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通过对以麻黄和石膏为主要配伍的经方进行分析,归纳麻黄与石膏的主要配伍规律。认为麻黄与石膏既可相互制约,又可相互为用,通过剂量的调整和方中其他辅助药物的加减变化,二者配伍应用可以实现发汗清热兼顾、以发汗为主和以清热为主等不同治疗目的。  相似文献   
痛风是嘌呤代谢异常致使尿酸合成增加而导致的代谢性疾病,西药如秋水仙碱等用于痛风的治疗临床疗效确实可靠,但伴有一定的副作用而使其使用受到了限制,中药和天然药物用于治疗痛风具有疗效确切,安全,不良反应小等优势。笔者通过查阅近年来国内外的有关文献,重点从单方和经方、经验方等方面阐述中医药治疗痛风的研究进展,以期为抗痛风新药的开发提供科学依据。  相似文献   
AIM: To investigate whether the complement system is involved in a murine model of oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR). METHODS: Forty C57BL/6J newborn mice were divided randomly into OIR group and control group. OIR was induced by exposing mice to 75%±2% oxygen from postnatal 7d (P7) to P12 and then recovered in room air. For the control group, the litters were raised in room air. At the postnatal 17d (P17), gene expressions of the complement components of the classical pathway (CP), the mannose-binding lectin (MBL) pathway and the alternative pathway (AP) in the retina were determined by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Retinal protein expressions of the key components in the CP were examined by Western blotting. RESULTS: Whole mounted retina in the OIR mice showed area of central hypoperfusion in both superficial and deep layers and neovascular tufts in the periphery. The expressions of C1qb and C4b genes in the OIR retina were significantly higher than those of the controls. The expression of retinal complement factor B (CFB) gene in OIR mice was significantly lower than those of the controls. However, the expressions of C3 and complement factor H (CFH) genes were higher. The protein synthesis of the key components involved in the CP (C1q, C4 and C3) were also significantly higher in OIR mouse retina. Although MBL-associated serine protease 1 (MASP1) and MASP2 were detected in both the OIR and the control groups, the expressions were weak and the difference between the two groups was not significant. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that the complement system CP is activated during the pathogenesis of murine model of OIR.  相似文献   
通过分析《伤寒杂病论》中涉及的海洋药物及含海洋药物经方在现代妇科疾病辨治中的运用,并参照历代文献的相关阐述,探讨海洋药物药理作用的物质基础及临床应用的理论依据,分析海洋药物研究与发展的趋势,以帮助开拓用药思路,推动相关海洋药物治疗妇科疾病的现代化研究进程。  相似文献   
The 341-nucleotide 5' non-translated region is the most conserved part of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome. It contains a highly structured internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) that mediates cap-independent initiation of translation of the viral polyprotein by a mechanism that is unprecedented in eukaryotes. The first step in translation initiation is assembly of eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 3, eIF2, GTP, initiator tRNA and a 40S ribosomal subunit into a 43S preinitiation complex. The HCV IRES recruits this complex and directs its precise attachment at the initiation codon to form a 48S complex in a process that does not involve eIFs 4A, 4B or 4F. The IRES contains sites that bind independently with the eIF3 and 40S subunit components of 43S complexes, and structural determinants that ensure the correct spatial orientation of these binding sites so that the 48S complex assembles precisely at the initiation codon.  相似文献   
Tactile discrimination depends on integration of information from the discrete receptive fields (RFs) of peripheral sensory afferents. Because this information is processed over a hierarchy of subcortical nuclei and cortical areas, the integration likely occurs at multiple levels. The current study presents results indicating that neurons across most of the extent of the hand representation in monkey primary somatosensory cortex (area 3b) interact, even when these neurons have separate RFs. We obtained simultaneous recordings by using a 100-electrode array implanted in the hand representation of primary somatosensory cortex of two anesthetized owl monkeys. During a series of 0.5-s skin indentations with single or dual probes, the distance between electrodes from which neurons with synchronized spike times were recorded exceeded 2 mm. The results provide evidence that stimuli on different parts of the hand influence the degree of synchronous firing among a large population of neurons. Because spike synchrony potentiates the activation of commonly targeted neurons, synchronous neural activity in primary somatosensory cortex can contribute to discrimination of complex tactile stimuli.  相似文献   
目的从不孕症的临床遣方用药治疗规律探讨不孕症的证候分布规律,为该病的临床治疗和科研组方用药提供依据和指导。方法计算机检索中医药治疗不孕症的相关文献,并采用内容分析法提取不孕症治疗的相关方药,并将提取的信息录入Epi Data 2.0软件数据库,采用SPSS 18.0统计软件对其方药的类型、使用频次、频率和归经进行分析,针对方药分布结果探讨不孕症的证候分布规律。结果共纳入文献144篇,出现频率较高的中药类型依次为活血药、补阳药、补血药、补气药、清热药、理气药、补阴药、利水渗湿药、解表药、温里药和化痰药。出现频率较高的药物归经为肝、肾、脾、胃、肺、心。结论基于方证对应理论,以方测证得出的不孕症常见证候主要以肝气郁结证、肾气虚证、肾阳虚证、肾阴虚证、胞宫湿热证、瘀阻胞宫证、肝肾阴虚证、肝郁脾虚证、脾胃气虚证、痰凝胞宫证为主。  相似文献   
[目的]分析和总结姚新苗教授采取"温阳祛瘀"法治疗足痹的临床经验和学术思想。[方法]通过跟师临诊,收集整理姚师治疗足痹的病案,对其病机病因、治疗原则及遣方用药之独特之处加以归纳总结,并列举验案两则予以佐证。[结果]足痹多由痹邪侵袭日久,迁延不愈,致阳气虚衰,阳虚则寒凝脉络,四肢末端气血瘀滞,脉道失于贯注温养,发为该病。姚师从"久病多虚"和"久病多瘀"的角度,选择温阳祛瘀的经方桂枝茯苓汤加减治疗,疗效显著。所举医案分别为久病及外伤术后,外邪侵踞,或虚瘀夹杂,以致阳气虚衰,或内生血瘀,虚、邪、瘀胶着不去,深入肌肤、骨节而致足痹,以桂枝茯苓汤合四味健步汤加减以温阳祛瘀通络,治疗后随访1年未见复发。[结论]姚师治疗足痹,以"温阳祛瘀"为治疗原则,首重扶正而兼顾祛邪,温阳祛瘀通络,为临床诊疗提供了新思路,值得推广。  相似文献   
[目的]阐发细辛宣营功效在经方配伍中的体现。[方法]追思传承,运用文献分析的方法,搜集整理《神农本草经》和《名医别录》等中医药经典对细辛的阐述,通过分析张仲景在《伤寒论》及《金匮要略》中运用细辛的情况,选用以当归四逆汤为代表的经典方剂,从经方的配伍应用中探讨细辛宣营的特点。[结果]在以历代医家对细辛的认知基础上,仲景在经方的配伍应用中对细辛宣营之功的运用分为四方面:第一,细辛可宣营而散寒解表,如当归四逆汤;第二,细辛可宣营而温化水饮,如苓甘五味姜辛汤;第三,细辛可宣营而通阳行痹,如三黄汤;第四,细辛可宣营而和血安胎,如白术散。[结论]细辛在经方的配伍应用中宣营之功体现为四方面,即散寒解表、温化水饮、通阳行痹、和血安胎,虽为辛热之品,只要合理搭配,即可宣营且不伤阴。  相似文献   
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