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Comparison of the mutagenicity of nine isomeric benzo(a)pyrenyl [B(a)P] phenols conjugated with either sulfate or glucuronide was carried out using strain Salmonella typhimurium TA98. Of the nine conjugates tested, only B(a)P-1-sulfate was mutagenic. Accordingly, the mutagenicity of B(a)P-1-sulfate was compared with that of B(a)P and 1-hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene [B(a)P-1-OH] in the presence and absence of rat lung S9 and Aroclor-induced liver S9 with and without an NADPH-generating system. B(a)P-1-sulfate was slightly mutagenic, whereas B(a)P and the 1-hydroxy derivative were nonmutagenic when S9 fractions and NADPH were omitted. Addition of induced liver S9 with NADPH caused mutagenicity with B(a) -1-OH greater than B(a)P greater than B(a)P-1-sulfate. B(a)P-1-sulfate was the only mutagenic species when lung S9 was added. This mutagenicity did not require NADPH. Sodium sulfite, an inhibitor of arylsulfatase, decreased the mutagenicity of B(a)P-1-sulfate. These data suggest that a unique mutagenic species is generated from B(a)P-1-sulfate via arylsulfatase in rat lung.  相似文献   
Body composition measured with isotopic dilution was compared with anthropometric measurements. The study was carried out in 47 subjects from both sexes, 65 to 92 years old. Total body water (TBW), anthropometric measurements, and dynamometry were assessed. TBW was significatively higher in men than women and decreased with age. Dynamometry and fatfree mass were well correlated (r=0.73 in males and r=0.58 in females) and significantly different between sexes. A negative correlation was found for dynamometry with age, being significant for women. Linear regression equations to predict TBW from anthropometric measurements in males and females were obtained: Males: TBW(I)=19.349+0.617 weight(kg) — 0.931 mid-arm circumference(cm)+0.122 dynamometry (kg) Females: TBW(l)=−5.531+0.343 weight(kg)-0.213 triceps skinfold (mm)+ 0.148 dynamometry(kg) + 3.424 wrist diameter (cm). This simple model is proposed for use in epidemiological and field studies where other more sophisticated methods can not be applied.  相似文献   
光动力学疗法与局部化疗联合治疗进展期食管贲门癌   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作应用光动力学疗法(PDT)对进展期食管贲门癌55例进行治疗,并对其中15例联合应用内镜下局部注射抗癌药物。对每一患均先静脉滴注血卟啉衍生物(HPD)5mg/kg,于用药后24,48和72h分别用波长630nm的铜蒸汽激光照射肿瘤部位。联合治疗组除PDT治疗外,于每次光照前肿瘤局部注射5-Fu250~500mg。结果:联合治疗组的近期显效率高于单纯PDT组(P〈0.05)。病例随访6~16月,  相似文献   
During an exposure monitoring study, 78 saw maintenance tradesmen were randomly assigned to be interviewed about their exposures using one of two questionnaire formats: open-ended and partly prompted questions about five categories of materials; and detailed prompting about 75 agents. The more open-ended questionnaire elicited fewer exposure responses overall, but more responses about agents not included on the detailed questionnaire. Composite materials and trade name products were more frequently cited as exposures than individual metals or compounds. Validity of responses was ascertained using air measurements (individual metals) or observations of the employees (composite materials). Sums of sensitivities and specificities were very low (near 1.0) for most of the metals for both types of questionnaire. For composite materials, validity improved substantially. Sensitivities with the partly prompted format (0.44–0.85) were always lower than with detailed prompting (0.80–1.00). Specificities were usually, but not always, higher with partial prompting (0.66–0.92) than with detailed prompting (0.18–0.86). Selection of questionnaire format for an epidemiologic study would depend on the likely prevalence of exposure in controls and the effects of trade-offs in sensitivity and specificity.  相似文献   
Recombinant human deoxyribonuclease I (rhDNase) is a new therapeutic agent developed to improve clearance of purulent sputum from the human airways. It is delivered by inhalation. Four jet nebulizers, T Up-Draft II (Hudson), Customized Respirgard II (Marquest), Acorn II (Marquest), and Airlife Misty (Baxter), were evaluated in vitro for their ability to deliver aerosols of rhDNase. The aerosols were generated from 2.5-mL aqueous solutions of rhDNase, at concentrations of either 1 or 4 mg/mL. In all experiments, the Pulmo-Aide Compressor (De Vilbiss) was used to supply the air to the nebulizers. Between 20 and 28% of the rhDNase dose initially placed in the nebulizers was delivered to the mouthpiece in the respirable range (1-6 µm). Evaluation of the rhDNase following nebulization in all four devices indicated that there was no loss in enzymatic activity and no increase in aggregation. Circular dichroism spectrophotometry indicated there was no change in either the secondary or the tertiary structure in rhDNase following nebulization. These results show that all four nebulizers are essentially equivalent in their ability to deliver respirable doses of rhDNase in an intact, fully active form. Changing the concentration of the solution in the nebulizer from 4 to 1 mg/mL rhDNase leads to a proportional reduction in the respirable dose delivered to the mouthpiece.  相似文献   
An out line of the scheme of training specialists in Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (ORL-HNS) in South Africa is given and the difference with Indian training discussed  相似文献   
Until recently, most reported cases of bacteraemia caused by multidrug-resistant strains of Enterobacteriacae producing an extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) in Europe have been nosocomial in origin. However, increasing numbers of reports of community-acquired bacteraemia and urinary tract infection caused by ESBL-producing microorganisms suggest that the geographical origin of patients should be taken into account as a risk-factor for possible ESBL production. Early identification of patients at high-risk of infection with ESBL-producing microorganisms, based on their geographical origin and travel history, should help to optimise initial antibiotic treatment strategies for severe urinary tract infections in Europe.  相似文献   
The aetiology of Klinefelter's Syndrome is not known. The causative factor(s) must explain the hypogonadism, low androgen levels, the disordered carbohydrate metabolism and the commonly associated psychiatric conditions. A biotin deficient/dependent state can account for the above. A biotin deficient Klinefelter's Syndrome patients with the above is described. The possible role of biotin in the primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of Klinefelter's Syndrome needs further research.  相似文献   
Hypertension is one of the most important complications of erythropoietin (rHuEPO) therapy in dialysis patients. In this study, the effect of two different dosage regiments of subcutaneous rHuEPO on blood pressure [BP] was evaluated in 20 anemic children on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). Patients were randomized to receive rHuEPO 50 U/kg, either once a week (group 1, 50 U/kg per week) or three times a week (group 2, 150 U/kg per week). At the beginning of the study, 8 patients in group 1 and 8 patients in group 2 were on antihypertensive therapy. In group 1, the hematocrit increased gradually and significantly from 18.98%±1.79% to 30.1%±1.62% after 6 months, while in group 2 it rapidly increased from 19.53%±1.86% to 32.4%±1.11% after 3 months. A significant increase in the mean arterial BP was observed in group 2. Antihypertensive therapy had to be increased in all of the 8 previously hypertensive patients and had to be initiated in 1 of the 2 originally normotensive patients in the same group. None of the patients in group 1 required a change in antihypertensive medication. We conclude that during treatment with rHuEPO pre-existing hypertension and the dose of rHuEPO are the most important risk factors for the development or worsening of hypertension in children on CAPD, and gradual elevation of hematocrit by low-dose rHuEPO avoids the development of severe hypertension. Received December 11, 1995; received in revised form September 16, 1996; accepted September 19, 1996  相似文献   
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