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Using a serum-free culture method, we investigated the effects of vitamin A on the proliferation of human distal airway epithelial cells. Outgrowth of epithelial cells from lung tissue explants was enhanced by treatment with all-trans retinol at concentrations of 10–8 to 10–7 M. The colony-forming activity of cells harvested from the primary culture and replated onto Swiss 3T3 fibroblastic feeders was, in contrast, significantly reduced by 10–7 M to 10–5 M retinol. When the primary cells were harvested and subcultured on Primaria plates, population expansion was also inhibited by retinol at 10–10 to 10–6 M. We further investigated the cells to determine whether there was any difference in sensitivity to the growth-inhibitory effects of vitamin A between cells from the primary culture incubated with and without retinol. The population increase in cells harvested from the primary culture was inhibited equally in retinol-treated and non-treated cells by subsequent treatment with retinol or retinoic acid, this inhibition being dose-dependent. DNA synthetic activity was also inhibited. Interestingly, both the growth rate and the colony-forming efficiency on feeders were greater in the subculture of cells from the retinol-treated primary culture than in those non-treated. When the cells in the secondary subculture were treated with retinoic acid and replated again, they showed a greater population increase rate than those non-treated. Our results showed that human distal airway epithelial cells isolated from lung tissue were sensitive to the growth-inhibitory effect of vitamin A, but the proliferative potential in some fraction of the epithelial cell population was possibly enhanced by vitamin A treatment.  相似文献   
We have studied the response of the rabbit mandibular main duct perfused in vitro to luminally administered amiloride. The half-maximal inhibitory concentrations (KI) when the duct was bathed in Cl solutions were: for net Na+ transport, 3×10–6 mol l–1; for transepithelial potential difference, 6×10–6 mol l–1; and for transepithelial conductance, 3×10–7 mol l–1. Substitution of the impermeant SO 4 2– anion for Cl changed the KI for conductance to 3×10–6 mol l–1. Within Cl-containing media, the time course of the amiloride effect on potential difference showed an early rapid fall of 10 mV with a half-time 2 s, followed by a slower depolarization of 9 mV, and the conductance change followed the slower component of the potential change. In SO 4 2– -containing media, the potential difference and conductance changes followed time courses similar to one another. Finally, experiments on the effect of serosal applications of ouabain revealed that, although, in general, ouabain reduced resistance, it caused an increase in resistance in those ducts where the initial resistance was low. We conclude that: i) luminal Na+ transport occurs via amiloride-sensitive, conductive Na+ channels; ii) the Cl conductance is the major determinant of transepithelial conductance; iii) the first phase of the potential response is due to blocking of the Na+ conductive channels, whilst the slow phase reflects secondary inhibition of an electrogenic Na+ pump; and iv) duct resistance changes are secondary to alterations in intracellular Cl concentration.  相似文献   
N. F. Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR S. V. Prozorovskii.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 110, No. 8, pp. 170–172, August, 1990.  相似文献   
PROBLEM: Previous studies have revealed the presence of a unique population of CD45R+ granulated cells in the sheep uterine epithelium. In the present study, dramatic changes in this cell population and in the nongranulated lymphocytes in the uterine and endometrial glandular epithelium of non-cycling, cycling, pregnant, and postparturient sheep are described. In noncycling and cycling sheep, the granules in the granulated intraepithelial cells were small. From days 55 to 134 of pregnancy, the granules in these cells were large, and there was a significant increase (P < 0.01) in the proportion of this cell population in the uterine epithelium but not in the endometrial glandular epithelium located in the deeper region of the stroma. The number of these cells declined dramatically (P < 0.01) from 2 to 15 days after parturition. Both the tissue distribution and the time of activation of these cells suggests they are different from the granulated lymphocytes described in placentae of mice and man. CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that this unique population of granulated cells is derived from lymphocytes, and that these cells become metabolically active from mid- to late-pregnancy and may play a physiological role during pregnancy or birth. In contrast, the number of nongranulated intraepithelial lymphocytes were suppressed throughout pregnancy and they probably do not play a role in pregnancy.  相似文献   
Voltage-gated, tetrodotoxin(TTX)-blockable sodium channels are found in most excitable cells and are the primary contributors to action potentials generated by many of these cells. To date, there has only been one report of a non-cultured vertebrate epithelial cell type containing TTX-blockable Na+ channels: rabbit non-pigmented ciliary body epithelial cells [Cilluffo MC et al. (1991) Invest Opthalmol Vis Sci 32:1619–1629], and three reports of cultured epithelial cells containing TTX-blockable Na+ channels: rabbit non-pigmented and pigmented ciliary body epithelium [Ciluffo MC et al. (1991) Invest Opthalmol Vis Sci 32:1619–1629; Fain GL, Farahbakhsh (1989) J Physiol (Lond) 417:83–103] and human lens epithelium [Cooper K et al. (1990) J Membr Biol 117:285–298]. We report here the presence of sodium currents in two different non-cultured, freshly dissociated transporting epithelial cell types: the rabbit corneal endothelium and the frog lens epithelium. We also report the occurrence of sodium currents in six additional cultured ocular epithelial cell types from three different species. These currents have a current/voltage (I/V) relationship consistent with traditional voltage-gated Na+ currents, are quinidine- and TTX-blockable (of the low-affinity TTX-sensitive type), and disappear following bath substitution of Na+ with Cs+ or K+.  相似文献   
Light microscopic examination of the renal tubular epithelium of a female with a rapid progressive glomerulonephritis revealed in several areas the presence of cells bearing ciliumlike structures.

At transmission electron microscopy, normal tubular cells appeared to be partially replaced by epithelial cells showing numerous 9×2 cilia and a normally developed basal apparatus. The cilia showed several ultra-structural details (i.e., outer dynein arms, spokes) such as observed in kinocilia of the respiratory epithelium. In addition, a number of poorly differentiated cells showing cilia with a 9 + 0 pattern and at the same time cilia with a 9 + 2 pattern of microtubular arrangement were also seen.

The possible biologic significance of these cilia is discussed.  相似文献   
A moderately severe thermal injury of the central cornea of 48 Dutch-belted rabbit eyes was produced with a carbon (CO2) laser. The lesions were photographed with a slit lamp (SL) camera immediately following the injury and at 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 21, 30 and 60 days after the exposure. Lesion size, opaqueness, and depth were graded clinically by SL biomicroscopy at the same intervals. No significant differences were found (p 0.05) between groups of eyes treated with flurbiprofen (0.03%), prednisolone acetate (1%), and vehicle control four-times-a-day for three weeks following injury. Additionally, eyes were studied histopathologically at 3 and 60 days following injury by light and transmission electron microscopy, and clinically at 30 and 60 days by endothelial specular microscopy. Important clinical and histopathological findings included coagulative necrosis of the corneal epithelium, epithelial sloughing, fusion of stromal collagen, stromal edema and inflammatory cell infiltration, stromal scar formation, corneal thinning, endothelial hyperplasia and metaplasia, fibrinous anterior chamber reaction with hypopyon, and retrocorneal fibrous membrane formation.  相似文献   
Two adults with mild dementia and a history of memory loss and disequilibrium were seen in the eye clinic following complaints of acuity loss in the 20/30–20/70 (Snellen) range. Results from the fundus examination of one patient were entirely normal; the other showed minimal vascular attenuation and optic atrophy. Electrophysiology was remarkable: (1) Photopic ERG b-waves were reduced, delayed, and showed pronounced oscillations. (2) EOG light-rise potentials were absent or very small. (3) Binocular pattern-VER signals showed addition of the monocular signal. Scotopic ERG signals were normal. Brain biopsy and microscopy showed intercellular, autofluorescent ceroid deposits which provided a clear diagnosis of Kufs disease. Histology of model animal retinal cells show ceroid deposits in cell classes implicated by the human retinal signals. The cluster of electrophysiological results point toward early changes in the pigment epithelium and inner plexiform layer cells as a means of non-invasive diagnosis.  相似文献   
We tested the optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) reflex of various hypopigmented mutant mice and ultrastructurally examined the pigmentation of various ocular structures in these mutants. Using electron microscopy we examined the pigmentation of the choroid and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and measured the numerical density, volume density, and distribution of RPE melanosomes of mice with the following phenotypes: (1) wild type, (2) mutants that have abnormal or no OKN in response to horizontally moving, full-field stimulation, and (3) other mutants that have normal OKN but reduced choroidal pigmentation. We also measured the OKN of all these mice in response to horizontally moving stimuli that were restricted to the nasal or to the temporal retina. We found that in the mutants with normal OKN the numerical density of melanosomes in the RPE was within the range found for wild type, while the numerical density was reduced for the mutants with abnormal OKN. For one mutant with normal RPE pigmentation and normal OKN, the choroidal pigmentation was nearly absent. For the genotypes with abnormal OKN the volume density of the RPE melanosomes and percent apical melanosomes were sometimes greater and sometimes less than normal. The OKN patterns of these mice fell into the following categories: (1) wild type; (2) field-restriction dependent OKN with small following movements but no OKN in response to full-field stimulation, normal OKN in response to stimulation of the nasal retina, and OKN of reversed direction in response to stimulation of the temporal retina; (3) oblique with slow oblique following movements and reduced numbers of OKNs with oblique quick phases in response to horizontally moving, full-field stimulation, nearly normal OKN in response to stimulation of the nasal retina, and OKN of reversed direction in response to stimulation of the temporal retina. The horizontal component of the oblique response to full-field stimulation was in the same direction for the two eyes, but the vertical component was in the opposite direction. (4) Slow, small amplitude, with no or very small following movements in response to full-field stimulation, following movements in response to stimulation of the nasal retina and reversed "following" movements in response to stimulation of the temporal retina but few or no quick phases of the OKN for any stimulus condition. These results show that a variety of abnormalities of the OKN occur for hypopigmentation mutants of the mouse.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
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