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The molecular events that precede the development of osteosarcoma, the most common primary malignancy of bone, are unclear, and concurrent molecular and genetic alterations associated with its pathogenesis have yet to be identified. Recent studies suggest that activation of beta-catenin signaling may play an important role in human tumorigenesis. To investigate the potential role of beta-catenin deregulation in human osteosarcoma, we analyzed a panel of 47 osteosarcoma samples for beta-catenin accumulation using immunohistochemistry. Potential activating mutations were investigated by sequencing exon 3 of the beta-catenin gene in genomic DNA isolated from tumor samples. Our findings revealed cytoplasmic and/or nuclear accumulation of beta-catenin in 33 of 47 samples (70.2%); however, mutation analysis failed to detect any genetic alterations within exon 3, suggesting that other regulatory mechanisms may play an important role in activating beta-catenin signaling in osteosarcoma. In our survival analysis, beta-catenin deregulation conferred a hazard ratio of 1.05, indicating that beta-catenin accumulation does not appear to be of prognostic value for osteosarcoma patients. When analyzed against other clinicopathologic parameters, beta-catenin accumulation correlated only with younger age at presentation (26.4 vs. 39.8 years). Nevertheless, our results demonstrate that the deregulation of beta-catenin signaling is a common occurrence in osteosarcoma that is implicated in the pathogenesis of osteosarcoma.  相似文献   
Transgenic mice were developed to study the role of c-src in epithelial tumorigenesis through targeted expression of a constitutively active form of murine c-src (src(529)). Src(529) was targeted to the interfollicular epidermis with the human keratin 1 (HK1) promoter. The skin phenotype of these mice was characterized by exaggerated epidermal hyperplasia and hyperkeratosis within the first week after birth. The severity of this phenotype correlated with overall src kinase activity, both of which subsided with age. Treatment of adult HK1.src(529) transgenic mice with the phorbol ester tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate resulted in an increase in epidermal hyperplasia and labeling index significantly greater than that seen in nontransgenic littermates. In addition, HK1.src(529) transgenic mice developed papillomas earlier and in significantly greater numbers compared with nontransgenic littermates in a standard initiation-promotion experiment. The data support the hypothesis that activation of c-src kinase plays a role in skin tumor promotion.  相似文献   
The expression of proto-oncogene eIF4E in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Liang Z  Lei T  LuYing Z  YuPing G 《The Laryngoscope》2003,113(7):1238-1243
Wnt途径及其拮抗剂与肿瘤的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Wnt途径是重要的细胞信号转导途径,在细胞的增殖、分化中发挥重要作用。Wnt途径的异常与多种肿瘤的发生或转移有关。而Wnt拮抗剂则可以拮抗Wnt途径。因此深入研究Wnt信号通路及其拮抗剂,设计出阻断Wnt通路的物质,可为将来肿瘤的治疗提供一种可行性的途径。  相似文献   
Stroke is a major neurologic disorder. Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells can be produced from basically any part of patients, with high reproduction ability and pluripotency to differentiate into various types of cells, suggesting that iPS cells can provide a hopeful therapy for cell transplantation. However, transplantation of iPS cells into ischemic brain has not been reported. In this study, we showed that the iPS cells fate in a mouse model of transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Undifferentiated iPS cells (5 × 105) were transplanted into ipsilateral striatum and cortex at 24 h after 30 mins of transient MCAO. Behavioral and histologic analyses were performed at 28 day after the cell transplantation. To our surprise, the transplanted iPS cells expanded and formed much larger tumors in mice postischemic brain than in sham-operated brain. The clinical recovery of the MCAO+iPS group was delayed as compared with the MCAO+PBS (phosphate-buffered saline) group. iPS cells formed tridermal teratoma, but could supply a great number of Dcx-positive neuroblasts and a few mature neurons in the ischemic lesion. iPS cells have a promising potential to provide neural cells after ischemic brain injury, if tumorigenesis is properly controlled.  相似文献   
Summary Background An excess of intracellular β‐catenin protein is triggered by various genetic alterations in melanoma cell lines, and has been suggested to play a role in melanoma tumorigenesis. Objectives To investigate the role played in vivo by β‐catenin in melanoma tumorigenesis, we compared the cytoplasmic detection of β‐catenin in benign melanocytic cells vs. malignant melanoma cells presumably generated from these benign melanocytic cells. For this purpose, melanocytic naevi occurring in association with melanoma, which were suggested to be melanoma precursors, were compared with their associated melanoma for β‐catenin cytoplasmic immunoreactivity. Methods Fifty‐seven consecutive cases of primary cutaneous melanoma were considered, and 15 of them were found to be associated with a melanocytic naevus portion. The naevus portion showed features of acquired melanocytic naevus (total 12 cases: five dysplastic, seven intradermal) or congenital growth pattern naevus (total three cases: one superficial, two deep). All specimens were immunohistochemically investigated for β‐catenin. Results Virtually all primary cutaneous melanomas, including those associated with a naevus portion, showed cytoplasmic β‐catenin positivity. However, the intradermal naevus portion was consistently cytoplasmic β‐catenin negative, while both the dysplastic and the congenital naevus portions were cytoplasmic β‐catenin positive. Conclusions β‐Catenin excess may play a role in melanoma tumorigenesis, because β‐catenin cytoplasmic reactivity was found in primary cutaneous melanoma but not in its associated intradermal naevus precursor. As, however, β‐catenin cytoplasmic reactivity was detected not only in primary cutaneous melanoma but also in its associated dysplastic/congenital naevus precursors, β‐catenin stabilization alone is not sufficient to play a decisive role for melanoma onset.  相似文献   
Genomic instability is a hallmark of cancer development and progression, and characterizing the stresses that create and the mechanisms by which cells respond to genomic perturbations is essential. Here we demonstrate that antiapoptotic BCL-2 family proteins promoted tumor formation of transformed baby mouse kidney (BMK) epithelial cells by antagonizing BAX- and BAK-dependent apoptosis. Cell death in vivo correlated with hypoxia and induction of PUMA (p53 up-regulated modulator of apoptosis). Strikingly, carcinomas formed by transformed BMK cells in which apoptosis was blocked by aberrant BCL-2 family protein function displayed prevalent, highly polyploid, tumor giant cells. Examination of the transformed BMK cells in vivo revealed aberrant metaphases and ploidy changes in tumors as early as 9 d after implantation, which progressed in magnitude during the tumorigenic process. An in vitro ischemia system mimicked the tumor microenvironment, and gain of BCL-2 or loss of BAX and BAK was sufficient to confer resistance to apoptosis and to allow for accumulation of polyploid cells in vitro. These data suggest that in vivo, even in cells in which p53 function is compromised, apoptosis is an essential response to hypoxia and ischemia in the tumor microenvironment and that abrogation of this response allows the survival of cells with abnormal genomes and promotes tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
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