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《孙文垣医案》又名《生生子医案》、《赤水玄珠医案》,系由明著名新安医家孙一奎之子及门人等将其治验按先后顺序汇编而成。全书五卷共载三百九十八案,其中孙一奎运用二陈汤治验达四十余案。二陈汤以燥湿化痰为宗旨,孙一奎灵活运用于各种疾病,治多奇效,异曲同工。  相似文献   
PurposeAcephalic spermatozoa syndrome (ASS) is known as a severe type of teratozoospermia, defined as semen composed of mostly headless spermatozoa that affect male fertility. In this regard, this systematic review aimed to discuss gene variants associated with acephalic spermatozoa phenotype as well as the clinical outcomes of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment for the acephalic spermatozoa-associated male infertility.MethodsA systematic search was performed on PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Ovid databases until May 17, 2020. This systematic scoping review was reported in terms of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) statement.ResultsTwenty articles were included in this systematic review. Whole-exome and Sanger sequencing have helped in the identification of variants in SUN5, PMFBP1, BRDT, TSGA10, DNAH6, HOOK1, and CEP112 genes as possible causes of this phenotype in humans. The results of the ICSI are conflicting due to both positive and negative reports of ICSI outcomes.ConclusionASS has a genetic origin, and several genetic alterations related to the pathogenesis of this anomaly have been recently identified. Notably, only SUN5 and PMFBP1 mutations are well-known to be implicated in ASS. Accordingly, more functional studies are needed to confirm the pathogenicity of other variants. ICSI could provide a promising treatment for acephalic spermatozoa-associated male infertility. Besides the importance of sperm head-tail junction integrity, some other factors, whether within the sperm cell or female factors, may be involved in the ICSI outcome.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10815-020-02008-w.  相似文献   
孙思邈是我国唐朝著名的医学家,《千金要方》《千金翼方》为其代表作,书中不仅载有各科疾病处方,亦记载了大量针灸学内容,其主要针灸学术特点反映于这两部书籍之中,为针灸学的发展作出了突出贡献。本文主要从经穴理论发挥、针灸治未病、灸有生熟说、针药结合及针脉结合、完善刺灸法、辑录针灸处方、擅用外治法七个方面来阐述孙思邈之针灸学术特点。  相似文献   
孙氏针法包括孙氏无痛针刺法、孙氏补泻针刺法和孙氏行针法.孙氏无痛针喇法要点为一快两慢腹切压,补泻针刺法要点为一插二捻三刮针.孙氏行针法包括短促行针、持续行针和间歇行针.孙氏补泻针刺法特点有四:一是手法灵巧轻柔;二是强刺激手法和弱刺激手法配合应用;三是要求在全部操作过程中都处于有规律、节奏快慢一致的状态;四是依据针刺刺激量的大小分补泻.运用孙氏针刺法临床应用治疗各类急症,并举例介绍.  相似文献   
慢性鼻-鼻窦炎是耳鼻喉科常见病、多发病。孙海波教授认为本病为“气失宣和、窍道闭阻”所致,临证重视局部四诊辨证,治以“升清荡浊、调肝理脾、宣通肺气”之法。  相似文献   
Summary Antiarrhythmic effects of three new drugs, propafenone, tocainide, and SUN 1165, were examined using three canine ventricular arrhythmia models, i.e., digitalis, adrenaline and two-stage coronary ligation arrhythmias. The effects of procainamide, disopyramide, lidocaine, and phenytoin, class 1 antiarrhythmic drugs, on digitalis arrhythmia were also examined. The minimum effective plasma concentrations of all these drugs for each arrhythmia model were determined for a quantitative comparison. Propafenone and tocainide suppressed all the arrhythmias, while SUN 1165 suppressed digitalis and coronary ligation arrhythmias. The minimum effective plasma concentrations of propafenone for digitalis, adrenaline, 24-h coronary ligation, and 48-h coronary ligation arrhythmias were 1.8±0.7, 0.58±0.20, 3.5±0.3, and 3.6±0.9 µg/ml, respectively, and those of tocainide were 6.2±2.1, 23.7±9.0, 11.4±0.5, and 8.6±2.9 µg/ml, respectively (mean±standard deviation,n=6–7). The minimum effective concentrations of SUN 1165 for digitalis, 24-h coronary ligation, and 48-h coronary ligation arrhythmias were 0.92±0.19, 2.5±0.4, and 1.2±0.4 µg/ml. The minimum effective concentrations for digitalis arrhythmias were 1.7±0.4 µg/ml for disopyramide, 10.1±2.4 µg/ml for procainamide, 3.5±1.6 µg/ml for lidocaine, and 11.3±3.0 µg/ml for phenytoin. Digitalis arrhythmia seems to be a useful model for detecting class 1 drugs, as it was suppressed by all the class 1 Na-channel blocking antiarrhythmic drugs, while class 2 beta adrenergic blockers and class 4 Ca-channel blockers had no effect. Also, not all the class 1 drugs suppressed coronary ligation and adrenaline arrhythmias.  相似文献   
"三联药组"的配伍和应用是国医大师孙光荣组方选药的一大特色。其基本思想是秉承中国传统文化追求阴阳平衡理念和天地人三才思想。"三联药组"注重药物功效的相须、相使、相畏、相杀及药物的四气五味、升降浮沉。三药相互协作、制约,形成一个特定的功能单元。临证处方时,可参照古方的组方思路,按君臣佐使的架构来组方,并根据具体的病情,化裁应用。根据其功能特点,"三联药组"大致可以分为三种类型:祛邪组合、扶正组合和辅助组合。  相似文献   
孙伟正老师认为紫癜风的常见病因包括外邪侵袭、火热妄行、瘀血阻滞、脾失统摄、阴虚火旺,临床可将紫癜风分为风热搏结、热盛伤络、湿热内阻、气不摄血、肾阴亏虚5种证型,治疗应先行祛邪,继而宁血,全程化瘀。根据行气活血、凉血消斑、祛瘀解毒的组方原则,孙老师治疗紫癜风的常用药物包括白花蛇舌草、地肤子、蝉蜕、黄芪、当归、丹参、赤芍、红花、生地黄、木香、枳壳等,兼有其他症状者,可根据兼证灵活化裁。  相似文献   
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