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推行全面质量管理,控制输血传播性疾病流行   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
推行全面质量管理,控制输血传播性疾病流行200051上海市血液中心李桂英,罗威,张钦辉随着输血事业的发展,我国的输血机构逐步完善,各级血站承担着采供血及输血研究工作,但由于质量管理是我国血站管理的薄弱环节,国内不少血站的质量管理仍处在对最终产品的鉴定...  相似文献   
长期献血者体内免疫功能的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文报道1991年9月~1993年3月我科长期献血者体内细胞免疫功能的变化。以淋巴细胞转化率(SI)、白细胞介素-2(IL-2)及自然杀伤活性(NK)作为免疫功能指标。对75例10年以上长期献血者及35例初次献血者进行比较,两组结果均无统计学差异。说明经过长期献血后,细胞免疫功能这3项指标无明显变化,对血液质量没有影响。  相似文献   
Objective:To assess the accuracy of the clinically estimated blood loss (EBL) when compared with the actual blood loss (ABL) in replacement surgeries.Methods:This prospective study was done in Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre from April 2011 to April 2013.Altogether 140 patients undergoing total hip replacement or total knee replacement were included with the inclusion criteria being patients with haemoglobin higher than 100 g/ml and coagulation profile within normal limits.Exclusion criteria were intake of antiplatelet drug or anti-coagulant,bleeding disorders,thrombotic episode,and haematological disorders.There were 65 men and 75 women.In this study,the consultants were free to use any clinical method to estimate the blood loss,including counting the blood-soaked mops and gauze pieces (estimating the volume of blood carded in all the mops and gauzes),measuring blood lost to suction bottles and blood in and around the operative field.The ABL was calculated based on a modification of the Gross's formula using haematocrit values.Results:In 42 of the 140 cases,the EBL exceeded the ABL.These cases had a negative difference in blood loss (or DIFF-BL<0) and were included in the overestimation group,which accounted for 30% of the study population.Of the remaining 98 cases (70%),the ABL exceeded the EBL.Therefore they were put into the underestimation group who had a positive difference in blood loss (DIFF-BL>0).We found that when the average blood loss was small,the accuracy of estimation was high.But when the average blood loss exceeded 500 ml,the accuracy rate decreased significantly.This suggested that clinical estimation is inaccurate with the increase of blood loss.Conclusion:This study has shown that using clinical estimation alone to guide blood transfusion is inadequate.In this study,70% of patients had their blood loss underestimated,proving that surgeons often underestimate blood loss in replacement surgeries.  相似文献   
<正>随着生活水平的提高,女性对自己的形体要求逐渐增高。将自体脂肪移植应用于隆乳,既能"瘦身",又能使乳房丰满,近年来受到广大女性求美者的喜爱。已有多篇报道证实,自体脂肪移植的诸多优点,例如取材容易、无免疫排斥、无手术切口等。自2012年5月以来,我科应用自体脂肪移植隆  相似文献   
Fabry病是一种x连锁隐性遗传性疾病,因溶酶体水解酶α-半乳糖苷酶A(α-Gal A)活性缺陷导致糖(神经)鞘脂代谢异常而致病,常可累及肾脏、心脏、皮肤、眼睛等多系统。系统性红斑狼疮(systematic lupus erythematosis,SLE)作为一种自身免疫性疾病亦可累及全身多个系统。 Fabry病属于少见病,部分病例临床表现隐匿,在我国的误诊率和漏诊率均较高,与SLE合并存在更是极为罕见,并且大大增加了疾病诊断的复杂性。最近,我科确诊了1例Fabry病合并Ⅱ型狼疮性肾炎的病例。本文通过对其临床特征及肾组织病理学特点进行分析并复习相关文献,探讨两者之间的可能联系。  相似文献   
特发性膜性肾病( IMN)是成人肾病综合征中最常见的原因之一,膜性肾病属难治性肾病,现代医学仍缺乏较为公认的行之有效的治疗方案[1]。为寻求更加有效、安全的治疗方法,我们从2007年1月~2012年1月,在临床实践中应用中西医结合的方法治疗30例,现报告如下。  相似文献   
<正>获得性血友病A是一种少见的出血性疾病,是因非血友病患者后天自身产生抗凝血因子Ⅷ抗体引起凝血功能障碍而致,其临床表现与典型血友病甲相似。国外统计,获得性血友病每年大约每10万人中有0.2~1.0人发病[1]。而因获得性血友病A局部出血导致的骨筋膜室综合征更为少见。1病例资料患者,女,32岁,因双小腿肿胀,疼痛,活动受限1 d来我院血管外科就诊。7天前患者曾因"上呼吸道感染"于当地  相似文献   
Dear Editor,
The cytosolic protein Tau is naturally present in human neurons, where it has a pivotal role in controlling microtubule stability. Hyperphosphorylation of Tau (observed during neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease) impairs the protein's ability to bind microtubules. This results in microtubule disassembly and the formation of Tau aggregates, Tau protein is also widely expressed in peripheral tissues. In the male reproductive system, screening for Tau has focused solely on the rodent and bovine testis. In the present study, we used immunofluorescence and immunoenzymatic techniques (with a Tau-specific antibody) to investigate the presence of Tau protein in human ejaculated sperm and testicular tissue.  相似文献   
动脉粥样硬化发病机制的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
动脉粥样硬化性心脑血管疾病是以血管平滑肌细胞增生和脂质在粥样硬化斑块沉积为特征的危害人类健康最严重的疾病之一。动脉粥样硬化(Atherosclerosis,AS)的发病机制十分复杂,目前有于动脉粥样硬化的形成有三大学说,即脂质学说、炎症学说和感染学说,但仍没有完全阐明动脉粥样硬  相似文献   
<正>2008年7月至2013年4月我科采用经皮肾镜内引流技术治疗内生性肾囊肿、肾盂旁囊肿,无1例出现囊肿复发。现报告如下。1资料与方法1.1临床资料本组患者共32例,其中内生型囊肿15例、肾盂旁囊肿17例。年龄平均39.5岁,囊肿直径平均5.4cm。全组病例术前常规行泌尿系B超、  相似文献   
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