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A solution of sucrose either to be drunk from a drinking tube-self-drinking procedure (SD)-or perfused intraorally as a consequence of nose-pokes-self-administration procedure (SA)-or perfused as a consequence of licking an empty tube (LA)-was paired with an LiCl-induced malaise in rats. The effects were compared to those of a procedure consisting of intraoral administration (IO) of sucrose not contingent to any specific action of the rat. Similar levels of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) were obtained but extinction in the IO procedure was quicker than in the SA procedure, which was itself quicker than in the SD procedure. Extinctions in the IO and LA procedures resembled one another and were quicker than in the SD procedure. A step towards deciding between several explanatory hypotheses of these differences was made by conducting two more experiments. The third experiment was based on reinstatement, or not, of the conditioning procedure for the test after standard IO extinction. CTA was produced only when SD was used both at conditioning and test. A fourth experiment was based on latent inhibition where the procedure was changed, or not, between preexposure and conditioning. Latent inhibition was absent only when the rats had been preexposed to sucrose with the SA procedure and conditioned with the SD procedure.  相似文献   
3,4-methylenedioxy-methylamphetamine (MDMA) (‘Ecstasy’) and its analogue 3,4-methylenedioxy-methylamphetamine (MDE) (‘Eve’) are well known illicit street drugs mainly abused by young people. In spite of the actual research going on, the classification of their abuse potential remains unclear. Since secondary reinforcers are the main factors responsible for craving and relapse, the aim of our study was to assess the potency of MDMA and MDE in a second order reinforcement paradigm, i.e. conditioned place preference (CPP). For the general assessment of our study conditions, we compared MDMA with amphetamine. Unexpectedly, no significant CPP for MDMA was found in contrast to amphetamine. Detailed analysis of current literature led us to the working hypothesis that social environment is crucial for the development of CPP. In a subsequent experiment we tested the influence of housing conditions on CPP using MDMA and demonstrated that isolated animals show significant CPP compared to group-housed ones. In order to better understand the rewarding mechanisms of Ecstasy-derivatives, we tested both the racemic drugs and the pure isomers in the CPP paradigm. Both MDMA's optical isomers and racemic MDMA showed significant CPP without notable differences, while MDE and its isomers completely failed to show any significant CPP. In conclusion, the mechanism by which MDMA induces addiction is much more complicated than assumed so far and more pronounced in isolated animals. The fact that both optical isomers of MDMA led to CPP implies that at least two pathways by which MDMA induces craving behaviour exist.  相似文献   
Noradrenergic projections from the dorsomedial medulla reach the shell of the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), a structure implicated in both reward and feeding behavior. Despite this relationship, the effect of food reward on accumbens norepinephrine (NE) remains uninvestigated. In the course of assessing dopamine (DA) in the NAcc during sucrose ingestion [0.03, 0.1, and 0.3 M; Am. J. Physiol., Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol., 286 (2004) R31], we also analyzed NE in the microdialysis samples from 14 ad-libitum-fed male rats. In contrast to DA, which increased with sucrose concentration (+20-47%) during sham feeding, in the same animals, NE levels were reduced (approximately -20%), regardless of sucrose concentration. These results demonstrate a novel relationship between accumbens DA and NE during orosensory stimulation with a preferred nutrient.  相似文献   
Rhesus monkeys with electrodes chronically implanted in reward sites in central tegmentum were given telemetered brain stimulation while they were free ranging alone or with cagemates. Stimulation seemed to induce a relaxed positive affect as measured by increased huddling, increased lipsmacking, reduced muscle tone, increased solicitation of grooming and increased grooming of other monkeys. Stimulation did not increase dominant/submissive interactions and seemed to have no effect on aggression or fear. These results are very different from those obtained from an anterolateral hypothalamic self-stimulation site and indicate that fibers which provide input from this area to anterolateral hypothalamus are not solely responsible for effects obtained in the anterolateral hypothalamic area.  相似文献   
Rats learn to avoid palatable saccharin solutions that predict the systemic administration of reinforcing drugs as well as malaise-inducing lithium chloride (conditioned saccharin avoidance, CSA). In the present study the involvement of dopamine (DA) transmission in the acquisition of morphine, nicotine and lithium-conditioned CSA was investigated in a two-bottle choice paradigm. Nicotine tartrate (0.2 and 0.4 mg/kg s.c.) administered 15 min after saccharin presentation induced CSA, with a maximum effect at 0.4 mg/kg. The DA D1 receptor antagonist, SCH 39166 (0.1 mg/kg s.c.) and the DA D2 receptor antagonist raclopride (0.3 mg/kg s.c.), administered immediately after saccharin, prevented CSA induced by the lower but not by the higher dose of nicotine. However, combined administration of the two antagonists prevented CSA induced by the higher dose of nicotine. SCH 39166 prevented CSA induced by all morphine doses while raclopride prevented only CSA induced by the lowest dose of morphine (1.75 mg/kg). CSA induced by different doses of lithium given by the same schedule of drug-CSA (i.e. two pairings, 15 min after saccharin) was not affected by SCH 39166. However SCH 39166 impaired the acquisition of lithium-CSA when lithium was given 60 min after saccharin. In contrast, raclopride failed to affect lithium-CSA independently from the delay between saccharin and lithium. These results suggest that DA can play different roles in drug- and in lithium-CSA and are consistent with a different mechanism of drug- as compared to lithium-CSA.  相似文献   
Vasopressin and other pituitary peptides have been shown to increase resistance to extinction of active and passive shock-avoidance responses. Both paradigms use external cues as warning and punishing stimuli. The present work asked if a variant of vasopressin would have a similar effect on conditioned taste aversions (CTA), which use internal cues as warning and punishing stimuli. Eight groups of rats were defined by factorial combination of Pretreatment during Neophobia and Conditioning (vasopressin vs saline), UCS during Conditioning (pairing saccharin-flavored water with injections of lithium chloride or saline), and Pretreatment during Extinction (vasopressin vs saline). Rats given three saccharin-lithium pairings developed strong aversions. Of the rats with CTAs, those given vasopressin during conditioning, extinction, or both showed increased resistance to extinction on the last four of eight extinction days. Vasopressin had no other effect on drinking of saccharin. Vasopressin thus appears to enhance resistance to extinction of avoidance responses in both external and internal milieus.  相似文献   
Cortical mechanisms of the conditioned saccharin aversion were studied in 190 rats by the functional ablation technique. Water deprived animals had 15-min access to water on the familiarization Days 1 and 2. On Day 3 the rats were offered saccharin (0.1%, CS) followed 30 min later by LiCl injection (0.14 M, 2% body weight, UCS). The resulting intoxication caused marked conditioned saccharin aversion leading to reduced saccharin ingestion (by 60–80%) on Day 4. Unilateral cortical spreading depression (CSD) elicited on Days 3 and/or 4 by application of 25% KCl on the same or on opposite hemispheres does not diminish conditioned saccharin aversion in comparison with intact animals. Bilateral CSD elicited after saccharin administration, 15 min before or 5 min after LiCl injection on Day 3, does not prevent the development of conditioned saccharin aversion. On the other hand, forced feeding of saccharin under bilateral CSD elicits conditioned saccharin aversion neither with 30 min nor with 5 min CS-UCS delays although significant conditioned saccharin aversion was observed under forced feeding conditions in normal rats. It is concluded that cerebral cortex is necessary for the initial short-term storage of the indifferent gustatory trace but that the association of this engram with aversive gastrointestinal stimuli can be accomplished without cortical participation.  相似文献   
Previous work has shown that rate of extinction of a conditioned taste aversion is affected by concurrent levels of testosterone in adult rats. In the present study, castrated male and female adult rates were given either oil or testosterone during acquisition of the conditioned taste aversion and then either oil or testosterone during extinction. The males and females that received testosterone during the extinction of the aversion showed the slower, masculine rate of extinction regardless of the type of injections they received during acquisition. Conversely, the animals that received oil during extinction showed the faster, feminine rate of extinction regardless of the type of injection during acquisition. In light of these findings, a number of alternative behavioral changes that could account for the effect of testosterone on the rate of extinction were evaluated.  相似文献   
Rats were trained to press a lever under a variable-interval (VI) schedule of water reinforcement. After stable responding had developed, a 4.5-KHz tone (CS) was conditioned classically to a 2.5-mA electric shock (US) in groups of animals which had been given various psychoactive drugs or saline. Twenty-four hours later, a stimulus generalization test was conducted in the absence of drug; during this session, tones that varied in frequency around 4.5 KHz were presented while the animals were responding under the VI schedule. In animals conditioned under saline, all tones (non-differentially) suppressed responding which, however, recovered gradually over time. This suppressive effect was eliminated by lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD; 0.2 and 0.32 mg/kg), cocaine (20 mg/kg), diazepam (2.5 mg/kg), lisuride (0.08 mg/kg), mescaline (20 mg/kg) and 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine (4 mg/kg), and was attenuated by amphetamine (4 mg/kg), pentobarbital (15 mg/kg) and morphine (4 mg/kg). Atropine (10 mg/kg), scopolamine (1 mg/kg), clonazepam (0.5 mg/kg), and chlorpromazine (4 mg/kg) did not alter the suppressive effect of the tone. The serotonin antagonist BC-105 (6 mg/kg) reversed the effect of 0.2 mg/kg of LSD. These results suggest (1) that drug-induced stimuli may overshadow other (e.g., external) stimuli during classical conditioning and, (2) that drugs might affect behavior by altering processes (stimulus control or others) that do not simultaneously involve response or motor control.  相似文献   
Amphetamine has rewarding properties in some behavioral paradigms, such as self-administration and conditioned place preference (CPP), but an aversive component is also apparent when the drug is tested with the conditioned taste aversion (CTA) paradigm. The persent study was an attempt to determine the neuroanatomical substrates of the drug's rewarding and aversive effects. Previous evidence suggested that amphetamine's stimulation of activity in dopaminergic synapses is critical for both effects. Amphetamine was therefore micro-injected bilaterally (10 g/0.5 l per side) into six different dopaminergic sites, each in a different group of animals: the medial prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens, anteromedial caudate nucleus, lateroventral caudate nucleus, amygdala, and the region subjacent to the area postrema (AP region). The effects of these injections in both the taste and place conditioning paradigms were examined in separate experiments. Of the six sites, a significant CPP was observed only with accumbens injections and a significant CTA was observed only with AP region injections. It was concluded that the accumbens plays a primary role in mediating the rewarding effects of amphetamine and that the AP region plays a primary role in mediating the CTA. This constitutes an anatomical disassociation of amphetamine's rewarding and aversive effects. The differential associative bias of place-reward and taste-aversion learning apparent in the results is discussed. Offprint requests to: N.M. White  相似文献   
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