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目的:通过文献,全面分析"脑心同治"理论发展状况。方法:以中国知网(CNKI)、PubMed数据库为文献来源,检索2001至2018年"脑心同治"研究的文献,利用Bicomb2工具对文献年代、期刊、作者、科研机构进行统计学分析;利用可视化工具Ucinet6和NetDraw2.084研究文献关键词共现网络特征。结果:"脑心同治"文献数量和质量稳步提升,研究热点为基于脑心同治理论开发的中药大品种"丹红注射液"和"脑心通胶囊"在治疗心脑血管疾病的应用,主要内容为临床有效性和安全性、分子机理、物质基础等方面,并已取得了显著成果。结论:"脑心同治"理论的临床应用越来越广泛,"脑心同治"理论更加系统和完善。  相似文献   
指出血站设备计量管理存在随意扩大强检设备目录和适用范围,认为检定优于校准,有校准证书或校准报告就表明校准合格等认识误区。结合设备特性和预期使用要求,探讨了强制检定设备的检定管理要求和非强制检定设备的校准管理要求,旨在为提高设备计量管理科学性和有效性,确保检测结果准确和临床用血安全提供参考。  相似文献   
【摘要]目的评价荆州市妇幼保健院学术发展轨迹和论文质量。方法以《万方医学网期刊全文数据库》中被收录的论文及其被其他论文引用的情况为研究对象进行计量学统计。结果荆州市妇幼保健院医学论文近两年已在数量上实现了飞跃,但其质量尚处于初级阶段,影响力非常有限,尚有待于在质量上的实现突破。结论虽然推进重点学科和专科建设战略是提高学术地位的有效途径,但多数论文质量有待提高。  相似文献   
The upcoming revision of Council Directive 96/29/Euratom in the form of the proposed basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionizing radiation (BSS) evokes new challenges for the metrology institutes. In the case of the two radon isotopes, the corresponding public exposure will be part of legal metrology for the first time. Since the levels of activity concentration that are laid down in the draft of the BSS cover the range from 200 Bq/m3 to 300 Bq/m3 in general (with an exceptional top level of 1000 Bq/m3), new calibration procedures for existing commercial monitors with their limited counting statistic have to be developed. This paper gives an overview how this metrological challenge can be overcome.  相似文献   
In order to answer statutory requirements and to anticipate the future needs and standards, the EFS is committed, since a few years, in a process of harmonization of its metrology function. In particular, the institution has opted for the skills development by internalizing the metrological traceability of the main critical quantities (temperature, volumetric) measurements. The development of metrology so resulted in a significant increase in calibration and testing activities. Methods are homogenized and improved through accreditations. The investment strategies are based on more and more demanding specifications. The performance of the equipments is better known and mastered. Technical expertise and maturity of the national metrology function today are assets to review in more informed ways the appropriateness of the applied periodicities. Analysis of numerous information and data in the calibration and testing reports could be pooled and operated on behalf of the unique establishment. The objective of this article is to illustrate these reflections with a few examples from of a feedback of the EFS Pyrénées Méditerranée. The analysis of some methods of qualification, the exploitation of the historical metrology in order to quantify the risk of non-compliance, and to adapt the control strategy, analysis of the criticality of an instrument in a measurement process, risk analyses are tools that deserve to be more widely exploited for that discipline wins in efficiency at the national level.  相似文献   
The speed of sound and attenuation are important properties for characterizing reference materials such as biological phantoms used in ultrasound applications. There are many publications on the manufacture of ultrasonic phantoms and the characterization of their properties. However, few studies have applied the principles of metrology, such as the expression of the uncertainty of measurement. The objective of this study is to validate a method for characterizing the speed of sound and the attenuation coefficient of tissue-mimicking material (TMM) based on the expression of the measurement of uncertainty. Six 60-mm-diameter TMMs were fabricated, three 10 mm thick and three 20 mm thick. The experimental setup comprised two ultrasonic transducers, acting as transmitter or receiver depending on the stage of the measurement protocol, both with a nominal center frequency of 5 MHz and an element diameter of 12.7 mm. A sine burst of 20 cycles and 20-V peak-to-peak amplitude at 5 MHz excited the transmitter transducer, producing a maximum pressure of 0.06 MPa. The measurement method was based on the through-transmission substitution immersion technique. The speed of sound measurement system was validated using a calibrated stainless-steel cylinder as reference material, and normalized errors were <0.8. The attenuation coefficient measurement method was validated using replicated measurements under repeatability conditions. The normalized error between the two measurement sets was <1. The proposed uncertainty models for the measurements of the speed of sound and the attenuation coefficient can help other laboratories develop their own uncertainty models. These validated measurement methods can be used to certify a TMM as a reference material for biotechnological applications.  相似文献   
目的回顾1957~2005年针灸文献,探索针灸治疗腹泻用穴和治疗方法的规律,以期为针灸标准化研究提供客观的、可靠的数据.方法根据《中国现代针灸信息数据库》数据,采用计量分析方法进行综合分析.结果针灸治疗腹泻足三里、天枢、神阙应用频次为最,也是最佳组穴.成人腹泻以慢性腹泻为主,多用灸法;小儿腹泻以急性为主,多用穴位贴敷、水针.结论针灸治疗腹泻,多以针刺、灸法为主,建议足三里、天枢为针灸治疗腹泻基础方,并可随症选穴.  相似文献   
目的:回顾1956-2007年针灸丈献,探索针灸治疗失眠症的用穴及治疗方法规律。方法:根据“中国现代针灸信息数据库”数据,采用计量分析方法进行综合分析。结果:提示三阴交、神门应用频次为最,治疗方法以针刺为主。结论:建议百会、四神聪、三阴交、神门作为针灸治疗失眠症的基础用穴,并结合辨证选穴。  相似文献   
目的:归纳中国现代推拿临床的治疗病症,总结现代推拿临床病谱。方法:采用文献研究法,对《中国生物医学光盘数据库》中1978~2008年针灸临床疗效观察类论文报道的病症按系统进行分析归纳,并统计每一个病症被报道的论文篇数(即频次)。结果:通过文献研究,得到365种16类推拿病谱,包括西医病255种,西医症状57种,中医病症53种。结论:推拿疗法适应证广,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   
目的:回顾1954~2007年针灸文献,探索针灸治疗脑性瘫痪用穴和治疗方法的规律。方法:根据《中国现代针灸信息数据库》数据,采用计量分析方法进行综合分析。结果:足三里、曲池、合谷应用频次为最,百会、四神聪等头部穴位的应用也较频繁,治疗方法以针刺、头针、水针为主。结论:针刺疗法的介入可以提高脑性瘫痪的疗效。建议取百会、四神聪、足三里、曲池、合谷为针灸治疗脑性瘫痪的基础方。  相似文献   
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