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Enoki Y, Katoh G, Okabe H & Yanagisawa A
(2010) Histopathology 56, 384–394 Clinicopathological features and CD57 expression in renal cell carcinoma in acquired cystic disease of the kidneys: with special emphasis on a relation to the duration of haemodialysis, the degree of calcium oxalate deposition, histological type, and possible tumorigenesis Aims: Acquired cystic disease of the kidney (ACDK) in patients undergoing haemodialysis is known to develop into renal cell carcinoma (RCC), but its pathogenesis remains unclear. The aims were to analyse the histological findings of ACDK‐RCC and to determine its histogenesis. Methods and results: Twenty‐nine RCCs in 23 patients with ACDK were classified into three groups according to the duration of haemodialysis and were analysed for histological type, calcium oxalate (Oxa) deposition, and cyst and atypical cyst (AC) formation. Histologically, 21 tumours were ACDK‐RCC and eight were clear cell carcinoma (CCC). The ratio of ACDK‐RCC and the numbers of cysts and ACs increased as the duration of haemodialysis was prolonged. The degrees of intratumoral Oxa deposition and cyst and AC formation of ACDK‐RCCs were higher than those of CCCs (Oxa, P = 0.028; cyst, P < 0.0001; AC, P = 0.0002). Many ACDK‐RCCs (85.7%) and some CCCs (50%) had characteristics of the thin ascending loop of Henle as assessed by CD57 (HNK‐1) expression, which was rarely expressed in the 29 control cases. Conclusions: ACDK‐RCCs reveal characteristics of Henle’s loop, which may be related to their peculiar pathological features, including intratumoral oxalate deposition and cyst and AC formation.  相似文献   
The role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in multiple sclerosis and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is still unclear. Here we investigate the clinical course, CNS histopathology and peripheral antigen-specific immunity in MP4-induced EAE of BDNF (−/+) mice. We demonstrate that these mice displayed less severe disease compared to BDNF (+/+) mice, reflected by decreased inflammation and demyelination. In correspondence to diminished frequencies of T and B cells in CNS infiltrates, the peripheral MP4-specific TH1/TH17 response was attenuated in BDNF (−/+), but not in wild-type animals. In contrast, immunization with ovalbumin triggered similar frequencies of IFN-γ- and IL-17-secreting T cells in both groups. The cytokine secretion and proliferative activity upon mitogen stimulation did not reveal any global defect of T cell function in BDNF (−/+) mice. By influencing the antigen-specific immune response in autoimmune encephalomyelitis, BDNF may support and maintain the disease in ways that go beyond its alleged neuroprotective role.  相似文献   
Polysialic acid (PSA) is a carbohydrate polymer added post-translationally on the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) affecting its adhesion properties. It has been suggested that the presence of PSA in demyelinated lesions in multiple sclerosis could prevent axon-glia interactions inhibiting spontaneous remyelination. The enzyme St8siaIV is one of the two polysialyltransferases responsible for PSA synthesis, and it is predominantly active during adult life. Here we treated 8–10-weeks old St8siaIV deficient and wild-type mice for 5 weeks with cuprizone, which is a reliable model for de- and remyelination in the corpus callosum and cortex. Developmental myelination of the St8siaIV knock-out mice was not disturbed and adult mice showed normal myelin protein expression. Demyelination did not differ between transgenic and wild-type mice but early myelin protein re-expression and thus remyelination were accelerated in St8siaIV knock-out mice during the first week after withdrawal of the toxin. This was mainly due to enhanced oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) differentiation and to a lesser extent to OPC recruitment. These data are proof of principle that PSA expression interferes at least to some extent with remyelination in vivo.  相似文献   
邓锦波  于东明  吴萍 《解剖学报》2006,37(5):596-598
目的对标记神经元和神经胶质的DiI散射法(DiI diolistic assay)进行改进,使操作更简捷,效果更为理想。方法用C57/B6J小鼠,对固定或培养的脑片内神经元与神经胶质细胞进行DiI散射法标记。结果该方法可以显示中枢神经系统内神经元及神经胶质细胞的细微结构,其中包括树突小棘。结论DiI散射标记法标记细胞的细微结构效果得到改善,可用于对树突棘分析,特别是可以直接在培养的脑片上对神经元与神经胶质进行活体标记。  相似文献   
Experimental study of changes in the reproductive function in 10 generations descending from C57Bl/6 and random-bred mice exposed to nonionizing radiation showed a trend to deviation of this function from the normal: the number of newborns in the litter of generations 3–5 was below the normal, which starting from generations 5–6 it gradually increased, approaching the normal. __________ Translated from Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 141, No. 4, pp. 429–432, April, 2006  相似文献   
Rich RF  Cook WJ  Green WR 《Virology》2006,346(2):287-300
C57BL/6 (H-2b), but not spontaneous virus-expressing AKR.H-2b congenic, mice generate retrovirus-specific CD8+ CTL responses to the immunodominant Kb-restricted epitope, KSPWFTTL. AKR.H-2b non-responsiveness is mediated by a peripheral tolerance mechanism. When co-cultured with primed B6 antiviral pCTL, AKR.H-2b splenocytes are recognized by the antiviral TcR as "veto" cells, which inhibit by an exquisitely virus-specific, MHC-restricted, veto cell FasL/responder T cell Fas, mediated apoptotic mechanism. Here, AKR.H-2b thymus, lymph node, and bone marrow cells are also shown to inhibit antiviral CTL generation. Purified AKR.H-2b CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and B cells, served effectively as FasL-dependent veto cells. In contrast, AKR.H-2b dendritic cells (DC) did not efficiently veto antiviral CTL responses, despite expressing sufficient MHC class I/viral peptide complexes for TcR recognition. AKR.H-2b DC also expressed FasL mRNA and cell surface protein, albeit at a lower level than AKR.H-2b T and B cells. These findings suggest a fail-safe escape mechanism by virus-infected cells for escape from CTL-mediated immunity.  相似文献   
目的:建立荷小鼠淋巴瘤EL4的野生型C57BL/6小鼠及其裸鼠模型,探讨美法仑(melphalan)抑瘤作用的免疫机制。方法:给正常野生型C57BL/6小鼠皮下接种小鼠淋巴瘤EL4细胞,建立荷EL4肿瘤的小鼠模型。于野生型C57BL/6小鼠皮下接种瘤细胞后12d,经腹腔给荷瘤小鼠单次注射不同剂量的美法仑,找出美法仑可发挥最大的抑瘤作用,并能致使肿瘤消退、不再复发的最小使用剂量。然后再给野生型C57BL/6小鼠及其裸鼠(遗传背景相同)皮下同时接种小鼠淋巴瘤EL4细胞建立两种荷瘤小鼠模型。同样于接种瘤细胞后12d,经腹腔给两种荷瘤小鼠模型均注射可使野生型C57BL/6小鼠肿瘤消退、不再复发的最低剂量的美法仑,以正常野生型C57BL/6小鼠为对照,观察在T淋巴细胞缺陷的裸鼠体内美法仑的抑瘤作用。结果:注射7.5mg/kg美法仑治疗后,免疫功能正常的野生型C57BL/6荷瘤小鼠的肿瘤消退;而荷瘤C57BL/6裸鼠的肿瘤仍继续生长。结论:单一剂量的美法仑对荷淋巴瘤EL4小鼠具有明显的治疗作用,其作用的发挥需要T淋巴细胞的参与,可能与T细胞的杀伤作用有关。  相似文献   
Impaired attention is evident in several neurological and psychiatric disorders. In the present study, attentional capabilities were measured in the operant five-choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRTT) in male (C57BL/6Jx129Sv)F2 hybrid (B6129F2) mice. Main aims were to validate and standardize the test in these mice: to setup procedures, measure potential beneficial effects of sub-chronic nicotine in degraded versions of the 5-CSRTT (by decreasing stimulus duration, inducing white noise and making the stimuli unpredictable) and study disruptive effects of additional administration of the muscarinic antagonist scopolamine. During the baseline pre-nicotine sessions, the B6129F2 mice attained a very good performance in the test (95% accuracy). As stimulus duration was reduced from 2 s to 1 s, response accuracy of the mice decreased. Mice treated with nicotine (0.16 mg/kg) attained significantly higher response accuracy and had a lower percentage of incorrect responses in comparison with the solvent-treated animals. No further beneficial effects of nicotine were found. Reduced response accuracy was also obtained when stimulus duration was reduced from 1 s to 0.5 s and when a variable intertrial interval was introduced. Noise interpolation between trials did not impair performance. Finally, scopolamine (0.16 mg/kg) disrupted attentional functioning. Although most studies have been performed in rats, these results add to the existing evidence that the 5-CSRTT can also be used to assess attentional performance in mice. This offers the opportunity to test transgenic and knockout mice with similar background as the B6129F2 as animal models of psychiatric and neurological diseases.  相似文献   
The BALB/c mouse model for human respiratory syncytial virus infection has contributed significantly to our understanding of the relative role for CD4+ and CD8+ T cells to immune protection and pathogenic immune responses. To enable comparison of RSV-specific T cell responses in different mouse strains and allow dissection of immune mechanisms by using transgenic and knockout mice that are mostly available on a C57BL/6 background, we characterized the specificity, level and functional capabilities of CD8+ T cells during primary and secondary responses in lung parenchyma, airways and spleens of C57BL/6 mice. During the primary response, epitopes were recognized originating from the matrix, fusion, nucleo- and attachment proteins, whereas the secondary response focused predominantly on the matrix epitope. C57BL/6 mice are less permissive for hRSV infection than BALB/c mice, yet we found CD8+ T cell responses in the lungs and bronchoalveolar lavage, comparable to the responses described for BALB/c mice.  相似文献   
Infant rodents emit ultrasonic vocalizations when isolated from dam and littermates. Due to the context of their occurrence and the well described bidirectional modulation by substances known for their capability to influence emotionality, it was postulated that such calls reflect a negative affective state akin anxiety. Comparative studies observed pronounced differences in calling behavior between strains, which were paralleled by differences in maternal care. Therefore, it was recently hypothesized that early environmental factors may have strong impact on call production. Here, the relative contributions of genetic background, gender, and early environmental factors on calling behavior in C57BL/6JOlaHsd and C57BL/6NCrl were studied by using an embryo-transfer procedure. The results show that these sub-strains differ in the amount of calling and specific call features, like call frequency and amplitude. The embryo-transfer procedure indicated that the observed differences in the amount of ultrasonic calling are dependent on the dyadic interaction between mother and pup. Conversely, call features were primarily dependent on the genotype of the pup. Thus, call frequency and frequency modulation were solely dependent on the pup, i.e. its genotype and gender. However, there was one exception, namely call amplitude, which was solely dependent on the genotype of the mother, i.e. on early environmental factors. Furthermore, it was shown that particularly changes in call amplitude might be of high functional relevance, since a sub-strain dependent preference towards pups emitting calls with high amplitudes was observed. In total, it can be concluded that both genomic and nongenomic factors can tune calling behavior in mouse pups.  相似文献   
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