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AIM: This paper reports a study designed to assess an automated non-invasive, patient vigilance system, the (L)G(1TM) system, for determining heart rate and respiration rate. The study uses collected data to optimize the (L)G(1TM)'s alert management scheme for medical/surgical wards. BACKGROUND: Thousands of patients die unnecessarily each year because of compromised patient safety in hospitals. Economic pressures to reduce hospitalization costs, exacerbated by increasing nursing shortages, have created a need for new approaches to patient vigilance. Advanced technologies may help nurses to provide high-quality care while controlling costs and improving patient safety. METHODS: Heart and respiration waveforms from 287 patients were captured by sensor arrays embedded in the mattress coverlets of their beds. No real-time monitoring was performed. Raw data were processed by proprietary algorithms and compared with data captured by a standard reference device. Alert performance was verified by hand-scoring the signal data and matching it against clinical events observed through a systematic review of each patient's medical record. The data were collected between June 2004 and February 2005. RESULTS: Experimental algorithms for heart rate had an accuracy of -1.47 (sd 1.90) and a precision of 4.60 (sd 2.46). Respiration rate algorithms showed an accuracy of -0.94 (sd 1.26) and a precision of 4.02 (sd 1.17). Algorithms identified 178 true-positive physiological alerts on 15 patients. None of the events was deemed clinically significant at chart review. The combined false-positive alert rate for the algorithms was 0.007 events per hour. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates the accuracy and precision of the signal processing algorithms in the (L)G(1TM) system. Future work will focus on assessing the system's impact on patient outcomes and its integration into the nursing workflow.  相似文献   
目的 探讨肿瘤科护士自杀“守门人”培训效果,以提高护士预防患者自杀能力。方法 选择56名肿瘤科护士作为研究对象,成立培训小组,根据自杀“守门人”Living Works培训体系,参考自杀学和肿瘤心理学相关文献制订培训方案,并对其进行自杀预防基础知识概述、自杀风险评估、自杀干预训练、随访与事后成长4次培训。结果 培训后,肿瘤科护士的自我效能感、自杀警告信号意识总分及各维度评分显著高于培训前,且自杀预防知识正确率显著高于培训前(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论 自杀“守门人”培训有利于提升肿瘤科护士的自我效能感,增强识别自杀警告信号能力,并提高肿瘤科护士的自杀预防知识。  相似文献   
目的探讨翻转课堂教学在角膜塑形术首次戴镜患儿中的应用效果。方法将160例角膜塑形术患儿按时间段分为对照组和干预组各80例,对照组给予常规健康教育,干预组采用翻转课堂教学。比较两组患儿戴镜成功率和满意度。结果干预组患儿戴镜一次成功率、总成功率及满意度评分显著高于对照组(均P0.01)。结论翻转课堂教学能提高角膜塑形术患儿戴镜成功率,提升患儿及其家长的满意度。  相似文献   
目的分析妊娠风险预警评估模式在孕产妇管理中的应用效果。方法选取2017年8月至2018年6月在启东市人民医院产检并分娩的1867例孕产妇为研究对象,根据不同的危险评估方法分为预警评估组和高危评估组。预警评估组对孕产妇采用妊娠风险预警评估方法进行妊娠和分娩危险程度的评定;高危评估组对孕产妇采用高危产妇风险评估方法进行妊娠和分娩危险程度的评定。比较预警评估组和高危评估组孕产妇的分娩方式、分娩结局、新生儿结局以及产妇满意度。结果预警评估组剖宫产率显著低于高危评估组(P<0.05)。预警评估组产后2 h出血量、第一产程时间、第二产程时间和总产程时间均低于高危评估组(P<0.05),第三产程时间两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。在新生儿体重和5 min Apgar评分方面两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但预警评估组新生儿1 min Apgar评分高于高危评估组,胎儿窘迫和新生儿窒息率低于高危评估组,产妇满意度高于高危评估组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论妊娠风险预警评估模式能够有效指导孕产妇分娩、降低剖宫产率、缩短产程、改善产妇和新生儿结局并提高产妇满意度。  相似文献   
Errors in prescribing of dangerous medications, such as extended release or long acting (ER/LA) opioid forlmulations, remain an important cause of patient harm. Prescribing errors often relate to the failure to note warnings regarding contraindications and drug interactions. Many prescribers utilize electronic pharmacopoeia (EP) to improve medication ordering. The purpose of this study is to assess the ability of commonly used apps to provide accurate safety information about the boxed warning for ER/LA opioids. We evaluated a convenience sample of six popular EP apps available for the iPhone and an online reference for the presence of relevant safety warnings. We accessed the dosing information for each of six ER/LA medications and assessed for the presence of an easily identifiable indication that a boxed warning was present, even if the warning itself was not provided. The prominence of precautionary drug information presented to the user was assessed for each app. Provided information was classified based on the presence of the warning in the ordering pathway, located separately but within the prescribers view, or available in a separate screen of the drug information but non-highlighted. Each program provided a consistent level of warning information for each of the six ER/LA medications. Only 2/7 programs placed a warning in line with dosing information (level 1); 3/7 programs offered level 2 warning and 1/7 offered level 3 warning. One program made no mention of a boxed warning. Most EP apps isolate important safety warnings, and this represents a missed opportunity to improve prescribing practices.  相似文献   
赵志荣  姚为玲 《疾病控制杂志》2014,18(11):1091-1094
目的了解马鞍山市传染病自动预警信息的特征,为改善传染病预警系统工作提供科学依据。方法对2011-2012年马鞍山市自动预警系统生成的预警信息与响应情况进行描述性分析。结果全市2011-2012年传染病自动预警信息系统发出预警信息1 579条,预警病种数12种,疑似事件67条,确认暴发20条。预警信息数季节分布呈现3个峰,分别为4~6月、9月和11月。预警信息涉及的主要病种分别是感染性腹泻病、手足口病、麻疹、流行性腮腺炎、流行性感冒、痢疾,占总数的98.80%。预警系统灵敏度为80.00%,阳性预测值为1.27%,特异度为85.03%。预警信息数、暴发阳性率及24 h内响应率均以花山区最高,含山县最低。结论马鞍山市传染病自动预警系统运转正常,但仍需进一步完善,设置合理的预警阈值,减少错误预警信号。  相似文献   
目的:设计一套院内感染预警系统。方法:实时监控病历数据,分析院内感染指标信息,统计患者院内感染疑似程度。结果:成功实现了"军卫一号"中的院内感染预警上报功能。结论:该系统为医务人员提供了智能的手段,提高了感染监控的针对性和工作效率,具有很强的使用价值。  相似文献   
目的:心血管系统是由自主神经调控的复杂动态系统,通过使用人体传感网络技术进行有情景动态监测,以此实现心血管病的早期预警。方法:通过人体传感网络技术10个健康人进行有情景动态监测。对研究对象进行心电图自动分类;分析被测者的活动情景信息,并进行运动分类;并对动态心率变异性使用运动信息分割心率时间序列;检测运动中的心脏动态变化评估和sT段特征度量。结果:建立了心电图自动分类数据模型和通过人体传感网络技术提取活动特征做出运动分类的数据模型;健康人不同运动下下的心率变异性表现为运动强度大,心率变异性小的规律;ST方差随运动强度的增加而增加,经心率修正后仍然如此,而运动对健康人的sT段偏移影响不大。结论:通过有情景动态监测和基于动态系统理论的有情景数据融合方法来评估心血管系统功能是有效的。  相似文献   
吴光英  陈劼  马丽丽  任平 《上海护理》2020,20(12):23-27
探索和规范儿童早期预警评分在神经外科患儿的应用,持续提高临床护士的评估准确率。方法:2018年2月至12月,以PDCA循环模式为路径,对某三甲医院儿童神经外科的23名护士应用PEWS评估的情况进行现状分析,找出评估不准确的主要障碍因素并落实相对应的改进措施,进行质量改进,对比分析实施前后神经外科护士应用PEWS评估准确率的差异,并持续改进。结果:改进后神经外科护士应用 PEWS的准确率得到显著提高,由改善前的89.1%逐渐上升至99.5%(P<0.05)。结论:应用PDCA循环可促进神经外科护士对PEWS的评估准确率提高,从而保障一线护士早期发现患儿病情变化和筛查出潜在危重病人,提高了患儿安全。  相似文献   
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