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DRw6 has been difficult to define serologically. In the present experiments we have developed T cell lines in order to characterize the components of a DRw6 haplotype. This was accomplished by priming T cells with allogeneic mononuclear cells mismatched for DRw6, Dw6, and MT2. Subsequently, three sublines with distinct reactivity patterns were derived by limiting dilution. The specificities detected by these sublines included: (a) a specificity found on a subset of cells positive for DRw6 which was inhibited by monoclonal antibodies against DS(DC), the human homologue of the murine IA-encoded molecules, (b) another DRw6-associated specificity blocked by an MT2-like antibody, and (c) an MT2-like specificity blocked by monoclonal antibodies reactive with a different MT2-associated determinant. These results show that more than one IE-like, as well as the DS/DC (IA-like) molecules, carry distinctive antigenic epitopes that can be recognized by allogeneic T cells. Primed T cell lines may be useful for a better definition of certain haplotypes which are at present difficult to characterize with serological reagents alone.  相似文献   
不同地区妇女产褥期卫生行为研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
目的 了解江苏、陕西和贵州三省妇女产褥期卫生行为和保健的一般情况;比较 不同地区间产褥期各种卫生行为的发生率;了解影响产褥期卫生行为的相关因素。方法 用问卷调查的形式对三者12个县的2352例2岁以下儿童母亲进行入户访问。结果 江苏、陕西、贵州三者产褥期各卫生行为的发和衣次为:洗头26.4%,38.8%,19.8%, 下身(指外阴部,下同)83.3%,26.9%,64.0%,正常活动76.9%,7  相似文献   
老年人的发病特点及预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张捷  林传成 《河北医学》1999,5(11):11-13
目的:通过对老年人健康状况的调查,总结老年人发病特点,提出预防和治疗措施,以期延长老年人的寿命,提高老年人生活质量。方法:将780铝调查对象集中於医院,按规范化标准作体格检查,并由主任医师作结论。结果:高血压、心脑血管道在病、白内障、前列腺疾患、肺气肿及糖尿病等为老年人常见病。结论:定期体检及提高基知务人璋减少和预防老年病的重要手段。  相似文献   
Summary Sixty male workers in a lindane (y-hexachlorocyclohexane)-producing factory were examined with regard to health in comparison with an external control group of 20 clerks.Case history, physical examination, neurologic status, and ECG revealed no significant differences between groups. However, the following significant differences in clinical-chemical blood tests were ascertained: higher polymorphonuclear leukocyte count, lower lymphocyte count, higher reticulocyte count, lower prothrombin (Quick's) test, and lower blood concentrations of creatinine and uric acid. No significant differences were observed in total red and white blood cell as well as platelet counts, hemoglobin content, the other counts of differential blood picture, -GT, GOT, GPT, LDH, cholinesterase, triglycerides, cholesterol, and urea.In spite of a pronounced exposure to the -, -, and -isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane, no signs of severe impairment of health were observed; only small deviations in some laboratory tests were found having no pathologic significance. However, biological monitoring and health supervision of HCH-exposed workers should be carried out.  相似文献   
Exercise and heart disease. Epidemiology of the "exercise hypothesis"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The "exercise hypothesis" states that exercise protects against coronary heart disease. Reviewed herein is the epidemiologic evidence for and against the "exercise hypothesis." The weight of evidence supports the view that exercisers have a lower risk of coronary disease, but that vigorous exercise cannot always prevent progression of coronary atherosclerosis and does increase the risk of sudden death in persons with advanced coronary atherosclerosis. It is concluded that the "exercise hypothesis" is plausible, even likely, but still unproved.  相似文献   
Health For All by the Year 2000, usually referred to as HFA/2000, is a goal that has been accepted by most nations of the world. PHC is the strategy designed to achieve this laudable goal. In Nigeria, there is no doubt that remarkable strides have been made to achieve the goal of HFA/2000 in recent years. However, in order to fully realise this goal, some further revolutionary management steps are needed. This article first examines the progress on HFA made so far in Nigeria; and then, discusses some management initiatives that need to be taken or accelerated to be able to reach that desirable destination.  相似文献   
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