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目的 编制儿童依恋行为问卷并建立其判别函数, 为评价1~2岁幼儿依恋行为测评提供工具。方法 查阅有关文献和专家访谈, 以儿童依恋行为分类卡(Attachment Q-set, AQS)为基础构建儿童依恋条目库, 经预测试形成“依恋初始问卷”。随机抽取8市城区612名1~2岁儿童进行初始问卷测试, 经6次探索性因素分析, 删除CR值达不到显著水平、与总分相关系数<0.30的条目以及项目负荷量<0.4的条目, 最后形成《1~2岁幼儿依恋问卷》, 然后进行信度检验和效度检验。通过对济南市城区128名幼儿SSP分析结果和依恋问卷数据进行判别分析, 形成依恋类型的判别函数。结果 《1~2岁幼儿依恋问卷》含有8个因子, 36个条目。同质信度克伦巴赫系数为0.77, 分半信度为0.74, 重测信度为0.56;内容效度和结构效度均达到良好水平。与SSP相比, 判别函数对A型、C型判定符合度为100%, 对B型判定符合度98%。SSP分型和依恋问卷判别分型之间差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.13, P=0.94)。结论 依恋问卷信度、效度以及判别函数区分度良好, 达到心理测量学的标准, 可以用作1~2岁幼儿依恋行为的测评工具。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Emotional and behavioural problems in children under 3 years of age have a high prevalence, and parenting practices have been shown to be strongly associated with their development. A number of recent systematic reviews have shown that group-based parenting programmes can be effective in improving the emotional and behavioural adjustment of older children (aged 3-10 years). The aim of this review was to establish whether there is evidence from controlled trials that group-based parenting programmes are effective in improving the emotional and behavioural adjustment of children less than 3 years of age, and their role in the primary prevention of emotional and behavioural problems. METHODS: English and non-English language articles published between January 1970 and July 2001 were retrieved using a keyword search of a number of electronic databases. RESULTS: Five studies were included and two meta-analyses were conducted, the first combining data from parent reports and the second combining data from independent observations of children's behaviour. The combined parent reports showed a non-significant difference favouring the intervention group, while the combined independent observations showed a significant difference favouring the intervention group. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that this review points to the potential of parenting programmes to improve the emotional and behavioural adjustment of children less than 3 years of age, but that there is insufficient evidence from controlled trials to assess whether the short-term benefit is maintained over time, or the role that such programmes might play in the primary prevention of emotional and behavioural problems. This review points to the need for further primary preventive research on this important public health issue.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate parents' perceptions of the eating behaviour of toddlers born preterm. METHODS: A mailed, self-administered questionnaire was sent to parents of infants born between July 1994 and July 1996 with gestational ages less than 32 weeks who had been admitted to the Neonatal Unit at Flinders Medical Centre. RESULTS: Responses were received for 95 subjects (response rate 70%) with a mean +/- SD gestational age of 29.2 +/- 2.1 weeks, birthweight of 1243 +/- 296 g and median corrected age of 134 weeks (range 84-185 weeks) at the time of study. Seventy-eight per cent of parents were concerned about the quality of food intake and 45% wished to change their child's eating behaviour. Although only 20% of parents identified their toddlers as being fussy eaters, food refusal was reported by 58% of respondents, and 51% and 69% used food rewards or coaxing, respectively, to encourage intake. Parents of toddlers who had received home gavage feeding (n = 5) or had a respiratory or neurological disability (n = 16), reported poorer feeding indicators. CONCLUSIONS: Programmes providing information on normal toddler eating behaviour and strategies to promote positive feeding practices may reassure parents and promote development of food preferences and eating behaviours consistent with long-term healthy eating habits. Special emphasis should be placed on children with a disability or children who have received home gavage feeding.  相似文献   
目的 了解江苏省0~5岁儿童维生素D营养状况,分析年龄、性别、出生情况、地区、季节和户籍的儿童维生素D营养状况。方法 本研究首次进行了多中心大样本的抽样调查,于2014年4月-2015年3月采用分层整群随机抽样方法从江苏省的10个城市招募0~5岁的儿童。采用自行设计的问卷调查儿童一般健康状况,采用酶联免疫法检测血清25-羟维生素D[(25-(OH)D)]含量。结果 本次研究共调查5 289名儿童。0~5岁儿童维生素D缺乏率为30.1%,不足率为35.5%。0~、12~、24~、36~、48~、60~<72月龄儿童维生素D缺乏率分别为23.0%,21.3%、27.8%、32.4%、37.9%、39.7%;维生素D不足率分别为26.9%、34.4%、36.5%、38.6%、39.6%、38.4%。0~5岁儿童25-(OH)D平均水平M(P25~ P75)为64.0 (46.3~83.0) nmol/ml。女童维生素D缺乏率(32.1% )显著高于男童(28.3%)(Z=8.709,P=0.003),女童25-(OH)D平均水平(62.7 nmol/ml)显著低于男童(65.1 nmol/ml)(Z=9.453,P=0.002)。2~5岁儿童、女童,第一胎,第一产,在春冬季调查,在苏南地区、苏中地区和苏北地区的儿童患维生素D缺乏的风险增加(P<0.05)。结论 江苏省0~5岁儿童普遍处于维生素D缺乏状态,尤其学龄前儿童是防治维生素D缺乏关键人群。维生素D状况与年龄、性别、胎次、产次、出生体重、季节、城乡户籍和地区相关,与胎龄、分娩方式无关。  相似文献   
《Nutrition reviews》1986,44(7):233-235
Fluoride concentrations in common American foods (excluding beverages and water) have not increased significantly in the 40 years since water fluoridation was initiated.  相似文献   
The purpose of this qualitative study was to gain an understanding of how families receiving related therapy services experience the transition from early intervention to pre‐school special education. Participants were six families with a child who received early intervention services and became eligible for pre‐school special education services. Data was collected using in‐depth interviews over 3 months. Grounded theory lead to theoretical insights and supported the development of three themes and a metatheme. ‘Transition is scary’, describes the families' feelings about the transition itself and their own perspectives of how their families fared. ‘Therapy is central to progress, but not to transition’, reflects how therapy remained central to their children's progress, but did not help families acclimate to the pre‐school environment. ‘Communication is key to comfort’, expresses the importance of communication with all relevant parties. The metatheme ‘The Outsiders’ describes how the transition represents a significant status change for the family in terms of their involvement in their children's education, but also highlights the ways in which families continue to meet the needs of their children outside of the pre‐school milieu. Findings suggest that families perceive the transition as difficult despite the presence of policies designed to make it easier for them. A deeper examination of policy and its influence on everyday practice related to the transition must occur to help reconcile the reasons for this difference. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
婴幼儿边缘型维生素B_1缺乏症   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨婴幼儿夜寐不安的原因及更有效地治疗夜寐不安的婴幼儿。方法对25例以夜寐不安为主要表现,同时伴有烦躁、纳差的2岁以下小儿进行临床观察和红细胞转酮醇酶活力(TPP效应)的测定。结果16%的小儿属边缘型维生素B1缺乏,20%属严重缺乏,而对照组小儿仅有6.7%属维生素B1缺乏症。经统计学处理,两组有显著差异(P<0.05)。实验组小儿经补充维生素B110mg1日3次口服1周后,临床症状明显好转的约占50%,好转占30%~40%,而症状无改善的仅占10%左右。治疗前TPP效应异常者,经上述治疗后TPP效应全部转为正常。结论口服补充维生素B1对治疗边缘型维生素B1缺乏症的效果是满意的。  相似文献   
目的 分析陕西贫困地区某县6~24月龄婴幼儿辅食及营养素添加状况,为制定合理的膳食方案提供科学依据,为促进本地区婴幼儿营养健康水平提供参考依据。方法 2017年7-8月采用整群分层随机抽样方法对陕西贫困地区某县920名6~24月龄婴幼儿辅食及营养素添加现状进行问卷调查,并对数据进行分析。结果 陕西贫困地区某县6~24月龄婴幼儿辅食添加种类较少,主要是米面类(82.0%)和蛋类(54.0%),营养素以维生素A(8.8%)、维生素D(10.0%)摄入少,搭配不合理,在辅食添加时间上存在过早和过晚两种极端。断乳后婴幼儿平均每人每日三大营养素比不符合中国营养学会制定膳食参考摄入量(DRIS)标准,随月龄增加,三大营养素摄入量逐渐增加,占膳食营养素推荐摄入量(RNI)百分比呈上升趋势。断乳后12~18月龄婴幼儿钙、铁、锌、钠摄入分别为274.5、3.3、2.4、198.6 mg,18月龄以上分别为298.3、3.8、2.4、175.5 mg,两组婴幼儿维生素A、D、B1、B2、C、E实际摄入量均低于DRIS标准。结论 陕西贫困地区某县6~24月龄婴幼儿辅食及营养素添加不均衡,添加过早和过晚均存在;三大营养素摄入量比不符合中国营养学会制定DRIS标准;矿物质及维生素实际摄入量均低于DRIS标准;普及贫困地区婴幼儿辅食及营养素添加的相关知识很有必要。  相似文献   
ObjectivesTo pilot-test a home-based parent training intervention aimed at maintaining body weight among children at risk for obesity (> the 75th body mass index percentile).MethodsSixteen parent–child dyads were randomized to a health education or Developing Relationships that Include Values of Eating and Exercise (DRIVE) intervention arm. The DRIVE curriculum was a structured parenting program to promote healthy weight in children by relying on behavioral principles to promote skill acquisition in the family's natural setting. Body weight and waist circumference were measured at baseline and weeks 9 and 19.ResultsBody mass index z-score, body weight, and percent body weight increased in children in the health education arm vs DRIVE at weeks 9 and 19. Body weight, percent body weight, and waist circumference decreased in parents in DRIVE vs the health education arm at week 19, whereas no differences were shown at week 9.Conclusions and ImplicationsThe DRIVE program mitigated weight gain in a small sample of at-risk children and showed promising results in reducing weight in parents. Home-based interventions emphasizing parent–child interactions are indicated as a practical model to deliver weight management in children.  相似文献   
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