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目的:探讨腹腔镜联合内镜治疗胃间质瘤的临床疗效,分析其可行性及临床应用价值。方法对20例胃间质瘤患者采用腹腔镜联合内镜进行微创手术。结果20例患者均顺利完成手术,无中转开腹,手术时间50~120 min(平均85 min),术后无吻合口出血、梗阻、吻合口瘘等并发症,均顺利出院。结论腹腔镜技术能弥补内镜和影像学检查的不足,与内镜联合治疗胃间质瘤定位准确,创伤小,恢复快,安全可行,临床应用前景广阔。  相似文献   
目的探讨个性化手术方案在口腔上颌窦瘘修复中的应用疗效和意义。方法回顾性分析2006年5月~2013年9月我院手术治疗的31例口腔上颌窦瘘患者的临床资料。根据瘘孔的大小及边缘炎症情况、上颌窦内炎症程度选择不同的手术修复方法:对瘘孔直径7 mm的17例患者,采用双层组织瓣重叠修复:用龈粘骨膜瓣翻转缝合封闭瘘孔作为内层衬里,适度降低牙槽嵴后,用游离松解的颊、腭侧粘骨膜瓣覆盖于龈粘骨膜瓣上作为表层间断缝合。对瘘孔直径7~25 mm的9例患者,采用三层组织瓣重叠修复,即在双层组织瓣间夹用带血管蒂颊脂垫组织瓣。对瘘孔直径25 mm以上的5例患者,采用带血管蒂的全腭瓣或额瓣旋转覆盖瘘孔缝合修复。对患侧并发严重上颌窦炎的9例患者采用功能性鼻窦内窥镜术:经中鼻道上颌窦自然开口扩大开放、病灶清除引流术后再修复口腔上颌窦瘘孔。结果术后72 h去除口腔反包扎碘仿油纱后见切口边缘有白色假膜,术后第12 d拆除表层缝线切口无裂开。本组31例患者均获随访,时间1~6个月。采用双层组织瓣重叠修复法的1例小瘘孔患者复发,3个月后再手术行三层组织瓣重叠修复治愈;1例采用带血管蒂额瓣修复瘘孔的患者因皮瓣远端与软腭交界处缝合时有张力致术后缝线局部脱落,经碘仿砂条换药治愈;其余病例均一次性修复治愈。术中结合鼻窦内窥镜术的9例患者上颌窦炎均治愈。结论口腔上颌窦瘘的临床治疗应根据患者的不同病情选用相应的手术修复方法,可提高临床一次性治愈率。  相似文献   
《Surgery (Oxford)》2019,37(10):565-575
Acute gastrointestinal bleeding is a common medical emergency, accounting for approximately 85,000 admissions in the United Kingdom per annum. It is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. GI haemorrhage is commonly categorized according to source of blood loss; either upper GI (above the ligament of Treitz) or lower GI (below the ligament of Treitz). Rapid assessment, resuscitation and correction of coagulopathy should be undertaken to stabilize the haemodynamically compromised patient and definitive intervention should not be delayed. Clinicians may use of a range of treatment modalities, including endoscopic and interventional radiological techniques in order to get control of haemorrhage, which should be tailored to the site of bleeding and pathology. Where control is not achieved the clinician should consider either repeat intervention, use of alternative haemostatic techniques or different modalities to achieve haemostasis. Rarely is surgery the chosen treatment modality and surgical intervention should only be undertaken where all other measures to control haemorrhage have failed.  相似文献   
Endoscopic gastroplasty (EG) has been used in clinical practice to treat obesity. This systematic review has the objective of assessing if there is an acceptable level of scientific evidence on the safety and effectiveness of EG. A thorough search strategy was used up to October 2018, including the 2 most common techniques: endoscopic suturing and the primary obesity surgery endolumenal procedure. The quality of the studies was evaluated through the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal tools for use in Systematic Reviews—“Checklist for Case Series”—and summarized using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluations (GRADE) approach. Only 1 randomized controlled trial (moderate GRADE evidence) was found, and the remaining were case reports or small case series (very low GRADE evidence). The literature has low scientific quality. All studies, with 1 exception, are small case series with short follow-up. One of the randomized controlled trials did not meet the primary endpoint for weight loss in both groups (EG × sham) after 1-year follow-up. The case series reported from 16% to 19% total weight loss, but few had more than 6 months of follow-up. Serious adverse events ranged from 2% to 10%. Based on current literature, there is not enough quality scientific evidence regarding long-term weight loss and the procedure’s safety to recommend the use of EG in current clinical practice.  相似文献   
目的:探讨全乳晕入路腔镜甲状腺微小乳头状癌的手术经验和疗效。方法:选取2016年6月至2017年12月 中南大学湘雅二医院收治的甲状腺微小乳头状癌患者共117例,根据患者意愿分为腔镜手术组(n=72)和开放手术组 (n=45),比较两组中央区淋巴结清扫数、术中出血量、术后引流量及术后并发症发生和复发情况。结果:与开放手 术组相比,腔镜手术组术中出血量少(P<0.05)、手术时间较长(P<0.05);两组淋巴结清除数、术后引流量及并发症发 生率的差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05);平均随访时间超过20个月,两组均无复发。结论:全乳晕入路腔镜下甲状腺 微小乳头状癌手术并行中央区淋巴结清扫是安全可行的,具有颈部无痕、出血少、住院时间短等优点,更易被年轻 患者所接受。  相似文献   
目的:建立扫频光学相干断层扫描(swept source-optical coherence tomography, SS-OCT)根管内窥影像系统,并评价该系统应用于诊断模拟根管内壁裂的准确性。方法:自主研发基于压电调谐滤波器并应用傅里叶(Fourier)域锁模技术构建的40 kHz超高速扫频激光光源系统(专利号200620135940.2),利用超微型梯度折射率透镜(专利号201320241218.7)制作极细根管内窥探头(直径0.86 mm),实现实时成像传输。构建的SS-OCT根管内窥影像系统扫频光源中心波长为1 310 nm,带宽为100 nm; 扫描图像的横向和纵向分辨率分别为25 μm和15 μm。利用人离体下颌前磨牙牙根制作人工模拟根裂(内壁裂),并制备高度1 mm的牙根横断面切盘。立体显微镜下观察发现,41个待测样本中有27个根管内壁裂样本(宽度在52~284 μm),另14个样本无根裂。应用上述构建的SS-OCT根管内窥影像系统扫描待测样本,重建图像的层厚为30 μm,层间距为30 μm。对1名口腔放射科医师和1名牙体牙髓科医师进行培训,判读SS-OCT扫描重建图像,判读根管内壁裂的有无及具体位置,评价两名观察者的自身一致性和观察者之间的一致性。以立体显微镜(组织学)检查结果作为金标准,评价应用SS-OCT根管内窥影像系统诊断模拟根管内壁裂的准确性。结果:两位观察者自身一致性的Kappa值分别为1.000和0.709,观察者之间的Kappa值为0.792。应用SS-OCT根管内窥影像系统扫描后27个根裂样本均被正确诊断,灵敏度为1.000,14个无根裂的样本有12个被正确判读,特异度为0.857, 2个无根裂样本被判读为有根裂,为假阳性。阳性预测值、阴性预测值分别为0.931、1.000,准确性为0.951。结论:扫频光学相干断层扫描根管内窥影像系统应用于观察根管内壁裂有临床应用前景。  相似文献   
成人斯蒂尔病起病原因及发生机制仍不清楚,临床主要表现为发热、关节痛、皮疹,且有白细胞、血清铁蛋白等指标增高,但缺乏针对该病的特定诊断指标,导致临床漏诊、误诊比率较高。通过查阅相关文献,发现本病内镜下报道资料较少。本文就1例成人斯蒂尔病病例及胃镜下表现进行报道,并结合AOSD相关诊断指标、治疗方面的最新进展进行归纳,旨在为临床诊疗本病寻求更精准的选择。  相似文献   
目的:探讨胶囊内镜在小肠疾病中的诊断价值.方法:分析2009年9月-2012年5月114例行胶囊内镜检查患者的临床资料.结果:113例患者完成检查.胶囊内镜回盲瓣通过率为90.3%(102/113例);胃内运行时间3~187 min,平均(55.6±26.0)min;小肠内运行时间为24~640 min,平均(303±106) min;胶囊平均排出体外的时间为9~96 h,平均(29±10)h.63例发现小肠病变(55.7%),病变分别为非特异性炎症24例,血管畸形13例,小肠克罗恩病12例,小肠息肉7例,小肠肿瘤3例,小肠钩虫2例,小肠憩室1例.消化道出血患者小肠病因检出率最高,为80.8%(42/52例),其次是腹痛45.2%(14/31例),消瘦33.3%(1/3例),腹泻20.0%(1/5例),腹胀14.3%(1/7例).结论:胶囊内镜对小肠疾病有较高的诊断价值.  相似文献   
Prostatic tissue ablation by injection: a literature review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE: Most men 50 to 80 years old will have development of some degree of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Many who experience lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) will be treated medically. However, significant numbers will have more severe and progressive disease requiring surgery. Transurethral resection of the prostate is the current gold standard of treatment for BPH. Minimally invasive therapies for symptomatic BPH emerge and fade continuously. However, intraprostatic injection for BPH has been used for more than 100 years and may be on the verge of a rebirth. The goal of this review is to familiarize the reader with the origins and history of intraprostatic injection, and its evolution using transperineal, transrectal and transurethral routes with multiple injectants. Initially used to treat urinary retention in men with BPH, its primary indication is now for LUTS. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a structured MEDLINE review of the literature on intraprostatic injections from 1966 to 2003, augmented with relevant articles from select journals and documents dating to 1832. RESULTS: In patients with BPH transperineal and transurethral injections have the most systematic evaluation. Most injectants will cause localized prostatic necrosis and gland volume reduction with varying degrees of LUTS relief. Anhydrous ethanol is the most widely studied injectable to date. There are advantages and disadvantages associated with each route of injection. CONCLUSIONS: Examined for more than a century, the potential for using injectables for prostatic tissue ablation remains significant. More systematic laboratory research and clinical trials, currently ongoing, need to be completed.  相似文献   
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