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天南星各种炮制品的药效学初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以抗惊厥、凝血、化痰药理指标,对天南星的不同炮制品进行了比较研究。实验结果表明:南星生品的水浸液具有明显的抗惊厥作用,而生品的水煎液及其他炮制品的水浸、水煎液均无抗惊厥作用;胆南星除外的南星各种炮制品的水煎液均有促凝血作用,而它们的水浸液则具有抗凝血作用;南星的各炮制品均无化痰作用  相似文献   
Context: Theanine, an additive, holds several effects on the central nervous system without toxicity and affects CNS drugs. Theanine bilaterally alters β wave of the EEG with or without caffeine and pentobarbital-induced locomotor activity. Theanine also enhances hypnosis of pentobarbital sodium (PB) and antidepression of midazolam, suggesting there are complicated interactions between theanine and CNS drugs. On the other side, theanine induces glycine release. Glycine potentiates the strychnine toxicity via NMDA receptor activation. Moreover, PB facilitates GABAA receptor activation by GABA, and it is commonly prescribed for strychnine poison. However, what the role that theanine plays in the anticonvulsion of PB against strychnine poison is still unknown. Materials and methods: Theanine, pentobarbital sodium or strychnine was injected intraperitoneally. EEG was monitored by BIOPAC 16 EEG amplifiers. LD50 of strychnine and hypnotic ED50 of pentobarbital sodium with or without theanine for mice were tested according to Bliss’ case. Results: (1) Theanine enhanced the strychnine toxicity. Both theanine and strychnine 1.0?mg/kg increased the power of the β wave. Theanine aggravated that of strychnine 1.0?mg/kg. Theanine attenuated the LD50 of strychnine. (2) Theanine enhanced the anticonvulsion of PB. Theanine increased the power of α, β wave and decreased hypnotic ED50 of PB; PB attenuated strychnine-induced EEG excitation and mortality with or without theanine, and theanine enhanced the effects of PB. Further, theanine enhanced the anticonvulsion of PB dose-dependently against the strychnine toxicity but not the lethal toxicity of strychnine. Discussion and conclusions: These results indicated theanine interacted with PB and strychnine. Theanine enhanced both the strychnine toxicity and anticonvulsion of PB against strychnine poison.  相似文献   
目的:观察依托咪酯对普鲁卡因、丁卡因致惊厥半数有效量的影响。方法:将64只小鼠随机分为4组(n=16),分别为普鲁卡因组、丁卡因组、依托咪酯+普鲁卡因组、依托咪酯+丁卡因组。实验小鼠均采用腹腔注射的给药方法,用序贯法测各组惊厥的半数有效量。结果:与普鲁卡因组比较,依托咪酯+普鲁卡因组致惊厥ED50显著提高(P〈0.01);与丁卡因组比较,依托咪酯+丁卡因组致惊厥的半数有效量显著提高(P〈0.01)。结论:预先给一定剂量的依托咪酯可以提高普鲁卡因或丁卡因致惊厥阈值,说明依托咪酯对局麻药引起的惊厥有一定的防治作用。  相似文献   
以对抗士的宁引起小鼠强直性惊厥及死亡为指标 ,比较研究了天南星不同温度提取的水溶物的抗惊厥作用。结果发现天南星冷水浸出物对士的宁引起小鼠惊厥有明显抑制作用 ,且可明显降低惊厥的死亡率。提示天南星水溶性成分有一定抗惊厥作用 ,且这类成分加热可被破坏  相似文献   
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