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Zusammenfassung Praktische ?rzte und Internisten empfinden die Impfsituation in Deutschland zum Gro?teil als unbefriedigend. Obwohl sie sich selbst die wichtigste Rolle beim Impfen zuschreiben, sehen sie die Ursachen für die niedrigen Impfzahlen vor allem in der Unwissenheit bei den Patienten, in der Angst vor der Spritze und in mangelhafter Compliance und Kontrolle. Um zu einem verbesserten Impfverhalten zu kommen, setzen die ?rzte vorwiegend auf positive Informationen in den Medien, aber auch auf die Kontrolle durch Beh?rden und Krankenkassen sowie die bessere Integration des Impfens in die Praxisorganisation. So lauten im Kern die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung, die das Marktforschungsinstitut „Resultate” in Neu-Isenburg im Auftrag des Impfstoffherstellers Chiron Behring durchgeführt hat. Im Vergleich zu den Daten einer repr?sentativen Patientenumfrage von 1995 lassen sich übereinstimmungen finden: Tats?chlich sind die meisten Patienten schlecht informiert, insbesondere über die Notwendigkeit von Auffrischimpfungen. Ein Drittel der Befragten besitzt keinen Impfausweis, wodurch die Kontrolle erschwert wird. Im Gegensatz zu den Annahmen der ?rzte existiert jedoch eine hohe Impfbereitschaft, w?hrend Angst kaum ein Impfhindernis darstellt. Für die überwiegende Mehrheit der Patienten ist der Arzt der erste Ansprechpartner bei Impffragen.   相似文献   
The occurrence of pregnancy-associated ectopic decidua is a well-documented phenomenon. It has been observed most often in the ovaries, uterus, and cervix. An extragenital localization is less frequent and usually an asymptomatic, incidental finding. We report on a 32-year-old woman in her third trimester of pregnancy who developed acute appendicitis caused by ectopic decidua. This case illustrates a rare differential diagnosis of acute appendicitis and discusses the pathogenesis of pregnancy-associated ectopic decidua in such cases.  相似文献   
目的:观察新型电热手术刀在妇产科手术中的应用效果。方法:对65 例需手术的妇产科病人,用新型电热手术刀做手术,与同期用普通手术刀(25 例) 和高频电刀(20 例) 做手术进行比较。结果:电热手术刀可在锋利切割组织的同时快速止血,止血作用类似于高频电刀;和普通手术刀相比,电热手术刀能明显减少出血量,加快手术速度,且无脂肪液化,无刀片粘连,切口愈合良好,热损伤轻微。结论:电热手术刀结合了普通手术刀和高频电刀的优点,适合在妇产科手术中推广使用。  相似文献   
Current Medical Science - Die morphologischen Veränderungen des mechanisch bzw. Elektrisch gereizten Skelettmuskels von 20 Leichen mit erhaltener supravitaler Reagibilitat in...  相似文献   
α-细辛脑对气管纤毛运动的影响   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
目的:研究α-细辛脑对气管纤毛运动的影响,探讨其祛痰作用机理。方法:采用鸽子在体气管和家兔离体气管试验:设空白、阳性对照组及α-细辛脑高、中、低剂理组,以墨汁走距和运行速度作为气管纤毛运动指标,各试验组与空白对照组进行t检验。比较其组间差异。结果:给浅度麻醉的鸽子静脉注射α-细辛脑32mg/kg、16mg/kg、8mg/kg,墨汁走距分别为(1.17±0.12)cm,(1.15±0.17)cm和(  相似文献   
During the period from 1992 to 1998, 50 patients underwent anal sphincter restoration by dynamic graciloplasty for primary (n = 26) or secondary (n = 6) total anorectal reconstruction (TAR) following abdominoperineal rectal resection (APR) or acquired (n = 9) or congenital (n = 9) fecal incontinence, respectively. Forty-seven patients were operated on by a single-stage procedure using a modified technique for the muscle wrap ("split sling"). Muscle fiber transformation by controlled stimulation was achieved at the beginning of the learning curve within 8 weeks and in the meantime within 4 weeks. Rectal injury (n = 10) turned out to be the most serious postoperative complication and was observed mainly in patients following TAR (n = 8). As the most prominent functional problem constipation in patients following TAR hampered the postoperative functional result; however, this was overcome by regular enemas. An improvement in the continence status was observed in 80% of the patients treated for fecal incontinence, and following APR 66% of the patients had acceptable results without a permanent colostomy.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung. In einer experimentellen Studie wurde bei 10 Schweinen mit einem mittleren K?rpergewicht von 18,9 (15–24) kg eine intraven?se CO2- oder Argon-Embolie mit 10, 20 und 30 ml Gas durchgeführt. Das invasive Monitoring zeigte bei der Gasembolie mit Argon im Gegensatz zur Gasembolie mit CO2 einen st?rkeren Anstieg des pulmonal arteriellen Drucks (p < 0,001), einen st?rkeren Abfall des endexspiratorischen CO2 (p < 0,01), des Herzminutenvolumens (p < 0,01) und des mittleren arteriellen Drucks (p < 0,01). In der Argon-Gruppe (n = 5) starben zwei Tiere nach 20 bzw. 30 ml Bolusgabe. Ein weiteres Tier konnte nach Gabe von 30 ml Bolus erfolgreich reanimiert werden. In der CO2-Gruppe (n = 5) starb weder eines der Tiere noch war eine Reanimation erforderlich. Wenig l?sliche Gase wie Argon sollten in Situationen mit erh?htem Risiko einer Gasembolie nicht angewendet werden. ID=" Dr. T. Junghans Klinik f&uuml;r Allgemein-, Visceral-, Gef&auml;&szlig;- und Thoraxchirurgie Universit&auml;tsklinikum Medizinische Fakult&auml;t der Humboldt-Universit&auml;t Campus Charit&eacute; Mitte Schumannstra&szlig;e 20/21 D-10117 Berlin  相似文献   
A scale for measuring symptoms related to degenerative diseases of the cervical spine is presented. Twenty typical symptoms are listed, e. g., neck pain, dysesthesia, and reduced mobility. Responses are assessed via a 6-point scaling ("did not have symptom" - "had symptom and suffered very strongly".) The cervical spine scale was tested in three samples: patients having undergone cervical spine surgery (n = 70), patients with other orthopedic diagnoses (n = 104), and healthy students (n = 100). The single items of the scale were aggregated into four scores: total number of symptoms, degree of overall symptom distress, functional disability, and pain/psychological distress. Statistical analyses proved the high reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.85 to 0.95) and validity (content, convergent, discriminant) of all scores. The scale differs clearly between cervical spine patients, other orthopedic patients and healthy individuals, and between cervical spine patients with different subjective operative outcomes. For applied clinical purposes the cervical spine scale can be included in a quality of life profile (QL-profile); this allows for a readily understandable graphic depiction of individual patients' QL-status.  相似文献   
A. Zerz  J. Beck  G. Szinicz 《Der Chirurg》1999,70(3):294-297
BACKGROUND: Dorsoposterior and/or perineal access to pelvic connective tissue spaces has lost its importance due to improved transabdominal techniques. Because of the development of minimally invasive surgery towards "soft-tissue endoscopy" we were interested in whether the video-assisted technique could give new impetus to the perineal approach. Successful experiments on corpses were followed by the first clinical application. METHODS: After the dilation of the retrorectal, rectovaginal and rectoprostatical spaces with a dissecting balloon, pneumoextraperitoneum was established and all extraperitoneal structures of the pelvis could be dissected. RESULTS: In the experimental and in the clinical situation the spaces could be perfectly surveyed. EXPERIMENTALLY: Complete, circular preparation of the rectum was achieved. Parts of the bladder, vagina and prostate were visualized ventrally. Laterally both ureters and the paraproctal and iliacal vessels could be dissected. In the clinical application the retrorectal space could be dilated without problems and it could be rinsed and drained. Postoperatively no complications were recorded. The patient could be discharged on the 17th postoperative day. CONCLUSION: The described method is suitable for clinical use. Besides the described indication, further surgical applications exists.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To test, whether axial, coronal and sagittal MIP and MPR reconstructions of diagnostic quality can be obtained from 1-mm collimation MSCT data of the chest for the evaluation of thoracic anatomy and pathology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 1-mm collimation MSCT scans were obtained with a pitch of 6 in an acrylic phantom and in 20 patients. Axial images were reconstructed with 0.6-mm increment. Multiplanar reformations (MPRs) and sliding thin-slab maximum intensity projections (STS-MIPs) were reconstructed in axial, coronal and sagittal planes. Images were printed in lung windows and evaluated by three readers by using a standardized evaluation scheme. RESULTS: Overall, both methods allowed good visualization of anatomic structures. MIP was superior for visualization of the pulmonary arteries (p < 0.05) while central and peripheral bronchi and the lung parenchyma were better depicted on multiplanar reconstructions. A confident diagnosis of thoracic pathology was feasible using both modalities, however MIPs appeared less usefull for evaluation of gross parenchymal abnormalities, such as pneumonic infiltrates or fibrotic changes. No significant difference in the degree of motion artifacts were detected between both modalities. CONCLUSION: MSCT data sets are ideally suited for generating MPR and MIP reconstructions. While MIPs are superior for the evaluation of thoracic vessels, MPR is advantageous for visualizing central and peripheral bronchi and the pulmonary parenchyma.  相似文献   
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