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We have studied the response of the rabbit mandibular main duct perfused in vitro to luminally administered amiloride. The half-maximal inhibitory concentrations (KI) when the duct was bathed in Cl solutions were: for net Na+ transport, 3×10–6 mol l–1; for transepithelial potential difference, 6×10–6 mol l–1; and for transepithelial conductance, 3×10–7 mol l–1. Substitution of the impermeant SO 4 2– anion for Cl changed the KI for conductance to 3×10–6 mol l–1. Within Cl-containing media, the time course of the amiloride effect on potential difference showed an early rapid fall of 10 mV with a half-time 2 s, followed by a slower depolarization of 9 mV, and the conductance change followed the slower component of the potential change. In SO 4 2– -containing media, the potential difference and conductance changes followed time courses similar to one another. Finally, experiments on the effect of serosal applications of ouabain revealed that, although, in general, ouabain reduced resistance, it caused an increase in resistance in those ducts where the initial resistance was low. We conclude that: i) luminal Na+ transport occurs via amiloride-sensitive, conductive Na+ channels; ii) the Cl conductance is the major determinant of transepithelial conductance; iii) the first phase of the potential response is due to blocking of the Na+ conductive channels, whilst the slow phase reflects secondary inhibition of an electrogenic Na+ pump; and iv) duct resistance changes are secondary to alterations in intracellular Cl concentration.  相似文献   
Postsynaptic fibers reaching the dorsal column nuclei were investigated in rat by means of retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase conjugate. Each nucleus received only ipsilateral afferents with most of the labeled cells forming a band which covered the mediolateral extent of the dorsal horn in an area that resembled lamina IV in the cat. The labeling excluded the reticular extension of the neck of the dorsal horn. Lumbosacral afferents were restricted to the gracilis nucleus and cervicothoracic afferents to the cuneatus nucleus. Cervical and anterior lumbar levels showed additional projections coming from their most medial parts. The organization of this second-order pathway in rat is similar to that in cat and monkey.  相似文献   
In previous studies it has been demonstrated that a decline of plasma calcium concentration accounts for the decrease of phosphate reabsorption in thyroparathyroidectomized (TPTX) rats undergoing phosphate loading.Microinfusion studies were performed in TPTX rats in order to discriminate between a systemic effect of calcium an a direct renal effect.Thyroparathyroidectomized animals were infused with a phosphate solution continuously. When plasma calcium concentration fell below 1.30 mmol/l, proximal convoluted tubules were microinfused with a phosphate tracer solution for 42 min. After 18 min a calcium chloride-containing solution was applied superficially (superfused) to the area of the microinfused tubule. This elevation of peritubular calcium concentration led to an immediate increase of phosphate reabsorption up to 12% of the microinfused phosphate load within 24 min.In another series of experiments, the calcium specific ionophore A 23187 — a substance which is known to increase intracellular calcium — was superfused on the microinfused tubule. This resulted again in an increase of fractional phosphate reabsorption of about 15% after 24 min. In contrast, when calcium chloride-free as well as ionophore-free solutions were superfused fractional phosphate reabsorption decreased (7%).From these data we conclude that 1. calcium has a direct renal effect on phosphate reabsorption in the absence of parathyroid hormone and 2. intracellular calcium appears to be a major parameter in the regulation of renal phosphate transport under these conditions.This study was supported by Dr. Legerlotz StiftungParts of this study were presented at the fall meeting of the Nephrologische Gesellschaft in Bonn, 1977 and at the spring meeting of the Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft in Göttingen, 1978  相似文献   
Summary The possible role of microtubules and microfilaments in the secretory process of the rat exocrine pancreas was analysed in vitro using isolated pancreatic lobules. Colchicine and vinblastine as microtubule inhibitors, hexylene glycol as a microtubule stabilizer, and cytochalasin B as a disruptive agent for microfilaments were used in increasing concentrations to test their effects on protein synthesis, intracellular transport, zymogen discharge, and cellular respiration.Colchicine only at 10–2 M concentrations inhibits protein synthesis, while vinblastine inhibits at 10–6 and 10–5 M by 20% and at 10–4 M by 55%. A similar inhibition is observed with 1.5% concentrations of hexylene glycol while cytochalasine B at 1,5 and 10 g/ml is without effect on protein synthesis. Colchicine and vinblastine have their major effects on intracellular transport both in secretion studies and cell fractionation experiments. Colchicine in concentrations between 10–3 to 10–5 M inhibits discharge of newly synthesized proteins by 50%, while vinblastine shows a dose-response relationship of 40% inhibition at 10–6 M to 90% at 10–4 M. Discharge of amylase is uniformly reduced by 30% by both colchicine and vinblastine in the whole dose range. The pronounced effect of colchicine and vinblastine is evident in cell fractionation studies: both drugs inhibit the disappearance of protein radioactivity from microsomes and its appearance in zymogen granules; similarly the peak radioactivity in smooth microsomes (Golgi) appears delayed. No differential effect on the secretory process was observed with 1.5% concentrations of hexylene glycol or cytochalasin B at 1.5 and 10 g/ml concentrations. A fines tructural analysis of microtubules and microfilaments in the exocrine pancreatic cell reveals their distribution in all parts of the cytoplasm and in relation to all cell organelles. Both systems (microtubules, microfilaments) seem to be connected, at least in certain areas of the cytoplasm and at the plasma membrane.The reduction of transport efficiency by microtubule inhibitors results in a deposition of secretory material in the cisternal space of the rough endoplasmatic reticulum, which leads to the formation of paracrystals. Colchicine at 10–3 M concentrations leads to an enlargement of condensing vacuoles in the Golgi complex.A short communication on the same subject was presented at a Symposion on Stimulus-Secretion-Coupling in the Gastro-intestinal Tract, Titisee (May 27–29, 1975).Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ke 113/8).  相似文献   
By means of a method of two-way perfusion of the isolated human placenta the transport of urea from the fetal to the maternal placental circulation and the transport of amino acids in the opposite direction were studied. Experiments showed that the method provides for sufficiently complete perfusion of the intervillous space and creates suitable conditions for the study of placental transport. If the amino nitrogen concentrations in the two circulatory systems are equal, its concentration in the fetal circulation rises in the course of the experiment. On the addition of an amino acid to the maternal circulation, this increase develops to a greater degree. The results of these experiments confirm the view that amino acids are secreted by trophoblast cells into the fetal circulation.Laboratory of Biochemistry, Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR M. A. Petrov-Maslakov.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 81, No. 4, pp. 394–397, April, 1976  相似文献   
Summary The sensory neurons of the olfactory epithelium, as a consequence of their odor detection function, contact both the external environment and the central nervous system. The possibility that substances applied to the epithelium might reach the central nervous system was investigated by the intranasal application of peroxidase-conjugated wheat germ agglutinin (WGA-HRP). WGA-HRP was transported through olfactory receptor axons to the glomerulus of the olfactory bulb. Reaction product was localized electron microscopically to tubulovesicular profiles and dense bodies in sensory axons. Evidence of transneuronal transport was indicated by reaction product localized in dense bodies in dendrites postsynaptic to receptor cell axons. Periglomerular, tufted and mitral cells in the olfactory bulb also were transneuronally labeled. Anterograde transneuronal labeling occured in the olfactory tubercle, piriform cortex and surrounding the lateral olfactory tract. Retrograde transneuronal label was found in neurons of the basal forebrain with the largest number of perikarya in the lateral nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band, a major source of cholinergic afferents to the olfactory bulb. These data suggest that substances, specifically those which bind to receptors, are transported from the olfactory receptor neurons in the nasal epithelium to the brain. Thus, the olfactory system may provide a route of entry for exogenous substances to the basal forebrain.Abbreviations AC anterior commissure - CC corpus callosum - CI internal capsule - CP caudate putamen - DBB diagonal band of Broca - FX fornix - GP globus pallidus - IC island of Callelae - LV lateral ventricle - MS medial septum - OC optic chiasm - PIR piriform cortex - RF rhinal fissure - SON supraoptic nucleus - SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus - SM stria medullaris - ST stria terminalis - TOL lateral olfactory tract - TUO olfactory tubercle - III third ventricle  相似文献   
Summary Characteristic for the crayfish stretch receptor is a gradual decrease in axon diameter up to a stretch of axon about 350 m away from the soma-axon border. In response to depolarizing currents applied at different positions along the axon this stretch of axon can be localized as the most excitable membrane region. When depolarizing current steps of 10–25 nA intensity are injected into the soma the first impulse is always triggered in the soma (due to sudden rise in the membrane potential) while the second impulse originates at the axon region of highest escitability. As the intensity of the stimulus is increased the site of impulse initiation along the axon shifts nearer to the receptor soma. At a stimulus intensity of 50 nA the second impulse is suppressed and only the membrane potential at the axon hillock increases slightly. An analysis of the conductances for sodium and potassium ions as well as of the leakage current suggests that the molecular basis for the observed variations in excitability resides in a gradual decrease of the sodium conductance between the cell soma and the small-diameter region of the axon. However, the resting potential in this most excitable axon region is only some 3 mV more positive as compared to the receptor soma. A mathematical formulation is presented for the encoder mechanism in a soma-axon region with varying diameter. Using a slightly modified form of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations the experimentally observed changes in membrane potential and in the time course of the ionic currents can be adequately described by applying a nonlinear cable equation to the inhomogeneous axon.  相似文献   
In the present work we have investigated whether the changes in the renal handling of inorganic phosphate (Pi) induced by 1) dietary Pi, 2) removal of parathyroid glands and 3) 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25(OH)2D3], are associated with alterations in the Na-dependent Pi uptake by brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) isolated from renal cortex. Shamoperated (SHAM) or thyroparathyroidectomized (TPTX) rats treated or not with 26 pmol/day of 1,25 (OH)2D3i.p. were fed low (0.2%) or high (1.2%)P diet for 7 days. The results showed that in SHAM, TPTX and TPTX+1,25 (OH)2D3 the Pi uptake by BBMV was greater after low than high Pi diet. It was greater in TPTX than in SHAM counterparts fed either diets. In TPTX fed low or high Pi diet 1,25 (OH)2D3 decreased the Pi uptake to the level observed in SHAM. A striking parallelism was found between variations in Pi uptake by BBMV and in the tubular Pi reabsorption of the whole kidney. The Na-dependent glucose, the mannitol uptake by BBMV, and the alkaline phosphatase activity in cortical homogenates and BBMV were not affected by the various treatments. Thus, dietary Pi, chronic TPTX and 1,25 (OH)2D3 appear to specifically affect the Na-dependent Pi transport system bound to the brush border membranes of renal cortical tubules. The alterations observed at this membrane level could account, at least in part, for the changes induced by these three factors on the overall tubular reabsorption of Pi.  相似文献   
Summary The cerebellar parafloccular corticonuclear and nucleocortical connections were studied in the cat by means of anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase.Previous investigations have given evidence that the cortex of the paraflocculus can be subdivided into three zones. These zones are recognized as C2, D1 and D2. The material presented is compatible with the findings from previous reports with other methods that each of these zones sends its Purkinje axons to separate regions within the cerebellar nuclei. These terminal fields are the lateral part of nucleus interpositus posterior (the alleged nuclear zone C2) and the dentate nucleus and its transition area with nucleus interpositus anterior (the supposed nuclear D zones). The parafloccular corticonuclear fibres appear to terminate along a continuous mediolateral band extending from the NL through the NL-NIA transition area into the lateral NIP. This observation is in concordance with our previous findings concerning the termination of the cerebellar corticonuclear fibres (Dietrichs and Walberg 1979, 1980; Dietrichs 1981). Within the NL and NL-NIA transition area the Purkinje axons from the ventral paraflocculus terminate ventral to those from the dorsal paraflocculus.The nucleocortical projection shows the same zonal arrangement as the corticonuclear connection, indicating the presence of a corticonuclear-nucleocortical reciprocity.The findings are discussed with reference to previous studies on the parafloccular corticonuclear and nucleocortical connections, and some comments are made concerning the cerebellar zonal subdivision of this cortical area.  相似文献   
High altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) is a potentially fatal complication in response to exposure to low O2 at high altitudes. Hypoxia, by causing pulmonary vasoconstriction, increases pulmonary vascular resistance and pulmonary arterial pressure, both of which are features in the pathogenesis of HAPE. Uneven hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is thought to be responsible for increased capillary pressure and leakage, resulting in edema. O2-sensitive ion channels are known to play pivotal roles in determining vascular tone in response to hypoxia. K+, Ca2+ and Na+ channels are ubiquitously expressed in both endothelial and smooth muscle cells of the pulmonary microvasculature, subfamilies of which are regulated by local changes in PO2. Hypoxia reduces activity of voltage-gated K+ channels and down-regulates their expression leading to membrane depolarization, Ca2+ influx in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (by activating voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels) and vasoconstriction. Hypoxia up-regulates transient receptor potential channels (TRPC) leading to enhanced Ca2+ entry through receptor- and store-operated Ca2+ channels. Altered enrichment of ion channels in membrane microdomains, in particular in caveolae, may play a role in excitation–contraction coupling and perhaps in O2-sensing in the pulmonary circulation and thereby may contribute to the development of HAPE. We review the role of ion channels, in particular those outlined above, in response to low O2 on vascular tone and pulmonary edema. Advances in the understanding of ion channels involved in the physiological response to hypoxia should lead to a greater understanding of the pathogenesis of HAPE and perhaps in the identification of new therapies.  相似文献   
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