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目的:探讨牵引成骨技术联合正颌正畸治疗重度小下颌伴偏颌畸形患者下颌骨严重发育不足及咬合关系紊乱的疗效。方法:对2例继发于儿童时期颞下颌关节损伤的小下颌伴偏颌畸形患者采用牵张成骨技术进行治疗。手术行双侧下颌角处截骨,安置牵引器,延长下颌升支及下颌体。第二期在拆除牵引器后进行正畸治疗,继而采用正颌外科方法进一步矫正颌面畸形及咬合关系,术后正畸治疗矫正咬合关系,排齐牙列。结果:2例患者均顺利完成治疗。下颌骨最小牵引距离25 mm,最大牵引距离30 mm,牵引区成骨良好,SNB角由术前平均67°增加到术后80°,小下颌及偏颌畸形得以矫治。联合正颌外科及正畸治疗后,面形及咬合功能均获得满意效果。术后经过2年6个月随访,未见复发。结论:联合应用牵张成骨和正颌外科技术并配合正畸治疗是矫治成人重度小下颌不对称性牙颌面畸形的有效治疗方案。  相似文献   
A systematic review was conducted to investigate the available evidence on maxillary complications related to piezoelectric and conventional surgery. Seven databases were searched. A total of 996 maxillary osteotomies were analysed, 864 performed with conventional tools and 132 with a piezoelectric device. One hundred and fifty-six complication events were reported. The complications, in descending order of overall prevalence, were as follows: neurosensory disturbance (64.7%), haemorrhage (8.3%), oroantral communication (7.7%), soft tissue injury (7.7%), tooth injury (5.1%), infection (3.2%), osteonecrosis (1.9%), and permanent nerve injury (1.3%). Among the complications, the results showed the highest prevalence for neurosensory disturbance, and haemorrhage was the most reported complication and the second most prevalent complication. A three-fold meta-analysis was performed. Using GRADEpro, the level of evidence was determined for each complication. The current low level of evidence suggests that piezoelectric bone surgery reduces critical and important complications during maxillary osteotomy procedures, such as neurosensory disturbance, haemorrhage, oroantral communication, tooth injury, and permanent nerve injury. However, an effective comparison between the two techniques was difficult to perform with the current available literature. Due to the small sample sizes in the piezoelectric surgery studies, caution should be exercised when considering almost non-existent reported complications.  相似文献   
目的:评价正颌正畸联合治疗Moebius综合征患者的牙颌畸形的远期疗效。方法:Moebius综合征患者3例,经正颌正畸联合会诊制订治疗计划,按照术前正畸、正颌手术、术后正畸的联合治疗模式进行系统治疗,随访1~6a。结果:Moebius综合征患者的牙颌特征主要表现为严重的骨性开畸形。对于牙颌畸形的治疗,主要是通过正颌正畸联合治疗进行矫正,但由于升颌肌群功能障碍,开矫正的复发倾向比较明显,需要术后密切随访治疗。结论:正颌正畸联合治疗能够矫正Moebius综合征患者严重的骨性开畸形,正颌手术后的长期随访对防止开的复发具有重要意义。  相似文献   
There may well be a shift towards 3-dimensional orthognathic surgery when virtual surgical planning can be applied clinically. We present a computer-assisted protocol that uses surgical navigation supplemented by an interactive image-guided visualisation display (IGVD) to transfer virtual maxillary planning precisely. The aim of this study was to analyse its accuracy and versatility in vivo. The protocol consists of maxillofacial imaging, diagnosis, planning of virtual treatment, and intraoperative surgical transfer using an IGV display. The advantage of the interactive IGV display is that the virtually planned maxilla and its real position can be completely superimposed during operation through a video graphics array (VGA) camera, thereby augmenting the surgeon's 3-dimensional perception. Sixteen adult class III patients were treated with by bimaxillary osteotomy. Seven hard tissue variables were chosen to compare (ΔT1T0) the virtual maxillary planning (T0) with the postoperative result (T1) using 3-dimensional cephalometry. Clinically acceptable precision for the surgical planning transfer of the maxilla (<0.35 mm) was seen in the anteroposterior and mediolateral angles, and in relation to the skull base (<0.35°), and marginal precision was seen in the orthogonal dimension (<0.64 mm). An interactive IGV display complemented surgical navigation, augmented virtual and real-time reality, and provided a precise technique of waferless stereotactic maxillary positioning, which may offer an alternative approach to the use of arbitrary splints and 2-dimensional orthognathic planning.  相似文献   
The aim was to systematically review the maxillary incisor exposure and upper lip position changes with Le Fort I type osteotomies for advancement ± impaction with rigid internal fixation, taking into account the use of cinch sutures and VY closures. Electronic databases (Cochrane Library, Medline, Embase, and Web of Science) were searched using medical subject headings (MeSH), key words, truncations, and Boolean operators. Hand searching was also undertaken. Of 979 articles identified, 15 were included (11 retrospective, two prospective, and two unspecified). Relevant study details and outcomes were recorded on a spreadsheet, along with an assessment of their quality. In total, these studies assessed 419 patients (266 female, 118 male) with a mean age of 26.4 years (range 14–57 years). Soft tissue changes were assessed on lateral cephalometric radiographs. The mean maxillary hard tissue advancement and impaction ranged between 0.94 and 8.77 mm and −0.56 and 4.2 mm, respectively. The ranges of ratios demonstrated that from pronasale (0.24–0.35) to labrale superius (0.36–1.43), the soft tissues followed the underlying horizontal hard tissue movement increasingly more closely. Alar base cinch sutures and VY closures tended to increase these ratios. The soft tissue response was more variable vertically. None of the studies reported on maxillary incisor exposure change. More good quality prospective studies are needed.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to compare the efficiency of bimaxillary orthognathic surgery using computer-aided surgical simulation (CASS), with cases planned using traditional methods. Total doctor time was used to measure efficiency. While costs vary widely in different localities and in different health schemes, time is a valuable and limited resource everywhere. For this reason, total doctor time is a more useful measure of efficiency than is cost. Even though we use CASS primarily for planning more complex cases at the present time, this study showed an average saving of 60 min for each case. In the context of a department that performs 200 bimaxillary cases each year, this would represent a saving of 25 days of doctor time, if applied to every case. It is concluded that CASS offers great potential for improving efficiency when used in the planning of bimaxillary orthognathic surgery. It saves significant doctor time that can be applied to additional surgical work.  相似文献   
目的:探讨正畸、正颌外科联合治疗唇腭裂术后牙颌面畸形的临床疗效。方法:选择2001—2012年,我院收治的唇腭裂术后牙颌面畸形患者56例,采用正颌联合正畸的方法进行治疗。随访624个月,观察牙颌面畸形改善情况。结果:56例患者面形改善明显,咬合关系良好,随访无复发。比较手术前后的头影测量值进行分析,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:正颌外科联合术前、术后正畸,可明显改善面部畸形,减少术后复发,是治疗唇腭裂术后牙颌面畸形的理想手术方式。  相似文献   
目的 测量不同上颌骨正颌术式前后鼻唇区域软组织变化,分析可能导致变化的因素。方法 2017—2021年于四川大学华西口腔医院正颌及关节外科住院行正颌手术的患者37例,其中因上颌后缩行上颌骨Le Fort Ⅰ型骨切开前徙术(LFIA)的患者18例,因上颌前突行上颌骨前份根尖下截骨后退术(AMOS)的患者19例。收集其术前即刻和术后6~12个月的螺旋CT影像,通过Mimics和3-Matic软件进行三维重建和匹配,测量软硬组织标志点变化。使用GraphPad Prism软件进行统计学分析,显著性水平α=0.05。结果 2种术式术后最主要的软组织变化均发生在上唇区域且改变方向与骨组织移动方向相同。在前后向软组织改变上,LFIA组软硬组织改变的比例为0.628,而AMOS组为0.465。颊部和鼻尖软组织在2种术式后均发生了前移,其中AMDS组中颊部软组织前移的量与软组织厚度的改变具有显著正相关性。在垂直向软组织变化上,LFIA组鼻尖点发生上抬且其距离与颌骨前徙距离具有显著正相关性,AMOS组上唇缘点发生下降且其距离与颌骨后退距离具有显著正相关性。在水平向软组织变化上,鼻翼宽度在行2种术式后均出...  相似文献   
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