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In this study, two-dimensional and pulsed Doppler echocardiography were used to measure cardiovascular changes before and after IV atropine in 31 infants and small children during halothane (n = 15) or isoflurane (n = 16) anaesthesia. Prior to induction of anaesthesia heart rate (HR), mean blood pressure (MBP), and two0dimensional echocardiographic dimensions of the left ventricle and pulmonary artery bloodflow velocity were measured by pulsed Doppler echocardiography. Cardiovascular measurements were repeated while anaesthesia was maintained at 1.5 MAC halothane (n = 15) or isoflurane (n = 16). Atropine 0.02 mg·kg−1 IV was then administered and two minutes later, a third set of cardiovascular data was obtained. Heart rate decreased during halothane anaesthesia but did not change significantly during isoflurane anaesthesia. Mean blood pressure, cardiac output (CO) and stroke volume (SV) decreased similarly during 1.5 MAC halothane or isoflurane anaesthesia. Ejection fraction (EF) decreased and left ventricular end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) increased significantly in bothgroups, but decreases in EF (32 ± 5 percentvs18 ± 5 per cent) and increases in LVEDV (18 ± 7 per cent vs7 ± 5 per cent) were significantly greater during halothane than during isoflurane anaesthesia. Following atropine, HR increased more in the patients maintained with halothane (31 ± 6 per cent), than during isoflurane anaesthesia (18 ± 5 per cent). Atropine increased CO in both groups of patients, but SV and EF remained unchanged. When compared with awake values, HR increased similarly and significantly (18 ± 4 per cent) following atropine in both groups, and CO returned to control levels. Halothane decreased EF and increased LVEDV more than isoflurane at 1.5 MAC end— expired anaesthetic levels. Atropine did not diminish the myocardial depression produced by halothane or isoflurane. The increase in CO following atropine during halothane and isoflurane anaesthesia in infants and small children is the result of increases in HR alone. Nous avons utilisé un appareil à échocardiographie bi-dimensionnelle couplé à un Doppler pulsé chez des bébés et de jeunes enfants pour évaluer l’impact hémodynamique de l’halothane (n = 15) et de l’isoflurane (n = 16) et la modification possible de ces effets par l’atropine. Nous avons mesure la frequence cardiaque (FC), la pression artérielle moyenne (PAM), la dimension de la cavité ventriculaire gauche (par écho bi-dimensionnelle) et la vélocité du flot sanguin pulmonaire (par Doppler) et ce, en trois occasions soit avant l’induction, après l’instauration de 1.5 MAC d’halothane ou d’isoflurane et finalement, deux minutes après l’injection IV de 0.02 mg·kg−1 d’atropine. On ne nota une baisse de la frequence cardiaque qu’avec l’halothane tandis que la PAM, le débit cardiaque (DC) et le volume d’éjection (VE) diminuaient autant avec l’un ou l’autre anesthésique. La diminution de la fraction d’éjection (FE) et l’augmentation du volume télédiastolique du ventricule gauche (VTDVG) significatives pour les deux groupes, étaienl plus marqué avec l’halothane qu’avec l’isoflurane: FE 32 ± 5 pour cent vs18 ±5 pour cent; VTDVG 18 ± 7 pour cent vs 7 ± 5 pour cent. Avec l’atropine, la FC monta plus dans le groupe halothane (31 ± 6 pour cent) que dans le groupe isoflurane (18 ± 5 pour cent), le DC augmentant dans les deux groupes, alors que le VE et la FE demeuraient inchangés. Comparée aux mesures pré-induction, l’atropine amenait une hausse significative de la FC, semblable dans les deux groupes (18 ± 4 pour cent) et restaurait le DC. Donc, chez les bebes et les jeunes enfants, a 1.5 MAC, l’halothane diminue la FE et augmente le VTDVG plus que ne le fait l’isoflurane. L’atropine ne modifie pas la depression myocardique et elle ne restaure le DC que par une hausse de la FC.
Supported by PHS Grant No. 8507300 from the College of Medicine, University of Iowa Hospital, Iowa City, IA.  相似文献   
Cytotoxicity of atracurium and of its metabolites was tested in vitro.Exposure of isolated rat hepatocytes to atracurium produced cellular damage evidenced by extrusion of an intracellular enzyme, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), into the incubation medium. Leakage of LDH was directly related to the concentration of atracurium in the medium (250 to 800 μM). If the spontaneous degradation of atracurium (presumably via Hofmann elimination) was first carried out in vitroand the degradation products subsequently added to the isolated hepatocytes, the leakage of LDH was also dose-dependent but larger than that observed after the addition of the parent drug. When l-cysteine was admixed to the products of the spontaneous degradation of atracurium prior to their addition to the liver cells, no leakage of LDH was observed. The results are compatible with the working hypothesis that atracurium itself and, even more so, acrylates formed in Hofmann elimination of atracurium, are reactive toward nucleophiles and damage the cells by alkylating nucleophiles present in cellular membranes. Antecedent covalent binding of acrylates to the nucleophile cysteine, i.e., the formation of acrylatecysteine adducts, saturated the reactive capacity of acrylates for nucleophiles and thus prevented the reactive metabolites from alkylating the endogenous nucleophiles. Possible clinical consequences resulting from in vivogeneration of reactive metabolites are not clear at the present time but are projected to be related to (a) the dose of atracurium administered, (b) the amount of acrylates generated, (c) the functional importance of the endogenous nucleophiles alkylated, and (d) the pathway and the speed of detoxification of atracurium and its metabolites.  相似文献   
The effect of halothane on arrhythmias induced by ischaemia was investigated in rats, isolated perfused rat hearts, and pigs. Responses to the occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery were determined in groups (n = 9) of chronically prepared rats treated with no halothane, 0.5, or 1.0 per cent halothane immediately after occlusion; in isolated rat hearts (n = 10) treated with no halothane, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, or 4.0 per cent halothane for 15 min before and after occlusion; and 20–25 kg pigs (n = 11) anaesthetised with halothane or pentobarbital. The ECG, arrhythmias, blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and extent of infarction were determined in each model. In pigs, left ventricular pressure, dp/dtmax and cardiac output were also measured. In chronically prepared rats, halothane anaesthesia started after occlusion was antiarrhythmic and decreased the incidence of ventricular fibrillation and resulting mortality. In isolated rat hearts, 0.5 or 1.0 per cent halothane had little effect on occlusion-induced arrhythmias. The highest concentration of halothane increased the incidence of ventricular fibrillation both before and after occlusion. Halothane decreased developed ventricular pressure in a dose-dependent manner. In acutely prepared pigs, halothane pre-treatment had no appreciable effect upon occlusion-induced arrhythmias when compared with pentobarbital anaesthesia. Thus, halothane is antiarrhythmic when treatment is initiated after occlusion in the rat but this action is not seen in isolated hearts or intact pigs. The antiarrhythmic action of halothane is, therefore, species and model dependent.  相似文献   
Anaesthetic and sedation techniques, complications and outcomes were reviewed in 176 children undergoing 184 interventional cardiologic procedures. Techniques included sedation only, and ketamine, inhalational or narcotic anaesthesia. Ketamine infusion was the technique most frequently used. Ketamine was associated with a higher incidence of respiratory complications (P < 0.05) than the other techniques. The higher incidence of hypercarbia (15.6 per cent), which did not affect outcome, may be attributable to the use of supplemental sedatives. The incidence of upper airway obstruction (7.8 per cent) was similar to that of previous studies. Vascular compromise resulted from the procedure in 33 patients, necessitating surgical correction in 16. Cardiac perforation occurred in four cases, causing one death. Pulmonary valve stenosis was most amenable to balloon dilatation and aortic valve stenosis least amenable. Ketamine was the anaesthetic agent preferred by cardiologists for use in the catheterisation suite when general anaesthesia was required. Vigilant monitoring by anaesthetic staff is necessary during the procedure, and avoidance of concomitant narcotics is recommended if a ketamine technique with spontaneous ventilation is used. Les techniques anesthésiques et de sédation ainsi que les complications et les issues ont été revues chez 176 enfants subissant 184 procedures cardiaques. Les techniques ont inctu soil la sédation seulement, soit l’anesthésie à la kétamine, aux agents d’inhalation ou aux narcotiques. La perfusion de kétamine était la technique la plus fréquemment utilisée. La ketamine était associée à une plus grande incidence de complication respiratoire (P < 0.05) comparativement aux autres techniques. La plus grande incidence d’hypercarbie (15.6 pour cent), n’ayant pas affecté l’issue, pourrait être attribuée à l’utilisation additionnelle de sédatifs. L’incidence d’obstruction des voies aériennes supérieures (7.8 pour cent) était similaire aux études préalables. Un problème vasculaire suite à la procédure fut observé chez 33 patients dont 16 ont requis une correction chirurgicale. Une perforation cardiaque est survenue dans quatre cas provoquant le décès d’un seul patient. La sténose de la valve pulmonaire était la procédure la plus susceptible d’être dilatée et la sténose de la valve aortique la moins susceptible. La kétamine était l’agent anesthésique préféré par les cardiologistes lors des cathétérisations quand une anesthésie générate était requise. Une surveillance vigilante par une équipe anesthésique fut nécessaire durant la procedure. Il faut aussi éviter l’administration de narcotiques si la kétamine est administrée en respiration spontanée.
Presented in part at the Canadian Anaesthetists’ Society annual meeting in Halifax, June 1988.  相似文献   
Summary Recently, a mutant rat strain was described with a genetic defect for the biliary excretion of organic anions (TR rats). To determine the possible heterogeneity of the transport systems in liver, intestine and kidney we investigated the transport of the anion 1-naphthol--d-glucuronide (1-NG) in isolated vascularly perfused organ preparations of the rat liver, intestine and kidney of both Wistar rats and TR rats. 1-NG was administered as such (liver and kidney experiments) or formed intracellularly from 1-naphthol (1-N) (liver and gut experiments). Independent of the type of exposure to 1-NG, the biliary excretion was considerably impaired in TR rats. In the intestine the total appearance and the vascular/luminal distribution pattern of 1-NG were not significantly different from the values in control rats. Furthermore, no significant disturbance was found with respect to the renal clearance of 1-NG in the TR rat when compared with the Wistar rat. Thus, the genetic defect in the TR rat is restricted to an impaired hepatobiliary excretion of 1-NG and does not affect the excretory systems of the intestine and kidney. These results suggest that the excretion of 1-NG by the liver, intestine and kidney involves distinct organ-specific transport systems.  相似文献   
Summary Release of nitric oxide (NO) from endothelial cells critically depends on a sustained increase in intracellular free calcium maintained by a transmembrane calcium influx into the cells. Therefore, we studied whether the free cytosolic calcium concentration directly affects the activity of the NO-forming enzyme(s) present in the cytosol from freshly harvested porcine aortic endothelial cells. NO was quantified by activation of a purified soluble guanylate cyclase coincubated with the cytosol. In the presence of 1 mM L-arginine, 0.1 mM NADPH and 0.1 mM EGTA, endothelial cytosol (0.2 mg of cytosolic protein per ml) stimulated the activity of guanylate cyclase 5.0 + 0.5-fold (from 31 + 9 to 153 + 15 nmol cyclic GMP formed per min per mg guanylate cyclase). Calcium chloride increased this stimulation further in a concentration-dependent fashion by up to 136 + 15% (with 2 M free calcium; EC50 0.3 M). The calcium-dependent and -independent activation of guanylate cyclase was enhanced by superoxide dismutase (0.3 M) and was inhibited by the stereospecifically acting inhibitor of L-arginine-dependent NO formation NG-nitro-L-arginine (1 mM) and by LY 83583 (1 M), a generator of superoxide anions. Our findings suggest a calcium-dependent and -independent synthesis of NO from L-arginine by native porcine aortic endothelial cells. Send of fprint requests to A. Mülsch, at the above address  相似文献   
N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor/channel antagonists have previously been shown to impair spatial working memory and hippocampal long-term potentiation. The present experiment investigated the effects of a variety of doses of NMDA antagonists on a working memory task in rats involving an auditory delayed conditional discrimination. Signal detection analysis and an exponential memory decay model were used to extract independent measures of stimulus discriminability and rate of forgetting. A competitive NMDA antagonist, (CPP, 0.33, 1.0, 10.0 mg/kg, IP) produced a reduction in discriminability which was linearly related to log dose, but which was only clear at the 10 mg/kg dose. Rate of forgetting was not increased by any dose. Similar results were obtained with a non-competitive antagonist (MK-801, 0.1, 0.33 mg/kg, IP). These data suggest that doses of NMDA receptor channel antagonists sufficient to disrupt hippocampal long-term potentiation and radial arm maze performance will also disrupt delayed conditional discrimination. The effect on delayed conditional discrimination is due to a disruption of stimulus discriminability and not to an increased rate of forgetting. The extent to which these effects relate to the reported changes in hippocampal long-term potentiation and radial arm maze performance remains to be determined.  相似文献   
Plasma noradrenaline (NA), adrenaline (A), and corticosterone (CS) responses to social and nonsocial stressors were studied in male members of a strain of wild-type rats, widely differing in their level of aggression. The aggressiveness was preliminarily established by measuring the latency time to attack (ALT) a male intruder in a standard resident-intruder test. Animals were then provided with a jugular vein cannula for blood sampling during stress exposure. Implanted rats were randomly assigned to 3 experimental treatments: social stress (defeat experience, SD), nonsocial stress (presentation of a shock-prod, SP) and control (animals undisturbed in their home cages, CTR). A significant correlation was found between ALT and the amount of time spent in burying the probe in SP rats: the more aggressive the animal, the higher the rate of burying behavior. SD induced a much stronger effect on plasma NA, A, and CS concentrations than SP. A significant negative correlation was found between ALT scores and values of the area under the response time curve for NA and A, in both SD and SP situations: the more aggressive the animal, the higher the catecholaminergic reactivity to the stressors. On the contrary, no evidence of a correlation between aggressiveness and plasma corticosterone responses was found, neither in SD nor in SP rats. These findings in an unselected strain of wild-type rats confirmed that an aggressive/active coping strategy is associated with a high sympathetic-adrenomedullary activation and support the concept of individual differentiation in coping styles as a coherent set of behavioral and neuroendocrine characteristics.  相似文献   
Proactive rodents show a larger behavioral response to apomorphine (APO) than reactive copers, suggesting a more sensitive DA system in proactive individuals. Previously, chicks from a high feather pecking (HFP) and low feather pecking line (LFP) have been suggested to display a proactive and reactive coping strategy, respectively. Therefore, at approximately 4 weeks of age, the behavior of 48 LFP and 48 HFP chicks in response to an APO injection was studied using an open field. Another objective of the present study was to determine whether behavioral variation (in an open field) between HFP and LFP birds, after APO injection, is also reflected by variation of D(1) and D(2) receptor densities in the brain. Receptor binding capacities were assessed by measuring specific binding of tritiated D(1) and D(2) receptor ligands in different regions of the brain of control HFP and LFP chicks. In the present study, it is shown that indeed HFP chicks display a more enhanced behavioral response to acute APO treatment (0.5 mg/kg BW) than LFP birds in an open field. This difference was not reflected by variation of D(1) and D(2) receptor densities in the brain between both lines.  相似文献   
Robert D.  Hare  Daniel  Craigen 《Psychophysiology》1974,11(2):197-206
Heart rate (HR) and skin conductance (SC) were recorded while 17 psychopathic (P) and 17 nonpsychopathic (NP) inmates (referred to as A) were engaged in a mixed-motive game situation with another S (referred to as B). On each trial A had to choose the intensity of shock to be delivered to himself and to B. B then was given a chance to retaliate, although his choices were actually overridden by the experimenter. A 10 sec tone (CS) preceded delivery of shock to each S. There were no differences between Groups P and NP in the intensity of shock chosen for themselves and for the other (B) Ss. Compared with Group NP, Group P gave small unconditioned skin conductance (SC) responses to shock directly received and to shocks delivered to the other S. There were no differences between groups in the unconditioned HR response to either direct shock (acceleration) or to shocks delivered to the other S (slight deceleration). Group P gave small electrodermal orienting responses (ORs) and anticipatory responses (ARs) to the CS preceding shock to self and shock to other; Group NP gave relatively large ORs and ARs to the CS preceding shock to self, and small ones prior to shock to other. Both Groups gave a biphasic conditioned HR response–acceleration followed by deceleration; each component was larger in Group P than in Group NP, and the acceleratory component in Group P appeared on the first trial. The electrodermal data were consistent with the view that psychopaths experience little fear arousal prior to reception of aversive stimuli by themselves or by others. It was suggested that the anticipatory HR responses of the psychopathic Ss were part of an adaptive response that helped them to cope with stress.  相似文献   
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