percent (1834) of the group were skin test positive to a WBE preparation. When the criteria for a positive skin test were relaxed, 82% of the hypersensitive group could be identified with the IFAWBE. A comparison of skin test results in sensitive patients revealed variability in the sensitivity of the WBE preparations utilized in the study. Leukocyte histamine release demonstrated a dose-response release of histamine with both IFAV and SIWBEa preparations. Specific venom antisera produced in rabbits identified a precipitin line of common identity in a gel-diffusion system containing IFAWBE and IFAV. This finding was verified by the competitive inhibition of IFAWBE with IFAV in a solid-phase radioimmunoassay system. Fire ant WBEs contain venom constituents and are effective diagnostic agents in up to 82% of patients with hypersensitivity to the sting of the imported fire ant. Marked variability in the responsiveness of sensitive patients to different WBE preparations mandates standardization of these diagnostic preparations.  相似文献   
藜草花粉过敏与支气管哮喘的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定藜草花粉过敏原对哮喘患者的致敏作用。对外源性哮喘患者用藜草花粉过敏原进行了皮肤挑刺试验(SPT)和支气管激发试验(BPT)。结果藜草花粉SPT阳性者为28.2%,18例BPT阳性者中,14例出现哮鸣音。藜草花粉BPT与SPT的符合率为85%。提示藜草花粉过敏原是我国哮喘患者的一个重要吸入性过敏原。  相似文献   
Summary The therapeutic efficacy and toxicity of three biological response modifiers,Corynebacterium parvum (Cp), Chinese blister beetle extract (CBBE), recombinant human IL-1 (rhIL-1), used alone or in combination with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, were investigated in the intracerebral (ic) rat 9L brain tumor model. Used alone, Cp (2mg/rat, ip plus 70g/rat, ic), CBBE (5l of an ethanol extract, ic), or IL-1 (lg/rat, ic or 1g/rat × 3, q 3 d, ic), had no effect on animal survival compared to the untreated or saline treated controls. When combined with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, the three immunotherapeutic agents did not show any additive effects on survival compared to that observed with systemic BCNU (12mg/kg), local ic bleomycin (0.25 unit), or local radiotherapy (16 Gy). While ic IL-1 did not produce evident toxicity, there was fatal toxicity caused by ic Cp or CBBE treatment in a few animals. The combination of Cp and bleomycin produced severe neurotoxicity, resulting in the early death of animals. This study demonstrates a lack of efficacy of the nonspecific immune adjuvants IL-1, Cp or CBBE, used either alone or combined with cytotoxic chemotherapy or radiotherapy, in this rat brain tumor model.  相似文献   
We have suggested that cerebrovascular disease may predispose, precipitate, or perpetuate some late-life depressive syndromes. The mechanisms of "vascular depression" include disruption of cortico-striato-pallido-thalamo-cortical (CSPTC) pathways or their modulating systems. This view is supported by the presentation of vascular depression, which consists of depressive symptoms, cognitive abnormalities, as well as neuroimaging findings that may result from CSPTC impairment. Moreover, clinical and electrophysiological evidence of CSPTC impairment, an abnormality frequently found in patients with vascular depression, appears to be associated with poor response to antidepressant treatment and early relapse and recurrence. The vascular depression hypothesis provides the conceptual background for studies that may have clinical and theoretical impact. Agents influencing dopamine, acetylcholine, and opioid neurotransmitters may be studied in vascular depression, since these are essential neurotransmitters of the frontostriatal circuitry. Drugs used for prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular disease may be shown to reduce the risk for vascular depression or improve its outcomes. The choice of antidepressants in vascular depression may depend on their effect on neurological recovery from ischemic lesions. Finally, identification of specific relationships between specific symptoms, cognitive deficits, and disability may lead to interventions that target the patients' deficits as well as their interactions with psychosocial factors known to contribute to depression. Research can clarify the pathways to vascular depression by focusing on the site of lesion, the resultant brain dysfunction, the presentation of depression and time of onset, and the contribution of nonbiological factors.  相似文献   
The acute and subchronic effects of hashish extract (20 mg 9-THC/kg) on the social interactions between two drug-treated residents and an untreated intruder male were investigated. In this analysis 28 different behavioral elements were recorded.A single drug application suppressed all categories of behavior, except submissive behavior and flight, in dominant and subordinate residents. Treated animals were less active than controls and immobility was very frequent. An elevated total activity, due to an increase in non-social activities, was observed in the untreated intruder males of this group. Social investigation as well as submissive behavior and flight were reduced in these animals.On introduction of an untreated male after the fourth drug treatment of the residents, the drugged males showed tolerance to the sedative and most of the other behavioral effects of the drug, and intruder males behaved quite normally.The formation of a dominant-subordinate relation within the group was influenced neither by a single nor by repeated drug treatment.The acute and subchronic effects of hashish extract on social, especially aggressive behavior of males are compared to those described in previous papers and the variation in the results of the different studies is discussed.  相似文献   
We have prepared antigen-antibody complexes from grass pollen allergens and autologous specific antibodies isolated by immunoadsorption from the serum of allergic patients. These complexes were inoculated into patients in a double-blind trial to evaluate their effect on grass pollen-related rhinitis and bronchial asthma. Thirty-eight grass pollen-hypersensitive patients were allocated to three groups; patients in the first two groups were treated with antigen-antibody complexes at different ratios and dosages and were compared with the third group who received the placebo carrier buffer alone. In addition, we treated a fourth group who had already received antigen-antibody complex inoculation during the previous pollen season. Injections were given every 2 weeks during the pollen season, starting 5 weeks prior to it. Tolerance was excellent with no signs of local or systemic side effects. The treatment prevented nasal symptoms while enabling the patients to reduce antihistamine intake. Bronchial asthma was virtually absent in the treated groups even though no bronchodilators or corticosteroids had to be taken. Specific IgE antibodies did not increase during the pollen season nor did IgG "blocking" antibodies. Inoculation of allergen-antibody complexes could provide a valuable alternative for the treatment of immediate hypersensitivity to airborne allergens as it appears to be safe and rapidly efficacious. This treatment offers several advantages compared to conventional hyposensitization and is characterized by the absence of an increase in specific IgG antibodies.  相似文献   
加味通关液超声雾化吸入治疗Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭的临床观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
池逊  赵忠兰 《中医杂志》1997,38(9):539-540
为观察中药超声雾化对呼吸衰竭的疗效,采用本院研制的加味通关液超声雾化吸入治疗Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者27例,并与可拉明组30例对照。结果显示:治疗组临床治愈显效率70.3%,SaO_2上升达38.4%,咳嗽、呼吸困难、咯痰好转率、平均治疗时间与对照组比较均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。  相似文献   
武汉城区花粉症患者主要致敏花粉的研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
为探明武汉城区花粉症患者主要致敏花粉的种类及播季节播散的规律,采用国内统一标准及方法,在进行气传花粉调查的同时,将主要致敏花粉对200例花粉症患者进行了皮肤敏感试验和发病季节的调查。  相似文献   
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