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Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we explored the binocular interactions occurring when subjects viewed dichoptically presented checkerboard stimuli. A flickering radial checkerboard was presented to each eye of the subject, while T2*-weighted images were acquired over the visual cortex with gradient-echo, echoplanar sequences. We compared responses in striate and extrastriate visual cortex under four conditions: both eyes were stimulated at the same time (binocular condition), each eye was stimulated in alternation (monocular condition) or first the one eye then the other eye was stimulated (left eye first - right eye trailing, or vice versa). The results indicate that only the striate area, in and near the calcarine fissure, shows significant differences for these stimulation conditions. These differences are not evident in more remote extrastriate or associational visual areas, although the BOLD response in the stimulation-rest comparison was robust. These results suggest that the effect could be related to inhibitory interactions across ocular dominance columns in striate visual cortex.  相似文献   
Summary The activity of jerk neurons was recorded extracellularly in the pretectum of the awake cat. The characteristic response of jerk neurons was a short, high-frequency burst that occurred after fast movements (jerks) of a large, structured visual stimulus, during saccadic eye movements in the light, and after on or off visual stimulation. Mean burst latency to pure visual jerks was 50 ms, whereas it was 30 ms to saccadic eye movements. Bursts were found to be stereotyped; the highest discharge rate was always at burst onset. Jerk neurons were not selective for stimulus parameters (such as movement amplitude or direction) except that in some neurons a weak correlation between stimulus velocity and discharge frequency was found. During saccades in the dark, clear bursts were only rarely found. In about half of the neurons, however, there was a slight but significant increase in the number of spikes above spontaneous frequency. Visual receptive fields were very large (46° horizontal and 35° vertical extent, on average). Nevertheless, the pretectal jerk neurons showed a rough retinotopic order, which was in accordance with the published retinotopy of the pretectum. Jerk neurons were found throughout the whole superficial pretectum, but preferentially in an area that corresponds to the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT) and the nucleus pretectalis posterior (NPP). Saccades were elicited by electrical stimulations at the sites where jerk neurons were recorded. The direction of the elicited saccades depended strongly on the pretectal stimulation site. A possible role of the jerk neurons as a visuomotor relay to elicit saccades or to modulate perception and attention is discussed.  相似文献   
The specific aims of this study were to examine age differences in visual acuity among young adult (5 years), middle aged (12 years) and aged (22 years) rhesus monkeys in relation to foveal cone density in the diurnal duplex retina. Classically, acuity has been defined as the reciprocal of the least resolvable detail measured in minutes of visual angle. The minimum separable binocular acuity mean of the young adult group was 0.83 ± 0.11, middle age acuity mean was 0.86 ± 0.12, and the acuity mean of the aged monkeys was 2.0 – 0.70 minutes of visual angle. According to analysis of variance and multiple range tests for specific group means, the 0.83' acuity m mean of the young, and the 0.86' acuity mean of the middle age group did not differ significantly, whereas the 2.0' acuity mean of the old group differed significantly from the 2 younger age groups. Foveal cone density was determined morphometrically by assesmeent of cone inner segment width, and absolute cone inner segment number per 100 Am along the horizontal meridian of the pure cone, rod free 1° × 1° foveola. Foveal cone density decreased significantly from 44.16 per 100 Am in the middle age group to 39.00 per 100 Am in the old macaque group. Since the diurnal macaque is of the same taxonomic order as man, and the visual systems of the two species are directly comparable in terms of ac acuity and the central receptive field organization of the retino-geniculo-striate system, it may be concluded that the macaque may represent an attractive and valid model for studies of aging in photopic and scotopic vision of diurnal primates, including man.  相似文献   
Discussions of adjunctive behavior still largely refer to polydipsia induced by food delivery schedules to food deprived animals. In the present experiment polydipsia was induced when socially isolated monkeys housed in barren home cages were exposed to scheduled deliveries of film and scheduled viewing of other monkeys. These data suggest the greater generality and complexity of adjunctive behaviors and show that schedule-induced polydipsia cannot be regarded as an artifact of food associated drinking.  相似文献   
Summary Functional interactions among inferior temporal cortex (IT) neurons were studied in the awake, fixating macaque monkey during the presentation of visual stimuli. Extracellular recordings were obtained simultaneously from several microelectrodes, and in many cases, spike trains from more than one neuron were extracted from each electrode by the use of spike shape sorting technology. Functional interactions between pairs of neurons were measured using cross-correlation. Discharge patterns of single neurons were evaluated using auto-correlation and PST histograms. Neurons recorded on the same electrode (within about 100 n) had more similar stimulus selectivity and were more likely to show functional interactions than those recorded on different electrodes spaced about 250 to 500 microns apart. Most neurons tended to fire in bursts tens to hundreds of milliseconds in duration, and asynchronously from the stimulus induced rate changes. Correlated neuronal firing indicative of shared inputs and direct interactions was observed. Occurrence of shared input was significantly lower for neuron pairs recorded on different electrodes than for neurons recorded on the same electrode. Direct connections occurred about as often for neurons on different electrodes as for neurons on the same electrode. These results suggest that input projections are usually restricted to less than 500 m patches and are then distributed over greater distances by intrinsic connections. Measurements of synaptic contribution suggest that typically more than 5 near-simultaneous inputs are required to cause an IT neuron to discharge.  相似文献   
Summary and Conclusions In six dark reared, 4-weak-old kittens visual experience was restricted to contours of a single orientation, horizontal or vertical, using cylindrical lenses. Subsequently, the deoxyglucose method was used to determine whether these artificial raising conditions had affected the development of orientation columns in the visual cortex. After application of the deoxyglucose pulse one hemifield was stimulated with vertical, the other with horizontal contours. Thus, from interhemispheric comparison, changes in columnar systems corresponding to experienced and inexperienced orientations could be determined. The following results were obtained: (1) Irrespective of the restrictions in visual experience, orientation columns develop in areas 17, 18, 19 and in the visual areas of the posterior suprasylvian sulcus. (2) Within area 17, spacing between columns encoding the same orientations is remarkably regular (1 mm), is not influenced by selective experience and shows only slight interindividual variation. (3) In non-striate areas the spacing of columns is less regular and the spatial frequency of the periodicity is lower. (4) The modifiability of this columnar pattern by selective experience is small within the granular layer of striate cortex but substantial in non-granular layers: Within layer IV columns whose preference corresponds to the experienced orientation are wider and more active than those encoding the orthogonal orientation but the columnar grid remains basically unaltered. Outside layer IV the columnar system is maintained only for columns encoding the experienced orientations. The deprived columns by contrast frequently fail to extend into non-granular layers and remain confined to the vicinity of layer IV. (5) These modifications in the columnar arrangement are more pronounced in striate cortex than in non-striate visual areas and, within the former, more conspicuous in the central than in the peripheral representation of the visual field. It is concluded that within layer IV the blue print for the system of orientation columns is determined by genetic instructions: first order cells in layer IV develop orientation selectivity irrespective of experience whereby the preference for a particular orientation is predetermined by the position in the columnar grid. Dependent on experience is, however, the expansion of the columnar system from layer IV into non-granular layers. It is argued that all distortions following selective rearing can be accounted for by competitive interactions between intracortical pathways, the mechanisms being identical to those established for competitive processes in the domain of ocular dominance columns. It is proposed that such experience dependent modifiability of connections between first and second order cells is a necessary prerequisite for the development of orientation selectivity in cells with large and complex receptive fields.This work has partially been supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 50, A14Dedicated to Prof. D. Ploog on the occasion of his 60th anniversaryResearch Fellow of the Alexander-von Humboldt-Stiftung  相似文献   
We investigated changes in the P100 latency of the visual evoked potential (VEP) and the saccadic reaction time (SRT) in relation to the degree of activity of the shoulder girdle elevators. Muscle force was set in 10% increments from 0% to 50% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The VEP was derived from a midline occipital electrode with reference electrodes on the ears when the right retina was stimulated through the eyelid by light emitting diodes while the eyes were closed. The P100 latency of the VEP was defined as the time from the stimulus onset to the main positive peak. The SRT was defined as the latency until the beginning of eye movement toward the lateral target, which was moved at random time-intervals. P100 latency was shortened until 30% of the MVC, and which it lengthened. The SRT changed in a pattern similar to that observed for the P100 latency. The ratio of the shortening in P100 latency relative to that of the SRT was approximately 20%. All data is presented as the mean value, plus the standard deviation. We believe that the information processing time in the neural pathway from the retina to the visual cortex was shortened up to a certain muscle force of the shoulder girdle elevators, and then this processing time lengthened. These findings indicate that shortening of information processing time in the neural pathway beyond the visual cortex is included in the shortening of the SRT.  相似文献   
Summary The responsiveness of 254 simple and complex striate cortical cells to various forms of static and dynamic textured visual stimuli was studied in cats, lightly anaesthetised with N2O/O2 mixtures supplemented with pentobarbitone.Simple cells were unresponsive to all forms of visual noise presented alone, although about 70% showed a change in responsiveness to conventional bar stimuli when these were presented on moving, rather than stationary, static-noise backgrounds. Bar responses were depressed by background texture motion in a majority of cells (54%), but were actually enhanced in a few instances (16%).In contrast, all complex cells were to some extent responsive to bars of static visual noise moving over stationary backgrounds of similar texture, or to motion of a whole field of static noise. The optimal velocity for noise was generally lower than for bar stimuli.Since moving noise backgrounds were excitatory for complex cells, they tended to reduce specific responses to bar stimulation; in addition, directional bias could be modified by direction and velocity of background motion.Complex cells fell into two overlapping groups as regards their relative sensitivity to light or dark bars and visual noise. Extreme examples were insensitive to conventional bar or edge stimuli while responding briskly to moving noise.In many complex cells, the preferred directions for motion of noise and of an optimally oriented black/white bar were dissimilar.The ocular dominance and the degree of binocular facilitation of some complex cells differed for bar stimuli and visual texture.Preliminary evidence suggests that the deep-layer complex cells (those tolerant of misalignment of line elements; Hammond and MacKay, 1976) were most sensitive to visual noise. Superficial-layer complex cells (those preferring alignment) were less responsive to noise.Only complex-type hypercomplex cells showed any response to visual noise.We conclude that, since simple cells are unresponsive to noise, they cannot provide the sole input to complex cells. The differences in the response of some complex cells to rectilinear and textured stimuli throw a new light on their rôle in cortical information-processing. In particular, it tells against the hypothesis that they act as a second stage in the abstraction of edge-orientation.  相似文献   
Peak Identification in Visual Evoked Potentials   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Waveform patterns evoked by 4 intensities of flash in normal subjects were studied in relation to intersubject variability. Time-frequency distribution curves of all peaks occurring between 11 and 280 msec after flash onset and meeting minimal criteria were obtained from 46 males. These distributions closely corresponded to similar data reported by others for single intensity stimulation. An algorithm was developed which identified in 67 to 100% of instances a single “peak event’ within the time ranges of each of 6 peak distributions. Many peak events appeared and disappeared within the 4 intensity sets of individuals. Latencies were obtained for these peak events. Application of the algorithm to a replicate sample of 29 Ss, which included 8 females, indicated generalizability. Test-retest data on 15 Ss showed its reliability. The data suggest that methodology significantly contributes to the variability of peak identification among subjects. This may be reduced by employing multiple intensities of stimulation.  相似文献   
Twelve females were tested at four times during the menstrual cycle with a visual detection task and a visual pattern discrimination task. Mood levels and confidence ratings were evaluated for each session. In addition to the behavioral testing, plasma samples were collected and radioimmunoassayed for estradiol, progesterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle stimulating hormone levels. Visual detection fluctuated significantly during the menstrual cycle with impaired performance occurring at the premenstrual session. In contrast to previous reports, the impaired performance was not related to lowered confidence ratings or to mood levels.  相似文献   
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