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目的:回顾1954~2007年针灸文献,探索针灸治疗脑性瘫痪用穴和治疗方法的规律。方法:根据《中国现代针灸信息数据库》数据,采用计量分析方法进行综合分析。结果:足三里、曲池、合谷应用频次为最,百会、四神聪等头部穴位的应用也较频繁,治疗方法以针刺、头针、水针为主。结论:针刺疗法的介入可以提高脑性瘫痪的疗效。建议取百会、四神聪、足三里、曲池、合谷为针灸治疗脑性瘫痪的基础方。  相似文献   
目的为了解我国10年来择业效能感研究的现状,以期为下一步研究提供参考。方法对中国期刊网(CNK I)上的39条择业效能感文章题录(2001-2010年)进行计量学分析。结果①择业效能感研究总量严重不足;②择业效能感研究对象主要是普通学生,而对贫困学生、单亲学生、残疾学生、有"留守经历"学生等研究的很少;③择业效能感研究领域主要集中于现状调查;④择业效能感的合作研究不够;⑤择业效能感跨学科研究缺乏;⑥择业效能感研究的资助力度有待加强;⑦研究机构主要是高校及医院。结论国内对择业效能感研究关注不够,需进一步加强。  相似文献   
A highly enriched 240Pu solution was measured by α-particle and γ-ray spectrometry to determine other radionuclides present in the material as impurities. Low activities of 238Pu, 241Am, 243Cm and 244Cm were determined by measuring thin sources, made from the original solution, in a high-resolution alpha-particle spectrometer. The sources were prepared by evaporating the plutonium solution on quartz plates in a vacuum chamber. From the ingrowth of 241Am in the original solution, the amount of 241Pu could be calculated. After radiochemical separation of 241Am, the plutonium was measured by high-efficiency alpha-particle spectrometry to determine the amount of 238Pu. The enriched 240Pu material was also measured by high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry, using two different HPGe detectors to determine the impurities of 239Pu and 241Am. The preparation of the sources and the measurement methods are described and discussed. The measured impurities, given in % of the 240Pu activity, are compared with the values on the certificate.  相似文献   
A highly enriched 240Pu solution was measured by -particle and γ-ray spectrometry to determine other radionuclides present in the material as impurities. Low activities of 238Pu, 241Am, 243Cm and 244Cm were determined by measuring thin sources, made from the original solution, in a high-resolution alpha-particle spectrometer. The sources were prepared by evaporating the plutonium solution on quartz plates in a vacuum chamber. From the ingrowth of 241Am in the original solution, the amount of 241Pu could be calculated. After radiochemical separation of 241Am, the plutonium was measured by high-efficiency alpha-particle spectrometry to determine the amount of 238Pu. The enriched 240Pu material was also measured by high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry, using two different HPGe detectors to determine the impurities of 239Pu and 241Am. The preparation of the sources and the measurement methods are described and discussed. The measured impurities, given in % of the 240Pu activity, are compared with the values on the certificate.  相似文献   
卫生政策研究文献主题分布及变化趋势的计量学分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
对卫生政策研究主题的分析能够集中和鲜明的反映一个时期内卫生政策的主要问题和关注热点,本文通过卫生政策研究主题的计量学分析和文献评阅,揭示卫生政策研究文献的特征、联系、学术研究的发展脉络方向,从而总结卫生政策研究主题特点和发展趋势,为我国卫生政策研究提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
目的:回顾1956~2007年针灸文献,探索针灸治疗变应性鼻炎用穴和治疗方法的规律。方法:根据《中国现代针灸信息数据库》数据,采用计量分析方法进行综合分析。结果:迎香、肺俞应用频次为最,治疗方法以针剁和水针为主。结论:建议迎香、印堂、肺俞、大椎作为针灸治疗变应性鼻炎基础方,并辨证选穴。  相似文献   
The alpha-particle emission probabilities associated with the three main alpha transitions of 238U were measured by high-resolution alpha-particle spectrometry. Highly enriched 238U material was used and its isotopic composition characterised by mass spectrometry. Source production through electrodeposition was optimised to reconcile conflicting demands for good spectral resolution and statistical precision. Measurements were performed at IRMM and CIEMAT for 1–2 years in three different set-ups. A new magnet system was put into use to largely eliminate true coincidence effects with low-energy conversion electrons. Finally the accuracy and precision of the relative emission probabilities for the three transitions – 77.01 (10)%, 22.92 (10)% and 0.068 (10)%, respectively – have been improved significantly.  相似文献   
本文针对当前医疗卫生机构在医疗仪器质量管理中存在的一些问题,从增强法制观念,健立、完善计量保证体系,提高医学计量认识,更新医疗仪器管理观念等方面,阐述了在医疗卫生机构建立计量保证体系的紧迫性及重要性。  相似文献   
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