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王玮  程虎  张放  冯斌  杨爽  王瑞 《中国辐射卫生》2014,23(3):258-261
目的 了解某纯碱生产企业存在的职业病危害因素和采取的职业病危害防护措施,为职业病防治工作提供依据。方法 采用现场职业卫生学调查和工作场所职业病危害因素检测方法,进行职业卫生现况调查分析。结果 粉尘、氨气、碳酸钠、一氧化碳、氯化氢、硫化氢、噪声、高温为该厂存在的主要职业病危害因素,其中粉尘超标率为21.2%、氨气超标率为14.9%、碳酸钠超标率为13.8%、噪声超标率为11.8%,氯化氢、硫化氢、高温均符合国家卫生标准要求。结论 该企业采取的职业病危害防护措施基本可行,职业卫生管理体系较为完整,职业卫生管理水平较高,但某些职业病危害因素存在超标点,应着重改善作业环境,提高防护措施,控制有害因素的浓度和强度,防止职业病的发生。  相似文献   
Recreational open fires are an important and preventable cause of burn. In contrast to adults, who often sustain flame burns, children are at higher risk of thermal contact burns caused by hot embers many hours after the fire was first lit. Cases of thermal contact injury in children due to recreational fires were reviewed and the potential of a small charcoal fire to cause burns over a prolonged period was tested.Between 1993 and 2007, 67 children were admitted for treatment, with a median age of 1.6 years. Total burn surface area ranged from 0.5% to 19.5% (median 4%) with burns most commonly affecting the hands and feet. The average length of stay was 7 days and a total of 81 surgical procedures were carried out. Injury was most commonly sustained after falling into (40%), or accidentally crawling or walking on (30%), the remnants of an unextinguished fire. Small charcoal fires retain sufficient heat to cause injury at least 16 h after lighting. Strategies for prevention of these injuries are outlined.  相似文献   
目的比较不同产地麻黄饮片质量,制定麻黄饮片质量的参考标准.方法采用 HPLC法测定各饮片的麻黄碱和伪麻黄碱含量,依照<中国药典> 2000年版一部的方法测定各饮片的浸出物、灰分、水分、杂质及灰屑等;并采用经验法进行加速稳定性试验.结果麻黄碱含量生品为 0.995 %~ 1.589 %,蜜炙品为 0.855 %~ 1.557 %;伪麻黄碱含量生品为 0.560 %~ 2.087 %,蜜炙品为 0.508 %~ 1.902 %;水溶性浸出物生品为 8.83 %~ 18.30 %,蜜炙品为 14.81 %~ 27.45 %;醇溶性浸出物生品为 7.74 %~ 18.83 %,蜜炙品为 14.15 %~ 27.34 %;总灰分生品为 6.49 %~ 10.29 %,蜜炙品为 6.34 %~ 10.24 %;酸不溶灰分生品为 0.19 %~ 0.42 %,蜜炙品为 0.18 %~ 0.42 %;平均含水量生品为 8.10 %( s=0.3961),蜜炙品为 4.02 %( s=0.4674);平均所含杂质及灰屑量生品为 2.02 %( s=0.1954),蜜炙品为 2.01 %( s=0.2209).结论 该研究为建立完整、科学的麻黄饮片质量标准提供了参考依据.  相似文献   
The in-vitro fluoride treatment technique has been introduced to investigate the composite behavior of bone tissue. Bone tissue with different mechanical properties can be obtained by varying the concentration, pH and immersion time in fluoride ion solutions. The chemical and physical changes in intact pieces of bone treated in-vitro with different concentrations of fluoride ions are studied. The amount of bone mineral that does not contribute to the mechanical behavior of bone tissue is estimated from the dissolution occurring in the fluoride treated bones. Cortical bones from 18-month-old steers were treated in-vitro with 0.145, 0.5 and 2.0M sodium fluoride (NaF) solutions for three days. The dissolved bone mineral precipitates as calcium fluoride-like (CaF 2 /P with some phosphate [P] ions) and fluorapatite(FAp)/fluorhydroxyapatite-(FHAp)-like materials within the bone tissue. The dissolution estimated from the presence of the precipitated fluoride phases is 5.6, 11.7, and 13.1% of the initial bone mineral content for the 0.145M, 0.5M, and 2.0M NaF treatments respectively. Estimates of dissolution based on the measurements of phosphate and carbonate ions are lower and higher respectively when compared to the fluoride ion measurements. The wet and dry densities decreased slightly due to dissolution and re-precipitation while the ash content (ratio of the ash weight to dry weight) increased a small amount with increasing concentration of fluoride ion treatments. The increased ash content was due to the excess loss of water in the fluoride treated bones as compare to controls (untreated bone samples) during the drying process. The increased removal of water during the drying process may explain the increased ash contents in some in-vivo treatments.  相似文献   
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