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Summary When a baby is born with a visible disfigurement, then parents need to adjust to the loss of the anticipated 'perfect' child and thus accept their baby. The impact of the birth on the parents is described in the context of a measure which identifies areas of potential difficulty. The two groups studied were parents of children with cleft palates and parents of children with congenital hand deficit. A wide range of adjustment was found. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of their overall adjustment, but there were individual differences in adjustment which did not relate to the severity or type of anomaly. The only significant variable found to relate to parental adjustment was perceived family support.  相似文献   
Two sample groups of elderly were compared from a population living in South London. One group attended a local day centre (a socially orientated establishment), and the other attended a local day hospital (a therapeutically orientated establishment).
The aim of the study was to compare nutritional intake, functional status and muscle strength between these two groups.
The mean nutritional intakes of the day hospital and day centre attenders were similar. Intake of macronutrients, with the exception of fibre, met Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) in both groups. In take of folic acid, vitamin D and zinc fell below recommendations in both groups.
Low intake of folic acid was improved by supplementation, and some individual blood levels of folate reflected this. Blood folate levels were generally within normal limits. Low intake of vitamin D was improved by supplementation, but blood levels were generally normal anyway. There was, however, a tendency for the more dependent day hospital patients to have lower vitamin D levels. This group also had less sunshine exposure.
Communal dining, whether in the setting of day hospital or day centre, may have been an essential means of bolstering nutritional intake for many 'at risk' elderly.
There were significant differences in functional status and muscle strength in favour of the day centre group and these indicate that anthropometric indices rather than nutritional or biochemical indices were the most reliable markers of disease and disability in this study.
The effect of fortifying local meals-on-wheels was also highlighted, and suggests that this may be one means of preventing nutritional deficiencies in the vulnerable, house-bound elderly.
Alcohol intake was reported as being modest. However, discrepancies were noted on review of biochemical indices known to be influenced by alcohol intake.  相似文献   
Abstract: This open clinical study was aimed at testing the hypothesis that an intravascular oxygenator (IVOX) may help to perform permissive hypoventilation in 10 patients with severe ARDS. After initial evaluation, we tried to reduce ventilator settings before and after IVOX implantation. Before IVOX, poor clinical tolerance and worsening oxygenation did not allow for a significant decrease in ventilator settings. With IVOX, peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) was reduced from 47 to 39 cm H2O (p = 0. 005) and minute ventilation from 13 ± 3. 5 to 11 ± 3 L/min. CO2 removal by IVOX allowed a significant decrease in Paco2 from 66 ± 15 to 59 ± 13 mm Hg. Improvement of oxygenation with IVOX was not signify cant. Furthermore, interruption of oxygen flow through IVOX did not change oxygenation variables. Tolerance of the IVOX device was good, but insertion of the device was followed by a significant decrease in both cardiac index and pulmonary wedge pressure. In conclusion, IVOX improves tolerance of hypoventilation by limiting hypercapnia in ARDS patients. These preliminary results must be confirmed by a randomized controlled study  相似文献   
<正> 花粉在古代就曾作为强身保健食品。美、英两国的科学家曾分析了花粉的成分,发现花粉由96种元素组成,其中有维生素、矿物质、酶、蛋白质和某些其它物质。美国明尼苏达大学曾做过花粉对动物的增重实验。当41~150日龄小猪饲料中添加2~3%的玉米花粉时,体重增长明显快于对照组,  相似文献   
本实验对腹腔感染造成多器官衰竭的动物观察了不同全静脉营养配方在代谢支持中的作用。结果显示:在兔感染性多器官衰竭早期,实行代谢支持能够不同程度地增加体重、促进蛋白质合成和扭转负氮平衡。适当减低糖供给的非蛋白热量可以减轻应激反应,增加氮保留和改善肺功能。供给氨基酸过多则增加应激反应、增加尿氮排出和加重呼吸负担。  相似文献   
This study, which was carried out as part of the TURVA project on psychosocial adaptation in old age, is concerned with the significance of social support to people approaching retirement age. The population consisted of 200 urban dwellers and 189 rural dwellers, who were studied at the age of 62. The subjects were either about to retire in the near future or had already retired, and it was assumed that this event causes a certain amount of stress, which may lead to mental disturbance regardless of the amount of social support available to the individual. Intimate relationship and close friendship served as the measures of social support. Mental disturbances were assessed on the basis of the General Health Questionnaire (36-item version) and the number of psychic and especially depressive symptoms. The prevalence of mental disturbance and depressive symptoms was lowest in those people who lived in a close marital relationship and who also described their spouse as empathic. Psychic symptoms were most common in those people who said their relationship to their spouse was distant and who described them as unempathic. The subjects who were not married fell in-between these 2 groups regardless of whether they had an intimate relationship with someone of the opposite sex. A positive marital relationship seemed to provide a shield against depression, while a negative marital relationship tended to make the individual more vulnerable to depression. The role of a close non-marital friendship depended on the respondent's sex. In women, it was associated with a high prevalence of depressive symptoms.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Abstract Background: Aged Care Assessment Teams (ACATs) have been established throughout Australia during the past seven years. Early studies of their effect have concentrated on their impact on the rate of institutionalisation of disabled elderly, the clinical characteristics of referred cases and the relationship between disability and recommended care plan. Aims: The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between age, clinical features and social characteristics of AC AT subjects with outcomes at 12 months after assessment. Methods: The examination of an arbitrary sample of persons referred to ACATs over a year by one generalist geriatrician with follow-up of all cases by the three ACATs associated with the study was carried out. All analyses were performed on raw data presented as categorical variables in the form of contingency tables. Results: The sample included 324 subjects who suffered from 2030 clinical problems with a mean of 6.5 per person aged 75 or over and 5.5 for those under 75. Cardiovascular and neurological disease were the commonest source of problems. Study of accommodation outcome at 12 months, for those subjects who survived this period revealed that, in the older group, over 60% of subjects with neurological disease were resident in nursing homes while the majority of all other groups remained in the community, as did two-thirds of those aged under 75. Admission to a nursing home was independent of social support for older subjects with neurological disease, but it played a significant role in those with cardiopulmonary or musculoskeletal disease. Conclusions: The study demonstrates that for one-year survivors there is an increased likelihood of admission to a nursing home of people aged 75 or over with neurological disease, while those under 75 were more likely to remain at home. The association was independent of whether spouse, family or friends were living with the subject. (Aust NZ J Med 1994; 24: 378–385.)  相似文献   
Based on data from a sample of 4500+ people aged 65+ living in the community (ie not in residential care) in Liverpool, this article presents data on the availability of kin and levels of contact with family, friends neighbours and community groups, and compares the distribution of support network types of those identified as cases of dementia with non-cases. It is shown that dementia sufferers are more likely to live with others and to have more contact with family members and less contact with friends, neighbours and community groups than non-sufferers. It is also shown that the distribution of network type is distinctively different for cases and non-cases and it is suggested that this reflects the greater ability of some types of network to support continued community residence in the face of the onset of dementia.  相似文献   
用木瓜蛋白酶对方格星虫(Sipunculus nudus)进行酶促水解,并对酶解物冻干粉的成分进行了分析,其中粗蛋白质量分数为69.02%,多肽质量分数为60.60%,肽的平均链长为3.73个氨基酸残基,肽分子的平均相对分子质量为447.6;游离氨基酸占5.27%。氨基酸分析结果显示,方格星虫酶解物含有17种氨基酸(色氨酸未测),其中人体必需氨基酸含量较高,占总氨基酸数的30.62%。方格星虫酶解物中还含有P、Fe、Mg、Mn、Zn、Cu、Se等至少12种矿质元素,以及含有抗氧化作用的营养成分,并通过动物试验证明了方格星虫酶解物具有显著的抗氧化作用。方格星虫酶解物可用于食品添加或用作功能性食品。  相似文献   
The University of Washington School of Medicine (UWSM) has initiated new efforts to build a regional minority applicant pool and to expand its educational programmes to accommodate students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Specific interventions include: establishment of medical career planner position to coordinate region-wide outreach; pre-entry education; and support activities once enrolled. This study describes specific services and presents sociodemographic and performance data on 56 minority and 280 majority students entering the UWSM between 1981 and 1985. Economic status and educational background of minority students were significantly below that of majority students, several flexible academic policies enabled most students to achieve mastery in courses and to progress through the curriculum. The educational data base utilized in this study, and those at other institutions, can assume important roles in the identification of problem areas in the education of disadvantaged students and in evaluation of the interventions attempted.  相似文献   
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