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通过32种梣属植物树皮浸液荧光强度和所含七叶甙(aesculin)及七叶亭(aeseuletin)的测定与本属植物系统分类的比较,确证了属下分类的合理性和宿苞亚组的原始地位。揭示了香豆精成分及秦皮药材资源利用价值最大的类群是本属顶生花序组中的无苞亚组和无瓣亚组。  相似文献   
As most anticancer drugs are derived from natural sources, the screening of local medicinal flora should be considered a primary step in the search for new sources for antineoplastic agents. In Mexico, more than 6000 medicinal plant species are used for the treatment of various diseases, including cancer. A multifactorial plant selection method, employing various criteria was designed and applied in order to select alternative sources of podophyllotoxin lignan analogues. For each criterion (chemotaxonomy, traditional medical uses and published scientific data), an arbitrary score system was ascribed to the species and the sum of these enabled us to compare potential candidates. The resulting selected plants were tested for cytotoxic activity and the compounds responsible for this activity were evaluated by liquid chromatography–mass spectroscopy (LC–MS).Around 50 species from the Mexican flora were initially considered. From these, six species were selected by referring to the results from the scoring system and these were then collected. Three extracts were evaluated as being highly cytotoxic against three different cancer cell lines. Finally, podophyllotoxin-like lignans could be identified by observing the fragmentation pattern on mass spectra, obtained from the LC–MS in two species: Linum scabrellum and Hyptis suaveolens.  相似文献   
毛茛科乌头属药用植物含有二萜生物碱、多糖、黄酮类等药物活性成份,促进了对其化学分类学、分子分类学和药理学的研究。作为药用植物亲缘学的继续深入研究,本文综述乌头属的植物化学、化学分类、分子生物学和系统发育等方面的近期进展及其与乌头药效和毒性的关联。近年在多种乌头植物中发现了更多二萜生物碱,以C19:Ⅲ,aco-nitine类型最多。综述了近年发现的乌头生物碱和提取物,以及乌头多糖和其它成分的生物活性。国产乌头亚属中乌头组基于形态学的11系分类未得到化学分类和分子系统发育研究的支持。基于细胞核和叶绿体DNA序列的分子系统树将形态极相近的9系分为两群,一为甘青乌头系,圆叶乌头系,保山乌头系和短柄乌头系;另一为乌头系,兴安乌头系,显柱乌头系,蔓乌头系和准噶尔乌头系,化学分类数据支持此分群。为了乌头资源的可持续利用和发现高效低毒的新化合物,有必要将近年涌现的新技术用于乌头研究。系统生物学和组学技术将在促进乌头生物活性化合物研究中发挥关键作用。  相似文献   
药用缬草及其中国产近缘种的化学分类学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈虎彪  朱建民 《中成药》1999,21(12):652-654
目的:对药用缬草(欧缬草)(ValerianaofficinalisLinn.)及其5种国产近缘种植物进行化学分类学研究,明确其种间关系。为形态分类提供佐证。方法:分析比较每种植物茎叶甲醇提取液的紫外吸收光谱(UV)和黄酮类化合物层析谱,结果:我国产药用缬草近缘种与欧洲原产种在化学成分上存在较大差别,此外,各近缘种之间较之药用缬草区域较小,但亦存在或大或小的差别,结论:化学分类结果与形态分类基本一  相似文献   
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