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翻译批评是完善《黄帝内经》(《内经》)译本和指导未来中医翻译实践的必要手段,是联系翻译理论和实践的重要桥梁。从2000年开始,《内经》翻译批评活动开始蓬勃发展,相关文章大量涌现,从《内经》翻译批评活动所依据的翻译理论以及翻译批评的种类两方面对《内经》翻译批评现状进行简要的研究和概述,希望为以后的翻译批评活动提供一定的指导。  相似文献   
温阳法是中医辨证治疗便秘的重要方法之一。《黄帝内经》为温阳法治疗便秘的理论渊源;汉代《伤寒杂病论》首创温阳法治疗便秘的理法方药;隋唐时期,温阳法治疗便秘不断推陈出新;宋金元时期,多位医家对温阳法治疗便秘进行了深入的探索;而到了明清时期,温阳法治疗便秘有了较大的创新及完善。因此,追溯温阳法治疗便秘的历史源流,有助于更加了解及重视温阳法在便秘治疗中的应用。  相似文献   
目的:观察温经活血方外洗防治XELOX方案引起的周围神经毒性的临床疗效。方法:将65例结直肠癌患者随机分为试验组及对照组,对照组单纯行XELOX方案化疗,试验组于化疗第1天起加用温经活血方温浴四肢,每日1次,共持续治疗2个化疗周期。比较两组患者神经毒性发生情况及其严重程度,评估患者生存质量,观察骨髓抑制的发生情况。结果:治疗第3周试验组周围神经毒性的发生率为11.8%,对照组为19.3%,两组比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);治疗第6周,对照组周围神经毒性发生率为23.5%,对照组为54.8%,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);两组患者治疗后卡氏评分情况及骨髓抑制程度比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:温经活血方外洗可减轻XELOX方案化疗所致的周围神经毒性,临床疗效显著。  相似文献   
《本草纲目》金陵本为初刻本,最能保存李时珍原著本意,但其中亦有较多文字讹误。其误有三:其一是金陵本存在较多的刻工之误。其二是《本草纲目》所用之《证类本草》底本有误。其三是李时珍本人学术见解及编纂方法等方面的少量失误。为了较好地反映时珍真实的学术观点,又能弥补《本草纲目》之误,本文分析了各种讹误的具体表现,有针对性地采用不同的应对措施来订讹正误。凡属于刻工所致错误,均予改误加注(即纠正错误,给出脚注);凡属引用《证类本草》致误,则根据现存《证类本草》最佳版本改误加注;凡属李时珍本人的学术见解存在问题,则不改原文,指误加注(即通过脚注表达校勘者意见)。上述不同校勘订误方法,既有助于存《本草纲目》作者见解之真,又可订正引文的讹误。  相似文献   
This article provides a new definition of an acupuncture meridian. It suggests that a meridian consists of a distal tract of tissue that is affected by organ function. In the 1960s, Kim discovered the primo vascular system and regarded the superficial primo vessels as equating to the meridians. Instead, this article suggests that the superficial primo vessels merely underlie the meridians, in that they enable their creation, which is why some meridians are said to occur along the paths of superficial primo vessels. But the meridians themselves do not have a dedicated anatomical structure; instead they are merely tracts of tissue whose normal function is impeded when the related abdominal organ is stressed. It is hypothesized that the organ information is communicated in electrical waves that may travel through the connective tissue sheaths of the superficial primo vessels. Hence, the primo vessels serve as an inadvertent transport for this information, but the organ information is independent of the physiological purpose of the primo vascular system, as are the resultant meridians.  相似文献   
“本草”一辞首见于《汉书·郊祀志》。历代文献相沿使用。近代有人认为“本草”是指药物或中药。通过对历史文献的考辨及当前中药学科分化发展现实的分析,可以认为,“本草”的含义应局限于古代药物学著作为宜。  相似文献   
Objective To explore the interactions between pre-pregnancy body mass index(BMI) and age on offspring neuropsychological development from 1 to 24 months in China.Methods In this birth cohort study, a total of 2,253 mother-child pairs were enrolled in Tianjin, China,between July 2015 and May 2018. The China Developmental Scale for Children was used to assess developmental quotient(DQ) of children aged from 1 to 24 months.Results Mixed-models analysis revealed significant age × pre-pregnancy BMI interactions for total DQ and five neurobehavioral domains(gross motor, fine motor, adaptive, language, and social; P 0.001).Age × pre-pregnancy BMI ≥ 25 kg/m~2 was associated with a negative effect on total DQ and five neurobehavioral domains, as compared to pre-pregnancy BMI 25 kg/m~2(P 0.01). Multiple comparisons showed pre-pregnancy BMI ≥ 25 kg/m~2 of mothers had a positive effect on child total DQ at the age of 1 month but a negative effect at 24 months(P 0.05).Conclusions This study supported the age × pre-pregnancy BMI interaction on offspring neuropsychological development. It also revealed a short-term positive impact of high pre-pregnancy BMI on neuropsychological development at 1 month of age, but a long-term negative effect(from 1 to24 months).  相似文献   
从梁静事件的发生反思医患关系,得到四个结论:部分医务人员也是弱势群体,医疗机构才是强势群体;相对于那些对医疗期望值过高的非理性患者,医务人员也处于弱势群体地位;制度才是医患关系恶化的根源;医务人员的职业倦怠状况非常严重。  相似文献   
总结归纳了《黄帝内经》中腧穴配伍的特点及规律,认为其虽然配伍腧穴数目较少,但传递了重要的配伍理念和思想,形成了腧穴配伍理论的雏形,提出了局远配穴、表里配穴等腧穴配伍基本形式,并且关注影响配伍疗效的其它因素,对后世腧穴配伍理论的发展具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   
黄宫绣的本草研究思想和方法为循证本草学术思想和研究方法.本文从黄宫绣《本草求真》“从往昔诸书,细加考订”的研究方法、“首宜分其形质气味、次宜辨其经络脏腑、终宜表其证治功能”诸研究内容、便“浅学医士、后学、粗工”于本草药物“开卷了了、无有错误”的研究目的等角度,概要论述了黄宫绣的循证本草研究学术思想.  相似文献   
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