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Proteoglycan-induced arthritis is a murine autoimmune model displaying many similarities to human rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, as has been documented by clinical, immunological and histopathological studies. Since the onset of arthritis correlates with the serum antibody level to mouse cartilage proteoglycan (PG), it is believed that these autoreactivc antibodies may play crucial roles in the pathological mechanisms of PG-induced arthritis. We have found that fertility in these PG-induced arthritic mice had been reduced but, unlike collagen-induced arthritis, had not been completely lost. Moreover, pregnancy had a beneficial effect upon the clinical symptoms with very little or no influence on scrum antibody levels. Although fertility was retained and arthritic mothers delivered healthy offspring, the birth frequency was significantly less than in non-arthritic age-matched controls. Furthermore, the presence of anti-PG autoantibodies (predominantly IgG1 subclass) transmitted from arthritic mothers to infants transplacentally and by milk during the lactation period did not render these offspring either resistant or more sensitive to subsequent induction of arthritis. Subsequent immunization of infants with ‘arthritogenic’ PG revealed an unaltered susceptibility to arthritis induction.  相似文献   
Recent data indicate that rheumatoid factors (RFs) that occur in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are derived from Ig-producing terminally differentiated CD20-, CD38+ plasma cells present in synovial fluids (SFs). Phage antibody display libraries were constructed using CD38+ plasma cells isolated from SFs of two RF-seropositive RA patients. The libraries were enriched for phage antibodies (Phabs) binding to human IgG (HuIgG) Fc fragments and the sequences of their V genes were analysed. These data provided further evidence for an Ag-driven immune response in patients with RA, including expansion of clonally related B cells, selection and isotype switching, all hallmarks of a germinal center reaction. In the present study, the functional characteristics of these HuIgG Fc-binding monoclonal (mo) Phabs were further analysed in order to provide more insight into the specificity of HuIgG Fc-binding Phabs. Remarkably, all HuIgG Fc-binding moPhabs tested (n=48; derived from four different libraries) displayed polyreactivity. Structural analysis of the CDR3 regions revealed characteristic features of polyreactive Igs. Most H chain CDR3 regions harboured tryptophan/tyrosine-rich parts and approximately 60% of the L chain CDR3 regions of both RA patients displayed an identical stretch of amino acids (W/Y-D-S-S). Supportive for a dominant role of VH in specificity, exchange of VL regions with a single VH region yielded moPhabs with similar specificities. All together, the data suggest the presence of an Ag-driven process in the joints of patients with RA, including somatic mutation and clonal selection entailing isotype switching, resulting in the differentiation of B cells into polyreactive RF-secreting plasma cells.  相似文献   
New therapies for rheumatoid arthritis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disease, which continues to cause significant morbidity in affected persons. In the past few years, a number of new exciting therapeutic options have become available. These reflect the application of knowledge obtained from advancements in understanding of disease pathogenesis and underlying molecular mechanisms. A number of these therapies are outlined in the following review, including the various biological modifiers, in particular, anti-tumour necrosis factor-alpha agents and interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor antagonists, which have been developed in recognition of the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines in RA. Also notable, is the current interest centring on the development and trials with B cell depletion therapies, specifically rituximab, in patients with RA. This demonstrates acknowledgment for a more significant role for B cells in the aetiology of RA, in contrast to the long held view that RA was a predominantly T cell mediated disease. To evaluate this therapeutic option for RA, salient features from recent rituximab trials have been collated. Finally, a selection of other therapeutic alternatives, including anti-IL-6 receptor monoclonal antibody and tacrolimus, and newer anti-rheumatic therapies presently in development are summarized.  相似文献   
Inflammatory cytokines have been implicated in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. To validate a key role for IL-1 in arthritic processes we have studied the protective effect of neutralizing antimurine IL-1 antibodies in the murine collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) model. Combination of anti-IL-1 alpha and anti-IL-1 beta given before onset of arthritis was shown to prevent disease completely. Remarkably, a single treatment was also highly effective in the established phase of arthritis, reducing both inflammation as well as cartilage destruction. Suppression was most pronounced with the combination, but anti-IL-1 beta alone also induced significant relief. Finally, we studied the protective effect of IL-1 neutralization on cartilage metabolism in a unilateral expression model of collagen arthritis. To this end zymosan was injected in one knee joint before onset of disease, resulting in accelerated expression in that particular joint and the draining paw. Anti-IL-1 treatment started after accelerated expression of arthritis was able to fully normalize chondrocyte synthetic function, which was highly suppressed in the control group. It is concluded that IL-1 is an important determinant in both inflammation and cartilage destruction in collagen arthritis, and this may have implications for therapy in human arthritis.  相似文献   
Investigated the behaviors of pediatric rheumatology healthcare providers that were expected to be related to patient orparent adherence. Medical charts of 108 patients ages 1 to 20years diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis were examined.The 473 outpatient visits over 15 months yielded a total of2,578 treatment recommendations, but only 1,390 adherence-facilitatingbehaviors by medical staff were documented. Providing informationabout how often to perform the recommendation was the most commonstaff behavior. In contrast, care providers rarely indicatedthat they addressed their patients' concerns and barriers toimplementing the recommendations, or employed behavior modificationstrategies to increase adherence. Implications of these findingsfor development of programs designed to increase treatment adherencein children with chronic diseases requiring time-consuming,intrusive medical regimens are discussed.  相似文献   
CD69, known as an early activation marker antigen on T and B cells, is also expressed on platelets and activated neutrophils, suggesting certain roles in inflammatory diseases. In order to address the role of CD69 in the pathogenesis of arthritis, we established CD69-null mice. CD69-null mice displayed a markedly attenuated arthritic inflammatory response when injected with anti-type II collagen antibodies. Cell transfer experiments with neutrophils, but not T cells or spleen cells, from wild-type mice into CD69-null mice restored the induction of arthritis. These results indicate a critical role for CD69 in neutrophil function in arthritis induction during the effector phase. Thus, CD69 would be a possible therapeutic target for arthritis in human patients.  相似文献   
By light and electron microscopy, we observed foamy cells in the spleens from a patient with hemolytic anemia due to red cell adenosine deaminase (ADA) overproduction, a patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treated with gold, and patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)

The foamy cells associated with red cell ADA overproduction were essentially similar to Gaucher-like cells described in patients with thalassemia, and it was suggested that the accelerated destruction of red cells was one of the factors responsible for the development of foamy cells. Foamy cells in ITP and RA were closely associated with an increased destruction of platelets in the spleen. Morphologic transitions between phagocytosed platelets and myelinlike materials were traced in these disorders. In RA, however, foamy cells were heterogeneous from an ultrastructural standpoint, with different cytoplasmic inclusions. In addition to myelinlike materials, dense bodies, vacuoles with flocculent materials, and gold were noted in most of foamy cells. As gold compounds are known to inhibit lysosomal enzymes, we surmise that an acquired disturbance in lysosomal digestion is partially responsible for the accumulation of intermediate metabolites.

In the pathogenesis of foamy cells associated with blood cell dyscrasia, the accelerated destruction of blood cells and/or acquired disorders in catabolic pathways within the macrophages are suggested to be the underlying mechanism of an intralysosomal accumulation of incompletely degraded cellular debris.  相似文献   
A comprehensive assessment model of variables hypothesized toinfluence pediatric pain perception was empirically investigatedin 23 families who had a child with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.To determine the effects of family environment, child psychologicaladjustment, and disease parameters on child pain perception,a developmentally appropriate model was developed. Childrenbetween the ages of 5 and 15 were found to be reliable judgesof their pain intensity. Several family environmental and childpsychological factors were found to interact with specific diseaseparameters in determining pediatric pain perception and report.A multidimensional age-appropriate assessment model is suggestedfor use in the further examination of pediatric chronic andrecurrent pain.  相似文献   
A role for heat shock proteins (hsp) in rheumatoid arthritis has been suggested. In addition, the specific binding of human HSP70 protein to QKRAA and RRRAA motifs within the HV3 region of disease-associated DRB1*0401 and DRB1*1001 molecules, respectively, has been proposed as being relevant to rheumatoid arthritis. The purpose of this work was to analyze the influence of HSP70 gene polymorphism on the susceptibility to or severity of rheumatoid arthritis and to investigate the possible contribution of these HSP70 polymorphisms in determining HLA-DRB1*0401/*1001 disease association. The frequencies of the HSP70-1, HSP70-2 and HSP70-hom genotypes were analyzed by PCR-RFLP using BsrBI , Pst I and Nco I enzymes, respectively, in patients with heumatoid arthritis and in healthy controls. No significant differences were observed when HSP70 alleled istribution between the groups under study were compared. Moreover, we did not observe any significant difference in HSP70 allele frequencies between patients positive for HLA-DRB1*0401/*1001 alleles and matched controls. Our data indicate that HSP70 gene polymorphisms do not appear to be relevant in the susceptibility to or severity of rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   
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