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Abstract In order to gain insights into the dynamics of mast cell subpopulations in normal and diseased skin, a novel enzyme-histochemical double and triple staining method was employed that allowed the detection of metachromasia (toluidine blue) and the mast cell proteases tryp-tase and chymase within the same cell. Cryostat sections were used of skin biopsies from the following specimens: normal skin (N=4), psoriasis (N=13), atopic eczema (N=7), lichen planus (N=6), interferon α2a injection sites (N=l) of a leukemic infiltrate and corresponding normal skin of the same patient before and after treatment. (i) Equal numbers of tryptase-and chymase-positive mast cells (MCTC) were obtained in all normal and diseased specimens in papillary and reticular dermis, with threefold increases around appendages, (ii) Tryptase-positive mast cells (MCT) were absent in normal skin, but were markedly increased in a disease-specific pattern within the papillary dermis, the inflammatory infiltrate and around appendages, (iii) Marked increases of MCT were also noted at interferon injection sites within the leukemic infiltrate, but not in the normal skin of the same patient. These data suggest that disease-dependent mast cell dynamics involve only MCT in cutaneous inflammation and that MCT numbers are controlled by distinct, disease-specific local tissue factors.  相似文献   
取32只2~3个月的BALB/C小白鼠,随机分为4组,每组8只,第1组为对照组,其余3个组为实验组,实验组小白鼠左腿皮下注射苯0.3ml(15ml/kg体重).注射后分别于24h,48h,72h脱颈处死。观察中毒前、后末梢血象、骨髓细胞、骨髓细胞构成的变化。结果表明,苯中毒时骨髓变化先于末梢血象的变化,骨髓的病变为造血细胞变性、坏死,大量毛细血管扩张、充血,骨髓细胞构成降低,而且骨髓细胞构成中细胞成分降低早于外周血粒细胞减少。  相似文献   
Immunosuppression of immunoglobulin synthesis seen in patients with multiple myeloma is in part due to immunosuppressive CD5 positive B cells. In a 13 year longitudinal study of an IgA-deficient blood donor who developed multiple myeloma, the presence of immunosuppressive CD5 positive B cells and T cells preceded the diagnosis of overt multiple myeloma and the appearance of immunosuppressive monocytes. These data argue that certain immune defects may be involved in the development of myeloma and are not simply a consequence of overt malignancy.  相似文献   
Human prespermatogenesis between the 8th week of pregnancy and six months after birth was studied in testis material of 28 male foetuses from spontaneous abortions and 81 infants who died from sudden infant death. The foetuses and infants were grouped in 10 age groups. A first steep raise in the numbers of germ cells per 20 tubular cross sections from 22.3 in the first group up to 69.5 in group 3 was observed, i.e. up to the end of the 22nd week of pregnancy. Thereafter, a continuous decrease could be observed modulated by a second slighter increase during the first 4 months after birth. The ratio of germ cells and immature Sertoli cells improves from about 1:20 at the beginning to 1:8 in group 3; afterwards it changes in favour of the immature Sertoli cells down to 1:140 at the end of the study. The initial augmentation of germ cells is interpreted as the effect of a first proliferation wave comparable to that of M-prospermatogonia in other species. The decrease of germ cells is due to the stop of germ cell proliferation and simultaneous high proliferative activity of the immature Sertoli cells.  相似文献   
Advances in medical knowledge and technology have identified the essential elements involved in the human immune system, their relationships and interactions, and offer more advanced concepts in the design, function, and maintenance of immune response. Immune response begins with the earliest progenitor cell and transfers its legacy of protection through white blood cells and the complement system. A basic understanding of immunology is essential to the hemapheresis practitioner as new treatment regimens requiring hemapheresis interventions develop. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Astrocytes respond to the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate with dynamic spatio-temporal changes in intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i. Although they share a common wave-like appearance, the different [Ca2+]i changes--an initial spike, sustained elevation, oscillatory intracellular waves, and regenerative intercellular waves--are actually separate and distinct phenomena. These separate components of the astrocytic Ca2+ response appear to be generated by two different signal transduction pathways. The metabotropic response evokes an initial spatial Ca2+ spike that can propagate rapidly from cell to cell and appears to involve IP3. The metabotropic response can also produce oscillatory intracellular waves of various amplitudes and frequencies that propagate within cells and are sustained only in the presence of external Ca2+. The ionotropic response, however, evokes a sustained elevation in [Ca2+]i associated with receptor-mediated Na+ and Ca2+ influx, depolarization, and voltage-dependent Ca2+ influx. In addition, the ionotropic response can lead to regenerative intercellular waves that propagate smoothly and nondecrementally from cell to cell, possibly involving Na+/Ca2+ exchange. All these astrocytic [Ca2+]i changes tend to appear wave-like, traveling from region to region as a transient rise in [Ca2+]i. Nevertheless, as our understanding of the cellular events that underlie these [Ca2+]i changes grows, it becomes increasingly clear that glutamate-induced Ca2+ signaling is a composite of separate and distinct phenomena, which may be distinguished not based on appearance alone, but rather on their underlying mechanisms. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Leukemic cells from a series of patients with chronic B-lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) were analyzed for their buoyant density on discontinuous Percoll gradients. The density profile varied markedly between different patients and also between samples from different body compartments within the same patient. A good correlation was observed between buoyant density and maturation stage of the leukemic clones as judged by Ig-expression and their reactivity with a panel of monoclonal antibodies. Phorbol-ester-induced changes in the leukemic cells were found to be accompanied by a general decrease in their buoyant density. No correlation between density and clinical parameters such as cell counts, clinical stage and survival could be noted. Buoyant density characterization of leukemic B-cell populations is seen as a useful, rapid and simple marker of compartmentalization within the B-lymphocyte maturation spectrum but its clinical relevance remains to be established.  相似文献   
A new syndrome is described in a patient with advanced renal insufficiency. This consists of severe and persistent hypotension causing weakness but associated with a clear mental status. Also present is evidence for decreased vascular reactivity. The hypotension was not orthostatic. The hypotension was associated with a circulating vasodepressor substance having the characteristics of medullipin I. The medullipin appears to have been derived from the remaining right kidney. Hypotension existed despite the presence of major prohypertensive mechanisms, including an endstage kidney, hyperreninemia and hyperaldosteronemia. It is likely that hypotension due to hypermedullipinemia is an entity occurring in the human being.  相似文献   
Chronic rejection (CR) is a major problem in long-term survival in heart transplantation. We analysed whether the occurrence of CR correlates with the incidence of acute rejections (AR) or with characteristics of endomyocardial biopsy-derived cell cultures. CR was diagnosed by annual angiography and defined as all coronary vascular changes. One year after transplantation 24 of the 63 patients had CR (38%). The incidence of AR in CR + and CR — patients was comparable. The patients in both groups had similar individual median percentages of EMB-yielding cell cultures. During the first year the CR — patients had more cultures in which at least 60% of the cells were CD4 + T cells (50% vs 37%, P = 0.05), due to a stronger CD4 predominance in the first 6 months. In the second year the CD4 predominance in the patients diagnosed as CR + after 1 year tended to be higher (P = 0.08). The patients had comparable percentages of cultures predominated by CD8 + T cells, γδ T cells or NK cells, irrespective of the time interval. These results might indicate that CD4 + T lymphocytes play a dual role in the aetiology of CR.  相似文献   
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